brief history of the world wide web timeline

clark - a farewell to alms; a brief economic history of the world (2007)

clark - a farewell to alms; a brief economic history of the world (2007)

... about human history and the present world detailed in these pages It is an unabashed attempt at big history, in the tradition of The Wealth of Nations, Das Kapital, The Rise of the Western World, ... Thus the average person in the world of 1800 was no better off than the average person of 100,000 BC Indeed in 1800 the bulk of the world s population was poorer than their remote ancestors The ... species The break between the economics of humans and the economics of the rest of the animal world occurred within the past two hundred years It is commonly assumed that the huge changes in the...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2014, 18:40

433 241 0
XML for the world wide web

XML for the world wide web

... editions of HTML for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide She also wrote the bestselling Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide, and the Macintosh and Windows versions of ... Appendix A, XHTML Figure i.4: The World Wide Web Consortium ( is the main standards body for the Web You can find the official specifications there for all of the languages discussed ... will enable you to move on to the other pieces of the puzzle, once you're ready The XML VQS Web Site On the XML for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide Web site (,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 15:15

250 674 0
A Brief History of the United States pot

A Brief History of the United States pot

... in our history: as, the discovery of America; the exploration of our coast and continent; the settlements that failed; the planting of the English colonies; the life of the colonists; the struggles ... REVOLUTION XII THE QUARREL WITH THE MOTHER COUNTRY XIII THE FIGHT FOR INDEPENDENCE BEGUN XIV THE WAR IN THE MIDDLE STATES AND ON THE SEA XV THE WAR IN THE WEST AND IN THE SOUTH DEVELOPMENT OF THE UNION ... specimens of the products of the lands he had discovered THE VOYAGE HOME. The Pinta was overtaken off the Haitian coast, but a dreadful storm parted the ships once more, and neither again saw the other...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 00:20

214 642 0
A Brief History of the English Language and Literature, Vol. 2 doc

A Brief History of the English Language and Literature, Vol. 2 doc

... language The alteration in the meanings of words, the changes in the application of them, the variation in the use of phrases, the falling away of the inflexions all these things become plain to the ... between the +spoken+ language and the +written+ or +printed+ language; between the language of the +ear+ and the language of the +eye+; between the language of the +mouth+ and the language of the ... +Apennine+ +The Second Keltic Element.+ The Normans came from Scandinavia early in the tenth century, and wrested the valley of the Seine out of the hands of Charles the Simple, the then king of the...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 02:20

127 957 0


... independent use of the book, and the adoption of the topical mode of recitation and study, as far as possible, by placing the questions at the close of the work, rather than at the bottom of each page ... believe that there are people on the other side of the world, walking with their heels upward, and their heads hanging down? And then, how can a ship get there? The torrid zone, through which they must ... crossed the Isthmus of Darien the next year, and from the summit of the Andes beheld the wide expanse of the Pacific Ocean Wading into its waters with his naked sword in one hand, and the banner of...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 22:20

350 529 0
A Brief History of the Internet docx

A Brief History of the Internet docx

... DISTRIBUTION as a way of life The purpose of each on of these is and always has been to keep knowledge in the hands of the few and away from the minds of the many I predict that in the not-too-distant-future ... just for the ten minutes the first two might require, the reading of the first two of these documents that were put on the Internet starting 24 years ago: and maybe reading the beginning of the third ... pretending their goal is some universal form of education This is the story of the Bright Side and Dark Side of the Internet .Bright Side first The Facts: The Internet is a primitive version of the...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 22:20

98 517 0
Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web ppt

Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web ppt

... vocabulary on the Web to pick our types from, regardless of how the concepts in these vocabularies are modeled The concrete implications of the Web context for the RDF model of SEM are the following ... sem:hasActor, to express the sem:Role that the sem:Actor (the Netherlands) plays in the context of this given event As there are two sem:Roles for the Netherlands in the context of the event, according ... for the representation of different roles for the same actor within one event The resolution of the interpretation of such statements, however, is out of the scope of the model Likewise, the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

10 657 0
security technologies for the world wide web, 2nd ed.

security technologies for the world wide web, 2nd ed.

... for the World Wide Web, Second Edition, Rolf Oppliger For a listing of recent titles in the Artech House Computing Library, turn to the back of this book Security Technologies for the World Wide ... have to give the buyer another one The question that arises immediately is whether the security and safety properties of this car are equal to the ones from the other car Marketing professionals ... whether one of the books could be used to educate World Wide Web (WWW) professionals (e.g., Webmasters and Web server administrators) in security matters Unfortunately, I realized that while the books...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 12:07

441 5,5K 0
a brief history of the paradox philosophy and the labyrinths of the mind dec 2003

a brief history of the paradox philosophy and the labyrinths of the mind dec 2003

... very often goes astray: one concerns the great question of the Free and the Necessary, above all in the production and the origin of Evil; the other consists in the discussion of continuity and of ... formula for the volume of a truncated pyramid: V = (n/3) (a2 + ab + b2), where a and b are lengths of the sides of the base of the pyramid and n is the height of the pyramid Yet the Rhind Papyrus ... that the sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side Well, the Scarecrow’s heart is in the right place The Pythagorean theorem...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 01:31

415 4,1K 0
university of calgary press how skeptics do ethics a brief history of the late modern linguistic turn apr 2007

university of calgary press how skeptics do ethics a brief history of the late modern linguistic turn apr 2007

