avoiding run on sentences and comma splices exercises

Tài liệu Avoiding run on sentences ppt

Tài liệu Avoiding run on sentences ppt

... Avoiding Run- on Sentences There are three situations in which run- on sentences are apt to happen: 1. When a pronoun in the second clause refers to a noun in ... structurally fine. A run- on sentence is one in which two clauses have been connected incorrectly. (If you’d like, click on the word “clauses” to review that concept.) Avoiding Run- on Sentences 1. ... semicolon. Some students think they can study for an important exam by “cramming” all night; they are probably wrong. Avoiding Run- on Sentences Now you’ll never again write a run- on sentence! ...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 00:20

9 409 0
100 sentences on Gerund and infinitive

100 sentences on Gerund and infinitive

... Don't worry, I don't mind making dinner. I think I'll make fish with steamed vegetables, and a big salad on the side! 97. Crying, the mother looked into the television camera and ... She imagined lying on a tropical beach under a palm tree. 13. The winner of the local competition gets to participate in a national competition in Washington D.C. 14. We don't anticipate ... problems during the concert tour. 15. Debbie failed to notice her credit card lying on the ground. 16. The politician swore to serve the people honestly and with pride, but the scandal revealed that...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2013, 06:10

3 2,2K 58
exercises on comparative and superlative

exercises on comparative and superlative

... This is………………(strong) student in my class. 17. It is………………….wonderful) place in the world. 18. It’s ………………………….(boring) programme on TV. 19. I think New York is………….………(safe) London. 20. Lan is…………………….(tall) ... hat…………………………(pretty) the old one. 11.he is ………………… (clever) his brother. 12. This box is ………………… (heavy) that one. 13. This lesson is …………………….(difficult) the last one. 14. The weather here is……………… ... (thick) history book. 5. Lon Don is ………………………(safe) New York. 6. Who is …………………(old) person in your family? 7. The country is …………… (clean) the city. 8. Who is ………………… (rich) person in the world? 9....

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2013, 02:10

3 1,3K 28


... 1. So the three pigs wandered through the world and were the (happy) pigs you've ever seen. 2. They were playing (funny) games all summer long, but then came autumn and each pig wanted to ... winter. 8. During the cold winter months, the three little pigs lived (extreme) (good) in their houses. 9. They (regular) visited one another and had the (wonderful) time of their lives. 2                  1. ... (careful) than before. 18. Jim can run (fast) than John. 19. Our team played (bad) of all. 20. He worked (hard) than ever before.         Once upon a time there were three...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2013, 04:10

