binding values to the sql statement

Palm beach country, Florida note to the financial statement September 30, 2008_part5 ppt

Palm beach country, Florida note to the financial statement September 30, 2008_part5 ppt

... the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida To the Honorable Members of the Board Of County Commissioners Palm Beach County, Florida We have audited the financial statements of the ... is disclosed in Note to the financial statements As required by the Rules of the Auditor General (Section 10.554(1)(i)7.a), a statement must be included as to whether or not the local government ... is requested of the ISS Department limiting the data to the period of 10/1 to 9/30 However, it is apparent that staff failed to notice that the data provided to the actuary for the most recent...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 11:20

33 164 0


... may by func tion The es ti mates for these rent ser vices es ti mates of re ceipts and be used to as sess the sustainability of years are iden ti cal to the cur rent serman da tory spend ing as ... Page This is trial version 69 NOTES TO THE FI NAN CIAL STATEMENTS United States Government Notes to the Financial Statements for the Year Ended September 30, 1999 Note Summary of ... cluded For the pur poses of this doc ument, “Gov ern ment” re fers to the U.S Gov ern ment The fi nan cial report ing pe riod is the same used for the an nual bud get It is based on the Gov ern...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 06:20

11 263 0


... Assets, cont The SDR Act of 1968 au tho rized the Sec re tary of the Trea sury to is sue SDR cer tif i cates to F R B s i n e xchange for cash The value of these certificates can not ex ceed the value ... of the SDR hold ings The Sec re tary of the Trea sury de ter mines when the FRBs can re deem the SDR cer tif icates The li a bil ity for such re demp- tions, which to taled $7.2 bil lion at the ... of credit pay able to the IMF As of September 30, 1999, the remain ing avail able bal ance un der the let ter of credit to taled $31.4 billion The U.S re serve po si tion in the IMF has a U.S...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 06:20

11 258 0


... (costs) re lated to the ad is tra tion of the above funds are not c harged to the funds and are fi nanced by other sources This is trial version 92 NOTES TO THE FI NAN CIAL STATE ... prior pe riod ad just ments The un rec on ciled trans ac tions needed to bring the change in net po si tion into bal ance net to $24.4 bil lion The three pri mary fac tors af fect ing this out-of-balance ... as the op er a tions and main te nance of med i cal fa cil i ties They also in clude claims paid to ci vil ian pro vid ers and the cost of ad is ter ing the pro gram bil lion The pri mary fac tor...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 06:20

11 335 0


... cost to pro vide mil itary forces to de ter war; to be prepared to en gage in war; and to pre serve the peace and se cu rity of the United States, the Ter ri tories, Com mon wealth, its pos ses ... ties held by the pub lic In ter est pay ments on these se cu ri ties are made by Trea sury’s Bu reau of the Pub lic Debt Interest Other Functions the United States and the rest of the ment of ... Listed un der the “Health” func tion are the costs to pro mote phys i cal and men tal health, in clud ing the pre vention of ill ness and ac ci dents and the Medicaid pro gram Although the Medicare...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 06:20

11 204 0


... Although these re fund claims have been deemed to be prob a ble, they not meet the cri te ria in SFFAS No for re port ing the amounts in the bal ance sheet or for dis clo sure in the notes to the ... they rep re sent le gally en force able claims of the IRS—act ing on be half of the Fed eral Govern ment There is, how ever, a sig nif i cant dif fer ence in the col lec tion po ten tial of these ... business credit 0.1 0.1 0.1 Other credits 0.2 0.1 0.1 Total credits 0.6 0.6 1.1 Total expenditures, corporation 8.8 5.6 9.7 174.5 Total expenditures, deductions ...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 06:20

6 272 0
Introduction To The Income Statement pdf

Introduction To The Income Statement pdf

... these cash flows are calculated, they are added together to arrive at net cash flow, and then this is added to the cash balance at the beginning of the period to calculate the cash balance at the ... period the information is for, typically a month, a quarter, or a year The other key thing at the top of the income statement is to tell you whether the amounts shown are actual dollars, down to the ... should be recorded in the financial statements but we will not be getting into the rules in this introductory series INCOME STATEMENT At the top of the income statement, the first thing you will...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 23:20

53 338 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Evidence for noncooperative metal binding to the a domain of human metallothionein ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Evidence for noncooperative metal binding to the a domain of human metallothionein ppt

