available assays for quantification of hcv in serum plasma

Báo cáo y học: "Cytokine profile of autologous conditioned serum for treatment of osteoarthritis, in vitro effects on cartilage metabolism and intra-articular levels after injection" potx

Báo cáo y học: "Cytokine profile of autologous conditioned serum for treatment of osteoarthritis, in vitro effects on cartilage metabolism and intra-articular levels after injection" potx

... Page of 11 Figure Effects of whole blood conditioning on serum cytokine levels of 22 OA patients Cytokine levels in serum of 22 OA patients, before incubation (control) and after six hours of incubation ... determined in the current study, in the joint space With respect to the role of Il-1 signalling in OA, in the one human clinical study using recombinant IL-1ra as a treatment for OA, a single injection ... IL-1ra: interleukin-1 receptor antagonist; IL-1β: interleukin-1 beta; IL-4: interleukin-4; IL-6: interleukin-6; IL-10: interleukin-10; IL-13: interleukin-13; MMP: matrix metalloproteinases; NO:...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 14:22

11 296 0
Báo cáo y học: "Response to: Cytokine profile of autologous conditioned serum for treatment of osteoarthritis, in vitro effects on cartilage metabolism and intra-articular levels after injection – authors’ reply" ppt

Báo cáo y học: "Response to: Cytokine profile of autologous conditioned serum for treatment of osteoarthritis, in vitro effects on cartilage metabolism and intra-articular levels after injection – authors’ reply" ppt

... WJA, Creemers LB: Cytokine profile of autologous conditioned serum for treatment of osteoarthritis, in vitro effects on cartilage metabolism and intra-articular levels after injection Arthritis ... blinding and with unconditioned serum as control in order to provide a final answer to whether this treatment merits registration Page of Abbreviations ACS, autologous conditioned serum; IL-1, interleukin-1; ... studies of symptomatic subjects with persistent knee pain, with and without OA, reveal significant diffrences from asymptomatic subjects in systemic markers of inflammation suggesting differences in...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:22

2 311 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Evaluation of a commercial Erns-capture ELISA for detection of BVDV in routine diagnostic cattle serum samples" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Evaluation of a commercial Erns-capture ELISA for detection of BVDV in routine diagnostic cattle serum samples" pdf

... took part in all aspects of the study, including study design, laboratory analysis, interpretation of the results, and drafting of the manuscript KS participated in interpretation of the results ... comparison to IPX, for routine diagnostic detection of BVDV within a control programme In addition, the effect of passive immunity and heat-inactivation of the samples on the performance of the ELISA ... by Meyling [18], using a polyclonal bovine anti-BVDV serum (BVD virus positive control serum, VLA, Weybridge, UK) to detect the virus The presence of red-brown cytoplasmic staining in any of the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 18:21

7 266 0
Bioanalytical strategies for the quantification of xenobiotics in biological fluids and tissues 1

Bioanalytical strategies for the quantification of xenobiotics in biological fluids and tissues 1

... can be applied for solid samples However they require tedious steps including mincing, shredding, grinding, pulverizing and pressurizing, to render the sample and its components into a non-viscous, ... Hence, the information on the body burden of carcinogens provides evidence for malignant transformation 1.7 Importance of xenobiotic quantification in body fluids and tissues Xenobiotic quantification ... recalcitrant and persist in the environment and increase in Chapter concentration with time For example, burning of plastics and certain fertilizers forms dioxin, a xenobiotic toxin, so pervasive and...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:08

20 285 0
Bioanalytical strategies for the quantification of xenobiotics in biological fluids and tissues 2

Bioanalytical strategies for the quantification of xenobiotics in biological fluids and tissues 2