... the world one way and they experience the world in another They conceive the world in terms of spiritual growth, peace, prosperity, and economic development The world they conceive is not the world ... about these two giants The plainest difference between them is the way they treat the act of reflection Kant sees the world as a reflection of mind Hegel sees the mind as a reflection of world After ... senses The moral freedom of an intelligible world is unexceptional It sees every part of the world in the same way The same laws apply to all parts of the world in all places at all times There...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:49

330 297 0
yale university press a little history of the world oct 2005

yale university press a little history of the world oct 2005

... Whereas in the innermost part of the Jewish temple – the Holy of Holies – there was no image at all For of the God, whose first appearance in the history of the world was to the people of the Jews ... L B 273 The growth of the world s population – The defeat of the centralEuropean powers during the First World War – The incitement of the masses – The disappearance of tolerance from ... building of the Church of St Peter – Luther’s theses – Luther’s forerunner, Hus – The burning of the papal bull – Charles V and his empire – The sack of Rome – The Diet of Worms – Luther at the Wartburg...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 16:00

305 365 0
Information Architecture for the World Wide Web pptx

Information Architecture for the World Wide Web pptx

... books on web development concentrate either on the aesthetics or the mechanics of the site This book is about the framework that holds the two together With this book, you learn how to design web ... early Web pre -history when the terminology of the Web first got started, someone decided that home pages were cool So, the people who were creating content for the Web began thinking of their ... searching Other users not know what they're looking for They come to the site with a vague idea of the information they need They may not know the right labels to describe what they want or even whether...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 00:20

171 442 0
the ascent of money a financial history of the world

the ascent of money a financial history of the world

... and Iron The House of Rothschild The Pity of W a r The Cash N e x u s Empire Colossus The W a r of the W o r l d NIALL FERGUSON The Ascent of Money A Financial History of the World The Penguin ... made of the gold-silver alloy known as electrum and bore the image of a lion's head, were the forerunners of the Athenian tetradrachm, a standardized silver coin with the head of the goddess Athena ... concept of money Revealingly, they had no concept of the future either These days they live in a clearing near the city, reliant for their subsistence on state handouts Asked if they miss the jungle,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2014, 06:36

452 698 0
Information Architecture on the World Wide Web phần 1 potx

Information Architecture on the World Wide Web phần 1 potx

... books on web development concentrate either on the aesthetics or the mechanics of the site This book is about the framework that holds the two together With this book, you learn how to design web ... early Web pre -history when the terminology of the Web first got started, someone decided that home pages were cool So, the people who were creating content for the Web began thinking of their ... or other coworkers It might be the other members of your web development team Maybe in a way you're the client The guidelines for working with a client will hold true regardless of whether the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:21

18 305 0
Information Architecture on the World Wide Web phần 2 pot

Information Architecture on the World Wide Web phần 2 pot

... part of the process The architect also needs to be the keeper of the big picture as this process unfolds and the details of design and production become the main focus of all involved Perhaps the ... Marketing The marketing team focuses on the intended purposes and audiences for the web site They must understand what will bring the right people to the web site and what will bring them back ... understand the goals, perspectives, and approaches of the other members of the team For example, while the marketing specialist may lead the audience analysis process, he or she needs to anticipate the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:21

17 347 0
Information Architecture on the World Wide Web phần 3 pot

Information Architecture on the World Wide Web phần 3 pot

... Architecture for the World Wide Web Figure 4.1 In this example, the cursor is positioned over the Investor Info button The prospective view window at the bottom shows the URL of the Investor Info ... back to the main Programs and Events page) or all the way back to the main page of the web site The trick with designing navigation systems is to balance the advantages of flexibility with the dangers ... into the middle of a large unfamiliar web site Links from remote web pages and search engine result pages allow users to completely bypass the front door or main page of the web site To further...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:21

17 348 0
Information Architecture on the World Wide Web phần 4 ppsx

Information Architecture on the World Wide Web phần 4 ppsx

... provide them but never rely on them 4.6.1 The Table of Contents The table of contents and the index are the state of the art in print navigation Given that the design of these familiar systems is the ... destination Often, the higher the level of abstraction, the more intuitive the map This rule of thumb holds true for all of the remote navigation elements of web sites When consulting a table of contents ... creating these navigation bars Figure 4.10 C/Net provides a high-profile example of the use of text-based navigation options page 51 Information Architecture for the World Wide Web It is often best...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:21

17 402 0
Information Architecture on the World Wide Web phần 5 pps

Information Architecture on the World Wide Web phần 5 pps

... provided by the health system They want to know how they can pay for the service They want to know how they can maintain their health page 77 Information Architecture for the World Wide Web We then ... Figure 5.12 These icons don't say much individually, but taken together they convey a sense of fun and invite the user to explore them further Each of the five holes links to a section of the site: ... main page, while the other omits the GPSC One uses a colon, the other a dash to separate the generic label from the publication's title One uses italics, while the other encloses the title in quotation...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:21

17 298 0
Information Architecture on the World Wide Web phần 6 ppt

Information Architecture on the World Wide Web phần 6 ppt

... Information Architecture for the World Wide Web Yahoo! once was a Web version of Powell's Everything was there, but fairly easy to find Why? Because Yahoo!, like the Web, was relatively small At ... only type, the job of the web site architect would be much easier page 84 Information Architecture for the World Wide Web Existence searching However, some users know what they want but ... that often, because you don't generally know enough about the topic to articulate your query the right way in the first place page 85 Information Architecture for the World Wide Web 6.2.4 The...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:21

17 299 0