books on human rights in china

A comparative study of discourse structures and some major linguistic features of international declarations and international conventions on human rights part 2

A comparative study of discourse structures and some major linguistic features of international declarations and international conventions on human rights part 2

... and some major linguistic features of the International Convention on Human Rights in comparison with those of the International Declaration on Human Rights 21 4.3.1 The Beginning 21 ... COMPARISON WITH THOSE OF THE INTERNATIONAL DECLARATION 4.1 Definition of an International Convention 20 4.2 Purposes and typical legal characteristics of the International Convention on Human Rights ... THE INTERNATIONAL DECLARATION ON HUMAN RIGHTS 3.1 Definition of an International Declaration 10 3.2 Purposes and typical legal characteristics of the International 10 Declaration on Human Rights 3.2.1...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:17

6 634 0
A comparative study of discourse structures and some major linguistic features of international declarations and international conventions on human rights part  3

A comparative study of discourse structures and some major linguistic features of international declarations and international conventions on human rights part 3

... against Women, 1993. * Conventions: 4. European Convention on Human Rights, 1950. 5. Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989. 6. Convention against Discrimination in Education, 1960. Source: ... Conflict (Convention on the Rights of the Child). Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Convention against Discrimination in Education). * Differentiating from the Preamble of a Declaration, ... High Contracting Parties shall secure to everyone within their jurisdiction on the rights and freedom defined in Section 1 of this Convention. (Article 1 of European Convention on Human Rights) ....

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:17

41 839 3
A comparative study of discourse structures and some major linguistic features of international declarations and international conventions on human rights part  4

A comparative study of discourse structures and some major linguistic features of international declarations and international conventions on human rights part 4

... of Human Rights, in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (in particular in articles 23 and 24), in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (in ... person, receive appropriate protection and humanitarian assistance in the enjoyment of applicable rights set forth in the present Convention and in other international human rights or humanitarian ... in conformity with the present Convention. 3. States Parties shall promote and encourage international cooperation in matters relating to education, in particular with a view to contributing...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:17

28 612 0
Tài liệu Embedding Human rigHts in business Practice iii ppt

Tài liệu Embedding Human rigHts in business Practice iii ppt

... publications: Human Rights: It Is Your Business” 2005, International Business Leaders Forum, and “A Guide for Integrating Human Rights into Business Management” 2006, a joint publication from ... international human rights standards, including the International Labour Organization’s conventions, the United Na- tions Global Compact’s Labour Principles, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ... striving to keep up with the ever evolv- ing international human rights and business environment. The inspirational language and tone of Cadbury’s Approach to Human Rights promotes continuous...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 00:20

92 352 0

... Europe in the human rights field. The rights guaranteed by the Convention The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed by the United Nations in 1948. The European Convention on Human Rights ... successful international human rights instrument’: ‘The Impact of the European Convention on Human Rights on the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia’, in Paul Mahoney et al. Protecting ... and constitutional reform. The European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, commonly known as the European Convention on Human Rights, signed in 1950 and in...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:02

340 742 3
Conclusion - In praise of human rights nihilism

Conclusion - In praise of human rights nihilism

... 7 Chapter7discussesselectedStrasbourgcaselawfromafeministperspective.As thetextmakesclear,thereasoningfollowedeitherbytheCourtorbyindividual judgesinthesecasesoftenhasnothingtodowithfeministconcerns.Itwould thereforebeunwarrantedtoassumethatthereexistsadirectconnectionbetween avoteofviolationandavoteinfavourofwomen,letaloneafeministvote. Nonetheless,withtheexceptionoftheSWandBowmancases,whichappearin intermediategreyshadinginTable4below,avoteofviolation(‘V’inthetable)is generallyclosertoafeministpositionthanavoteofnon-violation(‘NV’).‘I’ standsforinadmissible.Thefourindividualvoteswhichappearindarklyshaded boxesarethosequotedinChapter7eitherespeciallyapprovingly(V)ordis- approvingly(NV).Inanearlierdraftofthetable,namesofmalejudgesappeared inblue,thoseofwomeninpink.Thiswaswithanodtoawell-entrenched traditionofdressingthetwosexesindifferentcoloursandwiththeviewof emphasizingthatmalejudgesshouldnotbeconsideredthenormandareno moreneutralthanwomenjudges.Reluctantly,butwithconsiderationtopublica- tioncosts,thenamesoffemalejudgesarenowsimplyfollowedbyan(F); corresponding(M)shavebeenomittedsoasnottooverburdenthetable.The table ... forth in this Convention shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with ... work is antagonistic to the Western philosophical tradition or is in direct continuation with it is not closed: Robert C. Solomon, ‘Introduction: Reading Nietzsche’, in Robert C. Solomon and Kathleen...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20