3 842 3
Tài liệu Run your car on water and gas double mileage! pdf

Tài liệu Run your car on water and gas double mileage! pdf

... Donotusecpvcpipeofsizegreaterthan4”:sinceitdoesnotofferanadequate safetymarginagainstrupturewhensubjectedtohighpressure and temperature. ¾ Carefulattentiontocraftsmanship and detailduringgeneratorconstructionis essentialtoensuresafe and reliableoperation. 29 Run aCar on Water   Figure9:DiskContour  11. ... Usingyourfinger,applyaverythin,butunbroken,coatofepoxycompletelyaroundthe bottomedge(rodend)oftheouterelectrode.Formabandexte4ndingabout¼”highfrom thebottomedge,coatingboththeinside and outsidesurfacesoftheelectrode. Note Besuretoinstalltheouterelectrodefirst. Note Theprocedureofstep41centerstheinnerelectrodewithintheouterelectrode.Donot overlaptapeendsifmoretapeisadded;simplybuttthetapeendsbeforecontinuingto wrap. 12 Run aCar on Water   Forafewbriefmoments,onlymoreaccuratealignment and increasedpullingactionuponthe watermoleculesoccurs.But,theHyTronicssignalpulseskeepchargingthewatercapacitorto higher and highervoltagelevels;actuallyseveralthousandvolts.Suddenlytheelectricalforces becomesogreatthatthewatermoleculesburstapart(scientistscallthisactiondisassociation) intotheirgaseousformsofhydrogen and oxygen.IfyouwereabletolookintotheGenerator, thisactionwouldbeobviousbecauseoftheformationofmillionsoftinyhydrogen and oxygen gasbubbles.AslongastheHyTronicssignalisapplied,thewatercapacitorremainsfully charged;continuouslycreatingorthohydrogen and oxygen. Anotherelectroniccircuitisformedbythegeneratorcoil.Thisisaninductivecircuit,meaningit createsamagneticfieldasopposedtothechargedfieldcreatedbythewatercapacitor.The verylowfrequencyHyTronicssignal(actuallyashortpulse)activatesthemagneticfieldofthe coil.Assoonasthepulsestops,themagneticfieldcollapses.Thiscreatesanevenstronger magneticfield,butafieldofoppositepolarity.Thatishowaninductivecircuitworks,anaction commonlycalled“inductivekick.”Eachpulseispreciselytimedsothatalmostimmediately afterthemagneticfieldreverses,anothershortpulsearrives.Onceagainthecoilischarged and itsmagneticfieldcollapses.Butnowthecontinuallyreversingmagneticfieldbecomeseven strongerduetoaddedenergyofeachnewpulse.Eventually(actuallywithinjustafewseconds) thecoilreachesitsmaximummagneticstrength,calleditssaturationpoint. Mostmoleculesareeffectedbymagneticfields.Thecoil’sreversingmagneticfieldsvibratethe watermoleculessovigorouslythattheydisassociateintogaseousformsofparahydrogen and oxygen.Disassociationobservablyoccurs,asseenbythecreationofmillionsoftinyhydrogen and oxygengasbubblesaroundthecoil. Atthispoint,we’vecoveredtheconceptsneededtounderstandthebasicfunctioningofthe generator.EveryothercomponentoftheWater‐hybridsystemissimplyusedtoprecisely controltheactionofthegenerator.Byvaryingthestrength and frequencyoftheHyTronic signals,the ratebywhichhydrogen and oxygenarecreatedcanbevariedtomatchengine requirementsatanyparticularmoment.Waterissuppliedbythetank and pump,whilewater levelwithintheGeneratoriscontrolledbyalevelsensor and switch.Forsafetypurposes,a reliefvalveprotectsagainstexcesspressurebuildupwithinthegenerator.Separateportsare providedforattachinghosestoroutegastotheengine and toanoptionalgaugetomonitorgas pressurebuildupwithinthegenerator.Adrainvalveisinstalledtoallowperiodicflushingof accumulatedminerals and contaminants.Thebottomendcapisthreaded sothatthe Generatorcaneasilybeopenedupforinspectionorrepair and foroccasionalcleaningofthe electrodes and coil.Twopairsofstainlesssteel(copper,oranyconductivemetal)rodends 19 Run aCar on Water   Figure6:GeneratorCoilCircuitSchematic TheGeneratorcoilcircuitcreatesapulsedsignalverymuchsimilartothatoftheelectrode circuitoffigure5;but,productionofparahydrogen and oxygenbythecoilentailstotally differentoperatingparametersthandoesorthohydrogen and oxygenproductionbythe electrodes.Optimumoperatingfrequencyforthecoilismuch lower,withintherangeof approximately16Hzto25Hz.Coilfrequencydirectlycorrelatestotheoptimumoperating frequencyoftheelectrodecircuitsinceitsinputsignalisreceiveddirectlyfrompin3of electrodecircuitcomponentNE555.Theelectrodecircuitsignalisreceivedviathe“Divideby N”logiccircuitwhichproducesoneoutputsignalinresponsetoaspecificnumberofinput signals.Forexample,iftheoptimalfrequencyoftheelectrodecircuitis19KHz and the“Divide byN”logiccircuitcreatesoneoutputpulseforevery1,000inputpulses,theoutputfrequency ofthe“Divide byN”logiccircuitwouldbe19Hz.Thatsignalisreceivedviapin2ofcomponent NE555,whichcreatestherequiredsquarewavepulses.Thosepulsesaresentviapin3tothe baseoftransistor2N3055,wheretheyareamplified and transmittedtothecoil. 11 Run aCar on Water  toslowitsburningrate.Atbestthisisaninexactsciencesinceitdependsupontryingto averagetheoctanerequirementsformillionsofengines. Technicallyspeaking,theHydrogen/OxygenGeneratoritselfisanelectronic‐basedunit.The twoelectrodesformabasiccapacitor,thousandsoftimeslargerthancapacitors usedintypical circuits,withwateractingasitsdielectric.Theinnerelectrodeisnegativelycharged, and the outerelectrodeispositivelycharged,bythehighfrequencyHyTronicssignal.Chemically,each watermolecule(H20)iscomposedoftwopositivelychargedatomsofhydrogen and one negativelychargedatomofoxygen.Since oppositechargesattract,thepositivelycharged hydrogenatomsarepulledtowardtheinnerelectrode.But,atthesameinstant,thenegatively chargedoxygenatomsarepulledtowardtheouterelectrode.Thisactionalignseverywater moleculebetweentheelectrodes,withtheendsofeachmoleculebeingpulledinopposite directions.Inanutshell,thisisthehydrolysisprocesscentraltohydrogenextraction.  Figure1:Hydrogen/OxygenGenerator 22 Run aCar on Water  Let’sBuildthewaterhybridsystem!:GeneratorConstruction Electrodes Sinceenginerequirementsdictatethevolumeofhydrogen and oxygengasesthatthegenerator mustcreate, and gasvolumeisvariable,Irecommendsizingitaslargeasispracticaltoallow reservecapacity.Maximumoutsidediameterof4.5”isalreadydeterminedbytheconstruction materialusedfortheGeneratorhousing: 4”CPVCSchedule80pipe.Irecommendaminimum heightof10”.Maximumheightdependsuponavailablespacewithintheenginecompartment but,forstructuralintegrity,limitheightto18”.Carefullychecktheenginecompartmentofyour vehicletoensurethatadequatespaceexistsforgeneratorinstallation.Ifadequatespacedoes notexisteitherlimitthegeneratorheight(butnotlessthan10”),orlocatethegeneratorwithin thetrunk,orasfarforwardaspossibleunderthedash.  1. ... download section for FREE bonuses and supplementalplans and documentstogiveyouthewidestvarietyofoptions and resourcesavailableasyoubeginthewater‐hybridconversionprocess.     Copyright2008–ALLRIGHTSRESERVED  32 Run aCar on Water  19....

