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Coaching Counseling Mentoring_1 pptx

Coaching Counseling Mentoring_1 pptx

... advancement With escalating time pressures and constant change, upper management has their eye out for managers who can recruit capable employees, develop the skills they need to today’s jobs, and ... the team; and who can keep their superstars shining even when there is little opportunity for advancement or dollars for increased performance In short, organizations want and reward managers who ... need should an aggrieved employee take legal action against your organization Some managers think they can avoid counseling traps just by ignoring performance problems, but that can be the biggest...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20

24 224 0
Coaching Counseling Mentoring_4 doc

Coaching Counseling Mentoring_4 doc

... action plan to turn the employee’s performance around Crisis Management Another reason performance problems aren’t addressed has to with today’s leaner organizations With so much to and so little ... department heads and other senior managers in the company The report’s purpose was to ensure financial and management support by making these individuals familiar with past accomplishments and future ... acknowledge the difference between actual performance and expected performance; identify the source of the problem; and develop an action plan to bring performance up to minimum expectations, if not higher...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20

24 224 0
Coaching Counseling Mentoring_6 ppt

Coaching Counseling Mentoring_6 ppt

... re-motivate Margo and also help Lois complete an assignment that senior management was anxious to have done • • • Clearly, the matter between Margo and Lois was about job performance Not all counseling ... Take the session between Gordon and Jane, his ambitious but disgruntled assistant Jane felt that she was inadequately compensated for her work and used sarcasm and snide remarks to express her ... by angry retorts and slamming file drawers Unlike Lois, Gordon didn’t wait He called Jane into his office and asked her what was wrong 120 COUNSELING Jane: Gordon, I think I’m overdue for an increase...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20

24 235 0
Coaching Counseling Mentoring_8 potx

Coaching Counseling Mentoring_8 potx

... next assistant managerial position that opened up within the organization And she would have been made an assistant manager had she not had to relocate Still, Bob’s contacts in the field meant that ... had contacts both within and outside the organization, and tremendous influence within the company Bob shared with Faith the insights about the company’s long-range goals and strategic intent he ... CAN DO TO HELP HIGH ACHIEVERS—AND YOU 161 mentor him or her to enable the person to achieve those goals Having an adviser and friend in a higher position in a company can be more valuable than...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20

24 140 0
Coaching Counseling & Mentoring How to Choose & Use the Right Technique to Boost Employee Performance by Florence M Stone_2 doc

Coaching Counseling & Mentoring How to Choose & Use the Right Technique to Boost Employee Performance by Florence M Stone_2 doc

... quickly he can move up in an organization When he discovers that he can’t be CEO after a month with the company, he will likely get wanderlust again.’’ Brad didn’t fare any better Fannie had asked ... over Hal’s head to discuss the plan with the plant’s manager Hal’s Basic Mistakes Changes in an organization never come easily, and this was a major one at the plant Hal wrongly assumed that his ... team why the equipment changeover was so important to the plant Once his employees understood its importance to their work and, more germane, the capacity of the plant and consequently its continued...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 13:20

24 277 0
Coaching Counseling & Mentoring How to Choose & Use the Right Technique to Boost Employee Performance by Florence M Stone_3 docx

Coaching Counseling & Mentoring How to Choose & Use the Right Technique to Boost Employee Performance by Florence M Stone_3 docx

... action plan to turn the employee’s performance around Crisis Management Another reason performance problems aren’t addressed has to with today’s leaner organizations With so much to and so little ... department heads and other senior managers in the company The report’s purpose was to ensure financial and management support by making these individuals familiar with past accomplishments and future ... acknowledge the difference between actual performance and expected performance; identify the source of the problem; and develop an action plan to bring performance up to minimum expectations, if not higher...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 13:20

24 326 0
Coaching Counseling & Mentoring How to Choose & Use the Right Technique to Boost Employee Performance by Florence M Stone_4 pot

Coaching Counseling & Mentoring How to Choose & Use the Right Technique to Boost Employee Performance by Florence M Stone_4 pot

... with Cora and that he thought the problem had been handled She knew that she had to change her style of management and work, and that was that Unfortunately, Cora never did change If anything, ... employee’s performance, and his records showed that Lisa took anything he said as a reprimand and became argumentative in response She had also been in arguments with co-workers and other managers Her ... image of an administrative assistant for Mel, one of the firm’s top, and most highly paid, consultants Sid’s own assistant had a sister, and he suggested that Mel use the chronic tardiness and long...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 13:20

