bài 1 giới thiệu tổng quan về photoshop

Bai 1 giới thiệu tổng quan về lập trình

Bai 1 giới thiệu tổng quan về lập trình

... Trung tâm Đào tạo E-Learning Cơ hội học tập cho người BÀI : GIỚI THIỆU TỔNG QUAN VỀ LẬP TRÌNH Mục đích: Bài cung cấp khái niệm khái niệm lập trình, khái niệm ngơn ngữ lập trình, ... người học, hiểu biết mình, tự đưa thuật toán để giải số tốn đơn giản thơng thường 1. 1 Lập trình ngơn ngữ lập trình 1. 1 .1 Khái niệm lập trình Thuật ngữ lập trình (programming) nhằm nói đến q trình ... cho số bé thay dùng phép trừ Chẳng hạn, có hai số 24 9, thực bước sau: Bước 1) Trừ 24 cho 15  số (15 ,9) Bước 2) Trừ 15 cho  số (6,9) Bước 3) Trừ cho  số (6,3) Bước 4) Trừ cho  số (3,3) chúng...

Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2021, 17:48

11 70 0
Bài 1: Giới thiệu tổng quan về lập trình android

Bài 1: Giới thiệu tổng quan về lập trình android

... 06/09/20 21 LỊCH SỬ PHÁT TRIỂN 02-2 011 11 -2 011 07-2 012 3 .1 Honeycomb 4.0 Ice Sream Sandwich 4 .1 Jelly Bean 2 1 2 1 10 LỊCH SỬ PHÁT TRIỂN Material design Fingerprint 09-2 013 10 -2 014 10 -2 015 4.4 KitKat ... 11 2 06/09/20 21 LỊCH SỬ PHÁT TRIỂN Google Play Protect Daydreams AI 08-2 016 08-2 017 06-2 018 7.0 Nougat 8.0 Oreo 9.0 Pie 2 1 2 1 12 LỊCH SỬ PHÁT TRIỂN 09-2 019 … 13 2 06/09/20 21 14 2 06/09/20 21 ... HÀNH DI ĐỘNG 2 06/09/20 21 HỆ ĐIỀU HÀNH ANDROID 20 21 2 06/09/20 21 LỊCH SỬ PHÁT TRIỂN 09-2008 Android 1. 0 09-2009 1. 6 Donut 8 LỊCH SỬ PHÁT TRIỂN 01- 2 010 06-2 010 12 -2 010 2 .1 Eclair 2.2 Froyo 2.3...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2022, 21:27

17 3 0


... bài này và các bài sau về những bước cơ bản ban đầu cho các bạn nhập môn học photoshop. Trong bài này mình sẽ hướng dẫn các bạn sử dụng các công cụ photoshop như thế nào nhé 1. Giao diện photoshop ... NHẬP MÔN PHOTOSHOP, PHÍM NÓNG TRONG PHOTOSHOP VÀ SỬ DỤNG CÁC CÔNG CỤ PHOTOSHOP http://vn.ipanelonline.com/register?inviter_id =19 65836 1. NHẬP MÔN PHOTOSHOP Chắc với nhiều bạn, photoshop không ... rất nhiều thời gian trong quá trình chỉnh sửa photoshop 1. NHÓM PHÍM F F1 ——>> mở trình giúp đỡ http://vn.ipanelonline.com/register?inviter_id =19 65836 F2 ——>> cắt F3 ——>> copy...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2014, 16:08

14 1,1K 0
Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P2

Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P2

... little Photoshop kno w-how. Photoshop offers all of the tools necessary to add innovative digital graffiti to any photographed scene. Brushes, selections, and layer blending modes are essential Photoshop ... mastering the Pen tool will help you achieve other tasks in Photoshop with ease. Path drawing skills also prove valuable outside of Photoshop and are of great assistance when you’re working within ... yourself for the task at hand. Pre -Photoshop preparation Simply put, think about what you’re going to do ahead of time. Get everything together and then launch Photoshop. As you work your way through...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 20:15

50 311 0
Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P3

Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P3

... was generally... www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark 11 7 8 Part One: Drawing and Painting PART ONE: Preparing the outline art 1 Open up the ink.jpg file Choose SelectϾAll and then EditϾCopy ... black -and- white drawing to life via color in Photoshop The tools and features used in this chapter are not exactly what I would describe... 11 3 7 Part One: Drawing and Painting Incorporating ... But there is something about that 19 50s drive-in style, “everything-is-wonderful” advertising art that is genuinely unique and strangely optimistic From a Photoshop artist’s perspective,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 11:15

