benders master problem for capacitated plant location

Article - FTTH - Rugged Connectors for Outside plant

Article - FTTH - Rugged Connectors for Outside plant

... TIA sets the physical dimensions, but it does not testing for interoperability For that, see GR-3120, Generic Requirements for Hardened Fiber Optic Connectors (HFOCs), which was issued by ... accredited organizations (IEEE, ASTM, and so forth), there is a fee for companies that want to participate The standards discussed in this article are available for sale by Telcordia, at www ... Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) requirements for Fiber Optic Connector Intermateability Standards See for details TIA (www published this...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 12:15

2 210 0
360 vấn đề về Toán Học- 360 Problem for Mathematical Contest

360 vấn đề về Toán Học- 360 Problem for Mathematical Contest

... competitions A great effort was given in preparing lectures for summer and winter training camps and also for creating original problems to be used in selection tests to search for truly gifted mathematics ... and comprehensive problems In addition, other fields of math­ ematics found their place in this book, for example, combinatorial problems can be found in the last chapter, and problems involving ... TITU ANDREESCU DORIN ANDRICA 360 Problems for Mathematical Contests GIL Publishing House © GIL Publishing House ISBN 973-9417-12-4 360 Problems for Mathematical Contests Authors: Titu...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 10:51

144 271 1
Tài liệu Article - FTTH - Rugged Connectors for Outside plant doc

Tài liệu Article - FTTH - Rugged Connectors for Outside plant doc

... TIA sets the physical dimensions, but it does not testing for interoperability For that, see GR-3120, Generic Requirements for Hardened Fiber Optic Connectors (HFOCs), which was issued by ... accredited organizations (IEEE, ASTM, and so forth), there is a fee for companies that want to participate The standards discussed in this article are available for sale by Telcordia, at www ... Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) requirements for Fiber Optic Connector Intermateability Standards See for details TIA (www published this...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 22:15

2 270 0
Tài liệu Đề tài " On the classification problem for nuclear C -algebras " pdf

Tài liệu Đề tài " On the classification problem for nuclear C -algebras " pdf

... both for suggesting the search for the automorphisms of Theorem 1.2 and for several helpful discussions, Søren Eilers and Copenhagen University for their hospitality in 2003, and George Elliott for ... slow dimension growth condition for AH algebras (and therefore, a fortiori for ASH algebras), one obtains counterexamples to the Elliott conjecture of a particularly forceful nature, so that slow ... monomorphism, and, for each g ∈ S∞ , ι(g) acts trivially on each F ∈ FR The information which goes undetected by FR is thus complicated indeed ON THE CLASSIFICATION PROBLEM FOR NUCLEAR C ∗ -ALGEBRAS...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 06:20

17 468 0
Đề tài " The derivation problem for group algebras " pot

Đề tài " The derivation problem for group algebras " pot

... the result for linear transformations A(x) THE DERIVATION PROBLEM FOR GROUP ALGEBRAS 229 ˜ ˜ (otherwise, we pass to X = X ×C, K = K ×{1} and the usual linear extensions ˜ A(x) of A(x) ) For v ∈ ... was considered: for Ω = G a locally compact group with the action x ◦ y = x y x−1 (see the proof of THE DERIVATION PROBLEM FOR GROUP ALGEBRAS 225 Corollary 1.2), they write N for the closure ... exists a fixed point v ∈ K for the action of G Proof This follows from [La, Th p 123] “on the property (F2 )”, where the result is formulated for general locally convex spaces For completeness, we...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:21

27 372 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Purification, microsequencing and cloning of spinach ATP-dependent phosphofructokinase link sequence and function for the plant enzyme pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Purification, microsequencing and cloning of spinach ATP-dependent phosphofructokinase link sequence and function for the plant enzyme pdf

