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Tài liệu Families and Households in Post-apartheid South Africa docx

Tài liệu Families and Households in Post-apartheid South Africa docx

... to examine aspects of family life in South Africa in light of the transformation in the society’s social structures since the democratic transition in 1994. We begin this task by examining the ... [according to the UN definition] which provide for their own housekeeping but which live in the same dwelling are counted as one household in the dwelling unit definition. (1995: 116) In South ... major language groups in the country, nine of them are of African origin. White 15 The apartheid classification into 3, 4 or 17 named groups has been essentially maintained since 1994. Free download...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 23:20

198 433 0
Families and Households in Post-apartheid South Africa pot

Families and Households in Post-apartheid South Africa pot

... [according to the UN definition] which provide for their own housekeeping but which live in the same dwelling are counted as one household in the dwelling unit definition. (1995: 116) In South ... Access to housing Many of the issues raised in the following subsections on services relate to the nature of housing in the country. Access to services in informal dwellings is clearly going to ... in South Africa. In Burman S & Reynolds P (eds) Growing up in a divided society. Johannesburg: Raven Press Simkins C & Dlamini T (1992) The problem of children born out of wedlock. In...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 02:20

198 281 0
Poverty and Policy in Post-Apartheid South Africa docx

Poverty and Policy in Post-Apartheid South Africa docx

... www.hsrc p POVERTY AND POLICY IN POSTAPARTHEID SOUTH AFRICA 36 high of 101 705 employees in coal mining in 1985 to 55 219 in 1997; for gold and uranium mining the decline was from 526 839 to 241 ... period; while for diamond and other mining employment declined from 199 572 in 1990 to 136 543 in 1997. In short, employment losses in the mining sector during the 1990s were dramatic. Given ... defined as the change in an index of political rights. 24 ‘Uncertainty’ refers to the index of political instability employed in the investment estimations reported in Figure 1.3. ‘Change in...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 03:20

487 309 0

... should disappear in England as it has in France, all distinctions would thereby be lost. Here Burke avows the central role of masculine heterosexual discipline in creating and maintaining social, political, ... not so much with how femininity figures in the Reflections, but in what ways and for what purposes it is written out, or written in, as a force in maintaining or disturbing the Burkean status quo. ... discipline in sexual and familial relations, conceived as central to the maintenance of order. For part of what Burke fears in the Jacobin revolt is the unfixing of the proper bounds of feminine...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:39

240 1,2K 5

... not the day forth in vain idleness,” gained his king’s love by conduct- ing his business. Thanks to Wolsey, Henry could live the life of pleasure his minister eschewed: The King was young and ... disappoint. The conjoining of governmental experience and the authority of Greek and Latin texts, ini- tially adopted in order to provide a meliorating supplement to Elyot’s expe- rience in government, ... dividing/unifying “and” in “profit and pleasure”). To these studies in “philosophy” then were added the tra- ditional arts of courtly chivalry: horsemanship, shooting, fencing, lute playing, dancing,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:46

204 816 3

... Harris. Neil McIntosh (Chapter 21), a consultant paediatrician in Scotland, oVers a practising clinician’s slant on disability, in the context of ethical issues in withdrawing life-sustaining treatment. ... publicly funded IVF clinics in London, combines her clinical background with an interest in diVerence to suggest a new and thought-provoking analysis of human reproductive cloning. Drawing on the work ... according to the view in question, infants lack a right to life. However, this is at odds with our moral intuitions, according to which infants have moral interests that deserve protection, including...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:54

367 785 2

... authoritative in the Middle Ages called their authority into question. When combined with the propaganda poten- tial of the printing press to disseminate such findings, printing became a major force behind ... abridgement, The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge, ).  Eisenstein, Printing Press and Eisenstein, Printing Revolution.  For his critique of Eisenstein see Johns, The Nature ... printers gained no significant economies of scale by increasing existing capacity. Even late eighteenth-century innovations such as the Stanhope press and the Columbian press only marginally increased...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:58

