block cipher modes of operation

Chương4: Modes of Operation docx

Chương4: Modes of Operation docx

... thể chia thành nhiều block) , sử dụng kiểu thao tác khác (modes of operation) khác operation) Các kiểu thao tác (Modes of Operation)  Các kiểu thao tác đề nghị (ECB, CBC, OFB, CFB) đảm bảo tính ... Các kiểu thao tác (Modes of Operation)  Các kiểu chèn bổ sung thông tin (Padding Scheme) Các kiểu thao tác (Modes of Operation)  Trong mã hóa, thường liệu chia thành đoạn (block) có kích thước ... replay attacks) Cipher -block chaining (CBC)  Trong kiểu mã hóa cipher -block chaining (CBC): (CBC):    Mỗi khối plaintext XOR với khối ciphertext trước mã hóa Như vậy, khối ciphertext phụ thuộc...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 19:20

96 708 15
Experimental study of operation performance of a low power thermoelectric cooling dehumidifier

Experimental study of operation performance of a low power thermoelectric cooling dehumidifier

... respectively He is a professor of School of Energy and Environment, Hebei University of Technology Since from 2005, he has taken as the dean of School of Energy and Environment of HBUT His work focus ... associate professor of School of Energy and Environment, Hebei University of Technology His work focus mainly on heat and mass transfer related with renewable energies, HV&AC, and energy saving of buildings ... performance of the TED, the COP is defined as COP = Qc PTE + PF (1) where PTE is the power of the thermoelectric module (W), and PF is the power of the cooling fan(W) The total heat-transfer rate (Qc) of...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10

8 507 0
Tài liệu Personal Exposure to Air Pollution for Various Modes of Transport in Auckland, New Zealand doc

Tài liệu Personal Exposure to Air Pollution for Various Modes of Transport in Auckland, New Zealand doc

... chosen as the pollutant of interest Of all of the modes of commuting, the highest mean exposures were experienced by the motorcyclist This is consistent with the results of other studies found ... uptake for each of the modes and each of the routes a) Route b) Route c) Route The darker boxes indicate the active transport modes Personal Exposure to Air Pollution for Various Modes of Transport ... when compared to those of the bus, car and bicycle commuters (Test 12) Fig (3) Box plots of 1-minute averaged carbon monoxide concentrations for each of the modes and each of the routes a) Route...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 04:20

9 394 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Different modes of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (CD26) inhibition by oligopeptides derived from the N-terminus of HIV-1 Tat indicate at least two inhibitor binding sites doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Different modes of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (CD26) inhibition by oligopeptides derived from the N-terminus of HIV-1 Tat indicate at least two inhibitor binding sites doc

... carbonyl group of Asn7 of Tat(1–9) and the side chain of Lys554 of DP IV and finally, between the carbonyl group of Ile8 of the peptide interacting with the Tyr752 hydroxyl group of the enzyme ... the side chain of Lys554 of DP IV Additionally, hydrogen bonds were formed between the backbone carbonyl group of Val4 of the peptide and the backbone amide hydrogen of Ala743 of the enzyme, ... formation of EI and ES complexes resulting from a direct competition of the Fig Dixon plot and slope replot of a linear mixed-type inhibition (A) Influence of nine fixed concentrations of Lys2-Tat(1–9)...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 11:20

10 506 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Regulatory modes of rod outer segment membrane guanylate cyclase differ in catalytic efficiency and Ca2+-sensitivity ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Regulatory modes of rod outer segment membrane guanylate cyclase differ in catalytic efficiency and Ca2+-sensitivity ppt

... function of the substrate GTP We used Mg2+ as cofactor and kept the ratio of Mg2+ to GTP at : Analysis of data was performed with ORIGIN 6.1 and SIGMA PLOT 4.2 software A direct plot of activity ... analysis of several Western blots revealed a ratio of : 1200 ± 360 (N ¼ 12) of GCAP-1 to rhodopsin and : 1100 ± 560 (N ¼ 5) of GCAP-2 to rhodopsin About 25% of GCAP-1 is lost during the purification of ... of 1/V (reciprocal of guanylate cyclase activity) vs 1/[S]n (reciprocal of the substrate concentration raised to the power of n) Preparation of Ca2+-buffer and determination of free Ca2+ concentration...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 00:20

8 505 0
Tài liệu Principles for the Sound Management of Operational Risk pptx

Tài liệu Principles for the Sound Management of Operational Risk pptx

... and the risk profile of a bank’s activities, the degree of formality of how these three lines of defence are implemented will vary In all cases, however, a bank’s operational risk Operational risk ... consists of comparing the results of the various assessment tools to provide a more comprehensive view of the bank’s operational risk profile For example, comparison of the frequency and severity of ... management of operational risk has always been a fundamental element of a bank’s risk management programme As a result, sound operational risk management is a reflection of the effectiveness of the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 11:20