50 318 0
Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P4

Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P4

... Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 14 3 Chapter 9: Antique Effects 9 11 Ensure that your new layer is targeted and choose Edit Ͼ Fill from the menu. ... www.creativephotoshopthebook.com . The initial sketch files can be found there. And for those of you who don’t have access to a thermal fax machine, hairdryer, or simply want to focus on the Photoshop ... Adjustments menu. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 14 1 Chapter 9: Antique Effects 9 7 With your new channel targeted in the Channels palette, choose...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 11:15

50 350 0
Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P5

Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P5

... Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 19 3 Chapter 12 : Sketch and Dry Brush Effects 12 PART ONE: Preparing the actual drawings 1 It all starts with a sketch. Having a plan is very ... silk-screened design By the time you finish this chapter,... this watermark 19 9 12 Part Three: Real World Photoshop 15 Click the Create a New Layer button at the bottom of the Layers palette ... you launch Photoshop. By preparing certain image components ahead of time, in just the right manner, you’re setting up your Photoshop workflow ahead of time. Then, when you launch Photoshop and...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 10:15

50 364 0
Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P6

Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P6

... PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark 15 Chapter 15 : In and Out of Photoshop Chapter 15 In and Out of Photoshop S ometimes we get locked into routines that keep ... PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark 267 15 Part Three: Real World Photoshop. . .14 Part Three: Real World Photoshop PART TWO: Prepare and create the traditional components ... understanding of Photoshop should be able to pull this off. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 246 Part Three: Real World Photoshop 14 What you’ll learn...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 10:15

50 331 0
Tất cả về photoshop ( Adobe Photoshop 7.0)

Tất cả về photoshop ( Adobe Photoshop 7.0)

... này. 10 [...]... hành l i thông tin t trang này 22 T t c v Photoshop (Adobe Photoshop 7.0) www.vietphotoshop.com 1 Ch n File > Open, và ch n 14 Start3.psd trong th m c Lesson/Lesson14 2 ... nh ca file 14 Start1.psd 6. Ln lt, hãy chn các file Start và End khác đã đc đánh s  trong th mc Lesson14 đ xem trc chúng. 7. Click đúp file 14 Start1.psd đ m nó trong Photoshop Ti ... Photos trong th mc Lesson14 đ xem 5 bc nh mà bn s dùng đ làm nn cho file 14 Start1.psd, nhng sau đó nh chn li th mc Lesson14. 4. Chn hình nh ca file 14 Start1.psd, vì vy hình nh...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 19:15

33 443 3
Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P7

Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P7

... purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 289 Chapter 15 : In and Out of Photoshop 15 41 Now select the Stroke option from the Add a Layer Style menu at the bottom of ... Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 2 91 Chapter 15 : In and Out of Photoshop 15 45 Select the Ellipse tool and ensure that it is set to create a new shape ... purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 293 Chapter 15 : In and Out of Photoshop 15 Other things to consider If drawing isn’t your thing, there is certainly no end...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 17:15

50 323 0
Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P8

Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P8

... Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 3 41 Chapter 17 : The Third Dimension 17 PART SIX: Adding dimension 24 Collapse the layer group in the Layers palette ... on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 346 Part Four: Illustrative Photography 17 31 At the moment in Photoshop, you have two files open. There is the head file and the background file you ... layer, change the mode to overlay, and increase the opacity to 10 0%. Use this same paste into method to add the contents of the texture1.psd file into your file as a masked layer. Change the mode...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 17:15

50 395 0
Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P9

Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P9

... illustration, 86, 87, 88, 90 3d art, 3 31 urban lowbrow art, 18 4 Hairdryer effects image example, 15 1 starting materials, 13 7 Halftone effects retro art, 10 8? ?11 0, 11 3 screen-printing, 220, 223, 227–230, ... multicolored, 64 overview, 55 process... 14 9? ?15 0 starting materials, 13 7 tea stains, 15 2? ?15 3 thermal fax effects, 13 8? ?14 0, 14 4? ?14 8 tools and techniques, 13 6 Arms, creation, 256, 386, 389 Auto ... collage, 2 51? ??254, 264 retro art, 10 2? ?10 4, 10 9, 11 3 sketch effects, 19 9–200, 2 01, 204 stencil art, 59 surrealism project, 377–380, 394, 395 3d art, 338, 344–348, 345 urban lowbrow art, 17 7? ?17 9 Ballpoint...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 12:15