275 862 2

... ‘the information revol- ution’ in our own age. Although rooted in the printing press rather than computers (the Internet or World-Wide Web, electronic publishing), it was similarly discussed in ... of opposing arbitrary authority. Arthur O’Connor insisted that the invention of the compass and the printing press had determined the course of history in a direction which Pitt’s repressive ... dread, resound in the writings of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries in Britain – a time and a place when the newly disturbing technology was writing itself . . . Having lived so comfortably...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:00

316 973 2

... language, the oldest living Indo- 30 War Land on the Eastern Front printing of Lithuanian in Latin letters, seeking thus to remove Lithuanians from Polish inXuence, bringing them closer to Orthodoxy ... of uncertain shapes and living forms. Finally, rain would begin again. Winters were harsh, as Siberian winds brought inWnities of snow to cover the land. One awed oYcial felt ‘‘deep impressions ... RussiWcation in the Baltic provinces put increasing strain on their position as a ‘‘peculiar institu- tion’’ within Imperial Russian society. Articulate Baltic Germans resett- ling in Germany energetically...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:02

320 959 3

... and Legal Theory Twining: Rethinking Evidence Twining & Miers: How to Do Things with Rules Ward: A Critical Introduction to European Law Ward: Shakespeare and Legal Imagination Zander: Cases ... Convention GiventhatthecasesIdiscussinthebookaremerelyillustrative,thereisastrong elementoffortuityinthewaythefive‘criticallight’chaptersareassembled.The imageofthekaleidoscopecomestomindinthatitpointstoaninfinitenumberof combinationsofeithertheoreticalorempiricalelements,orboth.Ineachchapter itisasifIhadcollectedpiecesofcaselaw,shakenthem,andobservedthe resultingcombination–ifnotexactlysymmetry–inthemirror(orlight)of aparticulartheory.Icouldhaverepeatedtheexerciseoverandoveragain, adinfinitum,eitherwiththesameorwithslightlydifferentmaterial(caselaw) ormirrors(critiques). 30 Eachtimetheresultwouldhavebeendifferentbut, Iwouldargue,nolesscompelling. Theimageofthekaleidoscopedrawsattentiontothewayoursensesconstruct patternswhichdonot‘really’existexceptthroughtheartificeofreflection (theory).ItcouldbesaidthatIofferakaleidoscopicreadingoftheConvention, i.e.onegeneratingarrangementswhichare,ifnotaestheticallypleasing,atleast deceptivelyattractiveintheirsimplicityand(imposed)regularity.Afriendwho readChapter3wasnotdeceived.Sheremarked,disapprovingly,thatitwasas though ... Sussex. Iwas‘musing’.Itookthisasacompliment;theMuses,offspringofZeusand Mnemosyne,aretraditionallyseenasinspiringcreativityandlearning.‘Musing’ alsoembracestheideaofmeditation,perhapsofwastingtimebutinorder bettertoponderandreflect. Theselectionofajudicialinstitutionasthepracticalfocusofmyreflection resultsinabookwhichcontainsfarmorelawthannon-lawyersareusedto, thoughlesslawthanlawyersmayhavewished.IbrieflyintroducetheConvention inChapter2sothatthereadercanseehowthecasesIdiscussfitwithinthelawof the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:02

340 742 3

... any confounding bias in this observational study. Readers should begin to assess this issue by putting themselves in the place of the treating clinicians. Why would one stop the antidepressant after ... that antidepressants can cause or worsen rapid-cycling in patients with bipolar disorder. So if a patient has rapid-cycling illness, some clinicians would be inclined to stop the antidepressant ... rapid cyclers (due to confounding by indication) than the other group (in whom the antidepressant was continued), then the observed finding that the antidepressant discontinuation group relapsed earlier...

Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2012, 09:06

166 924 2