... banner of ‘Professional Studies’, a strand of education running though most veterinary degrees, which, as its label suggests, covers the professional behaviour aspects of veterinary medicine This strand ... however, some disadvantages regarding frozen semen The management of mares during estrus is more intense which increases the costs involved for frozen semen inseminations This is necessary as inseminations ... employable skills are modern workplace skills such as team working, business awareness and communication skills; essentially, they are skills that prepare students for the world of work Thus, interpersonal,...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 11:20
... advertising messages Infomediary: collecting and disseminating information 17 Assessing a business model Can be assessed by looking at the marketing strategy Can also be assessed by technology ... assets Financial measures Competitor benchmarking Market analysis 18 Traditional vs New Business Models Traditional New Business Distribution Mass Manufactures push Middleman Personalized Customer ... Communications Closed Open Finance Slow Difficult Local Mass Physical Fast Easier Global Niche Virtual Production Markets Assets 19 Consumer Decision Process Consumer Decision Process Problem -...
Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2016, 01:58
scientific american - 1994 12 - nasa's latest view of the earth
... hantaviruses Yet Michael S Ascher, an investigator for California s Department of Health Services, says a survey of residents of the islands has turned up no apparent cases James E Childs of the ... physics says that electrons, photons and other microscopic objects are simultaneously waves and particles but that both sets of features cannot be seen at the same time Many physicists assumed ... InterCon Systems Corporation and one of the founders of the Internet Business Association, asserts that network access providers should not be responsible for policing every ịle that passes through...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:59
An Analyst''''s View Of The Uses And Abuses Of Modeling For Decisionmaking potx
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20
The first three minutes a modern view of the origin of the universe s weinberg
... impression of changelessness is illusory The observations that we will discuss in this chapter reveal that the universe is in a state of violent explosion, in which the great islands of stars known as ... disc of stars, with a diameter of 80,000 light years and a thickness of 6000 light years It also possesses a spherical halo of stars, with a diameter of almost 100,000 light years The total mass ... across as well as along our line of sight, so measurement of the star 's apparent motion across the celestial sphere tells us how far away it is But the Doppler effect began to give results of cosmological...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 13:35
os x for hackers at heart - the apple of every hacker's eye
... Bruce served as a software security consultant for Cigital in Dulles, VA Bruce is the founder of the Shmoo Group of security professionals His areas of expertise include wireless security, large-scale ... remote host, then restarting the remote hosts RADIUS server www.syngress.com A Network Admin s Guide to Using Mac OS X • Chapter Figure 1.3 A Sample SSH Session by testuser to the Host test-users-macmini.local ... venerable SSH (Secure SHell) steps up Loosely described, SSH is a secure transport layer protocol that is used to provide a variety of services (commonly remote shells) to remote users Like any...
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 11:55
Báo cáo y học: " Introducing the Critical Care Forum’s ongoing review of medical statistics"
... limitations and seek professional advice whenever it is needed, if only for reassurance Medical statistics is a scientific discipline in its own right and a medical statistician fully achieves that ... Medical Statistics, edn Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2001 Campbell MJ, Machin D: Medical Statistics: A Commonsense Approach, edn London: John Wiley & Sons Ltd; 1993 Kirkwood BR Essentials of Medical ... years of training and practical experience Most academic departments, and also many clinical departments, include properly qualified medical statisticians and they should be consulted as early as...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:45
NTC's pocket dictionary of words and phrases part 75
... the skin of an old person iv to become creased; to get small lines in one s skin or on the surface of something tv to cause someone s skin or the surface of something to have Q; to cause creases, ... process used to make copies of documents.) X-ray ["Eks re] n a ray of energy that can pass through solid or nearly solid matter, such as the body (Used especially to take pictures of the insides of ... something ) to give up on turning someone or something into something to give up on someone or something as a dead loss, waste of time, hopeless case, etc to take a charge against one s taxes...
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 09:17
A View of the History of Biochemical Engineering
... (now St Petersburg of Russia) was under siege for two years by the advancing German army during World War II, hydrolysis of lignocellulosics was used as a source of some digestible carbohydrates ... utilization of lignocellulosic biomass has become an actively pursued subject, because of the concerns of future exhaustion of non-renewable fossil fuels One of the authors of this article, Raphael ... 1999) Many researchers worldwide are searching for a new bioprocess to produce 1,3-propanediol, a monomer needed in the synthesis of new classes of polyesters The list of such chemicals is growing...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 17:20
Tài liệu The beholder’s eye - cách nhìn của mỗi người pptx
... reminds me,” she interrupted “I should some of my own Housework, that is The mirror above the couch is smeared But, you know, every time I look at the sweet baby prints your little ones left ... wadded socks there, tilting towers of picture books in the corner I grinned Crowning it all was a hand-painted masterpiece on the patio doors Unnumbered One -of- a-kind My own piece of priceless artwork ... baby prints your little ones left there last month, I can’t bring myself to wipe them away In fact, I’m still showing them off to my friends as ‘priceless artwork’!” My gaze ping-ponged around...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 17:16
Tài liệu UNIT 4: IN THE MIND’S EYE docx
... true insistence on: We applaud the president s insistence on tougher environmental laws insistence that: Despite his insistence that he wasn’t involved, most people think he s dishonest insistent ... position of a winner in a sports competition: danh hiệu vô địch She s won several important singles titles this year 39 basis /’beIsIk/ (plural bases /beIsIs/) noun [count] a particular method or system ... hotel insist on: Some companies insist on staff undergoing regular medical checks insistence /In’sIstCns / noun [uncount] a very firm statement that something must happen or that something is true...
