atmel avr atmega attiny 51 development board

Atmel AVR Microcontroller Primer Programming and Interfaceing

Atmel AVR Microcontroller Primer Programming and Interfaceing

... transmission } ATMEL AVR ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW 3 1.1.3 ATmega1 6 Architecture Overview We have chosen the ATmega1 6 as a representative of the Atmel AVR line of microcontrollers. Lessons learned with the ATmega1 6 ... parameters of the ATmega1 6, and ã summarize the special ATmega1 6 features. 1.1 ATmega1 6 ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW In this section, we describe the overall architecture of the Atmel AVR ATmega1 6. We begin ... doi:10.2200/S00025ED1V01Y200605DCS001 2. Atmel 8-bit AVR Microcontroller with 16K Bytes In-System Programmable Flash, ATmega1 6, ATmega1 6L, data sheet: 2466L -AVR- 06/05, Atmel, San Jose, CA. 3. J Hennessy...

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2012, 09:03

194 1,1K 4


... cổng vào ra VI ĐIỀU KHIỂN AVRATmega 128 Lê Trung Thắng ĐH Khoa Học Tự Nhiên TP. Hồ Chí Minh - 2007 18 Chương III BỘ ĐỊNH THỜI CỦA ATmega1 28 ATmega1 28 có 4 bộ định thời , ... nhớ EEPROM $000 $FFF Bảnđồ bộ nhớ ATmega1 28 VI ĐIỀU KHIỂN AVRATmega 128 Lê Trung Thắng ĐH Khoa Học Tự Nhiên TP. Hồ Chí Minh - 2007 10 EEPROM của ATmega1 28 có dung lượng 4 Kbyte = ... thành ngõ ra. VI ĐIỀU KHIỂN AVRATmega 128 Lê Trung Thắng ĐH Khoa Học Tự Nhiên TP. Hồ Chí Minh - 2007 13 Tóm tắc: Bản đồ bộ nhớ bên trong của ATmega1 28 có thể tóm tắc lại như...

Ngày tải lên: 27/04/2013, 11:20

100 1,9K 6
Atmel AVR Architecture Overview

Atmel AVR Architecture Overview

... into the ATmega1 6. We use Atmel s AVR Studio to load the machine code into the ATmega1 6. 6 ATMEL AVR MICROCONTROLLER PRIMER: PROGRAMMING AND INTERFACING 1.3 PORT SYSTEM The Atmel ATmega1 6 ... PA1 ATMEL AVR ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW 3 1.1.3 ATmega1 6 Architecture Overview We have chosen the ATmega1 6 as a representative of the Atmel AVR line of microcontrollers. Lessons learned with the ATmega1 6 ... doi:10.2200/S00025ED1V01Y200605DCS001 2. Atmel 8-bit AVR Microcontroller with 16K Bytes In-System Programmable Flash, ATmega1 6, ATmega1 6L, data sheet: 2466L -AVR- 06/05, Atmel, San Jose, CA. 3. J Hennessy...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 20:20

24 507 1
Atmel AVR Operating Parameters and Interfacing

Atmel AVR Operating Parameters and Interfacing

... illustrate the ease and transferring information from one microcontroller to another in the Atmel AVR line. ATMEL AVR OPERATING PARAMETERS AND INTERFACING 129 1-(/Reset) PC6 2-PD0 3-PD1 4-PD2 5-PD3 6-PD4 7-VCC 8-GND 9-PB6 10-PB7 11-PD5 12-PD6 13-PD7 14-PB0 ATme ... character lines in a 1x16 array //LCD data bus (pin 14-pin7) ATMEL 8: PORTD //LCD RS (pin 28) ATMEL 8: PORTC[5] //LCD E (pin 27) ATMEL 8: PORTC[4] //*************************************************************** void ... travel about the planets. An Atmel ATmega8 microcontroller was used because its capabilities best fit the requirements for the project. We will retain the use of the ATmega8 in the example to illustrate...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 20:20

54 295 0
High-performance, Low-power Atmel® AVR® 8-bit Microcontroller.

