astm standards for steel sections

Establishment of Effluent Standards for Industrial Wastewaters in Korea: Current Issues and Suggestions for Future Plan

Establishment of Effluent Standards for Industrial Wastewaters in Korea: Current Issues and Suggestions for Future Plan

... quality criteria for the protection of human health, EPA 822-B-00-005. US EPA (2002). Development document for final effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the iron and steel manufacturing ... water quality standards mostly get effluent standards 10 times higher than water quality standards (Ministry of Environment in Korea, 2001). This is one way of setting the effluent standards from ... set. For example, the area where strong protection is required such as drinking water, has normally strict effluent standards specialized for its limited area. Moreover, aside from national standards, ...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

15 543 0
Tài liệu Hi-Span Steel Sections pdf

Tài liệu Hi-Span Steel Sections pdf

... 210 350 260 400 310 5 Sections All Fielders DHS sections are rolled to length. DHS sections may be used in single spans, double and triple spans. The table lists all the DHS sections within the ... opportunity to deliver improved performance per weight of steel compared to traditional methods of design. FIELDERS NOW BOAST THE LARGEST RANGE OF HIGH SPAN STEEL SECTIONS ON THE MARKET! There is ... the standards of the Australian building industry. The new stiffened web reinforces the strength of the steel giving you the opportunity to reduce your gauge providing you with a possible steel...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 05:15

49 211 0
Tài liệu Academic Standards for Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening doc

Tài liệu Academic Standards for Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening doc

... reference. Academic Standards for Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening 17 • Credit sources using a structured format (e.g., author, title). • Give precise, formal credit for others’ ideas, images or information ... when appropriate. A. Establish the purpose for reading a type of text (literature, information) before reading. B. Select texts for a particular purpose using the format of the text as a guide. ... interviews. • Participate in a formal interview (e.g., for a job, college). • Organize and participate in informal debate around a specific topic. Academic Standards for Reading, Writing, Speaking...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 04:20

25 576 3


... health promotion in hospitals The need for standards for health promotion in hospitals Format and application of standards The way forward Standards for health promotion in hospitals Standard ... March 2004). References Standards for Health Promotion in Hospitals Standards for Health Promotion in Hospitals Standards for Health Promotion in Hospitals STANDARDS FOR HEALTH PROMOTION IN ... local environment The need for standards for health promotion in hospitals The predominant approach to quality management in hospitals is through setting standards for the services. Health promotion...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 13:20

16 353 0
Tài liệu INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS FOR Tuberculosis Care docx

Tài liệu INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS FOR Tuberculosis Care docx

... INH, EMB daily, 6 months 3 STANDARDS FOR TREATMENT STANDARD 8 31 10 INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS FOR TUBERCULOSIS CARE (ISTC) JANUARY 2006 To meet the requirements of the Standards, approaches and ... adverse drug reactions. STANDARDS FOR TREATMENT STANDARD 10 / 11 37 38 INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS FOR TUBERCULOSIS CARE (ISTC) JANUARY 2006 default and then return for treatment and patients ... progressive swelling or deformity in the bone or a joint, including the spine Source: Reproduced from WHO/FCH/CAH/00.1 STANDARDS FOR DIAGNOSIS STANDARD 6 27 36 INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS FOR TUBERCULOSIS...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 13:20

60 414 1
Tài liệu A junk‐free childhood: Responsible standards for marketing foods and beverages to children doc

Tài liệu A junk‐free childhood: Responsible standards for marketing foods and beverages to children doc

