... Are the sneakers comfortable? B: Well, I think they’re a little small for me. A: Too small? Let me find a bigger pair. Page 11 of © Oxford University Press Basic Tactics for Listening, 2nd ed. 4. A: ... she? A: She’s 60. B: She looks young for 60. 6. A: This is my father with my uncle and aunt and two cousins. Page 33 of © Oxford University Press Basic Tactics for Listening, 2nd ed. A: It’s not really ... he’s got reddish-blond hair. A: Okay. Thanks. 2. A: I’m looking for Janet. Page 9 of © Oxford University Press Basic Tactics for Listening, 2nd ed. B: Oh, she’s wearing a long dress. And she’s...
Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2013, 11:54
Ngày tải lên: 03/03/2014, 16:44
expanding tactics for listening giáo trình luyện nghe tiếng anh nâng cao
Ngày tải lên: 03/03/2014, 16:12
Luyện nghe - Dễ [Tactics for Listening (full) docx
... được hết câu chuyện. Luyện nghe: Tactics for Listening (trọn bộ 3 tập) FULL: ** *Basic Tactics for Listening: Student Book with Audio CD (Tactics for Listening) *** DOWNLOAD: Student's ... (its in the pack). 2.Now you can lunch "ArianaTactics.iso" Install it. 3.Use *** to patch it. (after patching " ;Tactics for listening& quot; shortcut will appears on your desktop). ... http://rapidshare.com/files/151691162/class_cd_-_02.zip http://rapidshare.com/files/151699749/class_cd_-_03.zip ***Developing Tactics for Listening, Student's Book w. Audio-CD 2nd edition American Accent [AUDIO BOOK]*** ...
Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 12:21
Basic Accounting Supplement for Using Simply Accounting Version 8.0 for Windows pdf
... Accounting Transactions 13 Basic Accounting Supplement for Using Simply Accounting Version 8.0 for Windows by M. Purbhoo and D. Purbhoo Basic Accounting Supplement for Using Simply Accounting ... deal, because of this potential for bias. Basic Accounting Supplement for Using Simply Accounting Version 8 Page 3 of 13 Purbhoo & Purbhoo ACCOUNTING THEORY Basic Accounting Accounting is ... such as annual statements to shareholders, income statements for income tax purposes and for normal business decisions, etc. This need for reporting changes regularly creates the need to measure...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:21
... vascular dilatation. PREFACE I am grateful to the publishers for the invitation to produce a second edition of Applied Basic Science for Basic Surgical Training. Despite the considerable changes ... should provide a rapid revision for basic science for the intercollegiate speciality exams and may even stimulate the motivated undergraduate student who thirsts for more knowledge. I just hope ... progressively transformed into plasma cells, which are cells specially adapted for the production of antibodies. The other main type of lymphocyte, the T-lymphocyte, is responsible for cell-mediated...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:21
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