... listening skills and tests their understanding of numbers, which is often an important part of language teaching materials. III. Story Time 1. Participants pick and listen to a tape randomly ... individual language skills and easily applied in the classroom. One feature of these games is that students with lower language ability in a team can still contribute if they are good at skills ... tasks. And finally, the competition stimulated their interest in foreign culture. As Uberman (1998, 87) writes, "Games encourage, entertain, teach, and promote fluency and communicative skills. ...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 15:48
Person to person : Communicative speaking and listening skills.Starter book - Third Edition/Jack C. Richards
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 15:52
(1) how learners approach learning, both in and out of classrooms, and (2) the kinds of strategies and cognitive processing they use in second language acquisition
... foreign and second language. Good choice and use of learning strategies would help learners become more independent and autonomous as well as improve learners’ language competence and communicative ... second language . Therefore, the language learner capable of using a wide variety of language learning strategies appropriately can improve his language skills in a better way. Metacognitive ... the focus on language skills In fact, the focus of research on learning strategies might be on all four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) or on one or more language modalities...
Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 00:23
IELTS preparation and practice academic reading and writing academic module
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 08:55
Developing Writing Skills in a Foreign Language via the Internet.doc
... 1995). Theoretically and pedagogically, it appears that the marriage between collaborative writing and electronic technology is an ideal means to help writers develop the much-needed skills to succeed at academic ... both Hong Kong and Toronto, and would finally end with the complete details of humidity readings. Although writing in a foreign language can be a daunting experience for second language students, ... as a Foreign Language (EFL) as they must overcome the personal challenges associated with academic writing (generating ideas, organization, and mechanics) in order to develop the skills requisite...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 05:10
Communication Skills and Public Speaking Workshop ( Kỹ năng giao tiếp và hội thảo nói trước công chúng)
... never-to-be-read hand-out which you project on the screen. Handling the Media and Media Training Acquire the insights and strategies necessary to manage your image and enhance your reputation and that ... MA in Theatre and Speech, University of South Carolina, USA. • CNN Anchor and Reporter. • Communication and Media Training Consultant and Coach. • Actress and Director of lms and theatre worldwide. • ... with all the necessary skills and methods to always succeed in delivering compelling presentations. You will learn first-hand, under the camera and by watching yourself and your instructors act....
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 13:03
... ISECOM, 2004. 2 LESSON 2 – BASIC COMMANDS IN LINUX AND WINDOWS 2.1. Introduction and Objectives This lesson introduces commands and basic tools for both Windows and Linux operating systems so ... ISECOM 4 LESSON 2 – BASIC COMMANDS IN LINUX AND WINDOWS command “command /h”. As another example, in Linux: “cp” is just like the Windows command, “copy”. command help command / h cp copy del mv more print deltree ls cd md rd route tracert Ping ipconfig 14 ... 9 LESSON 2 – BASIC COMMANDS IN LINUX AND WINDOWS For additional information on these commands and tools type "command /h" or "command /?‚" or "help command" from...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 20:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: parDtoxin–antitoxin system of plasmid R1 – basic contributions, biotechnological applications and relationships with closely-related toxin–antitoxin systems ppt
... dominated by eight b-strands and a twelve residue C-terminal a-helix. The b-strands are arranged as a sheet formed by a five-stranded twisted antiparal- lel sheet plus a small three-stranded antiparallel ... these two chromosomal systems and pem ⁄ parD and, together with structural information on free or bound toxin and antitoxin pro- teins obtained by X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy (see ... team discovered and characterized a plasmid region, the so-called basic replicon’, which includes the copy num- ber control genes, copA and copB, the gene of the repli- cation initiation protein, repA, and...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 04:20
Tài liệu Debating High Skills and Joined-Up Policy ppt
