... Handling 38 9 Multiple Exception Types 38 9 Catching Exceptions 39 1 General Catch Block 39 2 Guidelines for Exception Handling Defining Custom Exceptions 39 7 11 Generics 39 5 405 C# without Generics 406 ... Namespace Alias Qualifier 37 2 XML Comments 37 3 Associating XML Comments with Programming Constructs 37 4 Generating an XML Documentation File 37 6 Garbage Collection Weak References Resource Cleanup 37 7 ... Interfaces 31 3 Versioning 31 5 Interfaces Compared with Classes 31 7 30 7 xv xvi Contents Value Types Structs 32 1 32 2 Initializing structs 32 6 Using the default Operator 32 8 Inheritance and Interfaces...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21
... Escape Characters (Continued) Escape Sequence Character Name Unicode Encoding \t Horizontal tab 0x0009 \v Vertical tab 0x000B \uxxxx Unicode character in hex \u0029 \x[n][n][n]n Unicode character ... block, an overflow assignment occurs at runtime The C# compiler provides a command-line option for changing the default checked behavior from unchecked to checked C# also supports an unchecked ... constructs For example, as part of the section on data types, this chapter covered the decimal type that you can use accurately for financial calculations In addition, the chapter introduced the fact...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21
Essential C# 3.0 FOR NET FRAMEWORK 3.5 PHẦN 4 pdf
... runtime calls static constructors automatically upon first access to the class, whether via calling a regular constructor or accessing a static method or field on the class You use static constructors ... public class Program { public static void Main() { Contact contact = new Contact(); contact.Name = "Inigo Montoya"; // } } 2 63 264 Chapter 6: Inheritance Even though Contact does not directly ... (PdaItem)contact; or even when no cast is necessary: contact = (Contact)contact; ADVANCED TOPIC Defining Custom Conversions Casting between types is not limited to types within a single inheritance chain...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21
Essential C# 3.0 FOR NET FRAMEWORK 3.5 PHẦN 5 docx
... enum ConnectionState1 { Disconnected, Connecting, Connected, Disconnecting } enum ConnectionState2 { Disconnected, Connecting, Connected, Disconnecting } class Program { static void Main() { ConnectionState1[] ... (connectionState) { case ConnectionState.Connected: // break; case ConnectionState.Connecting: // break; case ConnectionState.Disconnected: // break; case ConnectionState.Disconnecting: // break; ... switch (connectionState) { case 0: // break; 33 5 33 6 Chapter 8: Value Types case 1: // break; case 2: // break; case 3: // break; } ConnectionState connectionState; // switch (connectionState)...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21
Essential C# 3.0 FOR NET FRAMEWORK 3.5 PHẦN 6 potx
... most closely matches the exception thrown, catch(ApplicationException ) will catch the exception instead of the catch(Exception ) block Catch blocks must appear in order, from most specific to ... Microsoft’s CLI support in C+ + includes both generics and C+ + templates because of the distinct characteristics of each To specify an interface for the constraint you declare an interface constraint ... catch (ApplicationException exception) { // Handle ApplicationException } catch (SystemException exception) { // Handle SystemException } catch (Exception exception) { // Handle Exception } catch...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21
Essential C# 3.0 FOR NET FRAMEWORK 3.5 PHẦN 7 doc
... 14.9: Compiled Result of foreach on Collections System.Collections.Generic.Stack stack = new System.Collections.Generic.Stack(); System.Collections.Generic.Stack.Enumerator enumerator; ... this chapter introduces anonymous types and collection initializers, topics which I covered only briefly in a few Advanced Topic sections in Chapter Next, this chapter covers the various collection ... collection initializer to compile successfully Ideally, the collection type to which a collection initializer is applied would be of a type that implements System.Collections.Generic.ICollection...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21
Essential C# 3.0 FOR NET FRAMEWORK 3.5 PHẦN 8 pot
... object byte sbyte short long void double string uint ulong float char bool ushort decimal int Hashcode 84 235 2752 -84 235 27 53 -8 434 0 132 9 -8 434 66865 -8 435 32401 -8 435 97 937 -8 436 634 73 -8 437 29009 ... occurs in Chapter 12 Dictionary Collections: Dictionary Another category of collection classes is the dictionary classes—specifically, Dictionary (see Figure 16 .3) ... -8 434 0 132 9 -8 434 66865 -8 435 32401 -8 435 97 937 -8 436 634 73 -8 437 29009 Figure 16.4: SortedList and SortedDictionary Class Diagrams Primary Collection Classes Sorted Collections: SortedDictionary...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21
Essential C# 3.0 FOR NET FRAMEWORK 3.5 PHẦN 9 ppt