... (ultrasonication for 10 with 5mL of acetone) and stored in the same solvent 27 Chapter 2.3.5 µ-SPE procedure For extraction, the µ-SPE device after drying in air for few minutes was placed in 10 mL of sample ... 8.00E+06 10min 20min 30min 40min 4.00E+06 50min 60min 0.00E+00 DES Estrone Estradiol Ethynylestradiol Figure 2.4 Extraction time profiles of estrogens Samples were spiked at levels of 10 µg L-1 of each ... presence of certain types of estrogen receptors (ER) and the prevalence of 23 Chapter gynaecological cancers [10] Determination of estrogens in tumor specimens and accumulating fluids in the cyst...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:08

22 215 0
Bioanalytical strategies for the quantification of xenobiotics in biological fluids and tissues 3

Bioanalytical strategies for the quantification of xenobiotics in biological fluids and tissues 3

... carcinogenic forms of those amines These derivatives stimulate tumors, usually in tissues distance from the site of administration [18] Cooking of proteinrich foods mainly from animal origin may ... conditions used are: initially 50˚C for minutes followed by the increase of 20˚C min-1 until 100˚C, 10˚C min-1 to 200˚C and 20˚C min-1 until 300˚C which is held for 7.5 minutes 300˚C injector port, ... 3-bromoaniline were prominent in most of the benign samples The clinical importance of their elevated levels in malignant samples in terms of their roles in benign to malignant transformation...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:09

32 256 0
Bioanalytical strategies for the quantification of xenobiotics in biological fluids and tissues 4

Bioanalytical strategies for the quantification of xenobiotics in biological fluids and tissues 4

... are carcinogenic” [19] Many higher-chlorinated biphenyls, persistent and predominant in foods, are active as promoters in carcinogenesis Lower-chlorinated biphenyls, predominating in indoor and ... measured in most of the general population because of their environmental ubiquity and persistence For instance, in a report of a large and statistically representative sampling of 1,800 individuals ... 310˚C min-1 and 5˚C min-1 to 320˚C (hold for 10 min) µL of the sample was injected into the GC-MS in splitless mode and the total GC-MS analysis time was 55.00 SIM mode employed for the set of target...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:09

24 241 0
Bioanalytical strategies for the quantification of xenobiotics in biological fluids and tissues 5

Bioanalytical strategies for the quantification of xenobiotics in biological fluids and tissues 5

... impacts the action of several drugs and toxins via its conjugation in the liver An increase in the incidence of hypertension has been observed following lead exposure in humans [8] In the present ... trace metal metabolism in human body [3, 6] Consequently, whole blood, serum and plasma have been used in biological research for the determination of trace metal status of individuals and groups ... observed in the benign possibly promote the malignant transformation of ovarian tumor The present findings in agreement with the results of earlier studies on tumor, irrespective of the nature of the...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:09

15 189 0
Bioanalytical strategies for the quantification of xenobiotics in biological fluids and tissues 6

Bioanalytical strategies for the quantification of xenobiotics in biological fluids and tissues 6

... follows: initial temperature of 90ºC (held for min); 10ºC min-1 to 220ºC (held for min); increased at 10ºC min-1 to 300ºC (held for min) A standard solution of µg L-1 each analyte was initially ... retained in the injection port for min) Since the injection port is heated to high temperature (300ºC) and pressurized, the holding time of would allow the estrogens and BSTFA to react The MS interface ... (the rest was discarded) Using the same syringe, µL of BSTFA was withdrawn, making the total volume in the GC syringe µL The entire µL was injected into the GC-MS for injection port derivatiztion...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:09

21 268 0
Bioanalytical strategies for the quantification of xenobiotics in biological fluids and tissues 7

Bioanalytical strategies for the quantification of xenobiotics in biological fluids and tissues 7

... then incubated in a humid chamber at room temperature for a specified period (60 min, 30 min) of time The amount of antibody binding depends on several factors, including degree of washing with ... healthy plasma and 141.072 (≈141.1) µL of cancer serum were needed in order to precipitate 100 µg of proteins Following which, five volumes of ice-cold acetone (667 µL for plasma and 705 µL for serum) ... 22.60% Laminin alpha chain LG 4-5 domain Modulation of agrin 1pz7 function by alternative splicing and Ca2+ binding 1dyk + 1pz7 - 141 Chapter From Table 7.1, it is evident that murine laminin α2LG4-5...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:09

