basics of image processing using matlab pdf

Tài liệu Image Processing Using MATLAB doc

Tài liệu Image Processing Using MATLAB doc

... with Images in MATLAB Image Types: Binary Images • In a binary image, each pixel assumes one of only two discrete values: 0 (off) and 1 (on). >> imshow(bwImg) Image Processing Using MATLAB Copyrighted ... Bhd. Working with Images in MATLAB Image Types: Index Images • An indexed image consists of a data matrix, X, and a colormap matrix, map. >> imshow(indexImg, map) Image Processing Using MATLAB Copyrighted ... with Images in MATLAB Image Types: MATLAB Data Types Used • A wide array of different data types exist in MATLAB, but only a subset of the data types are used to represent images in MATLAB. Image...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 03:16

46 493 3
digital image processing using matlab

digital image processing using matlab

... Edit. The MATLAB Working Environment In this section we give a brief overview of some important operational aspects of using MATLAB. 1.7.1 The MATLAB Desktop The MATLAB desktop is the main MATLAB ... broad base of the- oretical concepts with the knowledge required to implement those concepts using state -of- the-art image processing software tools.The theoretical underpin- nings of the material ... Digital Image Processing, by Gonzalez and Woods, published by Prentice Hall. The software code and supporting tools are based on the lead- ing software package in the field: The MATLAB Image Processing...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 10:26

344 992 3
digital image processing using matlab

digital image processing using matlab

... the range of the output image data: 'original' — Range is limited to the range of the original image, [ min(f(:)) max(f(:))]. 'full' — Full range of the output image class ... 0.75]. (d) Result of enhancing the image with gamma = 2. (e) and (f) Results of using func- tion stretchlim as an automatic input into function imadjust. (Original image courtesy of G. E. Medical ... opportunity to explain some of the plotting options in MATLAB that are representative of those used in image processing applications. Histograms can be plotted also using bar graphs. For this...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 10:26

43 772 0
Image processing using  matlab

Image processing using matlab

... trận APPLICATION OF IMAGE PROCESSING C C Á Á C L C L Ĩ Ĩ NH V NH V Ự Ự LIÊN QUAN LIÊN QUAN APPLICATION OF IMAGE PROCESSING APPLICATION OF IMAGE PROCESSING APPLICATION OF IMAGE PROCESSING Indexed Images  An ... matrix rgb2ind rgb2gray mat2gray ind2gray gray2ind ind2rgb bw2ind im2bw im2bw im2bw Basics about image processing in matlab APPLICATION OF IMAGE PROCESSING APPLICATION OF IMAGE PROCESSING Traffic Monitoring Ứng dụng trong giao ... etc.

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 10:34

67 425 0
image processing using matlab

image processing using matlab

... g(i,j,1)=1; g(i,j,2)=0; g(i,j,3)=rand(1); else g(i,j,1)=0; g(i,j,2)=0; g(i,j,3)=1; end end end image( g)

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 10:34

129 492 1
Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB pdf

Tài liệu Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB pdf

... technology students and professionals who want to use MATLAB to explore the characteristics of semiconductor devices and the application of MATLAB for analysis and design of electrical and electronic ... 2, and 3. The hands-on approach is one of the best ways of learning MATLAB. Part II consists of Chapters 4 to 8. This part covers the applications of MATLAB in circuit analysis. The topics ... entered, MATLAB processes the commands immediately and displays the results. MATLAB is also capable of processing a sequence of commands that are stored in files with extension m. MATLAB files...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 12:20

400 2K 2
Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB for Students and Researchers ppt

Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB for Students and Researchers ppt

... perceptual quality of such images depends on the display media and the relative size of the image, but it is quite clear that the 2 - bit image is unacceptable in terms of quality. We can repeat ... ′ MyImage.bmp ′ ; [ImageMat cmap] = imread (FileName); if ( ˜ isempty (cmap) ) disp ( ′ This image has a colormap ′ ); end [ImageHeight ImageWidth NumColorPlanes] = size (ImageMat); ... of matrix A A − 1 Inverse of matrix A A + Pseudoinverse of matrix A p * Complex conjugate of p R xy Correlation matrix of x and y E { · } Expectation operator, average of...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 10:20

386 1.5K 8
Digital Image Processing Part II pdf

Digital Image Processing Part II pdf

... Digital Image Processing – Part II 54 Morphological Image Processing (a) (c) (d) (b) Digital Image Processing – Part II 87 Image Segmentation (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) Digital Image Processing ... compartments (a) (b) Digital Image Processing – Part II 13 Colour Image Processing (b) Figure 5 Illustration of intensity slicing and colour assignment. Digital Image Processing – Part II 10 Colour Image ... (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) (c) Digital Image Processing – Part II 59 Morphological Image Processing Figure 43 Example of morphological reconstruction.(a) A binary image of the blobs as the mask image; (b) A vertical...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:20

91 1K 3
hany farid  -  fundamentals of image processing

hany farid - fundamentals of image processing

... nullspace of A contains the zero vector ( u v w ) t = ( 0 0 0 ) t . Notice also that the third column of A is the sum of the first two columns, therefore the nullspace of A also contains all vectors of the ... there is a non-trivial combination of the 11 In all of these examples the appearance of an image was altered by simply manipulating the LUT, the mapping from image intensity value to display brightness ... of the central ideas in linear algebra (more on this later). 4 That is, the i, j component of the product C is computed from an inner product of the i th row of matrix A and the j th column of...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:40

72 308 0
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