... intermediate and low skills bands and certain economic sectors dependent on these skills bands. This correspondence arises because certain product markets lend themselves to particular skills inputs ... typologies DEBATING HIGH SKILLS AND JOINED-UP POLICY 12 High -skills society Key characteristics Developmental high -skills society Bipolar high- skills/ low -skills society Hybrid and differentiated ... of labour and which extend beyond technical skills to interpersonal skills. Given this general thesis, what I want to focus on here is the tension between embedded and dis-embedded skills. The reason...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu Aesthetic, Ethical, and Cognitive Value ppt
... defects/merits. Moderate Autonomism, the position outlined by Anderson and Dean, holds that they never are. In their outline and defence of MA, Anderson and Dean hold that: the moral content of a work can ... that art qua art can possess cognitive value qua cognitive seems counter-intuitive, and to be connected to an implausibly restrictive notion of artistic (and indeed cognitive) value. Instead, like ... prominent ‘anti-cognitivists’, Lamarque and Olsen, who, limiting their account to literature, and restricting the notions of truth and knowledge to propositional truth and knowledge, then deny that they...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:20
Tài liệu Media presentation mode, English listening comprehension and cognitive load in ubiquitous learning environments: Modality effect or redundancy effect? ppt
... Lei and Tseng 637 groups was that participants in the single mode group learned with sound only and the double mode group learned with sound and text. Cognitive load and listening in foreign language ... uncertain, and whether unnecessary information led to cognitive overload for learners also remains inconclusive. According to the studies done by Jones and Plass (2002) and Diao, Chandler and Sweller ... with double mode (sound and text) outperformed students learning with single mode (sound) and had lower cognitive load. Studies related to foreign language learning and cognitive load are mostly...
Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20
Subjective memory complaints and cognitive performance in a sample of healthy elderly pot
... 2008;2(1):42-45 Memory loss is one of the most common complaints arising in consultations with elderly people, being reported by 25% to 50% of these individuals. 1 However, whether these subjective memory complaints (SMC) are related to objective memory deficits or to subsequent development of dementia, remains a matter of debate. A recent review found that SMCs are not consistently associated with current cognitive impairment, but rather are associated with a greater risk of future cognitive de- cline. 2 Indeed, the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which entails an increased likelihood of conversion to dementia, demands the existence of SMCs, preferably confirmed by an informant. 3 High age, female gender and low educational level are generally associated with a higher prevalence of memory complaints. 1 In an autopsy study, SMCs were found to be related to the presence of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathol- ogy in elderly with and without dementia, suggesting that memory complaints in older persons may be a sign of self awareness of a degenerative process. 4 However, SMCs might also be related to depression and some personality traits, such as neuroticism. 2 It is also pos- sible that these complaints vary according to the culture of the people studied. In a recent Brazilian study, Minett et al. found that subjects with and without SMCs performed similarly in a series of cognitive tests, although the former had higher scores on the Geriatric Depression Scale. 5 The present study aimed to further investigate this topic in a group of cognitively healthy Brazilian elderly subjects which were divided into two subgroups according to the presence of SMCs and submitted to brief cognitive tests. Methods Sixty cognitively intact elderly individuals (39 females and 21 males), aged 69.9±6.3 years (ranging from 60 to 91 years), and with mean educational level of 8.5±5.5 years (ranging from 1 to 20 years), were included in the study. These individuals were family caregivers of demented pa- tients followed at the Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology Unit of the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, in Belo Horizonte (MG), Brazil, and also volunteers recruited from the community. Inclusion criteria were absence of neurological or psy- chiatric diseases according to a clinical interview, absence of depression (see below), and no use of benzodiazepines, antidepressants or neuroleptics. All participants were submitted to the Mini-Mental State-Examination (MMSE) 6,7 and to the Cornell scale of depression. 8,9 Performance on the MMSE was adjusted for educational level and had to be greater than or equal to 21 for 1-3 years of schooling, greater than or equal to 24 for 4-7 years and greater than or equal to 26 for individuals with 8 or more years of schooling. 