13 538 0
Introduction of Who Believes in Human Rights

Introduction of Who Believes in Human Rights

... those rights one has by virtue of being human. 1 This definition suggests that human rights belong to every human being in every human society: all human beings have them, equally and in equal ... successful international human rights instrument’: ‘The Impact of the European Convention on Human Rights on the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia’, in Paul Mahoney et al. Protecting ... human rights questionable and unconvincing’. 40 One clarification is in order: it is not so much the absence of foundation of the human rights concept which worries me as the fact that the concept...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20

18 401 0
The human rights creed in four schools

The human rights creed in four schools

... andnotbyothersontheir behalf’. 136 Alludedtohereisnothingbutaninalienableentitlement.LaterWilson explicitlyreferstopositivelawasanexpressionofhumanrights:‘theredefinition (andsomewouldsaydeformation)ofhumanrightsduringdemocratictransi- tionstomeanamnestyandreconciliation[conflicts]withastate’sdutytopunish humanrightsoffendersasestablishedininternationalcriminallaw’. 137 Wilson believesthereisan‘individualrighttoretributivejusticeandtopursueperpe- tratorsthroughthecourts’whichshouldnotbetrumpedforthesakeofsocial stability. 138 (Thisisthemoreso,accordingtoWilson,sincesuchanattemptat ensuringsocialstabilityisdoomedtofailure–preciselybecauseofitsneglectof theindividualrightwhichitnegates.)Inallthis,Wilsonpresentshimselfmore likeanaturalthanadeliberativescholar. LetmenowintroduceBalakrishnanRajagopal,authorofInternationalLaw fromBelow,abookwhichmaybesaidtohaveconsecratedtheimportanceof ThirdWorldResistanceinlegalscholarship.IhavenotmentionedRajagopalin theprevioussectionforthesimplereasonthatIcouldnotdecidefinallywhereto classifyhim.Rajagopalwritesthathewants‘toinvestigateandexposetherisksof relyingentirelyonhumanrightsasthenextgranddiscourseofemancipationand liberation’. 139 Doesthismakehimaprotestscholaroradiscoursescholar?His denunciationofthewayinwhich‘thepresenthuman-rightscorpus ... philosophical concept and human rights as a legal Four human rights schools 245 It is not uncommon for natural scholars to rely on the concrete manifestation of human rights in international law in order ... Haarscher Jack Donnelly’s Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice has become a classic text in human rights scholarship. The book rests on the dominant defini- tion of human rights as those rights one...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20

40 310 0
Tài liệu Human resources issues facing the hotel and travel industry in China ppt

Tài liệu Human resources issues facing the hotel and travel industry in China ppt

... management, Hotel and catering industry, Tourism management, Education and training, China Abstract There are many human resource challenges facing China s hotel and tourism industry. The key issues ... resource challenges facing China s hotel and travel industry, a roundtable discussion was held at Zhejiang University in conjunction with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University International Executive Development ... institutions attended the discussion. The theme for the roundtable discussion was Human resource challenges facing the hotel and travel industry in China . The discussion was led by Dr Hanqin...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 04:15

5 673 1


... 1965); Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW, 1979); Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC, 1989); International Convention on the Protection of ... Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination CESCR Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights CRC Convention on the Rights of the Child CRPD Convention on the Rights ... Peoples’ Rights CAT Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women CERD Convention...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 13:20

166 830 1
The Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa: An Instrument for Advancing Reproductive and Sexual Rights pot

The Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa: An Instrument for Advancing Reproductive and Sexual Rights pot

... International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination; ã the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC); ã the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights ... the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment; ã the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW); ã the International ... RIGHTS PROVISIONS IN THE PROTOCOL This section examines key reproductive rights protections in the protocol within the context of existing international protections for women. 20 The section...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 14:20

25 409 0


... disorders 8 6.1 International and regional human rights instruments 8 6.1.1 International Bill of Rights 9 6.1.2 Other international conventions related to mental health 11 7. Major human rights standards ... the principle of accessibility by being discriminatory and creating economic barriers to accessing mental health services. By including provisions concerning medical insurance, legislation can ... 27 Definition of “mental ill health” and other terms: Key issues ã Legislation may use a broader definition when dealing with rights and a narrower definition when considering involuntary admission...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 01:20

199 471 0