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 04:20

114 431 0
AASHTO Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures Newport, RI June, 2005

AASHTO Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures Newport, RI June, 2005

... Web-based and standalone versions – Support for customization options currently in Pontis Two Bridges, One Project | Sections 2 & 5 22 Pontis User Group Meeting • September 28 th and 29 th , ... Bridges, One Project | Sections 2 & 5 13 On the Horizon – June 06 Phase II Truss – rating module using AASHTO FEA complete Continue work on AASHTO Standard analysis engine - Add P/S concrete ... State, Illinois and Montana DOTs along with SC&RA Virtis and Opis Superstructure BRIDGEWare … supporting the LRFD and LRFR specifications and training efforts. Thank you for your continuing support. Two...

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Báo cáo y học: "Iraqi health system in kurdistan region: medical professionals’ perspectives on challenges and priorities for improvement"

Báo cáo y học: "Iraqi health system in kurdistan region: medical professionals’ perspectives on challenges and priorities for improvement"

... professionals’ perspectives on challenges and priorities for improvement. Conflict and Health 2010 4:19. Submit your next manuscript to BioMed Central and take full advantage of: • Convenient online ... study and try to better elaborate and understand them. Conclusions The medical professionals had a relatively negative view on different aspects of the health system in Iraqi Kurdi- stan region, ... improvement and gender and professional characteristics of the respondents. Results: The response rate to the survey was 83.6%. A high proportion of respondents rated the different aspects of services and...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:06

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Báo cáo y học: "introduction to special issue on Eye and Zoonosis – from the guest editors"

Báo cáo y học: "introduction to special issue on Eye and Zoonosis – from the guest editors"

... 117 American Journal of Ophthalmology: Delair E, Monnet D, Grabar S, Dupouy-Camet J, Yera H, Brézin AP. Respective roles of acquired and con- genital infections in presumed ocular toxoplas- mosis. Am ... toxoplasmosis • Update on the treatment of ocular toxoplasmo- sis. We hope that this special issue will be interesting to readers and provides researchers with timely up- date on various topics ... researchers with timely up- date on various topics in this important field. Conflict of Interest The authors have declared that no conflict of in- terest exists. ...

