best first search program in c

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Best-First Search Algorithm for Generating Referring Expressions" pot

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Best-First Search Algorithm for Generating Referring Expressions" pot

... point), affecting the ordering of boolean combinations accord- ingly. E.g, av b v c precedes —iclv  but a v b precedes  (they are scored as equal). In addition, efficiency in exploring ... search in (Gardent 2002). Hence, using the search restrictions and the representation depen- dencies cuts down the search space considerably. 6 Conclusion In this paper, we have presented a best- first search ... combi- nations of attributes (including negations) are composed into a distinguishing description. This is done by successively collecting single attri- butes, combinations of two attributes, three...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 02:20

4 672 3
Báo cáo Bài tập lớn trí tuệ nhân tạo : Áp dụng thuật toán best first search vào tìm đường đi từ một điểm đến một điểm khác trong bản đồ của một xã

Báo cáo Bài tập lớn trí tuệ nhân tạo : Áp dụng thuật toán best first search vào tìm đường đi từ một điểm đến một điểm khác trong bản đồ của một xã

... bao giờ chúng đư c xem xét lại. C ch xử lý dứt khoát này là một đ c trưng c a leo đồi. Trong BFS, tại một bư c, c ng c một di chuyển đư c chọn nhưng những c i kh c vẫn đư c giữ lại, để ta c thể ... dùng chữ viết tắt BFS thay cho tên gọi tìm kiếm ưu tiên tối ưu. Một c ch c thể, tại mỗi bư c của tìm kiếm BFS, ta chọn đi theo trạng thái c khả năng cao nhất trong số c c trạng thái đư c đư c ... kh c trong bản đồ c a một xã A. Thuật toán best first search: Ưu điểm c a tìm kiếm theo chiều sâu là không phải quan tâm đến sự mở rộng c a tất c c c nhánh. Ưu điểm c a tìm kiếm chiều rộng là không...

Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2014, 19:50

4 7.6K 273
Developing critical reading skills for first year students in English department, college of foreign languages, Vietnam national university, Hanoi

Developing critical reading skills for first year students in English department, college of foreign languages, Vietnam national university, Hanoi

... basic components of critical thinking and critical reading such as the concepts of critical thinking and critical reading (as in 1.1 & 2.1), the close relationship between critical thinking ... between critical thinking and critical reading and different aspects of teaching critical reading. 1. An overview of critical thinking 1.1. The definition of critical thinking Terminologically, critical ... critical thinking is much more crucial. Building and developing critical thinking skills for students are like partnering and instructing them to practice playing a sport. As critical thinking...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:50

59 1.4K 4
Writing a Simple Program in an Assembly Language

Writing a Simple Program in an Assembly Language

... execute machine instructions only. No matter in which language a program is written, it must be converted into machine instructions in the end. Since machine instructions are collections of 0s ... the R1L, changing the CCR. Conditional branch instruction CMP.B #H'12,R0L Subtracts H'12 (18 in decimal notation) from the R0L, changing the CCR. Conditional branch instruction ... BRA instruction The BRA (BRanch Always) instruction is called "unconditional branch instruction". Executing this instruction results in branching to the specified address. Branching...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 11:20

24 534 0
Introducing Java - Your First Java Program

Introducing Java - Your First Java Program

... are lined up and indented. The first curly bracket opens the class block. The next line defines the method we are using. In this case, it’s the main method. Every Java class that can be called ... wide (255 characters). In Java it is 16 bits wide, allowing for a much greater range of characters. It conforms to Unicode and not to ASCII. (Don’t panic, the Unicode and ASCII character sets ... where to find the class file by providing a class path. In my computer, the class resides in C: \book, so I will inform the run- time by putting -cp in my command, followed by the actual path....

