
ASP net MVC in action

ASP net MVC in action

... for the examples in this book is available online from the pub- lisher’s website at ASP. NETMVCinAction. Author Online The purchase of ASP. NET MVC in Action includes free ... development while retaining the power and flexibility of the ASP. NET pipeline. The ASP. NET infrastructure and request pipeline, introduced in . NET 1.0, stay the same, and ASP. NET MVC provides support ... Extending the controller 1 34 Creating a FormattableController 135 ■ Working with action filters 138 6 .4 Creating a custom view engine 141 6.5 Customizing Visual Studio for ASP. NET MVC 145 Creating...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2014, 19:05

391 7.8K 1
ASP.Net MVC in Action pot

ASP.Net MVC in Action pot

... 6 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to ASP. NET MVC end of January 2011 and is the first version of ASP. NET MVC to take a dependency on .NET 4. ASP. NET MVC 4 works with .NET 4 as well as .NET 4. 5, which has ... Web Forms and ASP. NET MVC sit alongside each other on top of the core ASP. NET platform, as shown in figure 1.2. .NET Framework ASP. NET core ASP. NET Web Form s ASP. NET MVC ASP. NET Web Pages Figure ... at using the popular open-source Spark view engine for rendering views. Download from Wow! eBook <> ASP. NET MVC 4 in Action A revised edition of ASP. NET MVC 2 in Action JEFFREY...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 23:20

440 1K 0


... Debugging routes 349 24. 1 Extending the routing system 349 24. 2 Inspecting routes at runtime 352 24. 3 Summary 355 25 Customizing Visual Studio for ASP. NET MVC 356 25.1 Creating custom T4 templates ... building web applications with ASP. NET MVC. —Jeremy Skinner, ASP. NET Developer ASP. NET MVC in Action should be at the top of your list I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in breaking ... 22 2.1 The M in MVC 23 2.2 Delivering the presentation model 24 2.3 ViewData.Model 24 2 .4 Representing user input 25 Designing the model 26 ■ Presenting the input model in a view 27 ■ Working with...

Ngày tải lên: 07/05/2013, 15:13

432 444 3
manning ajax in action (2008)

manning ajax in action (2008)

... improve the interactivity of existing ASP. NET pages. ASP. NET AJAX server controls The new set of server controls adds to the impressive arsenal of tools in the ASP. NET toolbox and is predominantly ... Adding a Sleep command to test the UpdateProgress control. Testing only xvi CONTENTS appendix A Installing ASP. NET AJAX 48 7 appendix B Tools for debugging Ajax applications 49 9 resources 521 index ... ASP. NET AJAX BASICS 1 1 Introducing ASP. NET AJAX 3 1.1 What is Ajax? 4 Ajax components 5 ■ Asynchronous web programming 7 The XMLHttpRequest object 10 ■ Ajax development issues 14 1.2 ASP. NET...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 13:36

561 3.4K 0
ASP.NET AJAX in Action phần 1 pot

ASP.NET AJAX in Action phần 1 pot

... 43 2 ■ The BooksCatalog control 43 5 Piecing it together 43 8 12.3 Summary 44 0 PART 4 MASTERING ASP. NET AJAX 44 1 13 Implementing common Ajax patterns 44 3 13.1 Script versioning 44 4 Getting informative ... traces 44 5 ■ XML comments in JavaScript code 44 7 ■ Validating function parameters 44 9 ■ Parameter validation in production code 45 2 ■ Compressing and crunching script files 45 4 13.2 ... BRIEF CONTENTS PART 3ASP. NET AJAX FUTURES 371 11 ■ XML Script 373 12 ■ Dragging and dropping 41 0 PART 4MASTERING ASP. NET AJAX 44 1 13 ■ Implementing common Ajax patterns 44 3

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:22

58 262 0
ASP.NET AJAX in Action phần 4 docx

ASP.NET AJAX in Action phần 4 docx

... Class="AspNetAjaxInAction.GeocodeService" %> using System; using System.Web; using System.Web.Services; using System.Web.Services.Protocols; using System.Web.Script.Services; namespace AspNetAjaxInAction { ... most common code in this range is 302, which is sent when Response.Redirect is called from ASP. NET code. 40 0 -49 9 The request contains an error. A common error code is 40 4, which indicates that ... $get("flickrSearch").value; $get("searching").style.display = "inline"; AspNetAjaxInAction.FlickrSearch.Search( {tags:keywords}, onSearchComplete, onSearchFailed); } Listing 5.21 Contents of...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:22

57 379 0
ASP.NET AJAX in Action phần 6 doc

ASP.NET AJAX in Action phần 6 doc

... elements. Having a centralized location for initializing and disposing an instance is critical. 272 CHAPTER 8 ASP. NET AJAX client components Let’s see what it takes to create an instance of ... client components instantiated in a web page. In the following section, we’ll provide more insight on the $find method. 8.2.2 Accessing components Once a client component has been correctly instantiated ... property. Note that $find can also accept a Sys.IContainer instance as the second argument. This lets you search for components in other containers while continu- ing to use the $find alias. If...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:22

57 372 0
ASP.NET AJAX in Action phần 7 docx

ASP.NET AJAX in Action phần 7 docx

... 9 .4. 4 Adding Ajax to the ASP. NET Login control Trying to put the ASP. NET Login control in an UpdatePanel reveals a sad truth: The control suddenly stops working, and your dreams of performing ... defined in the IScriptControl interface are embedded in the control rather than in a different object. In some situations, you’ll want to turn an existing control into a script control. In ... following URL: 047 6.aspx. The final touch is seeing what is rendered in a page that hosts the AjaxLogin con- trol; see figure 9.15. The following code...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:22

57 425 0
ASP.NET AJAX in Action phần 8 docx

ASP.NET AJAX in Action phần 8 docx

... client-centric drag-and-drop shopping cart ■ Building an ASP. NET server-centric drag-and-drop shopping cart 398 CHAPTER 11 XML Script InvokeMethod action. In the code, a binding was used to synchronize ... id="srcText" text="initial text" /> <label id="dstLabel"> <bindings> Listing 11.12 Binding between a text box and a label Binding source B Binding target C 376 ... contain an instance of the Sys.Preview.Binding- EventArgs class. This instance contains all the properties you need to compute the transformed value and pass it to the binding. The BindingEventArgs ...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:23

57 356 0
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