approach to hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia

A new approach to semantic and syntactic functions of English adjectives – A contrastive analysis with their Vietnamese equivalents

A new approach to semantic and syntactic functions of English adjectives – A contrastive analysis with their Vietnamese equivalents

... linked by and : old and musty with, a long and winding road, hard and fast rules When the premodifiers are two color adjectives, it is obligatory to use and, not the commas as: the yellow and blue ... Chapter III is a study to a new approach to semantic and syntactic functions of English adjectives Chapter IV is to make a contrastive analysis between English adjectives and their Vietnamese equivalents, ... adjectives According to researches, adjectives are classified into stative and dynamic, gradable and non- gradable as follows: 2.2.1 Stative and dynamic adjectives According to the opinion of Quirk...

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 14:46

44 1,8K 9
Partnering: A New Approach to Sexual and Reproductive Health doc

Partnering: A New Approach to Sexual and Reproductive Health doc

... respond to them; the need to go beyond a health-needs and fertility-based approach, and to include legislation, advocacy and education to change cultures that condone violence and inhibit men and ... marital rape and sexual abuse, and against violence towards women and girls as a human rights violation; and for programmes to encourage and enable men to adopt safe and responsible sexual and reproductive ... stereotypes and the implications of gender roles, and to equip them with tools to grow To complement educational efforts, a human-rights approach promotes collective change It calls for social justice and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 16:20

196 506 0
Strategic thinking: A nine step approach to strategy and leadership for managers and marketers

Strategic thinking: A nine step approach to strategy and leadership for managers and marketers

... you use the 9S Approach: 'Ihe practical 9S Approach can be used by market planners to find new custom('rs and to specify what needs to be done to delight them 'Ihe practical 9S Approach can be ... business today, and in the future? WATCHING THE BOTTOM LINE AND THE SUPPLY LINE Strategic leaders need to think about the bottom line today They need to so in the light of the product line and the ... and frequent review During times of economic difficulty, your customers will also have problems Retrain your people to listen to the customers' problems and to help find solutions to the customers'...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 15:33

159 1,2K 0


... Parallel to these efforts were attempts to reform the GDP and other economic indicators to better take environmental concerns into account Pioneering work at WRI and at the World Bank helped to launch ... relevant economic sectors As the indicator has helped the private sector to appreciate how its various activities contribute to the total burden of toxics released within the Netherlands, attitudes ... themselves to calculate and report their own emissions Yet, the controversy and subsequent changes in both received wisdom and public policies illustrate the power of indicators to communicate and to...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20

58 699 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Towards a Unified Approach to Memory- and Statistical-Based Machine Translation" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Towards a Unified Approach to Memory- and Statistical-Based Machine Translation" pdf

... Christoph Tillmann, and Herman Ney 1999 Improved alignment models for statistical machine translation In Proceedings of the EMNLP and VLC, pages 20–28, University of Maryland, Maryland S Sato 1992 ... source can be turned into the target and that assigns a probability to every way in which a source e can be mapped into a target f Once the parameters of the language and translation models are ... words into which e is going to be translated e Each English word e is then translated with probability t e into a French word , ranges from to the number of where words (fertility of e ) into which...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 07:20

8 434 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Semi-Supervised Maximum Entropy Based Approach to Acronym and Abbreviation Normalization in Medical Texts" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Semi-Supervised Maximum Entropy Based Approach to Acronym and Abbreviation Normalization in Medical Texts" doc

... expansions to their abbreviations, which is likely to become fairly large and difficult to maintain Third, the distinctions made between various meanings are bound to be very coarse We may be able to ... challenge and may require introducing additional rules to further complicate the system The approach I am investigating falls into the hybrid category of bootstrapping or semi-supervised approaches to ... following kind5: (1) 1, if o = x and c = y F (o, c) =  0, otherwise Where “o” stands for outcome and “c” stands for context This function maps contexts and outcomes to a binary set For This paper...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 08:20

8 315 0


... required to resolve the interactions and to further contribute to the understanding of paper as a material In this thesis a new outlook to fibre bonding and paper strength was adopted in order to explain ... outlook to fibre bonding and paper strength was adopted in order to explain the interactions between strength additives and fibres, and to understand the mechanisms of strength development and the ... polymers with cellulose; and third, to relate the molecular level phenomena to the development of paper strength and final sheet properties An introduction to the adapted approach to fibre bonding,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 02:20