10 Scores on the Cornell scale of depression had to be less than or equal to 7 points in order to rule out depression. 8 Cognitive evaluation was carried out with the follow- ing tests: the Brief Cognitive Screening Battery (BCSB) 11,12 , digit span forward and backward and the Frontal Assess- ment Battery (FAB). 13,14 The BCSB includes a memory test of 10 simple figures and yields different scores, namely: incidental and immediate memory, learning, delayed recall and recognition. 15,16 The battery also includes a category fluency test (animals per minute) and clock drawing and has proven very sensitive in the diagnosis of mild AD. 12 The FAB is a brief diagnostic instrument for the assessment of executive functions in patients with suspected frontal lobe syndrome. 13 All individuals were given a structured self-report memory questionnaire, the MAC-Q. 17 This questionnaire was devised to assess age-related memory decline. It is composed by six questions related to memory function- ing in everyday situations (e.g., to remember a telephone number that he/she uses at least once a week) in which the subject is asked to compare and rate his/her current ability to when he/she was 40 years’ old. The total score on the MAC-Q ranges from 7 to 35, where greater scores in- dicate subjective memory loss. Scores greater than or equal to 25 have been found to be suggestive of age-associated memory impairment. Accordingly, in the present study, the individuals were divided into two groups: absence of SMCs (MAC-Q scores <25) and presence of SMCs (MAC- Q scores ≥25). The performance of the two groups on the different cognitive tests was compared. One of the authors administered the MMSE, the Cor- nell scale and the MAC-Q. Subsequently, the other inves- tigator, blinded to the subjects’ results for these three mea- sures, administered the cognitive evaluation. Descriptive analysis of the data and statistical compari- sons between the performances of the two groups on the different cognitive tests were carried out with MedCalc software. Student’s t-test was used for comparison of age, educational level and MMSE scores, as well as for the results of the other cognitive tests (digit span, BCSB and FAB). Chi-square was employed for comparing gender distribu- tion of the two groups. Level of significance was set at 0.05. The study was approved by the Research Ethics ... 2008;2(1):42-45 Memory loss is one of the most common complaints arising in consultations with elderly people, being reported by 25% to 50% of these individuals. 1 However, whether these subjective memory complaints (SMC) are related to objective memory deficits or to subsequent development of dementia, remains a matter of debate. A recent review found that SMCs are not consistently associated with current cognitive impairment, but rather are associated with a greater risk of future cognitive de- cline. 2 Indeed, the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which entails an increased likelihood of conversion to dementia, demands the existence of SMCs, preferably confirmed by an informant. 3 High age, female gender and low educational level are generally associated with a higher prevalence of memory complaints. 1 In an autopsy study, SMCs were found to be related to the presence of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathol- ogy in elderly with and without dementia, suggesting that memory complaints in older persons may be a sign of self awareness of a degenerative process. 4 However, SMCs might also be related to depression and some personality traits, such as neuroticism. 2 It is also pos- sible that these complaints vary according to the culture of the people studied. In a recent Brazilian study, Minett et al. found that subjects with and without SMCs performed similarly in a series of cognitive tests, although the former had higher scores on the Geriatric Depression Scale. 5 The present study aimed to further investigate this topic in a group of cognitively healthy Brazilian elderly subjects which were divided into two subgroups according to the presence of SMCs and submitted to brief cognitive tests. Methods Sixty cognitively intact elderly individuals (39 females and 21 males), aged 69.9±6.3 years (ranging from 60 to 91 years), and with mean educational level of 8.5±5.5 years (ranging from 1 to 20 years), were included in the study. These individuals were family caregivers of demented pa- tients followed at the Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology Unit of the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, in Belo Horizonte (MG), Brazil, and also volunteers recruited from the community. Inclusion criteria were absence of neurological or psy- chiatric diseases according to a clinical interview, absence of depression (see below), and no use of benzodiazepines, antidepressants or neuroleptics. All participants were submitted to the Mini-Mental State-Examination (MMSE) 6,7 and to the Cornell scale of depression. 