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 22:20
Tài liệu Creative economy as a development strategy a view of developing countires doc
... then should some technology sectors, such as software, be included? Because they are essential in sustaining the dynamics of business processes and models, which is established in part of this economy ... revision of the educational system (questioning the fitness of today s professionals’ profiles, and announcing the emergence of new professions), the new proposals for urban refurbishing “Lending ... billions of dollars, is collected abroad instead of reverting to the balance of payments of the artists’ home country This issue is even worsened by the fact that in countries classified as less developed,...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu A Short View of the Frauds and Abuses Committed by Apothecaries, by Christopher Merrett pptx
... cause of raising their prices is a necessity of keeping in their Shops such Medicines as are seldom used, or such as must upon necessity decay, and grow useless Now suppose they throw such away, ... In these ensuing papers, I hope to prove, that these abuses complain'd of by all sorts of persons, arise from this only cause, that Physicians dispence not themselves such Medicines, they use for ... endeavour to prepossess the Members of the House of Commons with strange, and false prejudices and assertions drawn from irrational, and groundless suppositions, making us the greatest Tyrants in the...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 07:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Marine toxins and the cytoskeleton: a new view of palytoxin toxicity ppt
... illness, with fever being associated with serious respiratory distress, mild dyspnea, wheezes, and in some cases conjunctivitis [7,8] Italian coasts are not the only seawaters where Ostreopsis species ... [4], Ostreopsis lenticularis produces the neurotoxic ostreotoxins, Ostreopsis mascarenensis produces mascarenotoxins, and recently, Ostreopsis ovata has been identified as the producer of ovatoxin-a ... accumulates mainly in fishes such as sardines, 6068 herrings and anchovies from tropical seas, causing neurological and gastrointestinal disturbances associated with clupeotoxism [1] Symptoms include...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 14:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Role of hydroxyl group and R/S configuration of isostere in binding properties of HIV-1 protease inhibitors docx
... The aspartate that does not bind to the isostere NH seems to make weak hydrogen bonds to both CH2 groups of the isostere The changes of torsion angles in the isostere also resulted in shifts of ... Comparison of hydroden bonds (2.4–3.6 A) of inhibitors OE, RE and SE towards their HIV-1 proteases Stated numbers are distances ˚ between inhibitor and protease atoms in A Reside of Atoms of Inhibitor ... inhibitor possesses the nonscissile isostere without any hydroxyl group, whereas the hydroxyethylamine inhibitors SE and RE have the hydroxyl group of isostere in the S or R configuration, respectively...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 16:20
... particular construal of its content" Langacker identifies six important dimensions of imagery; in our semantic analysis of spatial expressions we are interested in just three of these: ZThe issue of which ... interpretation of some spatial expressions is dependent on assumptions as to the speaker 's orientation with respect to the objects in the scene (eg whether A is "to the left of" B in a scene, is dependent ... process of conventional imagery (thesis 5) LEVEL OF SPECIFICITY The level of specificity of conventional imagery addresses the issue of the degree of detail with which an entity is characterized Specificity...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 21:20
World Vision’s Little Book of Maternal and Child Health in the Asia Pacific pdf
... mobilisation of others This book explores some of these gaps, as well as potential solutions to fill them, by sharing stories from World Vision s field experiences A single story may not constitute ... illness and infection as a result of this is increased – water-borne diseases, left untreated, claim many lives, and Myanmar s malarial deaths account for around half of those in South East Asia Significant ... in strengthening it As well as a resource for collating and comparing statistics, it provides case studies and strategies from World Vision s health projects across the Asia Pacific region to show...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 10:20
Is Lactobacillus GG Helpful in Children With Crohn’s Disease? Results of a Preliminary, Open-Label Study docx
... considered abnormal (12) Statistical Analysis Quantitative variables are described as medians with ranges in parentheses The significance of changes was evaluated us- ing analysis of variance (ANOVA) ... PCDAI was calculated at each visit Stools were cultured at each follow-up visit to assess colonization by LGG Intestinal permeability was assessed by a cellobiosemannitol sugar permeability test at ... immunomodulatory drugs for at least months before screening and stable doses of prednisone for at least weeks before the screening visit Patients were allowed to decrease the steroid dose during the study period...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 12:20
Memory performance in healthy elderly without Alzheimer’s disease: effects of time and apolipoprotein-E pptx
... neurological, psychiatric and neuropsychological assessments were reviewed in a consensus conference comprised of neurologists, psychiatrists, and neuropsychologists Based on this review all participants ... It has been previously established that APOE variability is not associated with the rate of progression of Alzheimer s disease [51,59,67] The study was designed to address a specific question ... repetition of phrases from the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Evaluation [19] Abstract reasoning was evaluated using WAIS-R Similarities subtest [66], and the non-verbal Identities and Oddities subtest of...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20
... shall always be spoken of in this work as the names of things themselves, and not merely of our ideas of things But the question now arises, of what things? and to answer this it is necessary to ... continues, “names ordered in speech (as is defined) are signs of our conceptions, it is manifest they are not signs of the things themselves; for that the sound of this word stone should be the sign ... Bacon, ars artium; the science of science itself All science consists of data and conclusions from those data, of proofs and what they prove: now logic points out what relations must subsist between...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 13:20