barine arve`de 1840 1908 french biographer and historian

Đề tài " Energy Sector Liberalisationand Privatisation in Thailand - Tự do hóa ngành năng lượng và Tư nhân ở Thái Lan "

Đề tài " Energy Sector Liberalisation and Privatisation in Thailand - Tự do hóa ngành năng lượng và Tư nhân ở Thái Lan "

... for ESI and GSI (excluding gas exploration and production) • Regulate tariff, standards, service quality • Ensure competition and prevent abuse of monopoly power • Protect consumers and deal ... Stranded Costs • Given the expected high reserve margin of the system during the next years and unavoidable cos t of human resource programs, competitive market prices will be low and stranded ... consumer bills and gener ator revenue during the early years National Energy Policy Office Stranded Costs (con’t) • The functions of “Debt Co” are to – Hold the stranded debt and the vesting...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 02:15

46 449 0
Tài liệu Đề tài " Global well-posedness and scattering for the energy-critical nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation in R3 " docx

Tài liệu Đề tài " Global well-posedness and scattering for the energy-critical nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation in R3 " docx

... (t0 ), and δ = δ(η0 ) > 812 J COLLIANDER, M KEEL, G STAFFILANI, H TAKAOKA, AND T TAO is a small number to be chosen shortly, and θ is a phase to be chosen shortly We now claim that if δ and θ ... R and |x| 1; this notion includes soliton and breather type solutions Indeed, applying (1.7) to such a solution, we would see that the left-hand side grows by at least |I|, while the right-hand ... derivative operators (including |∇|s and i∂t +Δ), the propagator eitΔ , and conjugation operations, are self-adjoint, and are bounded on every Lebesgue space Lp and Sobolev space ˙ H s (if ≤ p ≤...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 06:20

100 434 0
Đề tài " Geometric Langlands duality and representations of algebraic groups over commutative rings " pptx

Đề tài " Geometric Langlands duality and representations of algebraic groups over commutative rings " pptx

... group and Langlands duality, preprint alg-geom/9511007, 1995 [GNO] P Goddard, J Nuyts, and D Olive, Gauge Theories and Magnetic Change, Nuclear Phys B 125 (1977) 1–28 143 LANGLANDS DUALITY AND ... roots and the co-roots of the pairs (G, T ) and (Gad , Tad ) coincide under the surjection T → Tad and similarly, from ˇ (12.26), we conclude that the roots and co-roots of the pairs (Gκ , Tκ ) and ... Arguing just as in the previous step, using the fact that the roots and co-roots of G and Gder on one hand and those of Gκ and (Gder )κ on the other, coincide, we conclude that the root datum...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:21

50 370 0
Đề tài " Automorphic distributions, Lfunctions, and Voronoi summation for GL(3) " pot

Đề tài " Automorphic distributions, Lfunctions, and Voronoi summation for GL(3) " pot

... direct summands may occur It is these direct summands we are concerned with We recall some standard facts Let (π, V ) be an irreducible, unitary representation of G, embedded as a direct summand in ... meaning of a the equation following (3.29), and the other equations derived from it, across x = ∞ and x = In particular, a) and c) have meaning even at x = ∞ and x = 0, as equalities in Wλ1 −λ2 ,δ3 ... (4.13) and recall that n = 450 STEPHEN D MILLER AND WILFRIED SCHMID Voronoi summation for GL(3, Z) In this section we prove our main theorem using the machinery developed in Sections and 3, and...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

67 279 0
Đề tài " Stability of mixing and rapid mixing for hyperbolic flows " pot

Đề tài " Stability of mixing and rapid mixing for hyperbolic flows " pot

... requiring A1 , B1 = ˜ Let WA and WB be neighborhoods of xH and xH chosen so that the orbit of xH intersects WA and WB only in the points xH and xH We regard WA ˜ ˆ and WB as identified (in the ... Katok and Burns [19] More recently, Chernov [10], Dolgopyat *Research supported in part by NSF Grant DMS-0071735 and EPSRC grant GR/R87543/01 270 ¨ ¨ MICHAEL FIELD, IAN MELBOURNE, AND ANDREI ... flow Φt ∈ Ar (M ) and suppose that Λ is not rapid mixing Then there exists c > and C > such that for every α > 0, there exists β > and a sequence |bk | → ∞ such that for each k ≥ and each period...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

24 333 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Secondary structure assignment of mouse SOCS3 by NMR defines the domain boundaries and identifies an unstructured insertion in the SH2 domain pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Secondary structure assignment of mouse SOCS3 by NMR defines the domain boundaries and identifies an unstructured insertion in the SH2 domain pdf