27 606 1


... substance of this monograph To each and every one of these professionals, the authors extend their most sincere debt of gratitude xxiii Abbreviations ACM anticoalition militia AO area of operation ... expertise acquired through 10 years of experience in matters pertaining to urban operations, including authorship of upward of 1,000 pages of analysis on joint urban operations in Iraq and Afghanistan ... accuracy or inaccuracy of aerial bombardment, and the treatment of detainees Unity of message is key in this regard The panoply of U.S force actions must be synchronized across the operational battlespace...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20

241 278 0
Báo cáo Y học: Artocarpus hirsuta lectin Differential modes of chemical and thermal denaturation potx

Báo cáo Y học: Artocarpus hirsuta lectin Differential modes of chemical and thermal denaturation potx

... emission maximum Refolding of the protein Renaturation or refolding of the protein was measured as the extent of reappearance of the original spectra (F 335/ 356) and recovery of the sugar binding ... indicating temporary exposure of the hydrophobic patches of the protein during unfolding (Fig 3B) The possibility of the occurrence of the molten globule during unfolding of A hirsuta lectin as observed ... spectrum of the native lectin showed a maximum at 335 nm which characterizes nonpolar environment of the tryptophan residues On denaturation of the lectin with increasing concentration of Fig GdnHCl-induced...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 16:20

5 375 0
Speaking of Operations pdf

Speaking of Operations pdf

... twisted out of the way of that spire, only to strike squarely on top of the roof of a greenhouse back of the parsonage, next door We crashed through it with a perfectly terrific clatter of breaking ... such announcement The official release date of all Project Gutenberg Etexts is at Midnight, Central Time, of the last day of the stated month A preliminary version may often be posted for suggestion, ... readers, which is only about 5% of the present number of computer users At our revised rates of production, we will reach only one-third of that goal by the end of 2001, or about 3,333 Etexts...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 19:20

18 165 0
The Encyclopedia of Operations Management pptx

The Encyclopedia of Operations Management pptx

... lucid style.” Professor Kalyan Singhal, McCurdy Professor of Operations Management, Editor-in-Chief, Production and Operations Management, Merrick School of Business, University of Baltimore “It ... support of the Carlson School of Management, the University of Minnesota, and the John & Nancy Lindahl Professorship The Encyclopedia of Operations Management The author thanks the following professors, ... School of Management at Purdue University Professor Hill was the Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Operations Management, a leading academic research journal in the field He is a Fellow of the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 17:20

407 614 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Statistics of Operationally Defined Homonyms of Elementary Words" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Statistics of Operationally Defined Homonyms of Elementary Words" pptx

... statistics of the homonym sets in each of the five dictionaries are given in Table and Figure (Note the 10 to TABLE NUMBER OF HOMONYM SETS IN FIVE DICTIONARIES TOTAL NUMBER OF SETS NUMBER OF WORDS ... Knott3) and the algorithmic derivation of the phonetic representations A blank line separates the homonym sets 19 Discussion of Results The number of sets and number of total words involved in homonym ... ACD Statistical results of homonyms among double standard words are given in Table TABLE NUMBER OF HOMONYM SETS AMONG DOUBLE STANDARD WORDS TOTAL NUMBER OF SETS NUMBER OF WORDS ...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 19:20

8 200 0
Cryptography and Network Security Block Cipher doc

Cryptography and Network Security Block Cipher doc

... use a block cipher Four have been defined for the DES by ANSI in the standard: ANSI X3.106-1983 modes of use) Splits messages in blocks (ECB, CBC) Stream modes Ø On bit stream messages (CFB, OFB) ... Ø Basic block to provide diffusion Input of MA § § Ø Output § Ø Two sub-blocks derived from input sub-blocks, sub-keys Two other sub-keys Two sub-blocks Needs four operations § Four operations ... introduced the idea of substitution-permutation (S-P) networks, which now form the basis of modern block ciphers Ø An S-P network is the modern form of a substitution-transposition product cipher Ø S-P...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 14:20

58 323 0


... OF MATHEMATICS IN OPERATIONS RESEARCH Lee & Lee/ BUILDING SUPPLY CHAIN EXCELLENCE IN EMERGING ECONOMIES * A list of the early publications in the series is at the end of the book * HANDBOOK OF ... fields of study, there are clear links and relations between them In fact, all of them share the common problem of allocating scarcity along time in an optimal manner The scale of time or length of ... field of whole-farm risk management: An analysis of (the dynamics in) correlations between prices and yield of various agricultural activities An analysis of the critical control points of a farm...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 06:20

