basic english grammar test for interview

Designing & evaluating an English reading test for the non-majors of Civil Engineering at Haiphong private university

Designing & evaluating an English reading test for the non-majors of Civil Engineering at Haiphong private university

... the test may be valid for some purposes, but not for others. For example, if the purpose of a test is to test ability to communicate in a foreign language, then it is valid if it actually tests ... If the test is full of questions of grammar, then the test cannot be considered valid. Moreover, if a test is to test reading ability, but it also tests writing, for example, then the test fails ... and test purpose.” (Mc Namara, 2000: 5). For example, in terms of method, there are paper-and-pencil language tests, performance tests, ect. And in terms of purpose, there are achievement tests,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:12

51 1,2K 7
Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of an English Achievement Test for Third-year Non- major students at the University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh National University and some suggestions for chan

Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of an English Achievement Test for Third-year Non- major students at the University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh National University and some suggestions for chan

... vocabulary Basic English for Computing 5 27 Reading and grammar and vocabulary Basic English for Computing 6 27 Reading and grammar and vocabulary Basic English for Computing The two course books used in ... Reading and grammar Lifelines Elementary 2 33 Reading and grammar Lifelines Elementary 3 33 Reading and grammar Lifeline Pre-Intermidiate 4 39 Reading and grammar and vocabulary Basic English for Computing 5 ... the students with the basic English grammar and general background of computing English necessary for their future career. OBJECTIVES Semester 1+2+3 - To revise students’ grammar knowledge and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:05

38 1,9K 15
Basic English Grammar, Book 1

Basic English Grammar, Book 1

... locate and prescribe instant reinforcement or intervention. BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR Book 1 Book 1 Book 1 Book 1 Book 1 39 ... step-by-step approach to English grammar basics. This is the ideal supplement to your language arts program whether your students are native English speakers or beginning English language learners. Skill-specific ... concepts of grammar • Nearly 70 practice exercises are included for ready reinforcement • A wealth of examples are provided on every topic • Concise explanations are bolstered by extra grammar tips...

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2013, 15:07

159 4,3K 58
Basic english grammar book 2

Basic english grammar book 2

... locate and prescribe instant reinforcement or intervention. BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR Book 2 Book 2 Book 2 Book 2 Book 2 44 ... clear understanding of English grammar basics. This is the ideal supplement to your language arts program whether your students are native English speakers or beginning English language learners. ... concepts of grammar • More than 80 practice exercises are included for ready reinforcement • A wealth of examples are provided on every topic • Concise explanations are bolstered by extra grammar tips...

Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2013, 21:55

154 2,2K 2


... rule. For example, use a (not an) before these words that begin with u: a uniform a university 4  Use a before words beginning with the other letters of the alphabet, called consonants. For ... evening. 22 G r a m m a r H e l p 4  Use a or an before singular nouns. Use an before words beginning with vowels (a, e, i, o, u). For example, say: an axe an igloo an egg an orange ... names of mountains. For example: Mount Everest Mount St. Helens The written short form for Mount is Mt. For example: Mt. Everest, Mt. Fuji D i d y o u k n o w ? 46 G r a m m a r H e l p There...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 15:15

159 852 3
Tài liệu Betty Azar - Basic English Grammar 2e-chapter4 docx

Tài liệu Betty Azar - Basic English Grammar 2e-chapter4 docx

... Plural form: change y to i, add -es. (c) boy b4ys End of noun: vowel + -y k~ Plural form: add -6. (d) wifs ., wives End of noun: -fe or -f thkf - - : thieves Plural form: ... ,,! 8 ,<'I *For more information, see Chart 2-8, Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. 4. music 5. flower 6. information 7. jewe1ry ... thanks anyway. Chris and are going to go to the library. need to study for our test. 8. A: Do you and Jack want to join me for dinner tonight at a Chinese restaurant? B: Jackand usually eat...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 05:20

44 700 3
Tài liệu Betty Azar - Basic English Grammar 2e-chapter10 ppt

Tài liệu Betty Azar - Basic English Grammar 2e-chapter10 ppt

... '.". \""* ". English course. Her English is very good. B: (you, take) another English course? A: Yes, I do. I need to study more English. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge ... (know, not) her for a long time. I've known her for only a short time. 5. (she, be) a good friend of yours for a long time? 6. She (be, not) a friend of mine for a long time. 7. ... 711 Y *L 7 ' is pronounced "zee" in American English and "zed" in British English. THE ENGLISH ALPHABET A 1 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 05:20

52 479 0