artificial neural network b yegnanarayana pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Discriminative Training of a Neural Network Statistical Parser" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Discriminative Training of a Neural Network Statistical Parser" pdf

... this problem by only computing a small set of the most prob- able parses. The remainder of the sum is es- timated using a combination of the probabili- ties from the best parses and the probabilities 2 Cross-entropy ... with our first probability model. The first probability model is generative, be- cause it specifies the joint probability of the in- put sentence and the output tree. This joint probability is simply ... pattern where discriminative probability models are inferior to generative probability models, but that im- provements can be achieved by keeping a gener- ative probability model and training according to...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 19:20

8 408 0
a facial expression classification system integrating canny, principal component analysis and artificial neural network

a facial expression classification system integrating canny, principal component analysis and artificial neural network

... Expression Classification Using Artificial < /b> Neural < /b> Network < /b> [10], Facial Expression Classification Using Multi Artificial < /b> Neural < /b> Network < /b> [11] in the same JAFFE database. TABLE IV. COMPARATION CLASSIFICATION ... Classification Using Artificial < /b> Neural < /b> Networks [10] and Facial Expression Classification Using Multi Artificial < /b> Neural < /b> Network < /b> [11] (only used ANN). Beside, this method does not need face boundary detection ... The MLP uses the algorithm of Gradient Back-Propagation for training to update W. B. Structure of MLP Neural < /b> Network < /b> MLP Neural < /b> Network < /b> applies for seven basic facial expression analysis signed...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 10:06

6 410 1
facial expression classification based on multi artificial neural network

facial expression classification based on multi artificial neural network

... SNN(s) like the reliability coefficients. Our model links many Neural < /b> Networks together, so we call it Multi Artificial < /b> Neural < /b> Network < /b> (MANN). 3 Multi Artificial < /b> Neural < /b> Network < /b> apply for image ... Artificial < /b> Neural < /b> Network < /b> (MANN), applying for pattern or image classification with parameters (m, L), has m Sub -Neural < /b> Network < /b> (SNN) and a global frame (GF) consisting L Component Neural < /b> Network < /b> ... into responsive class using a Neural < /b> Network < /b> called Sub Neural < /b> Network < /b> (SNN) of MANN. Lastly, we use MANN’s global frame (GF) consisting some Component Neural < /b> Network < /b> (CNN) to compose the classified...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 10:06

9 390 0
backpropagation artificial neural network in c++ - codeproject

backpropagation artificial neural network in c++ - codeproject

... the neural < /b> network < /b> from the file, or arrange its structure specifying the number of layers and neurons per layer: ANNetwork::ANNetwork(const wchar_t *fname); ANNetwork::ANNetwork(int layers_number, ... plr->get_neurons_number(); n++) { pnrn = plr->neurons[n]; Articles » General Programming » Algorithms & Recipes » Neural < /b> Networks Backpropagation Artificial < /b> Neural < /b> Network < /b> in C++ By Chesnokov ... is 0.5) to obtain the ROC curve on your test set, for example, varying it between 0.0 and 1.0. Neural < /b> Network < /b> Classes The neural < /b> network < /b> is composed from the following classes: ANNetwork ANNLayer ANeuron ANLink The...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 10:10

10 552 0
Tài liệu Evolving the neural network model for forecasting air pollution time series pdf

Tài liệu Evolving the neural network model for forecasting air pollution time series pdf

... process which is controlled by the MGA (Fig. 2). The parameters selected for tuning were the ARTICLE IN PRESS b 12 b 13 b 14 ã • • b 60 b 1 b 2 b 3 b 4 b 5 b 6 b 7 b 8 b 9 b 10 b 11 (1-2) hid.layers hid.neurons ... of NN models (Yao, 1999). The trend has been towards indirect encoding due to its better scalability for example, but the direct encoding can be suitable for the precise and fine-tuned search of ... quality can be considered as a non-linear regression problem between predictors (such as meteorological and air quality variables) and predictand (in this case, hourly concentration). Neural < /b> networks,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

9 529 1
Artificial Neural Networks - a Useful Tool in Air Pollution and Meteorological Modelling pdf

Artificial Neural Networks - a Useful Tool in Air Pollution and Meteorological Modelling pdf

... artificial < /b> Neural < /b> Network < /b> (MPNN) and the Kohonen neural < /b> network < /b> (KNN). Both can be replaced by other artificial < /b> neural < /b> networks for the same purpose, but this does not change the method of using ... reconstruct arbitrary multivariable and highly non-linear functions. Therefore it is a suitable tool for modelling atmospheric phenomena whose behaviour has not yet been described by formulas but is ... Conclusion Two types of artificial < /b> neural < /b> networks were shown to be useful tools for environmental modelling: the multilayer perceptron neural < /b> network < /b> MPNN and the Kohonen neural < /b> network < /b> KNN. MPNN...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 21:20