608 316 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Deoxyribonuclease I footprinting reveals different DNA binding modes of bifunctional platinum complexes potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Deoxyribonuclease I footprinting reveals different DNA binding modes of bifunctional platinum complexes potx

... cleavage by DNase I of the bond between two thymidines on the 3¢ side of the adduct in the top strand is another interesting consequence of the formation of 1,3-intrastrand CL of BBR3464 In the ... enhancement of the cleavage occurs, such as that observed for the cleavage of the duplex containing 1,3-intrastrand CL of BBR3464 on its 3¢ side Hence, the patterns of cleavage by DNase I of the duplexes ... 1,5-intrastrand CL of BBR3464 are different, but a strong protection of the cleavage sites in the top strand on the 5¢ side of the adduct is the common feature of both patterns A Fig DNase I cleavage of control...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:21

12 208 0


... configuration of a GVC is the outcome of a set of strategic choices by the TNC In a typical value chain, a TNC oversees a sequence of activities from procurement of inputs, through manufacturing operations ... Putting different modes of international production in perspective, cross-border activity related to selected NEMs of $2 trillion compares with exports of foreign affiliates of TNCs of some $6 trillion ... the profits to sales ratio of the United States’ S&P 500 firms in 2010 improved further, while profits of Japanese firms also rose in 2010 Also in developing countries, operating profits of companies...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 11:20

251 639 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Alternative binding modes of an inhibitor to two different kinases doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Alternative binding modes of an inhibitor to two different kinases doc

... Biochem 270) Ó FEBS 2003 220–240 of the C molecule of pCDK2 has poorly defined electron density, because of lattice contacts with the C-terminal region of the A molecule of pCDK2 We use chain A (pCDK2) ... attraction in the direction of the carbon– halogen bonds This sort of interaction is weaker than a hydrogen bond, being in the range of kJÆmol)1 In a study of the binding of bromophenols to transthyretin ... lobes The adenine moiety of ATP makes two crucial hydrogen bonds to main chain atoms of the hinge region The N1 atom of the adenine hydrogen bonds to the main chain nitrogen of Leu83 while the N6...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 21:20

8 390 0
Capacitive Proximity Sensors Theory of Operation

Capacitive Proximity Sensors Theory of Operation

... dielectric constant of the target The larger the dielectric number of a material the easier it is to detect The following graph shows the relationship of the dielectric constant of a target and the ... interfering object 64 Operating Modes Sonar sensors can be setup to operate in several different modes: diffuse, reflex, and thru-beam Diffuse Mode This is the standard mode of operation Objects, traveling ... the presence of a target 2) The blind zone of an ultrasonic proximity sensor can be from - cm, depending on the sensor 3) The approximate angle of the main sound cone of an ultrasonic...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2014, 07:18

26 371 0
conduct of operations and operational discipline for improving process safety in industry

conduct of operations and operational discipline for improving process safety in industry

... goal of reducing the number of issues that occur at higher levels of the triangle xxxi CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS AND OPERATIONAL DISCIPLINE XXXII Reactive \ Management, Lagging indicators Focus of ... hydrofluoric acid xix xx CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS AND OPERATIONAL DISCIPLINE HPCL HPT Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd human performance technology INPO ISO ITPM Institute of Nuclear Power Operations ... American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) express their gratitude to all of the members of the Conduct of Operations/Operational Discipline...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 16:30

234 315 0
modes of development  forced flow, overpressured layer chroma

modes of development forced flow, overpressured layer chroma

... of cleanup procedure using fully online LD-OPLC; (B) schematic diagram of fully online LD-OPLC for a large amount of a complex mixture Elimination of Typical Problems with Use of OPLC It is of ... samples of plant extracts can be separated in 150 s The rapidity and/or efRciency of the OPLC separation of complex samples can be increased by use of ML-OPLC, in which the same or different types of ... migration of part of the mobile phase, because of lack of layer resistance; the mobile phase then re-enters further along the plate (‘break-in effect’ as shown in Figure 7A) This reduces the value of...

Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2014, 17:01

13 312 0


... Acceptability of the Research Manual of Operation as to Authenticity………… 48 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution on Acceptability of the Research Manual of Operation in terms of Adaptability ... perception to the status of existing research management Propose a research manual of operation Ascertain the level of acceptability of the developed research manual of operation among college ... Distribution on Acceptability of the Research Manual of Operation as to Accuracy…………… 46 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution on Acceptability of the Research Manual of Operation as to Clarity………………...

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2014, 09:35

102 272 0