89 702 1
Esthetic Dentistry: A Clinical Approach to Techniques and Materials pdf

Esthetic Dentistry: A Clinical Approach to Techniques and Materials pdf

... steps are required to blend a poorly shaped canine into a smile Alteration o f the Face-Canines For clarity, the tooth to be mimicked is referred to as the guide tooth and the tooth to be altered ... much work went into producing a textbook We would also like to thank Amy Buxton, our designer, and the entire production department who took a manuscript and some photographs and created a true ... but also prescriptions for toothpowder "to make teeth white" and "attend to your teeth and preserve your health and beauty." They claimed their toothpowder "[prepared] and [fixed] real enameled...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 22:20

593 1,8K 26
A Cognitive Strategies Approach to Reading and Writing Instruction for English Language Learners in Secondary School pdf

A Cognitive Strategies Approach to Reading and Writing Instruction for English Language Learners in Secondary School pdf

... OLSON AND L AND A Cognitive Strategies Approach to Reading and Writing 279 work; to illustrate procedural knowledge, they asked for instructions as to how to use a hammer to nail the boards together; ... She called him and he intruduced myself She told him to come closer When he walked to her he saw that the clocks had stopped at 8:40 She told him to look at her She touched her hart and asked him ... through the tool kit to find the appropriate tool to nail two boards together and asked students why a screwdriver or a wrench wouldn’t FIGURE Cognitive Strategies: A Reader’s and Writer’s Tool Kit...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 19:20

35 821 1


... languages There are some tools that help administrators to build their security policy and to translate it to the actual conguration language (for instance Cisco PIX [Degu and Bastien, 2003], Iplter ... the same reason we lock doors to control access to a set of assets In the case of a Firewall the asset to be protected is a LAN and we wish to control access from and towards some other networks ... H f wi and H f we that respectively correspond to the internal and external rewalls Another objective of our approach is to show how to derive specications of policies managed by H f wi and H...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 22:20

18 411 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Uniform Approach to Underspecification and Parallelism" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Uniform Approach to Underspecification and Parallelism" doc

... Section demonstrates the application to scope underspecification, to ellipsis, and to the combined cases In Section 4, the proposed treatment is compared to related approaches in computational semantics ... up -to constraints over finite trees, which allow to describe parallel tree structures An equality up -to constraint has the form X1/X~=Y1/Y~ and is interpreted with respect to the equality up -to ... (iii) to the two NPs 3.2 Ellipsis We now look into the interpretation of examples (1) to (4), which exhibit forms of parallelism Let us take Xs and Xt to represent the semantics of the source and...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 21:20

8 326 0


... electronic and electrical parts interconnected in such a way as to perform a specific function The components of an electronic system include transistors, diodes, resistors, and capacitors, as well ... variable 44 32 UNDERSTANDING AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS 2735 | CH Page 33 Tuesday, March 10, 1998 10:55 AM THE SYSTEMS APPROACH TO CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION [] to a proportional electrical ... an operation on this voltage and generate an output e2 to drive the actuator The signal processing is designed to create the correct actuator voltage at each instant to achieve the desired control...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 19:20

10 346 0
Calculus: An Integrated Approach to Functions and their Rates of Change, Preliminary Edition Part 116 pdf

Calculus: An Integrated Approach to Functions and their Rates of Change, Preliminary Edition Part 116 pdf

... left- and right-hand sums and, 718–722 explanation of, 712 with nonconstant rate of change, 715–718 overview of, 711–712 Newton, 868 Newton, Isaac, 211, 245, 1107 Newtonian physics, 938–939 Newton-meter, ... 903–907 method of comparison and, 912–914 methods to approach, 908–912 unbounded and discontinuous integrands and, 907–908 use of, 903 Increasing and Bounded Partial Sums Test, 574 Increasing/Decreasing ... of, 964–965 Comparison Test and, 969–971 Integral Test and, 965–969, 972 Limit Comparison Test and, 971–972 Ratio and Root tests and, 972–976 summary of, 977 transition to, 962 use of, 975 Convergence...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 18:20

10 564 1
Calculus: An Integrated Approach to Functions and their Rates of Change, Preliminary Edition Part 1 pps

Calculus: An Integrated Approach to Functions and their Rates of Change, Preliminary Edition Part 1 pps

