brain and language learning

Study habbits for language learning

Study habbits for language learning

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2013, 06:33

5 296 0
Integrating Language Learning Strategy Instruction into ESL

Integrating Language Learning Strategy Instruction into ESL

... of language learning strategies, to highlight the relationship between strategy use and language learning tasks, and to methodically increase students' existing repertoire of language learning ... 'how', 'when' and 'why' to use language learning strategies, and evaluate and monitor their own learning 1987, p.159). Through this direct and integrated approach to ... strategies are 'teachable' and training language learners to use selected learning strategies can have positive effects on task performance and the language learning process. Research on...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

5 430 3
Personalizing Language Learning in Large Classes(motivation)

Personalizing Language Learning in Large Classes(motivation)

... to understand what I meant by "discovering your own interests" and start the learning from there. I spent a lot of time trying to convince students that " ;learning can and should ... helped students to know that their choice of topic and information learned are more important in their process of learning. Personalizing Language Learning in Large Classes Chao-ching Lin As an ... textbooks but also to go beyond the textbooks and make learning related to the student's life. It is very possible to create a personalized language learning environment in a big college classroom...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

3 282 0
Using Games to Promote Communicative Skills in Language Learning

Using Games to Promote Communicative Skills in Language Learning

... meaningful context for language use. • increase learning motivation. • reduce learning anxiety. • integrate various linguistic skills. • encourage creative and spontaneous use of language. • construct ... listening skills and tests their understanding of numbers, which is often an important part of language teaching materials. III. Story Time 1. Participants pick and listen to a tape randomly selected ... and elicits their speech fluency. Cross- culture concepts are also addressed. The number, the length, and the patterns of sentence can vary depending on the students' language ability and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

4 859 3
Using Presentation Software to Enhance Language Learning

Using Presentation Software to Enhance Language Learning

... content and form. The spoken word is ephemeral; the written word remains. As a result, students revise their presentations, and it seems this revision and recycling process enhances language learning. ... both modes) include organization and coherence, synthesis and personal contribution, quality of introduction and conclusion, reflection of comprehension. Language learning seems to occur most ... real involvement and language use resulting from focus on content rather than on language. While creating esthetic presentations in English, students use the language productively and enjoyably....

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

9 415 0
Vocabulary Terms and Language Origins

Vocabulary Terms and Language Origins

... compared. A couple of obvi- ous examples of antonym pairs are happy and sad, good and bad, and love and hate.  Denotation and Connotation The denotation of a word is its dictionary definition, while ... more about suffixes and their meanings and jobs in Chapter 5. Roots The pieces of words that carry direct meaning are called roots. Many English words stem from ancient Greek and Latin words, and because ... reading and listening vocab- ularies and the ones you don’t know you will learn as you proceed through the lesson.  Word Parts—Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots You use prefixes, suffixes, and word...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20

4 457 0
Thought and language

Thought and language

... Psychology Won’t Go Away: Response to Allen and Beckoff ’, Mind and Language 10 (1995), pp. 329–32. Thought and language 189 Clearly, children cannot simply be learning by a process of imitation or ... mind or brain in some fashion, but how? Of course, if there is an innate language of thought’ or brain code’, of the sort discussed earlier in 26 For the analogy between language- learning and scientific ... Then, indeed, the task of learning one’s ‘first’ language could be assimilated to that of learning a ‘second’ language: it could be done by learning to translate it into a language which one already...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20

33 406 0
Levinas and language

Levinas and language

... narrative or mythological contexts, notwithstanding Levinas and language 135 the language of levinas’s philosophy of language Am I not, Levinas asks again and again, undermining what I am try- ing ... way of understanding this so- ciality. For both Heidegger and Levinas it is linguistic, and a way of being possessed by language. But, to repeat, whereas for Heidegger possession by language is ... infinity and the unfinished ( ob 13)– expresses an excluded third infinitely deeper and older than the ver- bality of to-be-or-not-to-be. pronouns and pronunciation Like Heidegger and Frege and Wittgenstein,...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20

20 409 0
Tài liệu Comprehensive English Language Learning Assessment ppt

Tài liệu Comprehensive English Language Learning Assessment ppt

... constructing sentences and has very limited vocabulary. NR No Response 2 General Information  The Comprehensive English Language Learning Assessment (CELLA) is a four-skill language proficiency ... helps, and  encourage the student to expand or elaborate his/her response. 28 Speaking Section Level C2 – Story Retelling  Practice and Scoring  Question #6  Rubric, page 189  Pictures and ... order. Miami-Dade County Public Schools Division of Bilingual Education and World Languages Comprehensive English Language Learning Assessment CELLA-Middle School Spring 2009 22 Probing Questions ...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 23:20

31 336 0
Tài liệu Technically Speaking: Transforming Language Learning through Virtual ... docx

Tài liệu Technically Speaking: Transforming Language Learning through Virtual ... docx

... technology in second language learning. In H. Byrnes (Ed.), Learning foreign and second languages: Perspectives in research and scholarship (pp. 209-237). New York: Modern Language Association. Brammerts, ... their own language learning environment and thereby re- Silke von der Emde, Jeffrey Schneider, and Markus Kötter 213 their own native language also automatically made students’ own language learning ... lan- guage learning. Proceedings of the Hawai’i Symposium (pp. 165-184).Honolulu:Universityof Hawai’iSec- ond Language Teaching and Curriculum Center. Rüschoff,B. (1993). Language learning and information technology:State...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 23:20

16 315 0
Tài liệu The Creative Training Idea Book- Inspired Tips and Techniques for Engaging and Effective Learning docx

Tài liệu The Creative Training Idea Book- Inspired Tips and Techniques for Engaging and Effective Learning docx

... models summarizes and expands many concepts about the brain. It was written by Mark Conyers of Brainsmart in Winter Park, Florida. He studies and educates on the brain and how learning occurs. Seeing ... reality, three brains, each superimposed over the earlier in a pattern of brains within brains.” 3 Survival learning is located in the lower brain, emotional learning in the midbrain region, and higher ... aromas, activity, and music, I strive to tap into various levels of brain activity. My purpose in doing so is to induce and expand learning and assist in retention of ideas, information, and concepts....

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 00:20

481 786 1