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 10:20

28 257 0
Tài liệu Make a Generic Search Form in an ASP.NET docx

Tài liệu Make a Generic Search Form in an ASP.NET docx

... the code in Listing 8.51 to the appropriate Click event of each. The btnAccept_Click routine derives the data row that is currently selected from mdtSearch using the data grid's SelectedIndex ... Property Settings for the Calling Form Object Property Setting DOCUMENT bgColor buttonface Label Caption Customer ID Label Caption Company Name Label Caption Contact Label Caption Contact Title ... Name btnSearch Caption & ;Search 2. On btnSearch, add the code in Listing 8.45 to the Click event. This sets up the search Web Form as far as telling it what it needs to know, including how...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 06:17

12 451 0
Tài liệu Depth-First Search (DFS) ppt

Tài liệu Depth-First Search (DFS) ppt

... th ứ ứ hai hai , , ta ta á á t ca t ca û û ca ca ù ù c c đỉ đỉ nh mơ nh mơ ù ù i ca i ca ù ù ch mo ch mo á á c c 2 2 ca ca ï ï nh sẽ nh sẽ đư đư ơ ơ ï ï c thăm va c thăm va ø ø đư đư ơ ơ ï ï c c đ đ a a ë ë t ... toa ù ù n n Breadth Breadth - - First Search First Search Algorithm BFS(v); Input:Một đỉnh v c a đồ thị Output:Một c ch gán nhãn cho c c cạnh đã “đư c khám phá” ho c “crossedge” Khởi tạo hàng đợi L 0 để chứa đỉnh ... đ đ o o à à thị thị Output: Output: Mo Mo ä ä t ca t ca ù ù ch ga ch ga ù ù n nhaõn cho ca n nhaõn cho ca ù ù c ca c ca ï ï nh nh đ đ ã ã “ “ đư đư ơ ơ ï ï c kha c kha ù ù m pha m pha ù ù ” ” hoa hoa ë ë c c “ “ backedge backedge ” ” for for ( ( mo mo ï ï i...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 13:20

23 425 2
Tài liệu Make a Generic Search Form in a Visual Basic .NET docx

Tài liệu Make a Generic Search Form in a Visual Basic .NET docx

... btnSearch Caption & ;Search 2. On btnSearch, add the code in Listing 8.17 to the Click event. This routine shows the power of creating custom properties. After instantiating an instance ... DataGrid Name dgSearch Button Name btnAccept Caption &Accept Button Name btnCancel Caption &Cancel 5. Create the custom properties discussed in the "Technique" section of this ... properties. Just think of how many places you can use this form without changing a line of code in the form. 9. On the buttons called btnAccept and btnCancel, add the code in Listing 8.23 to the...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 11:20

13 341 0
Tài liệu TB Respiratory Protection Program In Health Care Facilities doc

Tài liệu TB Respiratory Protection Program In Health Care Facilities doc

... viii Cleaning, Repairing, and Storing Respirators Used For Protection Against TB Introduction Cleaning A. Disassembly B. Cleaning and Sanitizing C. Cleaning and Sanitizing Solutions D. Loose-Fitting ... following: Developing and distributing a written respiratory protection policy Establishing a visible and formal training program documenting worker training Including safety as a topic on the ... 5 collected, the precise level of effectiveness in protecting HCWs [health care workers] from M. tuberculosis transmission in health care settings has not been determined. In- formation concerning...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 22:20

120 904 0
Tài liệu Placement Report 2012 Master of Science Program in Business & Economics pptx

Tài liệu Placement Report 2012 Master of Science Program in Business & Economics pptx

... International Economics ã Master of Science in Finance & Accounting Specialization in Accounting & Financial Management Specialization in Corporate Finance Specialization in Investment ... in the two-year Master of Science Program in Business and Economics graduating from the specializations in Accounting & Finan- cial Management, Economics, Finance, Management and Marketing ... 9% Financial Services 3% 14% Consumer Products 10% – Accounting/Audit – 9% Academic Research 6% – Manufacturing industry 6% – Power/Energy – 5% Electronics – 5% Other – 4% Media/Culture 3% – Insurance...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 17:20

13 408 0


... cines/GIVS/english/GIVS_Final_17Oct.pdf World Medical Association. World Medical Associa- tion Declaration of Helsinki: ethical principles for medical research involving human ... and measles vaccines; partial defined as receiving at least one of the seven vaccine doses, and no receipt as receiving none of the seven vaccine doses. 2 Geometric mean (95% CI). Complete 1 Partial 1 No. ... families in which children received no immunizations compared to families in which children received complete immuniza- tions. The causes for the increased infant and under five child mortality in...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 12:20

