availability usage and other systems



... written in ARIANE-78), and two "open" systems, called "expert corrector systems" The first is inserted at the junction between analysis and transfer, and the second between transfer and generation This ... costliest components of CAT systems Hence, we are working towards the reconciliation of "natural" and "coded" dictionaries, and towards the construction of automated verification and indexing tools Natural ... lead to "word senses" - Grafting on expert systems Seeing that linguistic expertise is already quite well represented and handled in current ("closed") systems, we are orienting our research towards...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 18:20

4 439 0
Báo cáo y học: "Reconstructing the ubiquitin network - cross-talk with other systems and identification of novel functions" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Reconstructing the ubiquitin network - cross-talk with other systems and identification of novel functions" doc

... one hand and the K63 polyubiquitination and monoubiquitination on the other, which have no destabilizing effects; and second, protein levels can rapidly become undetectable after Ub-tagging, and ... its interaction with the proteome On the other hand, there are other key proteins with many connections to the proteome (Ubp10 and Mpe1), but not with other Ub/Ubl pathway components In addition, ... Slx5-Slx8 sumoylateddata file Figure Table of and S2 Ub andSUMO Figure S3: properties information of ubiquitinaand random Ubls Figure Ub/Ubl pathway proteins andflanking in the MI network.Tablemodular...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 21:20

18 268 0
Alphabets and other writing systems

Alphabets and other writing systems

... Hmong, and many other languages, people use letters, numbers, and punctuation to write But people have not always used this system to write The first people who wrote did not use letters, words, and ... shells, and other things are found under ground Extend Language Pictographs made by ancient Mayans punctuation: marks used by writers, such as a period (.), comma (,), and question mark (?) Greek and ... hieroglyphs too Some Mayan hieroglyphs stand for whole words Other Mayan hieroglyphs stand for sounds or syllables ka- A Mayan hieroglyph: kakawa In Mayan, ka and wa are syllables ka- wa- The main...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2015, 21:37

6 94 0
Báo cáo y học: "The Impact of a Nationwide Antibiotic Restriction Program on Antibiotic Usage and Resistance against Nosocomial Pathogens in Turkey"

Báo cáo y học: "The Impact of a Nationwide Antibiotic Restriction Program on Antibiotic Usage and Resistance against Nosocomial Pathogens in Turkey"

... financial cost and resistance patterns of leading nosocomial pathogens (gram) and number of boxes were calculated from two databases, 1) Hospital pharmacy computer databases, and 2) International ... analysis Materials and Methods Results Hospital setting and antibiotic policy: NARP was initiated in Turkey in February 2003 by a central regulation of Ministry of Health and was announced nation-wide ... idenfications were performed by conventional methods and automatic systems (API 20E strips BioMerieux, BBL Crystal Becton-Dickinson) Antibiotic expenditure and cost: Aggregate amount of antibiotic consumption...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:00

6 693 0
Báo cáo y học: "Maitake Mushroom Extracts Ameliorate Progressive Hypertension and Other Chronic Metabolic Perturbations in Aging Female Rats"

Báo cáo y học: "Maitake Mushroom Extracts Ameliorate Progressive Hypertension and Other Chronic Metabolic Perturbations in Aging Female Rats"

... in SHR and WKY rats Ann Lab Clin Sci 1986;16:419-426 32 Grant KE, Chandler RM, Castle AL, Ivy JL: Chromium and exercise training: effect on obese women Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise ... for the 20th Century: Chronic and Disabling Conditions 12:1.6, October 2000 Wotecki CE, Welsh SO, Raper N, Marston RW: Recent trends and levels of dietary sugar and other caloric sweeteners In: ... blood pressure and catecholamine excretion in SHR and WKY Am J Physiol 1986;250:E381-385 Kopilas MA, Dang LNT, Anderson HDI: Effect of dietary chromium on resistance artery function and nitric oxide...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 08:57

