... in 2007. The rise of the mobile software platform means that people are using software everywhere they go. With the release of iOS 6, and the latest incarnation of the iOS software development ... at the time of writing, Apple’s least expensive iMac supports 1920 ì 1080 pixels, and its least expensive notebook computer, the 11-inch MacBook Air, supports 1 366 ì 768 pixels. On the other ... BIDViewController.xib in the project navigator. This opened the file in Interface Builder. Note the graph paper background in the editor pane. The gray vertical bar to the left of the graph paper is called the dock Interface...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:20
... explore the logical next steps for you to take on your journey to master the iOS SDK. What’s New in This Update? Since the first edition of this book hit the bookstores, the growth of the iOS development ... iPod touch Beginning iPhone 4 Development Exploring the iOS SDK Dave Mark | Jack Nutting | Jeff LaMarche Covers iPad and iPod touch Mark Nutting LaMarche iPhone 4 Development Beginning Companion ... your iOS SDK installed, turn the page. If not, get to it! Got it? Good. Then let’s go! CHAPTER 3: Handling Basic Interaction 47 Using the Application Delegate The other two files in the...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 07:20
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... and vision to code Beginning iOS 7 Development Exploring the iOS SDK T he team that brought you the bestselling Beginning iPhone Development is back again for Beginning iOS 7 Development, bringing ... iPod touch programming. The book starts with the basics, walking through the process of downloading and installing Xcode and the iOS 7 SDK, and then guides you though the creation of your first ... ES ã What geo app development features the new iOS brings to the iPhone ã How to get your app to work with the Cloud and more 9781430 260 2 26 54999 ISBN 978-1-4302 -60 22 -6 95CHAPTER 4: More...
Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 15:01
Apress beginning iOS 5 development, exploring the iOS SDK (2011)
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Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21
Tài liệu More iOS 6 Development: Further Explorations of the iOS SDK doc
... rectangle in the graph view. Try it. Click outside the entity in the Detail editor grid to deselect it, and then click the Event line in the Top-Level Components pane. The entity in the graph view ... will lead you to the SDK download page. The three choices are free, commercial, and enterprise. All three options give you access to the iOS SDK and Xcode, Apple’s integrated development environment ... relationship, the first part of the keypath would return a managed object instance that represented the Employee’s employer. The second part of the keypath would then be used to retrieve the name from the...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 02:20
More iOS 6 Development: Further Explorations of the iOS SDK docx
... app. The major differences lie in the entity at the heart of the application and in the addition of a tab bar at the bottom of the screen. Let’s get to work. www.it-ebooks.info 87 Chapter 4 The ... select User Interface from under the iOS heading in the left pane, then select Storyboard from the right pane, and click the Next button. Choose iPhone as the device on the next assistant screen, ... HeroListController.m in the Navigator pane. In the Editor pane, find the method - (void)viewDidLoad At the bottom of the method, you should see the following lines: // Uncomment the following line...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 17:20
Apress beginning iOS 5 games development, using the iOS 5 SDK for ipad iphone and ipod touch (2011)
... Game State 62 Summary 64 ■ Chapter 4: Quickly Build an Input-Driven Game 65 Exploring How to Get Content on the Screen 66 Understanding UIView 66 Core Graphics Type Definitions 68 Using ... managing the game and introduce the concepts of actors and behaviors. Figure 6 shows an example of an actor. Figure 6. A Sample actor: The power-up In Figure 6, we see the images that make up the ... of views and the navigation between them. We look at the specifics of extending GameController to define the logic that governs how the game is played and the interactions between the actors....
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 10:13
Beginning IOS 6 development
... in 2007. The rise of the mobile software platform means that people are using software everywhere they go. With the release of iOS 6, and the latest incarnation of the iOS software development ... own. The @2x in the name of the larger file is a special naming convention that identifies the file as the Retina version of the same file with the same name minus the @2x. www.it-ebooks.info ... BIDViewController.xib in the project navigator. This opened the file in Interface Builder. Note the graph paper background in the editor pane. The gray vertical bar to the left of the graph paper is called the dock Interface...
Ngày tải lên: 07/01/2014, 20:06
Apress beginning iOS 6 games development (2012)
... about the game. If the user plays the game, they are directed to the Play view, where the main action of this application takes place. When they are done with a game, the user is shown the High ... just to the right of the Project Explorer, is a view with four icons (A). These icons represent the root items in the XIB file. For more detail about the objects, click the little arrow at the bottom ... correct, the size of the Landscape and Portrait UIView objects is set in the properties panel to the right (C). In the center of the screen, you can see the Landscape UIView displayed over the Portrait...
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 10:12
Build An Iphone App in 5 Days with iOS 6 SDK potx
... to grab the title Birthday Reminder for Facebook when I built the first iteration of this app. Facebook users are a big market on the App Store. They will help promote the app each time they use ... They had the idea first and launched ahead of the competition. The last point in this list is often one of the most likely scenarios. A great number of those app makers who got into the ... to make changes (see Figure 1-6a). Do you see the note-taking icon under the birthday image on the screens shown in Figure 1-5? When the user taps on the pencil, the birthday detail view controller...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 03:20
Beginning iOS Game Development pptx
... According to the National Gamers Survey in March 2011, there were more than 60 million iOS gamers in the US and Europe. As you can see, there is a huge fi nancial incentive to write games for the iOS ... ( http://www.distimo.com/ blog/2011_05_distimo-and-newzoo%C2%A0partner-on-games-data-over-5-million -ios- games-downloaded-per-day-by -63 -million -ios- gamers-in-us-eu/ ), games are the largest cat- egory of applications on the app store. A full half of all downloads of free and ... INTRODUCTION IOS DEVICES PROVIDE DEVELOPERS with a unique and exciting platform for making games. The iPhone gives gamers a tiny computer in their pocket that they have with them all the time. The iPad...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:21
Learning the iOS 4 SDK for JavaScript Programmers pdf
... lets you download the full SDK from the opening page of the iOS section of the Apple Developer website. Be sure to confirm you have the minimum Mac OS X version required for the current SDK you’re ... free version of the iOS Developer program allows you to use the SDK to run native apps you create only on the iOS Simulator program (one of the SDK tools), which runs only on the Mac. To upload ... clicking the Home button at the bottom center), you will see an icon for the app on the iPhone home screen. The icon is one of the image files that came with the collection of files for the project. Coming...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 06:20