... relationship must be disclosed even there is no transactions but control exist 32 BANKER’S CONCERN : AS - 18 In case of AS 18 bankers would be able to know whether the disclosure to the bank regarding ... & are determined based on best estimate require to settle the obligation at the Balance Sheet date 41 BANKER’S CONCERN : AS -29 Whether all the provisions have been made in books of accounts ... would cause a huge loss to the company which will be reflected in the Books of Accounts of next financial year but it can be assessed by the bankers referring to Notes of Accounts wherein the...
Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2016, 21:51
... hàng thương mại cổ phần 12% - Sacombank - EAB - Techcombank - ACB Khối ngân hàng nước ngồi 15% - Citibank - HSBC - ANZ - Deustch Bank Nguồn: Bank Training Center (BTC) Đồ thị 2.1: Cơ cấu phần tốn ... thời gian qua sau: B ng 2.5: Thị phần tốn XNK NH Việt Nam tính đến 31/12/05 Ngân hàng Tỷ trọng Khối ngân hàng thương mại quốc doanh 73% - Vietcombank - BIDV - Agribank - Incombank Khối ngân hàng ... drawn on a bank By accepting the draft, the bank makes an unconditional promise to pay the holder of the draft a stated amount on a specific day The draft may, thus, become a negotiable instrument...
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2013, 16:25
hoat dong ho hap s 8 tiet 22
... a , b , c Trường hợp sau xảy trao đổi khí tế b o : a) Nồng độ khí oxy máu cao tế b o b) Nồng độ khí cacbonic tế b o cao máu c) khuếch tán khí oxy từ máu vào tế b o , khí cacbonic từ tế b o ... khí cacbonic từ máu vào không khí phế nang -Trao đổi khí tế b o gồm khuếch tán khí oxy từ máu vào tế b o khí cacbonic từ tế b o vào máu B I 21: HOẠT ĐỘNG HÔ HẤP II.Trao đổi khí phổi tế b o : ... luyện tập B I 21: HOẠT ĐỘNG HÔ HẤP II Trao đổi khí phổi tế b o B I 21: HOẠT ĐỘNG HÔ HẤP II.Trao đổi khí phổi tế b o : B I 21: HOẠT ĐỘNG HÔ HẤP II.Trao đổi khí phổi tế b o : • B ng21.Kết đo...
Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2013, 11:10
Tài liệu New english file pre-intermediate teacher''''s book part 22 pptx
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 09:15
Tài liệu Father’s Involvement as a Determinant of Child Health pptx
... links between the two constructs can at best be hypothesised based on the ‘theoretical blurring’ of the boundaries between the two fields alluded to elsewhere in this report Nevertheless, Dubeau’s ... One objective of this report is to bring forward some possible conceptual frameworks for generating hypotheses about how fathers may contribute to children’s health A second objective is to bring ... White, P Maxim, & D Beavon (Eds.) Aboriginal Policy Research in Canada, Vol Thompson Educational Press Booth, A & Brouter, A.C (1998) Men in families London: Lawrence Erlbaum Bronfenbrenner, U (1979)...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 11:20
Accounting Standard (AS) 22: Accounting for Taxes on Income pdf
... the books but on block basis Accounting for Taxes on Income 359 for tax purposes and calculation with reference to time in the books but on the basis of full or half depreciation under the block ... write-down may be reversed to the extent that it becomes reasonably certain or virtually certain, as the case may be (see paragraphs 15 to 18), that sufficient future taxable income will be available Presentation ... in section 4 3B (e.g taxes, duty, cess, fees, etc.) accrued in the statement of profit and loss on mercantile basis but allowed for tax purposes in subsequent years on payment basis b) Payments...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:21
as 2207 1994 non destructive testing ultrasonic testing of
... General butt Full penetr ation butt weld by a welding procedure to be agreed Plug or slot Square butt Stud Single V-butt Single bevel butt Surf acing FIGURE B2 BASIC SYMBOLS FOR ARC AND GAS WELDING ... probe movement is to be between half-skip and full-skip, but when scanning between positions and 4, the probe movement is to be half-skip COPYRIGHT AS 2207— 1994 18 TABLE 3.6 TEST METHODS FOR BUTT ... probe movement is to be between half- and full-skip When scanning from positions and the probe movement is to be based on half-skip When scanning from positions and the probe movement is to be based...
Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2014, 18:02
Báo cáo khoa học: S-Layers as a basic building block in a molecular construction kit ppt
... S-Layer fusion proteins based on the S-layer proteins, SbsB, SbsC and SbpA, incorporate an accessible N-terminal SCWP-binding domain, the self-assembly domain, as well as a biologically active sequence ... Sleytr UB & Beveridge TJ (1999) Bacterial S layers Trends Microbiol 7, 253–260 Sleytr UB, Huber C, Pum D, Schuster B, Ilk N & Egelseer EM (2007) Nanobiotechnology with S-layer proteins FEMS Microbiol ... Environ Microbiol 68, 3251–3260 27 Breitwieser A, Egelseer EM, Moll D, Ilk N, Hotzy C, ´ Bohle B, Ebner C, Sleytr UB & Sara M (2002) A recombinant bacterial cell surface (S-layer)–major birch pollen...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20
... establish a bridge bank, to date all bridge banks have been established by the FDIC in its corporate capacity Refer to Chapter 3, Purchase and Assumption Transactions, for further discussion of bridge ... in the four years before the FDIC was established The failure of one bank set off a chain reaction, bringing about other failures Sound banks frequently failed when large numbers of depositors ... up to 90 days The automatic stay in bankruptcy becomes effective immediately upon the filing of a bankruptcy petition • Avoidance Powers Both a receiver and a bankruptcy trustee have avoidance...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20
Curcumin i knoevenagel’s condensates and their schiff’s bases as anticancer agents
... for h Harvested hemoglobin of rabbit blood was found to be less than 220 lg/mL (basal level for hemolytic test), confirming the fresh rabbit blood use in test After incubation, the solution was ... [(Af À Ab)/Af] Â 100, where Af and Ab represent the absorbance of free and bound compounds b 3812 I Ali et al / Bioorg Med Chem 21 (2013) 3808–3820 A 6.40E-08 [DNA]/(εa− εf) M2cm 1.0 Absorbance ... standard F-756-00;48 based on colorimetric detection of Drabkin’s solution 1.5 mL test compound was incubated in 0.214 mL of dilute blood (0.1 mL rabbit whole blood mixed with 0.9 mL PBS) at 37 °C for...
Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 13:23
Ebook Update Windows XP''''s Problem part 22 pot
... dụng hay truy nhập chương trình b n máy dễ dàng Tuy nhiên, người khác vào Windows b n họ sử dụng nhiều tiện ích khác máy b n Nếu b n muốn b o vệ chắn b n sử dụng máy b n phải vào CMOS để cài password ... hình máy b n hay người ta nói nôm na BIOS Khi b n chọn password CMOS hệ thống yêu cầu b n nhập password chuyển sang hệ điều hành Cách cài đặt Password CMOS: Khi b t đầu b t công tắc máy b n nhấn ... Data : thư mục ẩn B m chuột phải vào tập tin Wmplibrary_v_0_12.db đổi tên thành Wmplibrary_v_0_12.old Windows Media Player tái tạo lại tập tin chĩ mục B y b n cần đặt đĩa Audio b t đầu với Windows...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 09:20
O''''Reilly Network For Information About''''s Book part 22 ppsx
... far by itself It's the interactions between objects that gets difficult Say you want to access trails by their city The first job is to generate the model for locations First you'll need a database ... are important By convention, if you're working with more than one row (as in a table or a list), the name should be a plural A column or class that refers to a singular object should be singular ... with ruby script/generate scaffold locations Build the model for a single location with ruby script/generate model location While you're at it, just to get a better look at what's going on behind...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 08:20
O''''Reilly Network For Information About''''s Book part 220 doc
... x times but no more than y times *? Match or more times, but as few times as possible +? Match or more times, but as few times as possible ?? Match or times, but as few times as possible {n}? ... 1-30 Simple substitution //Convert to for XHTML compliance String text = "Hello world "; var pattern = //ig; test.replace(pattern, ""); Example 1-31 Harder substitution ... string-ending newline, or before any newline if in multiline match mode, /m \b Word boundary \B Not-word-boundary (?= ) Positive lookahead (?! ) Negative lookahead Table 1-44 Mode modifiers Modifier...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 08:20
O''''Reilly Network For Information About''''s Book part 221 pps
... the website, http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/repr" | awk -f sub.awk 1.11.2 Other Resources sed & awk, by Dale Dougherty and Arnold Robbins (O'Reilly), is an introduction and reference to both ... supplied, substitution will begin on that line number or the first matching line, and continue until either the end of the file or the line indicated or matched by address2 Two subsequences, ... match The available flags are: n Substitute the nth match in a line, where n is between and 512 g Substitute all occurrences of pattern in a line p Print lines with successful substitutions w...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 08:20
O''''Reilly Network For Information About''''s Book part 222 pot
... Since Ruby is rather young, the number of libraries available is smaller than that of Perl, for example, but new libraries are becoming available each day Portable Ruby ports to many platforms, including ... exception While Ruby is object-oriented, you can also use Ruby to procedural programming But as you do, Ruby is secretly turning your nifty procedures into methods on a globally accessible object Throughout ... pointing as it offers Ruby tutorials and the Ruby Language FAQ Top Ruby in a Nutshell By Yukihiro Matsumoto Chapter Introduction 1.1 Ruby's Elegance Ruby is a genuine object-oriented scripting...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 08:20
O''''Reilly Network For Information About''''s Book part 223 potx
... version verbose Enables verbose mode (equivalent to -v) Sets $VERBOSE to true yydebug Enables parser debug mode (equivalent to -y) Single character command-line options can be combined The following ... and enables verbose mode (equivalent to verbose) -w Enables verbose mode If programfile not specified, reads from STDIN -x [ dir] Strips text before #!ruby line Changes directory to dir before ... -X dir Changes directory before executing (equivalent to -c) -y Enables parser debug mode (equivalent to yydebug) copyright Displays copyright notice debug Enables debug mode (equivalent to...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 08:20
O''''Reilly Network For Information About''''s Book part 224 ppsx
... example, if RUBYLIB is: /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby and RUBYLIB_PREFIX is: /usr/local/lib/ruby;f:/ruby Ruby searches f:/ruby/site_ruby Works only with DOS, Windows, and OS/2 versions RUBYOPT Command-line ... RUBYLIB Search path for libraries Separate each path with a colon (semicolon in DOS and Windows) RUBYLIB_PREFIX Used to modify the RUBYLIB search path by replacing prefix of library path1 ... interpret ambiguous statements Interpretations of this sort produce warnings when the -w option is enabled a +b Interpreted as a +b (a is a local variable) a +b Interpreted as a( +b) (a, in this...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 08:20