30 262 0
Bioanalytical strategies for the quantification of xenobiotics in biological fluids and tissues 8

Bioanalytical strategies for the quantification of xenobiotics in biological fluids and tissues 8

... technique for determining the amount of estrogens in zebra fish liver, and the accumulation pattern of estrogens were well studied by the tank experiments In a biomonitoring study, using a very ... biomarker for tumor, has been successfully evaluated using an interesting analytical procedure and significant results which were more consistent with the earlier findings were obtained The levels of ... emerging research interest in ovarian cancer research The present study explored the environmental factors in detail and other internal factors such as estrogens and endorepellin protein to distinguish...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:09

5 211 0
Báo cáo y học: "Antiviral therapy of HCV in the cirrhotic and transplant candidate"

Báo cáo y học: "Antiviral therapy of HCV in the cirrhotic and transplant candidate"

... dose discontinuation in 3/20 (15%) Forns and colleagues used relatively high-dose interferon/ribavirin therapy in their cohort of 30 patients awaiting transplantation in Spain in an effort to reduce ... study of the potential benefit of prolonged peginterferon therapy in mitigating the progression of fibrotic liver disease [8] In this study, 391 of the 1045 patients enrolled into the initial ... in the EPIC3 trial: week twelve virology predicts SVR in previous interferon/ribavirin treatment failures receiving peg-intron/rebetol (PR) weight based dosing (WBD) In: 40th Annual meeting of...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 17:11

4 461 0
A study of linguistic features of intructions for use of foodstuffs in english and vietnamese

A study of linguistic features of intructions for use of foodstuffs in english and vietnamese

... Vietnamese An investigation into stylistic devices of instructions for use of foodstuffs in English and Vietnamese An investigation into cultural influences of instructions for use of foodstuffs in English ... differences of instructions for use of foodstuffs in English and Vietnamese in terms of linguistic features? What are some possible suggestions for teaching, learning, as instruction: method of instruction ... Explaining As IUFs differ from another, the language of IUFs is required to clearly present in the degree of their meaning in steps of processing and using In other words, adverbs of manner...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:23

13 698 0


... (e.g., Ministry of Justice [MoJ], Ministry of the Interior [MoI], Ministry of Law [MoL]) has resulted in insufficient involvement or delay in enrollment of prison health staff in DOTS training and ... Planning, Financing Geneva: WHO, p 57 34 GUIDELINES FOR CONTROL OF TUBERCULOSIS IN PRISONS CASE FINDING AND SCREENING IN PRISONS Box Advantages and Disadvantages of Passive and Active Case Finding ... illustrate that the risk of engaging in injecting drug use increases with every year a person is in prison.5, 10 Injecting drug users often share needles, syringes,7,8 or homemade injecting equipment and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 04:20

151 410 0
Programme Syllabus for Master of Science in Environmental Management and Economics doc

Programme Syllabus for Master of Science in Environmental Management and Economics doc

... economics, skills in integrating and using the knowledge obtained from the programme skills in understanding and analysing complex problems, necessary qualifications for a professional career in environmental ... points to be chosen Minimum 30 credit points should be from the core courses listed below, including a minimum of 7.5 credit points of methodological courses In addition, maximum 30 credit points ... electives for different specializations Sustainable Development is today an overall goal for policy in Sweden and in the European Union There is an increasing demand for knowledge of; the causes of...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 19:20

8 355 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Joint Model for Discovery of Aspects in Utterances" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Joint Model for Discovery of Aspects in Utterances" potx