35 303 0
Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P10

Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques Photoshop Cs4- P10

... multicolored, 64 overview, 55 process... 14 9? ?15 0 starting materials, 13 7 tea stains, 15 2? ?15 3 thermal fax effects, 13 8? ?14 0, 14 4? ?14 8 tools and techniques, 13 6 Arms, creation, 256, 386, 389 Auto ... collage, 2 51? ??254, 264 retro art, 10 2? ?10 4, 10 9, 11 3 sketch effects, 19 9–200, 2 01, 204 stencil art, 59 surrealism project, 377–380, 394, 395 3d art, 338, 344–348, 345 urban lowbrow art, 17 7? ?17 9 Ballpoint ... overview, 41 paint color variation tip, 51. .. 350 comic art coloring, 12 9 layer position checking, 328 luminous eye effects, 304 outline painting, 7? ?13 photocopier effect, 15 8, 15 9, 16 1? ?16 4 polygons,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 12:15

35 267 0
Tài liệu The Adobe Photoshop Cs4 Dictionary: The a to Z Desktop Reference of Photoshop- P1 pdf

Tài liệu The Adobe Photoshop Cs4 Dictionary: The a to Z Desktop Reference of Photoshop- P1 pdf

... Warp – Workspace, Photoshop XMP – ZoomView format 1 23 46 78 91 99 11 7 12 7 13 4 14 3 15 9 17 3 17 6 18 1 212 229 267 284 286 297 305 A–Z Entries #ONTENTS 3TEPBY3TEP¬4ECHNIQUES 01 Importing photos ... photos 316 10 Creating panoramas 317 11 Convert color photos to black and white 318 12 Color management 319 13 Simple line frame 320 14 Multi-layer copy 320 15 Photoshop animation 3 21 16 Web matting ... ISBN: 978-0-240-5 213 2-9 For information on all Focal Press publications visit our website at www.focalpress.com Printed and bound in Canada 09 10 11 12 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Please purchase...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 03:16

50 366 0
Tài liệu Black and White in Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop Lightroom P2 docx

Tài liệu Black and White in Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop Lightroom P2 docx

... and White in Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop Lightroom 16 make a few adjustments in brightness and contrast during the process. The pro le created then tells other applications (like Photoshop) how ... the RGB is set to sRGB Photoshop color working space for Digital Darkroom print reproduction with inkjet printers Black and White in Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop Lightroom 18 or images de ned by ... sRGB. Photoshop is, however, an incredibly color savvy software that o ers the best environment in which we can view Adobe RGB images, ProPhoto RGB, Color Management for Black and White 17 Photoshop...

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 22:20

10 399 0
Giáo trình ĐỒ HOẠ ỨNG DỤNG đầy đủ

Giáo trình ĐỒ HOẠ ỨNG DỤNG đầy đủ

... 16 BÀI 4: CÁC THAO TÁC TRÊN LAYER 17 LAYER STYLE 17 1. 1 Giới thiệu 17 1. 2 Drop Shadow 17 1. 3 Bevel and Emboss 17 ... 10 1. 1 Nhóm Marquee Tool (M) 10 1. 2 Nhóm Lasso Tool (L) 10 1. 3 Magic Wand Tool (W) 11 1. 4 Tạo vùng chọn lệnh Color Range 12 CÁC THAO ... nghệ Thông tin BÀI 1: GIỚI THIỆU TỔNG QUAN VỀ PHOTOSHOP KHỞI ĐỘNG CHƯƠNG TRÌNH Cách 1: Vào Start -> All Programs -> Adobe Photoshop CS2 Cách 2: Click đôi chuột lên biểu tượng Adobe Photoshop CS2...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2015, 21:17

38 851 4
Nhom lenh ve dac diem mo hinh.doc

Nhom lenh ve dac diem mo hinh.doc

... [1 ; -1] ; b = [1 ; 0]; c = [2 4]; d = 1; % In theo tên mặc nhiên: printsys(a,b,c,d) a= x1 x2 x1 1. 00000 1. 00000 x2 2.00000 -1. 00000 b= u1 x1 1. 00000 x2 c= x1 x2 y1 2.00000 4.00000 d= u1 y1 1. 00000 ... dcgrain a = [-0.5572 -0.7 814 ; 0.7 814 0]; b = [1 0.5379 ; -0.22 31] ; c = [1. 96 91 6.4439 ; 0]; d = [0 ; 0]; Gc = gram(a,b) Ta nhận ma trận: Gc = 1. 2 016 -0.0 318 -0.0 318 1. 0708 Tìm hạng ma trận lệnh: ... Vietebooks Nguyễn Hồng Cương damp(den) Eigenvalue Damping Freq.(rad/sec) -1. 0000 + 1. 414 2i 0.5774 1. 73 21 -1. 0000 + 1. 414 2i 0.5774 1. 73 21 Tính hiển thò giá trò riêng, biên độ, tần số hệ số tắt dần mặt...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2012, 14:22

12 2,1K 1

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