... as a regulatory metabolite in plants Annu Rev Plant Physiol Plant Mol Biol 37, 233–246 Jensen ON, Wilm M, Schevchenko A & Mann M (1998) Sample Preparation Methods for Mass Spectrometric Peptide ... cosubstrate (Fig 4) The Km was 1.7 mm for d-fructose 6-phosphate and 81 lm for ATP (supplementary Fig S1), which was significantly higher than the Km of 30 lm reported for the cytosolic isoenzyme [28] ... determined by decrease in absorbance at 340 nm For discrimination between the chloroplast and cytosolic isoforms, 25 mm NaH2PO4 was added to the assay [31,32] For measurement of PPi utilization, ATP...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 11:20

10 419 0
Đề tài " Whitney’s extension problem for Cm " pot

Đề tài " Whitney’s extension problem for Cm " pot

... summation for GL(3) By Stephen D Miller∗ and Wilfried Schmid∗* Introduction In 1903 Voronoi [42] postulated the existence of explicit formulas for sums of the form (1.1) n≥1 an f (n) , for any ... an = for n < and ν = − k−1 One can also describe τ as a limit in the distribution topology: τ (x) = limy→0+ Φ(x + iy) when Φ is a holomorphic cusp form; the analogous formula for Maass forms ... Voronoi summation formula for GL(2) has become a fundamental analytic tool for a number of deep results in analytic number theory, most notably to the sub-convexity problem for automorphic L-functions;...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

48 379 0
Đề tài "Annals of Mathematics Lehmer’s problem for polynomials with odd coefficients " pptx

Đề tài "Annals of Mathematics Lehmer’s problem for polynomials with odd coefficients " pptx

... LEHMER’S PROBLEM FOR POLYNOMIALS WITH ODD COEFFICIENTS 357 √ is simply 2n; strengthening this would provide information on the Diophantine problem of Prouhet, Tarry, and Escott (see for instance ... Likewise, for m > the optimal choice for a and b in the auxiliary polynomial (1−x)a (1+x)b is a = m2 and b = 1, but this selection achieves c ≥ log(m − 1) only for m = LEHMER’S PROBLEM FOR POLYNOMIALS ... Lehmer’s problem and the Schinzel-Zassenhaus problem for polynomials with coefficients congruent to mod m are developed further in and M J Mossinghoff, Auxiliary polynomials for some problems regarding...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

21 405 0
A BlueprinT for suCCess - A MAster PlAn for econoMic redeveloPMent pot

A BlueprinT for suCCess - A MAster PlAn for econoMic redeveloPMent pot

... the same a master plan for utilization of the eyes of a site location consultant, criteria that site consultants use former Whirlpool manufacturing recommending industry clusters and for corporate ... with reviewing alternative sites for documenting what problems exist in the for development with the primary region that are barriers for successfully focus for the analysis following the same ... the development, and design/engineering best possible opportunities for business targets a blueprint for success | A master plan for economic redevelopment Approach DISCOVERY ANALYSIS CONCLUSIONS...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 06:20

34 270 0


... general PP&E, for which the Board is concerned with providing information to assess operating performance and, therefore, provided for depreciation accounting The most relevant information is ... the accounting standards may be implemented before other provisions For example, provisions for stewardship PP&E may be implemented before provisions for general PP&E ************************************************** ... are held for their cultural, architectural, or aesthetic characteristics Users have identified nonfinancial information as being relevant for these assets For assessing operating performance,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 14:20

107 403 0
Đề tài " The subconvexity problem for Rankin-Selberg L-functions and equidistribution of Heegner points " ppt

Đề tài " The subconvexity problem for Rankin-Selberg L-functions and equidistribution of Heegner points " ppt

... conductor of the automorphic form f For rank one L-function (i.e for Dirichlet characters L-functions ) this problem was settled by Burgess [Bu] (see also [CI] for a sharp improvement of Burgess ... spectral summation formula (i.e Petersson’s formula or an appropriate extension of Kuznetsov’s formula which we borrow from [DFI8]) At this point one needs bounds for expressions of the form √ 4π mn ... subconvexity problem for the twisted L-function L(uj ⊗ χχg , s), for es = 1/2 in the q-aspect! This kind of subconvexity problem was solved by DukeFriedlander-Iwaniec [DFI1] (when the fixed form is...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:20