... Glu, Ser and Thr residues, the absence of Lys, His and Arg except at the termini, and the fact that it is completely unstructured based on the absence of medium- and long-range NOEs and the observation ... including the ‘BG loop’ and the ‘G’-strand (Fig 2) [24] Hortner et al [25] have modelled the structure of the SOCS3 SH2 domain and suggest that the BG loop and bG strand are formed from residues ... (22–142, 22–128, 22–126, 44–185, 44–142, 44–128 and 44–126), and the control 22–185 and 22–225 fragments, were expressed in inclusion bodies in E coli and required refolding The construct showing...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 14:20

11 525 0



Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 23:20

30 1,5K 16
Đề tài " Inverse spectral problems and closed exponential systems " docx

Đề tài " Inverse spectral problems and closed exponential systems " docx

... of q ∗ and q Theorem 1.1 Let ≤ p ≤ ∞, q ∈ Lp (0, π), ≤ a < π and let λn ∈ σ(q, αn , 0) be real numbers with λn → −∞ Then β = 0, q on (0, a) and the eigenvalues λn determine q in Lp if and only ... G0 (µ) = and (2.24) gives (2.14) and then the function F (z) defined in (2.13) has zeros F (λn ) = 0; i.e the λn are common eigenvalues of q ∗ and q Taking into account (2.21), (2.23) and (2.24), ... here 1/p + 1/p = INVERSE PROBLEMS AND CLOSEDNESS 889 Theorem 1.4 Let sin β = 0, ≤ a < π, ≤ p ≤ ∞ and λn , n ≥ be different real numbers with λn → −∞ Suppose (M) and that √ e(Λ) = e±2iµx , e±2i λn...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:20

35 421 0
Đề tài " Discreteness of spectrum and positivity criteria for Schr¨odinger operators " doc

Đề tài " Discreteness of spectrum and positivity criteria for Schr¨odinger operators " doc

... MAZ’YA AND MIKHAIL SHUBIN Now let us integrate both sides with respect to δ over the interval [d, 2d] and divide the result by d (i.e take the average over all δ) Then the left-hand side and the ... be used Let us start with a standard open set G ⊂ Rn We assume that G satisfies the following conditions: 922 VLADIMIR MAZ’YA AND MIKHAIL SHUBIN (a) G is bounded and star-shaped with respect to ... require that the lefthand side goes to +∞ as Gd → ∞ What is actually required is that the lefthand side has a certain lower bound, depending on d for arbitrarily small d > and distant test bodies...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:20

25 230 0
Đề tài " Orbit equivalence rigidity and bounded cohomology " pdf

Đề tài " Orbit equivalence rigidity and bounded cohomology " pdf

... free group on n generators Realise F3 and F5 as index-two subgroups of F2 and F3 840 NICOLAS MONOD AND YEHUDA SHALOM respectively, and view F2 × F5 < F2 × F3 and F3 × F3 < F2 × F3 as index-two subgroups ... Γ = Γ1 ×Γ2 and (X, µ) be as in Theorem 1.6 Let Λ be any countable group and let (Y, ν) be any mildly mixing probability Λ-space If the Γ- and Λ-actions are OE then both the groups Γ and Λ, as ... Let Γ, Λ be countable groups and let M ¡ Γ, N ¡ Λ be amenable normal subgroups such that 832 NICOLAS MONOD AND YEHUDA SHALOM ¯ ¯ Γ = Γ/M and Λ = Λ/N are in Creg and are torsion-free If Γ is ME...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:20

55 266 0
speak the culture france be fluent in french life and culture

speak the culture france be fluent in french life and culture

... western and northern France mild and damp Central and eastern France enjoy the crisp Lie of the land To the north and west, France rolls with a verdant patchwork of fields and forests Travel south and ... in French music and theatre, both ancient and modern Become intimate with the legendary French filmmakers and their best movies Find out why food and wine are so important to the French way of ... of French culture Literature and philosophy Art, architecture and design Performing arts Arbiters of style: cinema, photography and fashion Media and communications Consuming culture: food and...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 12:03

308 515 3
Đề tài " Nonconventional ergodic averages and nilmanifolds " pdf

Đề tài " Nonconventional ergodic averages and nilmanifolds " pdf

... are defined by xε = xε0 and xε = xε1 for ε ∈ Vk and ε0 and ε1 are the elements of Vk+1 given by (ε0)j = (ε1)j = εj for ≤ j ≤ k ; (ε0)k+1 = and (ε1)k+1 = The maps x → x and x → x are called the ... the system is totally ergodic was shown by Conze and Lesigne in a series of papers ([CL84], [CL87] and [CL88]) and in the general case by Host and Kra [HK01] Ziegler [Zie02b] has shown the existence ... where the functions gε and hε are defined for η ∈ Vk−1 by gη0 = gη1 = fη0 and hη0 = hη1 = fη1 For each of these two integrals, we permute the digits k − [k] is bounded and k and then use the same...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 07:20