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A Contrastive Analysis between the Verb ‘Run’ in English and the Verb ‘Chạy’ in Vietnamese

A Contrastive Analysis between the Verb ‘Run’ in English and the Verb ‘Chạy’ in Vietnamese

... recommendations for further research which are surely promising, interesting and welcome: • An investigation into run and its synonyms and antonyms • An investigation into run and its idioms; • ... production and reception of speech, to the literary and the aesthetic or communicative function of language, and so on. For example, a study of this kind often finds out what the consonant phonemes ... 2005) to form a great number of phrase verbs such as run into; run for; run away, run out of; run up; run down; run over; run through; etc’ and ‘chạy vào; chạy ra; chạy lên; chạy xuống; chạy qua;...

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Conclusions on Strengths and Weaknesses of Rang Dong Plastic Company

Conclusions on Strengths and Weaknesses of Rang Dong Plastic Company

... Weaknesses GENERATION, EVALUATION, AND SELECTION OF THE BEST STRATEGY CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3  Construction Materials: Including plastic materials for construction such as products ... the vision and the limitation of information about foreign market and competitors for strategic management in the long term. 1.2 Problem statement Based on the examination and analysis the external and ... and electronics sector, stronger US economy and higher demand from the custom injection moulding and automotive sub-sectors within the country. The industry is expected to transform from a consumer-based...

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Impacts of Greenhouse Gas on Feed and Livestock Production

Impacts of Greenhouse Gas on Feed and Livestock Production

... from manure management, after application/deposition on soil and direct emissions (million tonnes CH 4 per year) Dairy cattle Other cattle Buffalo Sheep and goat Pigs Poultry Total Grazing ... methane emissions by livestock production system in 2004 Livestock production system Emissions (million tonnes CH 4 per year by source) Dairy cattle Other cattle Buffalo Sheep and goat Pigs ... emissions from respiration Species World total (million head) Biomass (mil. tonnes liveweight) Carbon dioxide emissions (million tones CO 2 ) Cattle and buffaloes 1496 501 1906 Small ruminants 1784...

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ASSIGNMENT ON English and American Literature

ASSIGNMENT ON English and American Literature

... Stratford-upon-Avon until he was twenty-one.By that time he was married and had three children.At twenty-one he left Stratford-upon-Avon for London where he joined a theatrical company and worked ... 1613,Shakespeare left London and returned to his native town of Stratford-upon-Avon.Three years later ,on April 23,1616,he died and was buried there.Shakespeare wrote the famous 154 sonnets and numerous ... miles from London.He was the son of a tradesman.When a boy he went to Stratford Grammar School where Latin and Greek were almost the only subjects.Life itself,contact with people and his acquaintance...

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... must all make a personal decision to work for the future of our planet if we want to ensure a better world (10) our grandchildren. 1. A. with B. without C. and D. but 2. A. and B. however C. so ... sister and brother / love / watch / cartoons / much _______________________________________________________________________ III. Complete the following sentences with tag- questions: 1. You don’t ... environment. The earth is being threatened (2) the future looks bad. (3) can each of us do? We can not clean (4) our polluted rivers and seas overnight. Nor we can stop the (5) of plants and...

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... I (buy/ buys/ buying/ bought) a new hat yesterday. 6. She has a (long curly blond/ curly long blond/ blond curly long/ long blond curly) hair. 7. She is wearing a …… dress. (red new pretty/ new ... national material Noun A big round old black Chinese wooden chair B. Exercises: I. Choose and underline the best answers: (2ps) 1. I’m (enough strong/ strong enough/ enough strongly/ strongly ... get promotion. 5. This bag is very small. It can’t carry everything. IV. Read the passage and answer the questions below: Topic 1: MY FRIENDS Period 2: REVISION ON ENOUGH AND ADJECTIVE...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2013, 01:26

6 597 18


... phone book. Is there one near here? 10.Listen! Can you hear those people next door? They (shout) at each other again. II/ Choose the correct one 1. I always feel ………………………… before examinations ... he, is he)? V. Complete the following sentences with tag- questions: 1. Mary met you last night, …………………………? 2. I’m a student, …………………………? 3. No one comes on time, …………………………? 4. You are hardly ... answer: 1.What should you do to (keep - protect - prevent - reduce) the environment? 2.(Forest - Forestry - Deforestation - Forests) .is one of the causes of flood. 3.People use (pesticides - dynamite-...

Ngày tải lên: 20/07/2013, 01:28

3 616 5

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