... domain in efforts to elucidate the potentially cooperative nature of the metal -binding reaction within each of the domains Thus, the goal is to elucidate the metallation mechanisms of the individual ... of the a domain of rhMT-1a, showing the connectivities of the four divalent metal cations to the 11 cysteinyl sulfurs The numbering of the cysteines (1–11 starting from the N-terminus) and the ... the measured mass spectra labeled with the charge states of the molecular species The right side of the figure shows the deconvoluted spectra with the reconstructed masses that correspond to the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 00:20

9 533 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The RNA recognition motif, a plastic RNA-binding platform to regulate post-transcriptional gene expression ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The RNA recognition motif, a plastic RNA-binding platform to regulate post-transcriptional gene expression ppt

... addition to RNA binding In most of these complexes, these additional interactions contribute to the formation of a larger RNA -binding interface and are therefore critical to reach high RNA -binding ... nucleotide at the 5¢ end of the central dinucleotide contacts the loops at the bottom of the b-sheet (loop and loop in particular, Fig 4C) and the one at the 3¢ end stacks over the previous nucleotide ... oxygen of the protein backbone [38] Other parts of the RRM domain, such as the b2-strand and the loops, also interact with the 2¢OHs and help to discriminate RNA from DNA [26,31,33,35] The C-terminal...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:20

14 428 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of ICAM-4 binding to the I domains of the CD11a/CD18 and CD11b/CD18 leukocyte integrins pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of ICAM-4 binding to the I domains of the CD11a/CD18 and CD11b/CD18 leukocyte integrins pptx

... studied the binding of ICAM transfectants to the integrins coated on plastic (Fig 3B) All the ICAM transfectants, but not the wild-type L cells adhered to the coated integrins, but not much to the ... cells to both I domains The finding that the soluble I domains were able to compete only with the respective I domain GST fusion protein for binding to the captured ICAM-4Fc strengthens the earlier ... the adhesion to ICAM-4Fc was mediated by the I domain in the fusion protein We tested the effects of several mAbs on the binding of isolated I domain GST to ICAM-4Fc (Fig 11) and found that the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 11:20

14 495 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: NMR-based determination of the binding epitope and conformational analysis of MUC-1 glycopeptides and peptides bound to the breast cancer-selective monoclonal antibody SM3 pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: NMR-based determination of the binding epitope and conformational analysis of MUC-1 glycopeptides and peptides bound to the breast cancer-selective monoclonal antibody SM3 pptx

... between ˚ the peptide and the non binding bottom of the Fab is 173 A2 which corresponds to about 36% of the interaction of the full peptide with the binding cavity of SM3 The sizes of the surfaces ... not followed further (d) After small manual corrections to avoid clashes with the protein, we docked the ligand into the binding site with the software tool FLEXIDOCK within the software package ... less to the ligand The C-terminal part of the peptide (RPAP) has close contacts to the next protein in the crystal cell and is therefore stabilized on the surface of SM3 It is unclear whether...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 15:20

12 718 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Binding of cGMP to the transducin-activated cGMP phosphodiesterase, PDE6, initiates a large conformational change involved in its deactivation ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: Binding of cGMP to the transducin-activated cGMP phosphodiesterase, PDE6, initiates a large conformational change involved in its deactivation ppt

... binds to [3H]cGMPbound Pabc, as shown below (Fig 7A) Therefore, the reduction in the level of [3H]cGMP binding to PabcÆPc is not due to a reduction in the Millipore filter’s ability to trap the ... two cGMPs or the presence of a GTP–TaÆPabcc complex containing one or no cGMP and cGMP binding to the complex However, neither the presence of these complexes nor cGMP binding to the complex have ... However, the plateau indicates the level of [3H]cGMP-bound Pabc trapped by the filter In this case, the filter trapped  16% of the Pabc existing in the mixture [3H]cGMP binding to PabcÆPc The level...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 00:21

19 406 1
Báo cáo khoa học: Activator-binding domains of the SWI ⁄ SNF chromatin remodeling complex characterized in vitro are required for its recruitment to promoters in vivo pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Activator-binding domains of the SWI ⁄ SNF chromatin remodeling complex characterized in vitro are required for its recruitment to promoters in vivo pot

... activation by galactose To determine whether the activator -binding domains of the SWI ⁄ SNF complex are important for its recruitment to promoters in vivo and to determine whether the Swi1 and Snf5 ... nucleosomes Taken together, these findings suggest that the predominant coactivating role of SWI ⁄ SNF may be at steps downstream of activator binding rather than as a facilitator of activator binding, ... help to explain how activator proteins are able to form specific interactions with the large range of structurally distinct factors that they recruit to target genes The Swi1 and Snf5 activator-binding...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20

9 539 0