12 469 0
Suppliant Maidens and Other Plays

Suppliant Maidens and Other Plays

... to herself by a touch of the hand of Zeus, and bare a child called Epaphus And from Epaphus sprang Libya, and from Libya, Belus; and from Belus, Aegyptus and Danaus And the sons of Aegyptus willed ... gates of Argos: statue and shrines of Zeus and other deities stand around CHORUS ZEUS! Lord and guard of suppliant hands! Look down benign on us who crave Thine aid whom winds and waters drave From ... the shape of a bull And by the will of Zeus and the craft of Hermes was Argus slain Then Io was driven over far lands and seas by her madness, and came at length to the land of Egypt There was...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 14:13

11 523 0
ThThe Cook's Wedding and Other Stories

ThThe Cook's Wedding and Other Stories

... lots and lots of cabmen as you know, hay is dear, and folks are paltry nowadays and always contriving to go by tram And yet, thank God, I have nothing to complain of I have plenty to eat and good ... shakes her head, rocks the cradle, and murmurs her song The green patch and the shadows from the trousers and the babyclothes move up and down, nod to her, and soon take possession of her brain ... has come to feed the baby, and is standing in the middle of the room While the stout, broad-shouldered woman nurses the child and soothes it, Varka stands looking at her and waiting till she Thank...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 14:13

11 717 3
Afterlife and Other Stories

Afterlife and Other Stories

... record player Bob took Jean‟s right hand and helped her to stand He put his arms around her waist and said, “I love you, Jean.” “I love you too, Bob,” she replied And they were found dead by the building ... But they persisted, and grew stronger and longer with time There began to be days when instead of going out for wheelchair walks they stayed indoors and stared into each other s eyes Each seeing ... She turned and saw him in his Dress Blues, marching with his white gloved hands around the wheelchair‟s handles with brass buttons shining against his uniform Jean did a double take and was comforted...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 16:13

11 418 1
A teacher's guide to interference and other problems

A teacher's guide to interference and other problems

... branch of Indo-European, and as such is closely related to Frisian, English, German and the Scandinavian languages It is the standard language in the Netherlands and in Flanders, the northern part ... to interference and other problems / [edited by] Michael Swan and Bernard Smith ± 2nd ed p cm ± (Cambridge handbooks for language teachers) Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-521-77939-1 ... still very great The standard language is understood almost everywhere, but dialects tend to be mutually unintelligible, both in the Netherlands and in Flanders Dutch and English being so closely...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2013, 08:35

365 846 3


... mature pandan leaf 20672313 2-AP in old pandan leaf 31776315 Table Content of - AP (ng/kg) in the pandan leaves quantified by SDE-GCFID Pandan leaves Young pandan leaf Mature pandan leaf Old pandan ... clearly these changes, SDE and SPME coupling with GC-FID and GCMS were used to identify, quantify and presented in this paper MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Materials The pandan (Pandanus amaryllifolius) ... like Pandan leaf (Phan Phuoc Hien, 2011) Based on the two methods we studied for extraction and quantitative analysis of 2-AP in the pandan leaf and used it as the standard for qualitative and...

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2013, 16:28

8 622 0
Children’s Health Deficits due to Diarrhoea: Effects of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in Slums with Different Water Logging Conditions

Children’s Health Deficits due to Diarrhoea: Effects of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in Slums with Different Water Logging Conditions

... Short-term and Heavy rainy, SDG: Short-term and Drainage, LSD: Long-term and Stagnant, LHT: Long-term and Heavy rainy, LMK: Long-term and Monsoon flood, PDL: Persistent and Drainage, PHS: Persistent and ... field rather than a latrine and without hand washing (with and without soap) before eating and after defecation However, control variables for mother’s illiteracy and household income strongly ... supply and (c) sanitation systems and attitudes for (d) water treatment at home, (e) children’s defecation habits and (f) hygiene practices Note: Communities code name, SRM: Short-term and Rainy,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

15 703 0
Integration of energy and environmental systems in wastewater treatment plants

Integration of energy and environmental systems in wastewater treatment plants

... management and pollution controls Contamination of raw water source Implement and enforce water and land protection zones Water stress/ insufficient water allocation Study water yields; draft and conclude ... significant factors and determine the effect of one variable on another This analysis is repeated, changing the dependent and independent variable and thus the effect of one factor on the other Based ... include blower and oxidation ditch, pump and trickling filter, and clarifier Based on the literature review, specifications, operating time, and capacity, it was estimated that blower and oxidation...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