93 227 0
Đề tài "Cyclic homology, cdhcohomology and negative K-theory" pot

Đề tài "Cyclic homology, cdhcohomology and negative K-theory" pot

... sequences and quasi-isomorphisms of mixed complexes yield short exact sequences and quasi-isomorphisms of HC, HP and HN complexes, respectively Of course, the cyclic, periodic cyclic and negative ... Thomason and Trobaugh in [34, Th 2.6.3], that the functors Lq ∗ and Rq∗ induce quasi-inverse equivalences on derived categories Dperf (X on Z) ∼ Dperf (V on Z) = As a consequence of 2.7 and 2.8, and ... proof of 1.5), and induce the usual projective space bundle and blow-up formulas: HC(Y ) = HC(Pd−1 ) Y HC(Y ), 0≤l≤d−1 and HC(X ) HC(X) ⊕ HC(Y ) 1≤l≤d−1 The case is similar for HP and HN in place...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 07:20

26 334 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Reaction mechanisms of thiamin diphosphate enzymes: defining states of ionization and tautomerization of the cofactor at individual steps docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Reaction mechanisms of thiamin diphosphate enzymes: defining states of ionization and tautomerization of the cofactor at individual steps docx

... likely to be mediated by general acid ⁄ base catalysts, such as His, Asp and Glu, and perhaps Cys, Lys and Tyr, with the understanding that the enzyme active center could modulate the aqueous pKa ... corresponding to the AP and IP forms have different phases enables the simultaneous observation of the two tautomeric forms, notwithstanding the proximity of the bands to each other, and also make CD ... activated (Scheme 2, left hand side), such as E1h and POX from L plantarum For these enzymes, both the IP and AP forms could be monitored over a wide pH range, providing both pKa and Ktautomer within...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 23:20

15 391 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Variation in the composition and content of ellagitannins in the heartwood of European oaks (Quercus robur and Q petraea). A comparison of two French forests and variation with heartwood age" ppt

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Variation in the composition and content of ellagitannins in the heartwood of European oaks (Quercus robur and Q petraea). A comparison of two French forests and variation with heartwood age" ppt

... methodologies and C Houssement at INRA, Champenoux for colour measurements G Roy and JL Giraud at Tonnellerie Taransaud were invaluable in acquiring French oak samples and Pr V Vereshchagina and her ... correspond to two opposing types of French oak that are used by the cooperage industry and frequently claimed to have different effects on the flavour of wine and brandy To determine the relative ... roburins A and C Roburin A increases in concentration during the first 10 years of ageing and roburin C over the first 30 years, before each declines again in older wood Grandinin and roburin...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21

14 384 0
Báo cáo khoa hoc:"Genetic parameters of a random regression model for daily feed intake of performance tested French Landrace and Large White growing pigs" pptx

Báo cáo khoa hoc:"Genetic parameters of a random regression model for daily feed intake of performance tested French Landrace and Large White growing pigs" pptx

... Large White model French Landrace model French Landrace model 0.05 0.00 10 11 week of test Figure Course of heritabilities for daily feed intake (kg) of Large White and French Landrace growing ... 81.5 58.8 25.3 8.1 1.5 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Data 279 French Landrace (FL, 039 boars and 240 castrates) pigs from 697 litters and 417 Large White (LW, 032 boars and 385 castrates) pigs from 259 ... test and therefore cause overestimated daily variances for late weeks (see Sect 3.3 and Figs and 5) For both breeds, curves of residual variances of models and intersect between weeks and (Figs and...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:21

24 292 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Genetic variability within French race and riding horse breeds from genealogical data and blood marker polymorphisms" potx

Báo cáo sinh học: " Genetic variability within French race and riding horse breeds from genealogical data and blood marker polymorphisms" potx

... (Mahon and Cunningham, 1982), Italy (Galizzi Vechhiotti, 1977) or Poland (Kownacki and Jezierski, 1976), Swedish Standardbred (Str6m, 1982), North-Swedish Trotter (Bohlin and Ronningen, 1975) and ... heterozygosity between French and American Throughbred or between French and American Arab = The links between results from blood marker data and results for inbreeding and gene origin are rather ... coefficients computed at the grandparental and great-grandparental levels accounted for around a quarter and a half of the total inbreeding, respectively On the other hand, in Thoroughbred, half...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:22

20 283 0
Báo cáo y học: "Psychotropic medication in the French child and adolescent population: prevalence estimation from health insurance data and national self-report survey data" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "Psychotropic medication in the French child and adolescent population: prevalence estimation from health insurance data and national self-report survey data" ppsx

... 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2005) on a representative sample of French adolescents during a "civil service" day for all French subjects aged 17 and 18 This day replaces the former mandatory military ... between and times, between and times, 10 times and more - Have you taken drugs for nerves or to sleep in the last 30 days? If you have, how many times? once or twice, between and times, between and ... former mandatory military service check-up, and concerns both boys and girls The 2003 and 2005 surveys were used, including respectively samples of 15 710 and 29 393 individuals [14,15] The present...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20

7 284 0