...  TheStanMarkprojectbringstogetherresearchersandpolicy‐makerstodevelopasetof standards for marketingfoodsandbeveragesconsistentwiththeresolutionoftheWorldHealthAssembly.  Objectives ConveneaseriesofmeetingsinEuropeandtheUSAtobringtogetherkeymembersofthescientific researchcommunityandpolicy‐makingcommunitytoconsiderhowmarketingfoodandbeverages mayaffectchildren’shealth. Identifycurrent‘bestpractice’approachestothecontrolofmarketing,includingmeasuresnot specificallyaddressingfood andbeveragemarketing,ornotspecificallydirectedtotheprotectionof children. Exploretheuseof standards andmarketingcodestoinfluencecommercialactivity,including standards fromotherindustrialsectors. Proposeasetof standards toformthebasis for across‐bordercodeofmarketingoffoodsand beverages. Developweb‐basedresources for policydevelopmentconcerningfoodandbeveragemarketingto childrenandrelatedmaterialstosupportpolicydevelopment.  Projectpartners  ... No   Whichmedia?  Companiesdifferintheextentoftheircoverage for self‐regulatingtheirmarketing messagestochildren,withsomeincludingproductplacement,useoflicensedcharacters andtheirownbrandedsitesinthedefinitionofmarketing.Thedefinitionofwhat constituteschild‐targetedmediavaries: for exampleNestlé 25 definesmarketingtochildren asbeing‘amarketingactivitywhereadultsupervisionisnotpresent’andcommunicationin media‘whereadultaudienceisnotpredominant’.  Thetablebelowshowssomeexamplesofthecoverageofcompanypledgesacrossmedia includedunderself‐regulation.Notethat for somemediathecompanies imposecertain  22 UKOfficeofCommunications(Ofcom)2007.Seeandsee ldren/nutlab/nutprofmod 23 DevelopedbytheSwedishNationalFoodAdministrationtodefinehealthierfoodproducts,andnowusedin Sweden,NorwayandDenmark.See‐gb/Group1/Food‐and‐Nutrition/Keyhole‐symbol/ andsee‐and‐events/news/first‐anniversary‐nordic‐consumers‐want‐more‐ keyhole‐food 24 FederalTradesCommission(2011)InteragencyWorkingGroupSeeksInputonProposedVoluntaryPrinciples for MarketingFoodtoChildren.See 25 See‐ %20EU%20Pledge%20Nestle%20Commitment.pdf  StanMark Standards for marketing to children  TheStanMarkprojectbringstogetherresearchersandpolicy‐makerstodevelopasetof standards for marketingfoodsandbeveragesconsistentwiththeresolutionoftheWorldHealthAssembly.  Objectives ConveneaseriesofmeetingsinEuropeandtheUSAtobringtogetherkeymembersofthescientific researchcommunityandpolicy‐makingcommunitytoconsiderhowmarketingfoodandbeverages mayaffectchildren’shealth. Identifycurrent‘bestpractice’approachestothecontrolofmarketing,includingmeasuresnot specificallyaddressingfood andbeveragemarketing,ornotspecificallydirectedtotheprotectionof children. Exploretheuseof standards andmarketingcodestoinfluencecommercialactivity,including standards fromotherindustrialsectors. Proposeasetof standards toformthebasis for across‐bordercodeofmarketingoffoodsand beverages. Developweb‐basedresources for policydevelopmentconcerningfoodandbeveragemarketingto childrenandrelatedmaterialstosupportpolicydevelopment.  Projectpartners  ... weaklyorinconsistentlyenforced  Thisreportwillnotexploretheissuesofmonitoringandenforcement,althoughtheseare seriousconcernsthatneedtobeaddressedbypolicy‐makers.Atpresent,monitoringand complaint‐handlingbodiesdonotenforcecompany‐ledinitiatives.Alackofanindependent complaintmechanismcanleaveconsumersfrustrated,andalackofenforcementallows company‐ledinitiativestoberolledbackatanytime.Ifamonitoringandcomplaint‐ handlingbodywereestablisheditwouldneedtogainconsumerconfidence, for whichit wouldneed(a)tobetransparentinoperationwithroutineregularpublicationsoftheir activities;(b)tobeindependentandfreefromindustryinfluence,andseentobeso;and(c) toensurethattheirservicesareeasilyandinexpensivelyaccessedbyconsumers.Penalties mustbecommensuratewiththesizeofthemarketingbudgetsinvolvedandwiththe estimatedexposureofchildrentotheoffendingcommercialmessages.  Afurtherconcernistheneedtoensurethat,whateverthedifferencesindefinitionsor approaches,allcompaniesshouldmakesomecommitmenttoofferself‐restraint.Inthe Europeanregiononly11companieshavejoinedthescheme,alongwiththeEuropean SnacksAssociation.Severalmajorcompanies,includingMcDonald’s,KFCandHaribo,and manysmalleronesarenotincluded.   Problemsofdefinitions  Companieschoosetherulestoimposeuponthemselves.Asaresulttherearelikelytobe discrepanciesandinconsistencies.Hereweshalllookatsuchproblemsencounteredwithin thepledgesandpromisesandactivitiesundertakenbycompaniesintheEuropeanUnion.  Whatageisachild?  Thetablebelowprovidesexamplesofdefinitionsoftheage‐range for ‘child’bycompanies participatingintheEUpledgescheme.Pleasenotethattheinterpretationofacompany policycanbecomplex,andreadersareadvisedtocheckthecompanystatements for themselves(hyperlinksareprovided). 7   Table1AgedefinitionsincompanyEUpledges(clickhyperlink for details) Organization Age for nomarketing Age for marketingofspecifiedproducts...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 02:20