10 360 0
Bachelor’s Degree Program in Business Administration pdf

Bachelor’s Degree Program in Business Administration pdf

... 19 VII.Themoduleconcept OneofthemaingoalsoftheBolognaprocessistocomparethecontentofdierent academicprogramsandtheacademicachievementsrequiredofstudentsthroughout Europe,therebyestablishinganappropriatemethodforassessingthesefactors.With thisinmind,theuniversityhasdevelopedamoduleconceptthatlendsallofouraca- demicprograms,includingtheprograminBusinessAdministration,aclearandeasi- lyunderstoodstructure.Modulesarethematicallyandmethodologicallyself-contained instructionalandlearningunits,whichtypicallyconsistofseveralcourseswithrela- tedcontent.Thismeansthatyoumightattendalecturerst,forinstance,inwhicha certainthematicareaisdiscussedindetail.Thelectureissupplementedbyaccompa- nyingcoursessuchastutorials(ĩbungen)inwhichthesubjectmatterofthelectureis appliedorpracticedusingcasestudies.Youreceivecredits(Leistungspunkte,orLP,else- wherealsocalledcreditpoints,orCP),foreachmoduleyoupass.Howmanycredits areawardedforaspecicmoduleisdeterminedbytheEuropeanCreditTransferSy- stem(ECTS).Thisisanotheressentialstepaimedatharmonizingtheacademicpro- gramsavailablealloverEurope(pleaseseesectionVII(1),Creditsthecurrencyof yourstudies). Asabasicprinciple,amoduleisconcludedwithanexam.Amoduleexam (Modulprỹfung)mayalsobecomposedofmultiplesections(suchasawrittenpaper, presentation,orwrittenexam). Typesofinstructionandcourses Modulestypicallyconsistofacombinationofmultiplecourseswithrelatedcontentin variousformats: ... Dr.ThomasMellewigt,Prof. Studyplacements in thebachelor’sdegree program in BusinessAdministrationat FreieUniversitätBerlinarehighlydesirable: In the2010/2011academicyear,forexam- ple,morethan3,600secondaryschoolgraduatesappliedfortheapproximately195 placementsavailable.Therearecurrently2,061studentswithintheSchoolofBusiness andEconomics,allofwhomhavedecidedtoenroll in studiesatourbusinessschool andhavechosenFreieUniversitätastherightplaceforthemtostudy.Theyinclude 1,136students in thebachelor’sdegree program in BusinessAdministration,618 in the bachelor’sdegree program in Economics,and307 in theconsecutivemaster’sdegree programsoered in theeldsofEconomicsandBusinessAdministration. Thisbrochureisdesignedtoprovideyouwithinformationonourbachelor’sdegree program in BusinessAdministration–andtoassistyou in organizingyourstudies. Ourgoalistoensureexcellence in ourteachingandresearchactivitiesandthereby provideyouwiththeskillsyouneedforthegloballabormarket.Onceyouhavesuc- cessfullycompletedyourstudiesofbusinesswithinourdepartment,youwillhavea broadrangeofcareerprospectswithinyourreachthankstotheprofessionalandsocial skillsyouhavegained in the program. Ifyouhavequestionsafterreadingthisbrochure,pleasefeelfreetocontactus!We lookforwardtoassistingyouduringyourstudies.Awarmwelcometoyoufromthe entireSchoolofBusinessandEconomicsatFreieUniversitätBerlin. Dr.RonnieSchöb,Professor ... 9 designedtoletyouconcentrateonafewareasofemphasis(suchasmanagement,mar- keting,businessinformationtechnology,oraccountingandtaxation)lateron,ortopur- sueageneralistprogram.Sinceourschoolisrelativelylarge,itoersyouthechance toselectfromaverybroadrangeofcoursesandareasoffocus. 1.Mastersdegreeprograms OnceyouhaveearnedabachelorsdegreeinBusinessAdministrationatFreieUniversitọt Berlin,youareeligibleforadmissiontovarioussubsequentacademicprogramsallover theworld.Withinourownschool,weoerthefollowingacademicmastersdegreepro- gramsintheeldofBusinessAdministration,opentocandidateswhoholdaBachelor ofSciencedegreeinBusinessAdministration: 1.MasterofScienceinManagement&Marketing 2.MasterofScienceinFinance,Accounting,Taxation&Supplements(FACTS) Amastersdegreeprogramtypicallylastsfoursemesters.Theseprogramsareprimarily research-orientedandleadtothedegreeofMasterofScience(M.Sc.).Thesubject-spe- cicconcentrationsoftheprogramsoeredatFreieUniversitọtareaspecialfeature withintheGermanhighereducationlandscape. Thebusinessspecialistswithintheschoolarealsoinvolvedinanothergraduatepro- gram:themastersdegreeprograminGender&Diversity,whichisoeredincoopera- tionwiththeDepartmentsofPoliticalScienceandLaw. Inadditiontotheabovementionedconsecutivemastersdegreeprograms,theSchool ofBusinessandEconomicsalsooersacontinuingeducationprogramforworking professionals:theExecutiveMasterofBusinessMarketingprogram.Thisprogramis tuition-basedandrequiresatleastthreeyearsofprofessionalexperience.TheExecu- tiveMasterprogramincludesbothmodernmarketingandsalesskillsandfundamen- talsofcontrolling,strategy,andmanagement.Forfurtherinformation,pleasevisitthe website 2.Whataboutanacademiccareer? GraduatesofMasterofScienceprogramsatFreieUniversitọtBerlinnotonlypos- sessexcellentprofessionalqualications,theyarealsoeligibletoapplytodoctoralpro- gramsatuniversitiesinGermanyandabroad. Ingeneral,adoctoralprogramishostedbyagraduateschool.Studentswishingto V.ConceptbehindthebachelorsdegreeprograminBusiness Administration(B.Sc .program) 1.Generalprogramobjectives ThebachelorsdegreeprograminBusinessAdministrationwithinourschooloersa solideducationinBusinessAdministrationandaninitialdegreethatqualiesgradu- atestoenteraprofession,allgenerallywithinjustsixsemesters.Itincludes: ...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20