53 455 0
Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB): ACCOUNTING FOR PROPERTY, PLANT, AND EQUIPMENT docx

Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB): ACCOUNTING FOR PROPERTY, PLANT, AND EQUIPMENT docx

... general PP&E, for which the Board is concerned with providing information to assess operating performance and, therefore, provided for depreciation accounting The most relevant information is ... the accounting standards may be implemented before other provisions For example, provisions for stewardship PP&E may be implemented before provisions for general PP&E ************************************************** ... are held for their cultural, architectural, or aesthetic characteristics Users have identified nonfinancial information as being relevant for these assets For assessing operating performance,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20

107 375 0
handbook for process plant project engineers

handbook for process plant project engineers

... addition to plant performance specifications, flowsheets, and P&I diagrams, for designing a plant • • • • • • • Data sheets for each item of equipment (including instruments), detailing the performance ... • Handbook for Process Plant Project Engineers the performance of the plant (what must the plant produce, and from what input resources, when, and how?); the processes by which the plant will ... A Process Plant 11 First Cycle A Process Plant and a Project This page intentionally left blank A Process Plant 13 Chapter A Process Plant 2.1 Basic process design elements A process plant is...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 10:14

344 1.9K 0
piping engineering leadership for process plant projects

piping engineering leadership for process plant projects

... be a deliverable for use ]4 9 9 9 9 9 Piping Engineering Leadership for Process Plant Projects by a vendor or a subcontractor The information may also be formatted in a less formal manner and ... This group is typically responsible for the overall plant layout There may be some types of plants where another engineering entity may take the lead for the plant layout Readers will need to recognize ... Engineering Leadership for Process Plant Projects management (EPCM) design-build business choose to execute projects in the project task force format Small companies and a large company performing a very...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 16:20

272 848 0
báo cáo hóa học: " On the solvability conditions of the first boundary value problem for a system of elliptic equations that strongly degenerate at a point" pdf

báo cáo hóa học: " On the solvability conditions of the first boundary value problem for a system of elliptic equations that strongly degenerate at a point" pdf

... validity of (15) is proved for s = Rutkauskas Boundary Value Problems 2011, 2011:16 Page of 11 Let (15) be valid for s = k -1 under the condition ... first boundary value problem for the class of elliptic systems degenerating at an inner point Math Model Anal 6(1), 147–155 (2001) Rutkauskas, S: On the Dirichlet problem for a system of degenerate ... Therefore, system (6) and Dirichlet condition (7) can be split into p + separate systems vi − q(r)Lmi (λi )vi = 0, Rutkauskas Boundary Value Problems 2011, 2011:16

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 00:20

11 399 0
báo cáo hóa học: " On the regularity of the solution for the second initial boundary value problem for hyperbolic systems in domains with conical points" pptx

báo cáo hóa học: " On the regularity of the solution for the second initial boundary value problem for hyperbolic systems in domains with conical points" pptx

... (2:5) holds for all u, v ∈ C∞ ( ) and for all t Î [0, ∞) The order of the operator Nj is 2m j for j = 1, 2, , m Hung et al Boundary Value Problems 2011, 2011:17 ... β(t)u(t) dt for all a ≤ τ ≤ b Hung et al Boundary Value Problems 2011, 2011:17 Page of 18 Then τ u(τ ) ≤ α(τ ) exp β(t) dt for all a ≤ ... t) − utt (·, t), η) (4:20) for all h Î Hm(Ω) and a.e t Î (0, ∞) Since f (·, t) - utt(·, t) Î L2(Ω) for a.e t Î (0, ∞), according to results for elliptic boundary value problem in domains with smooth...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 00:20