26 521 0
Tài liệu European Communities (Labelling and Marketing Standards for Poultrymeat) Regulations 2004 ppt

Tài liệu European Communities (Labelling and Marketing Standards for Poultrymeat) Regulations 2004 ppt

... European Communities (Marketing Standards for Poultrymeat) Regulations 2002 and in force immediately before the commencement of these Regulations continues in force after such commencement as ... European Communities (Marketing Standards for Poultrymeat) Regulations 2002 and in force on immediately before the commencement of these Regulations continue in force after such commencement ... Communities (Labelling and Marketing Standards for Poultrymeat) Regulations 2004. Definitions 2. (1) In these Regulations – “authorised officer” means a person who for the time being stands appointed...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 02:20

10 416 0
Tài liệu A junk-free childhood 2012 - The 2012 report of the StanMark project on standards for marketing food and beverages to children in Europe pptx

Tài liệu A junk-free childhood 2012 - The 2012 report of the StanMark project on standards for marketing food and beverages to children in Europe pptx

... Explore the use of standards and marketing codes to influence commercial activity, including standards from other industrial sectors. Propose a set of standards to form the basis for a cross-border ... StanMark Standards for marketing to children The StanMark project brings together researchers and policy-makers to develop a set of standards for marketing foods and beverages ... in company EU pledges (click hyperlink for details) Organisation Age (years) for marketing restrictions of all products Age for marketing restrictions for company-specified products Coca-Cola...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 21:20

32 897 0
Tài liệu Examples of the Standards for Students’ Writing 2009: English Language Arts Grade 9 ppt

Tài liệu Examples of the Standards for Students’ Writing 2009: English Language Arts Grade 9 ppt

... are three basic business-letter formats. Any of these formats is appropriate and acceptable for the test. What is most important is that students choose one format and use it consistently so ... Training Paper A 36 Rationale for Marker Training Paper A 39 Marker Training Paper B 41 Rationale for Marker Training Paper B 45 4 Maintaining Consistent Standards For all achievement test scoring ... box number is 701. 13 Address Information Use the following information for your letter and to address the envelope below. Ms. Jenny Fong The mailing address for Marmer School, which is located...

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20

49 835 0
Tài liệu Standards for Reading, Writing, and Communication docx

Tài liệu Standards for Reading, Writing, and Communication docx

... and Career Ready Standards for Reading, Writing, and Communication Table of Contents Standards for Reading Informational and Literary Texts Core Standards 1A Required Range ... Required Range and Contexts 1B Standards for Writing Core Standards 2A Required Range and Contexts 2B Standards for Speaking and Listening Core Standards 3A Required Range and ... Skills in the following contexts: Formal and Informal: Students are expected to exhibit the Speaking and Listening Skills in both formal and informal settings, adapting their language...

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20

14 560 1
Tài liệu Standards for the English Language Arts  pot

Tài liệu Standards for the English Language Arts  pot

... ration- ale for setting standards why we believe defining standards is important and what we hope to accom- plish in doing so. 2 Standards for the English Language Arts THE NEED FOR STANDARDS In ... use: for obtaining and communicating information, for literary response and expression, for learning and reflection, and for problem solving and application. For Obtaining and Communicating Information Nonfiction, ... all leading to the attainment of the standards. Perspectives Informing the English Language Arts Standards 9 CHAPTER 2 PERSPECTIVES INFORMING THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS STANDARDS LITERACY AND LANGUAGE LEARNING:...

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20

112 591 1
Standards for medicines management doc

Standards for medicines management doc

... Speciccontrolleddrugprescriptionformsareavailablefromthelocalhealthcare organisation, for example, PCT, LHB, for use in the private healthcare sector. Speciccontrolleddrugprescriptionsareused for treatmentofaddictionand for private prescriptions for controlled ... indication. Liability for prescribing an off-label product sits with the prescriber and the dispenser or supplier. 6 The British National Formulary for children provides useful information for the administration ... Ireland should access their website for up-to-date information on their standards. 26 For the Welsh Health circular, go to:...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 14:20

67 248 0