24 313 0
Coaching Counseling & Mentoring How to Choose & Use the Right Technique to Boost Employee Performance by Florence M Stone_6 doc

Coaching Counseling & Mentoring How to Choose & Use the Right Technique to Boost Employee Performance by Florence M Stone_6 doc

... brusque manner, you can place the employee on warning This is the last chance—and you must clearly mean the last chance to turn around performance Once again, you set a specific goal and timetable and ... hair and nails, but you can’t write that in your critical incident report On the other hand, you can describe that person’s clothes and general appearance, point out that an important part of an ... follow-up meeting after another and another without any positive change in performance Based on my conversations with managers, I suspect that one reason—beyond the unpleasantness of having to fire...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 13:20

24 389 0
Coaching Counseling & Mentoring How to Choose & Use the Right Technique to Boost Employee Performance by Florence M Stone_8 pptx

Coaching Counseling & Mentoring How to Choose & Use the Right Technique to Boost Employee Performance by Florence M Stone_8 pptx

... success for him and the company—and for Sandy Why you think she advanced to senior management? Sandy’s friendship with Chan continued after he left, so she was delighted to find Chan at her promotion ... meeting, Chan listed the many reasons why he enjoyed working with Sandy Interestingly, several reflected her mentoring style more than they did her managerial style For instance: • Sandy allowed ... marketing managers Clint and Chan, who worked for Sandy at Acme Assets Actually, all three stories have a happy ending Clint remained as marketing manager with Acme for four years and ultimately...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 13:20

24 302 0
Coaching Counseling Mentoring_1 potx

Coaching Counseling Mentoring_1 potx

... quickly he can move up in an organization When he discovers that he can’t be CEO after a month with the company, he will likely get wanderlust again.’’ Brad didn’t fare any better Fannie had asked ... over Hal’s head to discuss the plan with the plant’s manager Hal’s Basic Mistakes Changes in an organization never come easily, and this was a major one at the plant Hal wrongly assumed that his ... team why the equipment changeover was so important to the plant Once his employees understood its importance to their work and, more germane, the capacity of the plant and consequently its continued...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20

24 90 0
Coaching Counseling Mentoring_2 docx

Coaching Counseling Mentoring_2 docx

... action plan to turn the employee’s performance around Crisis Management Another reason performance problems aren’t addressed has to with today’s leaner organizations With so much to and so little ... department heads and other senior managers in the company The report’s purpose was to ensure financial and management support by making these individuals familiar with past accomplishments and future ... acknowledge the difference between actual performance and expected performance; identify the source of the problem; and develop an action plan to bring performance up to minimum expectations, if not higher...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20

24 91 0
Coaching Counseling Mentoring_3 pptx

Coaching Counseling Mentoring_3 pptx

... with Cora and that he thought the problem had been handled She knew that she had to change her style of management and work, and that was that Unfortunately, Cora never did change If anything, ... employee’s performance, and his records showed that Lisa took anything he said as a reprimand and became argumentative in response She had also been in arguments with co-workers and other managers Her ... image of an administrative assistant for Mel, one of the firm’s top, and most highly paid, consultants Sid’s own assistant had a sister, and he suggested that Mel use the chronic tardiness and long...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20

24 92 0
Coaching Counseling Mentoring_5 pptx

Coaching Counseling Mentoring_5 pptx

... brusque manner, you can place the employee on warning This is the last chance—and you must clearly mean the last chance to turn around performance Once again, you set a specific goal and timetable and ... hair and nails, but you can’t write that in your critical incident report On the other hand, you can describe that person’s clothes and general appearance, point out that an important part of an ... follow-up meeting after another and another without any positive change in performance Based on my conversations with managers, I suspect that one reason—beyond the unpleasantness of having to fire...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20

24 101 0
Coaching Counseling Mentoring_6 pptx

Coaching Counseling Mentoring_6 pptx

... next assistant managerial position that opened up within the organization And she would have been made an assistant manager had she not had to relocate Still, Bob’s contacts in the field meant that ... had contacts both within and outside the organization, and tremendous influence within the company Bob shared with Faith the insights about the company’s long-range goals and strategic intent he ... CAN DO TO HELP HIGH ACHIEVERS—AND YOU 161 mentor him or her to enable the person to achieve those goals Having an adviser and friend in a higher position in a company can be more valuable than...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20

