... the following list: SEC and auditor, Independence Standards Board, SEC and auditing, SEC and accounting, SEC and independence, accounting conflict of interest, Public Oversight Board, accounting ... Financial Accounting Standards Board 13 An interesting empirical study by Shafer, Morris, and Ketchand in 1999 examined aspects of moral intensity and auditors’ ethical decision making and behavioral ... financial statements For the same reason, auditor independence has long been a concern in the securities regulatory environment Rules that define and regulate auditor independence have been part of the...
Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2014, 22:20
... First, the application of mandatory auditor rotation in general as a solution for the lack of auditor independence problem in Egypt and at the same to make the EAS and regulations coping with the ... and the impact on audit quality The auditor independence is the cornerstone of the auditing profession It is defined as the refusal of the auditor to support any detected misstatements and standing ... fourth principle, it states that objectivity and independence should be maintained by the auditor and that independence should be exercised both in fact and in appearance while providing an audit...
Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:43
Consultative Document Strengthening Oversight and Regulation of Shadow Banking docx
... Strengthening Oversight and Regulation of Shadow Banking Consultative documents The Financial Stability Board (FSB) is seeking comments on consultative documents on Strengthening Oversight and Regulation ... availability and hence on the real economy by expanding their businesses and facilitating the creation of credit in boom times where risk appetite is high and credit costs and losses are low, and scaling ... availability and hence on the real economy by expanding their businesses and facilitating the creation of credit in boom times where risk appetite is high and credit costs and losses are low, and scaling...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 08:20
... enhance auditor independence, objectivity and professional skepticism? • Would audit firm rotation enhance auditor independence, objectivity and professional skepticism? • What are the advantages and ... Palmrose and R Saul, The Push for Auditor Independence, Regulation: The Cato Review of Business and Government, 18-23, Winter 2001 (concluding that "[t]he SEC's [2000] rulemaking on auditor independence ... 2004); M.A Geiger and K Raghunandan, Auditor Tenure and Audit Reporting Failures, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 21 (2), 67-78 (2002); A Ghosh and D C Moon, Auditor Tenure and Perceptions...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 22:20
bergner - 2011 - auditor rotation and auditor independence - an investigation using social identity theory and accountability
... review Organization Auditor independence Constraints inhibiting auditor independence Incentives encouraging auditor independence Auditor rotation and independence Audit firm and partner rotation ... rotation and partner signing KEYWORDS: audit partner rotation, auditor independence, mandatory rotation, accountability, Social Identity Theory S|ude,nt's signatu Date AUDITOR ROTATION AND AUDITOR INDEPENDENCE: ... Identification and Accountability on Auditors' Independence Table 4.12 - Effect of Rotation Type and Accountability on Auditors' Independence Table 4.13 - Effect of Rotation Type and Accountability on Auditors'...
Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:41
gietzmann and sen - 2002 - improving auditor independence through selective mandatory rotation [mar]
... non-rotation, and examine more completely the role of the current and the future period’s fee in determining auditors’ independence MINIMUM LEVELS OF LIABILITY THAT INSURE AUDITOR INDEPENDENCE, WITH AND ... of auditors maintain independence in the final period, but only the type M auditors maintain independence in the rst period and the type N nds it economical to collude, i.e., if (15), (16) and ... observe the auditor type, it is as if nature assigns auditors to projects The auditor chooses an implicit collusion strategy l Î [c, nc] where c stands for colluding (e = 0) and nc stands for not...
Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:42
gul et al - 2007 - auditor independence - evidence on the joint effects of auditor tenure and non-audit fees
... non-audit fees and auditor independence is contingent upon auditor tenure, and that high nonaudit fees have a negative impact on auditor independence when audit tenure is short and client firm ... auditor independence Another stream of research in the auditing literature focuses on the association between auditor independence and auditor tenure (e.g., Dopuch et al 2001; Geiger and Raghunandan ... research on nonaudit fees /auditor independence and argue that an investigation of the relation between audit/non-audit fees and auditor independence without consideration of auditor tenure is likely...
Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:42
hossain - 2013 - effect of regulatory changes on auditor independence and audit quality
... concerned with auditor independence, this study uses auditorprovided non-audit services (NAS) fees and abnormal NAS fees as measures of auditor independence (e.g., Craswell, 1999; DeFond, Raghunandan ... adequacy of regulations to improve auditor independence and audit quality Following these corporate failures, the adequacy of the Australian regulations that aimed to ensure auditor independence ... between auditors and clients and therefore impairs auditor independence Cahan et al (2008) argue that faster growth and longer time period over which non-audit services are purchased from auditors...
Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:42
daniels and booker - 2011 - the effects of audit firm rotation on perceived auditor independence and audit quality [mafr]
... quality and independence, and formulation of accounting principles 107th Congress 2nd Session (March 14, 2002) DeAngelo, L E (1981a) Auditor independence, ... and (2) the effects of tenure within a rotation policy The profession maintains that auditors must be independent ‘‘in fact’’ and ‘‘in appearance.’’ While both must be studied to understand independence, ... committees consider rotation of auditors as a means of enhancing auditor independence and building investor confidence The Commission believes that the cost of auditor rotation is less than the...
Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:42
pott - 2009 - review of empirical research on rotation and non-audit service - auditor independence in fact vs. appearance
... follows: Section defines auditor independence in both fact and appearance and explains different theoretical approaches to auditor independence The regulation related to auditor independence is presented ... of auditor independence Behav Res Account 20(1):31–44 DeAngelo L (1981a) Auditor independence, low-balling, and disclosure regulation J Account Econ 3:113–127 DeAngelo L (1981b) Auditor size and ... different threats to auditor independence, e g., non-audit fees and audit partner tenure Keywords Auditor independence · European Union · Regulation Zusammenfassung Durch Bilanzskandale in den USA...
Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:43
liu and liu - 2008 - auditor switching, earnings manipulation and auditor independence - evidence from a-share listed companies in china
... ones(DeAngelo, 1981) and that the new standards help to improve the auditor independence as a whole For that, auditor switches and their impact to the independence of successor auditors have received ... article and, based on this, explored into the relation between auditor switching and earnings manipulation and its effect on auditor independence The results showed that profit-making companies and ... manipulation and auditor independence 285 inconsistency in conclusions Then based on our discussion, we will further probe into motives behind auditor switching and the effect of auditor switching on auditor...
Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:43
lu - 2006 - does opinion shopping impair auditor independence and audit quality
... determinants and consequences of auditor conservatism and audit quality; and (4) comparisons of the predecessor and successor auditor s fees and their impacts on auditor conservatism and audit quality ... legislators and regulators have two concerns related to auditor s decisions: (1) how the auditor deals with detected misstatements (an issue of auditor independence) and (2) how likely the auditor ... successor auditor s independence is compromised by dismissal threats and opinion shopping Second, the successor auditor s audit quality exceeds the predecessor auditor s audit quality Third, auditor...
Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:43
tepalagul and lin - 2014 - auditor independence and audit quality - a literature review [ai-aq]
... to auditor independence and audit quality We organize our review around four main threats to auditor independence, namely, (a) client importance, (b) non-audit services, (c) auditor tenure, and ... four major threats to auditor independence, which should be useful to academics interested in auditor independence and audit quality, as well as to regulators, investors, and auditors The remainder ... impact of auditor independence on audit quality impact of the four threats on the quality of audits and financial reports is determined by their net effect on auditor capabilities and auditor independence...
Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:44
... R and Cave, M 1999 Understanding Regulation: Theory, Strategy and Practice, Oxford: Oxford University Press Baldwin, R., and McCrudden, C 1987 Regulation and Public Law, London: Weidenfeld and ... facets of regulation: (i) theories of regulation, (ii) techniques and instruments for regulating, (iii) compliance with and enforcement of regulation and (iv) issues of accountability and legitimacy ... Imagination Zander: Cases and Materials on the English Legal System Zander: The Law-Making Process An Introduction to Law and Regulation Text and Materials Bronwen Morgan and Karen Yeung CAMBRIDGE...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:39
Regulation above and beyond the state
... (i) theories of regulation; (ii) instruments and techniques of regulation; (iii) enforcement and compliance with regulation; and (iv) issues of accountability and legitimacy in regulation Although ... dispute’ between the EU, on the one hand, and US, Canada and Argentina, on the other hand This dispute concerns the EU’s ban on hormone-treated meat which the US, Canada and Argentina claim is a disguised ... D (2003) ‘Outsourcing regulation: Analyzing nongovernmental systems of labor standards and monitoring’, The Policy Studies Journal 31(1): 1À29 335 336 Regulation above and beyond the state Raustiala,...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20
Tài liệu Bank regulation, capital and credit supply: Measuring the impact of Prudential Standards pptx
... Bernanke and Blinder (1992), Bernanke and Gertler (1995), Thakor (1996), and Kashyap and Stein (1995, 2000) 10 See, for example, Berger and Udell (1994), Hancock and Wilcox (1994) and Peek and Rosengren ... for regulation, the costs and benefits of various aspects of regulation, and the structure and development of the financial services industry Since their main purpose is to stimulate interest and ... measure of internal capital adequacy (e.g., Hancock and Wilcox (1994), Nier and Zicchino (2005), Gambacorta and Mistrulli (2004) and Berrospide and Edge (2008)) In the majority of those studies,...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Brain angiogenesis in developmental and pathological processes: regulation, molecular and cellular communication at the neurovascular interface pdf
... pericytes and severe defects in the brain and heart, leading to vascular leakage and edema [55–57] Ligand–receptor signaling between two types of cells may mediate cellular communication and, in ... astrocytes make contact with, and possibly integrate and deliver signals between, neurons and vessels To understand the role of astrocytes in cerebral blood flow regulation, we focus on the Ca2+ ... ª 2009 FEBS 4623 Regulation of angiogenesis and barriergenesis H S Lee et al the importance of HIF-1a in the development of brain vasculature and other tissues Reoxygenation and the SSeCKS/AKAP12...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 11:20
... statement of nonstandardized meat and poultry products and standardized meat and poultry products that permit the use of any safe and suitable antimicrobial agent Standardized meat and poultry products ... determination Fresh cuts of meat and poultry and various nonstandardized RTE meat and poultry products and standardized RTE meat and poultry products that permit the use of any safe and suitable antimicrobial ... chicken fritter) Used as a binding and/ or thickening agent in standardized meat and poultry products, and in nonstandardized meat and poultry products such as beef and poultry patties, sausages,...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 10:20
Central bank independence rules, practices, and outcomes
... developed by Grilli, Masciandaro, and Tabellini (1991) These scholars divide central bank independence into two categories: political independence and economic independence Political independence is “the ... systems H3: At each level of independence, the new measure of legal central bank independence, which takes into account legal independence and the gap between it and de facto independence, will lead ... central bank independence H4: At each level of independence, the new measure of legal independence, which takes into account legal central bank independence and the gap between it and de facto...
Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 13:58
The auditor's loss function and investors' perceptions of audit effectiveness Effects of regulatory change
... publicly-available auditing standards and liability laws.6 In much the same way that auditors must be concerned about their independence in fact and appearance, auditors and regulators should consider ... change in auditing standards from Auditing Standard (AS2) to Auditing Standard (AS5) – affects the auditor s cost of performing the ICFR audit and has recently been approved and enacted in the ... AS2 (the existing standard) and AS5 (the proposed standard) 10 I recognize that actual and perceived audit effectiveness may be different and are both empirically important and interesting In...
Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 14:04