... Proc of the Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL) J Reisinger and M Pasca 2011 Fine-grained class label markup of search queries In Proc of the Annual Meeting of ... version injects an informative prior for domain, dialog act and slot topic distributions using information extracted from only labeled training utterances and inject as prior conj straints (corpus ... 2004 Interactive machine learning techniques for improving slu models In Proceedings of the HLT-NAACL 2004 Workshop on Spoken Language Understanding for Conversational Systems and Higher Level Linguistic...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 17:20

9 417 0
Giáo trình thực hành BCMSN   Chương 7 – Planning for Implementation of Voice in a Campus

Giáo trình thực hành BCMSN Chương 7 – Planning for Implementation of Voice in a Campus

... (config)#line console SW2950_02 (config-line)# logging synchronous SW2950_02 (config-line)# password cisco SW2950_02 (config-line)# login SW2950_02 (config)#line vty SW2950_02 (config-line)# password ... (config)#line console SW3560_01 (config-line)# logging synchronous SW3560_01 (config-line)# password cisco SW3560_01 (config-line)# login SW3560_01 (config)#line vty SW3560_01 (config-line)# password ... (config)#line console SW2950_01 (config-line)# logging synchronous SW2950_01 (config-line)# password cisco SW2950_01 (config-line)# login SW2950_01 (config)#line vty SW2950_01 (config-line)# password...

Ngày tải lên: 08/05/2014, 13:41

12 457 0
Chương 8 – Planning for Implementation of Voice in a Campus

Chương 8 – Planning for Implementation of Voice in a Campus

... nhận tin cậy traffic vào mạng ranh giới tin tưởng 252 Giáo trình khóa học BCMSN Chương – Planning for Implementation of Voice in a Campus Tại thiết bị ranh giới tin tưởng, giá trị QoS tin cậy ... Chương – Planning for Implementation of Voice in a Campus mức độ dịch vụ họ trải nghiệm với điện thoại truyền thống, độ tin cậy tính sẵn sàng mạng liệu phải đạt mức độ quan trọng Độ tin cậy thước ... Datagram Protocol (UDP) dùng để đóng gói gói tin voice Khả truyền lại TCP giá trị 238 Giáo trình khóa học BCMSN Chương – Planning for Implementation of Voice in a Campus Đối với chất lượng gọi voice,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/05/2014, 13:41

21 427 0
Dissertation for doctor of philosophy in agriculture study on the growth and development ability of some imported soybean varieties and cultivation techniques for prospect variety in thai nguyen

Dissertation for doctor of philosophy in agriculture study on the growth and development ability of some imported soybean varieties and cultivation techniques for prospect variety in thai nguyen

... methods for cultivating soybean contributed on cultivation guideline improvement for soybean intensive farming in winter and spring in Thai Nguyen - The using new and high yielding variety of soybean ... Experiment 4: Determining the planting density of soybean variety 99084 A28 in spring and winter crops in 2007 - 2008 in Thai Nguyen a/ Time and place: In spring and winter crops in 2007 - 2008 at ... Results of determining the optimum sowing date for the soybean variety 99084 A28 in spring and winter crops in Thai Nguyen Table 3.18 Effect of planting season on yield of variety 99084 - A28 in Thai...

Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2014, 13:23

26 376 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "The efficacy of preoperative PET/CT for prediction of curability in surgery for locally advanced gastric carcinoma" ppsx

Báo cáo khoa học: "The efficacy of preoperative PET/CT for prediction of curability in surgery for locally advanced gastric carcinoma" ppsx

... below 130 mg/mL and rested for approximately 45 minutes before receiving an intravenous injection of 440 MBq of 18F-FDG Scanning began 60 minutes later A combined PET/CT in- line system (Biograph LSD, ... findings Second, the criteria for non-curative surgery might be subjective In this study, gastric cancer with definite distant metastatic lesions (M1) or with surgical findings of invasion into ... tumors in advanced disease, but inferior to CT for detecting intra-abdominal lymph node metastasis [8,9] In addition, recent studies showed that FDG-PET had lower sensitivity for detection of lymph...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 03:22

7 470 0