10 636 1
Evaluation of heat pumps usage and energy savings in residential buildings

Evaluation of heat pumps usage and energy savings in residential buildings

... 140 and 205 m2) and large size (more than 205 m2) As shown in Figure 2, the percentages of the house sizes in the test group are 54%, 40%, and % for large, medium and small homes respectively and ... International Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE), Volume 3, Issue 3, 2012, pp.399-408 have incentives to develop new products and processes [3] In the USA and in many other countries of the world, ... 33%, 62%, and 5% for large, medium and small homes respectively The percentages of 1-4 years old, 5-8 years old and 9-12 years old homes in the control group sample are 40% , 46 % and 14 % respectively...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10

10 466 0
The 8051 microcontroller and embedded systems using assembly and c 2nd ed

The 8051 microcontroller and embedded systems using assembly and c 2nd ed

... Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C Mazidi, Mazidi and McKinlay Chung-Ping Young 楊中平 Home Automation, Networking, and Entertainment Lab Dept of Computer Science and Information ... Numbering and coding systems Digital primer Inside the computer Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Cheng Kung University, TAIWAN NUMBERING AND CODING SYSTEMS Decimal and ... Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C Mazidi, Mazidi and McKinlay Chung-Ping Young 楊中平 Home Automation, Networking, and Entertainment Lab Dept of Computer Science and Information...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2013, 19:10

617 974 0
The Black Cat and other stories

The Black Cat and other stories

... brave and happy and wise prince When half of the people in his land were dead, he chose a thousand healthy and happy friends and took them away from the city He took them over the hills and far ... And as they listened, some people's faces became white Other people's heads began to go round and round Others put hands to their heads, surprised by sudden strange, dream-like thoughts And ... nothing He took my hand I saw cuts and dried blood on it I cried out, jumped to the table and tried to open the box I tried and tried but I could not! I fell to the floor and broke Dentist's...

Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2013, 17:11

10 557 1
Nano and Microelectromechanical Systems P4

Nano and Microelectromechanical Systems P4

... (N), • cylindrical (C) and • asymmetrical (A) Using the possible electromagnetic systems and geometry, actuators and sensors (motion nano- and microstructures as well as nano- and microdevices) can ... ICs, provide enabling benefits and capabilities to design and manufacture NEMS and MEMS Critical issues are to improve power and thermal management, circuitry and actuator/sensor integration, ... integrated circuit and micromachining silicon, germanium, and gallium arsenic technologies have been developed and used to manufacture ICs and motion microstructures (microscale actuators and sensors)...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 11:15

20 454 1
Module12 Exceptions, Templates, and Other Advanced Topics

Module12 Exceptions, Templates, and Other Advanced Topics

... Exception Handling An exception is an error that occurs at runtime Using C++’s exception handling subsystem, you can, in a structured and controlled manner, handle runtime errors When exception handling ... way is to allow multiple handlers access to the exception For example, perhaps one exception handler manages one aspect of an exception, and a second handler copes with another aspect An exception ... error-handling routine when an exception occurs The principal advantage of exception handling is that it automates much of the error-handling code that previously had to be entered “by hand” into...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 03:15

53 325 0
Exceptions, Templates, and Other Advanced Topics

Exceptions, Templates, and Other Advanced Topics

... exception handling subsystem, you can, in a structured and controlled manner, handle runtime errors When exception handling is employed, your program automatically invokes an error-handling routine ... exception handling is that it automates much of the error-handling code that previously had to be entered “by hand” into any large program Exception Handling Fundamentals C++ exception handling ... way is to allow multiple handlers access to the exception For example, perhaps one exception handler manages one aspect of an exception, and a second handler copes with another aspect An exception...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 03:15

54 524 1
Nano and Microelectromechanical Systems P6

Nano and Microelectromechanical Systems P6

... closed-loop systems use the data from different sensors, feedback commands (controls) are generated and executed, and intelligent updates and evolution are performed The feedback for sensor and control ... the reference (command), output, decision making, and other variables Studying the end-to-end NEMS and MEMS behavior, usually the output is the nano- or microactuator linear and angular displacements ... because V (e, x ) > and dV (e, x)

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 18:15

36 515 0