... likely to acquire discussion skills The structure of this text is intended to facilitate learning deductive and inductive reasoning, learning to use examples and counterexamples, and learning to ... offer “Exploratory Problems.” These are integral to the text, and some are referred to in later sections Exploratory problems can be incorporated into the course in many ways, but the bottom line ... Integrated Approach to Functions and Their Rates of Change P R E L I M I N A R Y E D I T I O N ROBIN J GOTTLIEB H A R V A R D U N I V E R S I T Y Sponsoring Editor: Laurie Rosatone Managing Editor:...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 18:20

10 639 0
Calculus: An Integrated Approach to Functions and their Rates of Change, Preliminary Edition Part 2 ppsx

Calculus: An Integrated Approach to Functions and their Rates of Change, Preliminary Edition Part 2 ppsx

... mathematical ideas and tools To learn mathematics successfully you need to actively involve yourself in your studies and work thoughtfully on problems To otherwise would be like trying to learn to be a ... We, the author and your instructors, would like you to leave the course equipped with a toolbox of problem-solving skills and strategies—skills and strategies that you have tried and tested throughout ... Limits and Continuity 245 7.1 7.2 Investigating Limits—Methods of Inquiry and a Definition 245 Left- and Right-Handed Limits; Sometimes the Approach Is Critical 7.3 7.4 N CHAPTER 226 A Streetwise Approach...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 18:20

10 496 0
Calculus: An Integrated Approach to Functions and their Rates of Change, Preliminary Edition Part 3 ppsx

Calculus: An Integrated Approach to Functions and their Rates of Change, Preliminary Edition Part 3 ppsx

... machines We’ll call the mappings of inputs to outputs A, B, and C, corresponding to machines A, B, and C, respectively Assign button #1 the number 1, button #2 the number 2, etc We’ll use the first ... return to drink machine A, but this time cover up the key that tells us which buttons correspond to which drinks Suppose we’ve never been to this machine before We put in our money and press a button; ... object A Bostonian, a New Yorker, and a Tokyo commuter might each have a slightly different mental image—but the essence is similar We have convenient shorthand notations for subway In Boston, people...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 18:20

10 536 2
Calculus: An Integrated Approach to Functions and their Rates of Change, Preliminary Edition Part 4 doc

Calculus: An Integrated Approach to Functions and their Rates of Change, Preliminary Edition Part 4 doc

... the physical and biological sciences and in economics iii The function g is 1 -to- 1 because every output is used only once The function f is not 1 -to- 1 because one output corresponds to more than ... on bonds Let s be the amount he puts into slow-growth stocks, 2s be the amount he puts into riskier stocks, and b be the amount he puts into bonds Then s + 2s + b = 2000 We can solve this equation ... useful to check your answer in a specific case as a spot check for errors.) (c) In order to double the surface area of the sphere, by what factor must the radius be multiplied? (d) In order to double...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 18:20

10 602 1
Calculus: An Integrated Approach to Functions and their Rates of Change, Preliminary Edition Part 5 pptx

Calculus: An Integrated Approach to Functions and their Rates of Change, Preliminary Edition Part 5 pptx

... the panda weighing P lb = Whatever it takes to feed the pandas for a day, it takes times that amount to feed them for a week and 7W times that amount to feed them for W weeks To feed the pandas ... amount to support one panda + amount to support the other SCP N SCQ Amount to support the panda weighing Q lb = N SCP SCQ Amount to support the pair for a day = + N N SC · (P + Q) = N Amount to support ... analysis to help us We’re looking for the number of pounds of sugar cane it takes to support a panda weighing x pounds for one day In order to use unit analysis constructively we’ll need to be very...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 18:20

10 480 7
Calculus: An Integrated Approach to Functions and their Rates of Change, Preliminary Edition Part 6 doc

Calculus: An Integrated Approach to Functions and their Rates of Change, Preliminary Edition Part 6 doc

... we modeling we need to determine one independent variable and one dependent variable, for a total of two variables If we appear to have more variables, then it is necessary to one of two things: ... 1 -to- 1 and a function g that is not 1 -to- 1 1.3 Representations of Functions 39 The graph of a function is given in Problems 16 through 22 Determine the range and domain Is the function 1 -to- 1? ... f maps a to b then its inverse function maps b to a.16 EXERCISE 1.4 Given the graph of a function, how can we determine whether the function is 1 -to- 1? 15 The conventions about hollow and filled...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 18:20

10 690 7