High-performance, Low-power Atmel® AVR® 8-bit Microcontroller.

... ADC6 INPUT ADC5 INPUT ADC4 INPUT 16 2466T AVR 07/10 ATmega1 6(L) AVR ATmega1 6 Memories This section describes the different memories in the ATmega1 6. The AVR architecture has two main memory spaces, ... Flash ATmega1 6 ATmega1 6L Rev. 2466T AVR 07/10 92 2466T AVR 07/10 ATmega1 6(L) Accessing 16-bit Registers The TCNT1, OCR1A/B, and ICR1 are 16-bit registers that can be accessed by the AVR CPU ... Voltages – 2.7V - 5.5V for ATmega1 6L – 4.5V - 5.5V for ATmega1 6 ã Speed Grades 0 - 8 MHz for ATmega1 6L 0 - 16 MHz for ATmega1 6 ã Power Consumption @ 1 MHz, 3V, and 25°C for ATmega1 6L – Active: 1.1...

Ngày tải lên: 15/04/2014, 14:32

357 6K 0
Tài liệu DE2 Development and Education Board pdf

Tài liệu DE2 Development and Education Board pdf

... Power-up the DE2 Board The DE2 board comes with a preloaded configuration bit stream to demonstrate some features of the board. This bit stream also allows users to see quickly if the board is working ... headers ã Clear plastic cover for the board ã 9V DC wall-mount power supply 1.2 The DE2 Board Assembly To assemble the included stands for the DE2 board: ã Assemble a rubber (silicon) cover, ... the DE2 board ã The clear plastic cover provides extra protection, and is mounted over the top of the board by using additional stands and screws Figure 1.2. The feet for the DE2 board. ...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 21:17

72 587 0
Tài liệu Best Practives in Leadership Development & Organization Change 51 pptx

Tài liệu Best Practives in Leadership Development & Organization Change 51 pptx

... Consulting Group’s leadership development program to leadership development, 132–134, 135–136, 139–140, 152–159; in GE Capital’s leadership development program, 169, 170–171; in Intel’s Leadership Development ... leadership development program, 128–134, 141; of GE Capital’s leadership development program, 163–167; of Hewlett- Packard’s leadership development program, 183–185; of Intel’s Leadership Development Forum, ... Leadership Development Forum, 220, 225, 226; in McDonald’s leadership development program, 286; in Praxair’s leadership strategy initiative, 355 Self -development approach, to leadership development, ...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 16:15

13 474 0
Practicing Organization Development (A guide for Consultants) - Part 51 ppsx

Practicing Organization Development (A guide for Consultants) - Part 51 ppsx

... practitioners (Rothwell, Sullivan, & McLean, 1995). The Organization Development Institute (ODI) and Organization Development Network (ODN) collaborated in the 1980s and published guide- lines ... recent collaborative projects with IODA (International Organization Development Association). The Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD, 1999) and the Society for Industrial and Organizational ... questions than answers. In responding to these questions, the authors will GLOBAL ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT 471 28_962384 ch20.qxd 2/3/05 12:24 AM Page 471 draw on the research that is available...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 02:20

10 179 0


... on Development Environment ELinOS v3.1 is enhanced with a fully integrated development environment (IDE) with two new tools, CODEO and COGNITO. Ⅲ CODEO: CODEO is the Eclipse-based integrated development ... assists with project-related queries. Ⅲ DevelopmentSupport Package: E-mail support for ELinOS development toolchain. Ⅲ SolutionsSupport Package: Assisting in development of embedded Linux applications. ... mainly targets the PowerPC architecture. Development Environment Two main development environments in Emdebian are Stag and Emdebsys. Stag is a recent development in Embdebian. However Emdebsys...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2012, 14:23

429 1,7K 2