16 363 0
The Effectiveness of an Online MBA Program in Meeting Mid-Career Student Expectations pdf

The Effectiveness of an Online MBA Program in Meeting Mid-Career Student Expectations pdf

... The research findings on age and experience are, at best, inconclusive. Previous research on career implications of the MBA has focused on career anchors of executive MBA students (Chang, ... evidence is inconclusive, suggesting that further research is needed. Choosing an MBA Program Research has shown that institutional reputation is the most important criterion in online MBA program ... were conducted with a sub-sample of 12 students. Key areas of interest in the research, including the perceived purpose of the MBA degree, characteristics of the program that influenced their choice,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 01:20

16 332 0
The Berkeley MBA - Graduate Program in Health Management doc

The Berkeley MBA - Graduate Program in Health Management doc

... Career Center, including on-campus recruiting and the expertise of a healthcare/biotech/ pharmaceutical account manager, who develops industry relationships. Other services include help with individual ... training in strategic planning, finance, economics, health industry analysis, and reg- ulatory policy. Students gain full understanding of how partici- pants in a healthcare system interact with ... with each other, from those who deliver care through cutting-edge science to those who serve in community-based clinics. Courses include: Entrepreneurial Issues in Biotechnology, Strategic Management...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:21

6 303 0
Excerpt from the Examination Regulations for the Master’s Program in Economics at the University of Mannheim docx

Excerpt from the Examination Regulations for the Master’s Program in Economics at the University of Mannheim docx

... Economics Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.) Course volume in ECTS credits: 120 - 126 For courses offered by the Department of Economics in the field of study „Economics“, the following ECTS ... E804 Advanced Microeconomics III 135 5 Modul 9: E805 Advanced Macroeconomics III 135 5 Exerpt: Examination Regulations MSc Economics - 3 -  In the field of study “Economic Research”: exam ... degree in economics students have to successfully complete 1. the core courses in the introductory phase; 2. the elective courses in the specialization phase Exerpt: Examination Regulations MSc...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 05:20

15 496 1