24 86 0
Coaching Counseling Mentoring_7 doc

Coaching Counseling Mentoring_7 doc

... success for him and the company—and for Sandy Why you think she advanced to senior management? Sandy’s friendship with Chan continued after he left, so she was delighted to find Chan at her promotion ... meeting, Chan listed the many reasons why he enjoyed working with Sandy Interestingly, several reflected her mentoring style more than they did her managerial style For instance: • Sandy allowed ... marketing managers Clint and Chan, who worked for Sandy at Acme Assets Actually, all three stories have a happy ending Clint remained as marketing manager with Acme for four years and ultimately...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20

24 128 0
Coaching Counseling Mentoring_8 pdf

Coaching Counseling Mentoring_8 pdf

... can’t stand the heat .’’ Cross-Gender Mentoring Rumors can arise if you are a male manager and you choose to mentor a female employee The situation is likewise if you are a female manager and ... mentoring For instance, a manager may criticize, rather than listen, or may provide the mentee with answers rather than risk the mentee’s making a mistake Or the mentor may become more than an advocate ... counseling, and/or mentoring, there is a major step you can take You can create a positive work environment in which employees are highly motivated to meet and exceed performance standards Managers...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20

23 101 0
Tài liệu 5 Ways To Build High Self-Confidence pptx

Tài liệu 5 Ways To Build High Self-Confidence pptx

... something that you want to achieve and you everything that you can to make it happen You can anything you want Just focus your energy and plan ahead! By keeping these things in mind and taking steps ... LeGrand, Real Estate Multimillionaire "An important work on a significant competency for anyone who wants to excel in business and in life Read it and learn solid ideas to nurture your soul and ... you can tell, these standards of beauty set by the media aren't real and can be dangerous Signs and Symptoms of Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa People who suffer from this disorder have an intense...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 15:20

19 590 0
8 Ways to Great: Peak Performance on the Job and in Your Life pps

8 Ways to Great: Peak Performance on the Job and in Your Life pps

... smart and you want to be smarter, you’re good and you want to be better, but you don’t really understand why the kind of advice I give to elite traders or hedge fund managers can possibly have meaning ... fears and emotions so that you can put your “why” to work and improve your performance But first you need to figure out what your “why” really is What’s Your Why? Maybe you can come up with an answer ... that can be acquired and applied by anyone to virtually any endeavor Let’s go back to our good friend Darren for a moment Darren is a brilliant trader, but there are only so many trades any one...

Ngày tải lên: 29/07/2014, 03:20

126 658 1
applying note-taking strategies to develop high school students’ listening skill – a quasi-experimental research at van xuan – hoai duc high school

applying note-taking strategies to develop high school students’ listening skill – a quasi-experimental research at van xuan – hoai duc high school

... English as Foreign Language ESL English as Second Language SD Standard Deviation SLA Second Language Acquisition TOEFL Test of English as a Foreign Language ULIS University of Language and International ... background information relevant to the particular context and subject matter  assigns a literal meaning to the utterance  assigns an intended meaning to the utterance Recording for storage: ... work, and deserves more analysis and support” According to Nation and Newton (2009, p.40), listening comprehension is an interactive process which requires the listeners to use top-down and bottom-up...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:30

66 673 3
Three ways to motivate the students at Banking Academy - Bacninh branch in English speaking activities = Ba cách tạo hứng thú cho sinh viên Học viện Ngân hàng -

Three ways to motivate the students at Banking Academy - Bacninh branch in English speaking activities = Ba cách tạo hứng thú cho sinh viên Học viện Ngân hàng -

... pair work and group work However, pair work and group work are of great importance and effectiveness as all learners can have chance to participate in talks, and they seem more confident and more ... to form the hypothesis of the study An intervention plan is worked out and implemented The data from the intervention stage are collected and analyzed to make an evaluation of the effectiveness ... learn and know how to speak, but not by those who not have this skill In language learning, speaking plays an utmost important role among the four language skills (listening, reading, speaking and...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:30

63 1K 1