8,9 Performance on the MMSE was adjusted for educational level and had to be greater than or equal to 21 for 1-3 years of schooling, greater than or equal to 24 for 4-7 years and greater than or equal to 26 for individuals with 8 or more years of schooling. 10 Scores on the Cornell scale of depression had to be less than or equal to 7 points in order to rule out depression. 8 Cognitive evaluation was carried out with the follow- ing tests: the Brief Cognitive Screening Battery (BCSB) 11,12 , digit span forward and backward and the Frontal Assess- ment Battery (FAB). 13,14 The BCSB includes a memory test of 10 simple figures and yields different scores, namely: incidental and immediate memory, learning, delayed recall and recognition. 15,16 The battery also includes a category fluency test (animals per minute) and clock drawing and has proven very sensitive in the diagnosis of mild AD. 12 The FAB is a brief diagnostic instrument for the assessment of executive functions in patients with suspected frontal lobe syndrome. 13 All individuals were given a structured self-report memory questionnaire, the MAC-Q. 17 This questionnaire was devised to assess age-related memory decline. It is composed by six questions related to memory function- ing in everyday situations (e.g., to remember a telephone number that he/she uses at least once a week) in which the subject is asked to compare and rate his/her current ability to when he/she was 40 years’ old. The total score on the MAC-Q ranges from 7 to 35, where greater scores in- dicate subjective memory loss. Scores greater than or equal to 25 have been found to be suggestive of age-associated memory impairment. Accordingly, in the present study, the individuals were divided into two groups: absence of SMCs (MAC-Q scores <25) and presence of SMCs (MAC- Q scores ≥25). The performance of the two groups on the different cognitive tests was compared. One of the authors administered the MMSE, the Cor- nell scale and the MAC-Q. Subsequently, the other inves- tigator, blinded to the subjects’ results for these three mea- sures, administered the cognitive evaluation. Descriptive analysis of the data and statistical compari- sons between the performances of the two groups on the different cognitive tests were carried out with MedCalc software. Student’s t-test was used for comparison of age, educational level and MMSE scores, as well as for the results of the other cognitive tests (digit span, BCSB and FAB). Chi-square was employed for comparing gender distribu- tion of the two groups. Level of significance was set at 0.05. The study was approved by the Research Ethics ... Neuropsychologia 2008;2(1):42-45 42 Memory complaints and cognitive performance of healthy elderly Caramelli P, Beato RG Subjective memory complaints and cognitive performance in a sample of healthy...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20
ORAL BIOAVAILABILITY Basic Principles, Advanced Concepts, and Applications potx
... Hu Dedicated to my grandmother Yunzhi Su, my parents Bailing Li and Jie Hu, my wife Xinghang, and my children Richard and Louis for their unconditional love, encouragement, and understanding. —Xiaoling ... T T 0 (3.4) In real solutions, the size and shape of the solvents and solutes are always different and self-association and coassociation among the solvents and solutes always exist. In this case, ... al., 2007; Bighley et al., 1995), particle size (Wu and Nancollas, 1998), solvates, impuri- ties, and polymorphs (Kato and Kohketsu, 1981; Pandit et al., 1984; Kobayashi et al., 2000). The solid-state...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 22:21
Basic Allied Health Statistics and Analysis 2nd edition pdf
... significant events and dates in human life. Births, deaths, marriages, and divorces are recorded and certifi- cates issued. Morbidity data is discussed in Chapter 9. Mortality rates and their com- putation ... providing care to the person being cared for. For example, a 28 Basic Allied Health Statistics and Analysis 26 Basic Allied Health Statistics and Analysis I. HEALTH CARE OVERVIEW As mentioned, health ... The kind and extent of data collected and the uses made of the data vary from one health care institution to another. Data compiled and compared must be based on uniform collection and reporting. 4....
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 07:20
INFLUENCING: Skills and Techniques for Business Success potx
... include: ᭤ The language or languages all the participants speak and their level of fluency in the language you will be using while doing business ᭤ Their role in the organisation and their level ... demands much quicker response rates and immediacy. Our skill and approach to influencing have clearly been affected by this. ᭤ Immediacy – the ability to focus on the people and issue at hand. Challenging ... important skills, competences and attitudes that play a significant part in successful influ- encing and persuading. These skills have been identified through obser- vation of others, desk research and...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 19:20