18 516 0
báo cáo hóa học: " An initial-boundary value problem for the one-dimensional non-classical heat equation in a slab" potx

báo cáo hóa học: " An initial-boundary value problem for the one-dimensional non-classical heat equation in a slab" potx

... continuous in the domain ℝ × ℝ+; (HC2) For each M >0 and for |V| ≤ M, the function F is uniformly Hölder continuous in variable t for each compact subset of R+; (HC3) For each bounded set B of ℝ × ℝ ... can obtain a new expression for K(t) given by K(t) = θ (0, t) − θ (1, t) , t > (2:10) Then, problem (2.2), (2.5) to (2.7) provides an integral formulation for the problem (1.1) to (1.4) Theorem ... the heat flux at x = The problem (P6) can be considered a non-classical moving boundary problem for the heat equation as a generalization of the moving boundary problem for the classical heat equation...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 02:20

17 520 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Positive solutions of the three-point boundary value problem for fractional-order differential equations with an advanced argument" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Positive solutions of the three-point boundary value problem for fractional-order differential equations with an advanced argument" ppt

... value problem for a second order ordinary differential equation J Math Anal Appl 1992, 168:540-551 Jankowski T: Positive solutions for three-point one-dimensional p-Laplacian boundary value problems ... solutions for a three-point boundary value problem Math Comput Model 1998, 27(6):49-57 Gupta CP, Trofimchuk SI: A sharper condition for the solvability of a three-point second order boundary value problem ... solutions for Dirichlet problems of singular nonlinear fractional differential equations J Math Anal Appl 2010, 371:57-68 Wang G, Ahmad B, Zhang L: Impulsive anti-periodic boundary value problem for...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20

11 343 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Existence of Positive Solutions to a Boundary Value Problem for a Delayed Nonlinear Fractional Differential System " ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Existence of Positive Solutions to a Boundary Value Problem for a Delayed Nonlinear Fractional Differential System " ppt

... such that either i Tu ≤ u for u ∈ P ∂Ω1 and Tu ≥ u for u ∈ P ∂Ω2 ii Tu ≥ u for u ∈ P ∂Ω1 and Tu ≤ u for u ∈ P ∂Ω2 or Then T has a fixed point in Ω2 \ Ω1 Boundary Value Problems Existence of Positive ... 2 Boundary Value Problems study on systems of fractional differential equations, not much has been done for boundary value problems for systems of fractional differential equations ... s > for < t ≤ s < We only need to show that Gi t, s > for < s ≤ t < For < s ≤ t ≤ 1, let gi t, s hi t, s tαi −1 − s 1−s αi −ni αi −ni − t−s − 1− s t αi −1 αi −1 , 3.11 3.12 Boundary Value Problems...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

17 361 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Nonlocal Cauchy Problem for Nonautonomous Fractional Evolution Equations Fei Xiao" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Nonlocal Cauchy Problem for Nonautonomous Fractional Evolution Equations Fei Xiao" potx

... max{α A , α B } αA B ≤α A αA x0 α B , where A {x B y : x ∈ A, y ∈ B} α A , for any x0 ∈ X For H ⊂ C I, X we define t t H s ds for t ∈ I, where H s u s ds : u ∈ H , {u s ∈ X : u ∈ H} The following lemma ... needed For the proofs refer to Lemma 2.9 see The operator-valued functions ψ t − η, η and A t ψ t − η, η are continuous in uniform topology in the variables t, η, where ≤ η ≤ t − ε, ≤ t ≤ T, for ... B1 For any u1 , u2 ∈ X, tn , ω z where μ t ψ t − s, s f s, K1 u1 s , K2 u1 s ≤ Csn t−s n q−1 ξ − ψ t − s, s f s, K1 u2 s , K2 u2 s K u1 s ξ − K u2 s ξ ξ K u1 s ξ − K u2 s ξ 4.8 Therefore, for...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

17 385 0