15 337 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Investigating the synchronization of hippocampal neural network in response to acute nicotine exposure" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: "Investigating the synchronization of hippocampal neural network in response to acute nicotine exposure" pdf

... 2-8 percent by weight in the leaves which becomes the primary psychoactive ingredient in tobacco smoke. It is very soluble in water and nonpolar solvents. It is absorbed rapidly by the body, either ... outputs of a biological systems can be rather complex and could be either deter- ministic or stochastic or both, thus it is crucial that this complexity measure be able to handle both signal types. The ... receptor abnormalities in alzheimer's disease. Biol Psychiatry 2001, 49:175-184. 21. Ono K, Hasegawa K, Yamada M, Naiki H: Nicotine breaks down preformed alzheimer's beta-amyloid fibrils...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

6 444 0
Artificial Neural Networks Industrial and Control Engineering Applications Part 1 pdf

Artificial Neural Networks Industrial and Control Engineering Applications Part 1 pdf

... predictability of the warp breakage rate from a sizing yarn quality index using a feed- forward back- propagation network < /b> in an artificial < /b> neural < /b> network < /b> system / 14 Artificial < /b> Neural < /b> Network-< /b> embedded ... data resulted in better the mapping of the network,< /b> and better predictions. Therefore, airbag fabrics could be successfully engineered using artificial < /b> neural < /b> network.< /b> 3.2 Fabric-property prediction ... establish translation equations for total hand evaluations of fabrics by employing a stepwise re g ression method and an artificial < /b> neural < /b> network < /b> / 19 Artificial < /b> neural < /b> network-< /b> based...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

35 469 1
Artificial Neural Networks Industrial and Control Engineering Applications Part 5 pdf

Artificial Neural Networks Industrial and Control Engineering Applications Part 5 pdf

... this section, the standard BP neural < /b> network < /b> and the improved BP neural < /b> network < /b> GA-BP II and GA-BP III are used to optimize the hot pressing parameters of ZrO 2 /TiB 2 /Al 2 O 3 namo-micro-composite ... GA-BP II algorithm and 34% and 24% of that of standard BP algorithm. The least relative error of hardness is 0.9% obtained by GA-BP III algorithm which is the same as that obtained by GA-BP ... the structure of the BP neural < /b> network < /b> which includes the number of neurons in input layer, hidden layer and output layer, and the number of the hidden layer, the BP neural < /b> network < /b> model of the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

35 418 2
Automatic text extraction using DWT and Neural Network

Automatic text extraction using DWT and Neural Network

... the neural < /b> network < /b> 2.2 Neural < /b> Network < /b> In this subsection, text extraction from static image or video sequences is accomplished using the back-propagation (BP) algorithm on a neural < /b> network.< /b> ... network.< /b> The training of the neural < /b> network < /b> is based on the features we obtain from the DWT detail component sub-bands. As shown in Figure 6, the proposed neural < /b> network < /b> architecture is simpler ... a neural < /b> network < /b> for training based on the back-propagation algorithm for neural < /b> networks. After the neural < /b> network < /b> is well trained, new input data will produce an output value between zero...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2012, 14:51

5 508 1
Text extraction from name cards using neural network

Text extraction from name cards using neural network

... magnitude image obtained from the original image is divided into a grid of blocks. The blocks are classified as text block or non-text block based on the total number of edges in the block. The ... For each principal color, a binary image is created and an RLSA is used to form object blocks which are then classified as text blocks or non-text block based on the block characteristics. All ... CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS A neural < /b> network < /b> based method is discussed in this paper. The features used for the neural < /b> network < /b> are not only the spatial characteristics but also the relative alignment...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2012, 14:54

6 564 3
Estimation of Proper Strain Rate in the CRSC Test Using a Artificial Neural Networks

Estimation of Proper Strain Rate in the CRSC Test Using a Artificial Neural Networks

... that set by ASTM D4186. DESIGN ARTIFICIAL < /b> NEURAL < /b> NETWORK < /b> MODEL Neural < /b> networks are computer models that mimic the knowledge acquisition and organization skills of the human brain. Since, ... complex problems in many fields. In this study, a back-propagation neural < /b> network < /b> model for estimating of proper strain rate form soil parameter is proposed. The back-propagation neural < /b> network < /b> ... consolidation will be pronounced. On the other hand, if pore pressures become excessive, assumptions made in deriving the theory will again be rendered invalid because the pore pressure distribution will...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2013, 15:01

5 517 1