... on which no one will block, except for the class that has access to it Declaring Fields as volatile On occasion, the compiler may optimize code in such a way that the instructions not occur in ... the lock on _Sync2 This sets the stage for the deadlock The deadlock actually occurs if both Thread and Thread successfully acquire their initial locks (_Sync1 and _Sync2, respectively) before ... significantly decreases performance and increases the Synchronization chance of a lock contention or deadlock With the exception of classes that are explicitly designed for multithreaded access, programmers...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21
Essential C# 3.0 FOR NET FRAMEWORK 3.5 PHẦN 10 ppt
... at execution time, converting the CIL to machine code the processor can understand Conversion to machine code is still not sufficient for code execution, however It is also necessary for a C# program ... Base Class Library Components Common Type System Common Intermediate Language Common Language Infrastructure Garbage Collection Type Safety Code Access Security Platform Portability Performance Common ... implementations, however, are intended to comply with the ECMA -33 4 specification for C# 1.01 and the ECMA -33 5 specification for the CLI 1.2.2 Furthermore, many implementations include prototype features prior...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:22
Tài liệu Real-Time Digital Signal Processing - Appendix C: Introduction of C Programming for DSP Applications ppt
... interpret include files, and check conditional compilation Preprocessor directives give instructions to the compiler that are performed before the program is compiled Each preprocessor directive begins ... I/O functions also recognize %d for decimal integers, %x for hexadecimals, %c for characters, and %s for character strings The function fwrite writes binary data That is, fwrite writes blocks of ... 486 APPENDIX C: INTRODUCTION OF C PROGRAMMING FOR DSP APPLICATIONS Table C. 4 Data type supported by the TMS32 0C5 5x C compiler Data Type Size Representation Range Char 16-bit ASCII [ 32 768, 32 ...
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 19:20
... evaluated in Appendix A If the reviewer This is trial version www.adultpdf.com Appendix C Page 30 of 31 APPENDIX C: CHECKLIST FOR REVIEW OF FINANCIAL AUDITS PERFORMED BY THE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL ... www.adultpdf.com Appendix C Page 29 of 31 APPENDIX C: CHECKLIST FOR REVIEW OF FINANCIAL AUDITS PERFORMED BY THE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Yes No N/A Remarks and Findings not expect major disagreements ... events occurring subsequent to the date of the audit report? (AU 39 0, This is trial version www.adultpdf.com Appendix C Page 28 of 31 APPENDIX C: CHECKLIST FOR REVIEW OF FINANCIAL AUDITS PERFORMED...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 15:20
Peer Review Training – National Science Foundation August 1, 2011 Appendix C - Checklist for Review of Financial Audits Performed by the OIG potx
... (C3 E) Audit Documentation This is trial version www.adultpdf.com Reporting Standards AICPA GAGAS GAAP Disclosure s Opinion on FS GAGAS Compliance Internal Controls & Compliance Significant ... inadequate policies and procedures noncompliance with policies and procedures… what to do???? This is trial version www.adultpdf.com Policies and Procedures Noncompliance with or inadequacies would ... is trial version www.adultpdf.com Conclusion The adequacy of the OIG’s policies and procedures are evaluated in Appendix A If reviewer concludes that the financial audit met professional standards,...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 15:20
Expert C++/CLI .NET for Visual C++ Programmers phần 3 pps
... the namespace prefix a1, which maps to the XML namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/clr/assem/FCLSerialization% 2C% 20Version%3D0 0.0.0% 2C% 20Culture%3Dneutral% 2C% 20PublicKeyToken%3Dnull" This ... interface and class definitions: public interface class I2DObject { double CalculateArea(); }; public interface class IVisibleObject { void Draw(); }; public ref class Shape : public IVisibleObject ... private is the intersection between internal access and protected access Nested classes can access all members of the containing class The following code shows the member access options within...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21
Visual C# Game Programming for Teens phần 3 docx
... collision testing Form1 Class Both the game loop and gameplay code are found in the Form source code file Form1.cs When you create the new project, Form1 will be added automatically, so you can ... this chapter! No changes have been made to the Sprite class since the previous chapter Game Class We don’t need to list the source code for Game.cs here again because it hasn’t changed since the ... bump into each other This is done using a technique called collision detection A collision occurs when two sprites touch or overlap each other To demonstrate this new concept, we will create a simple...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20
C++ Basics - Functions for All Subtasks
... Slide 5- 24 Functions Calling Functions A function body may contain a call to another function The called function declaration must still appear before it is called Functions cannot be defined ... Pearson Education, Inc Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Slide 5- 16 Call Comparisons Call By Reference vs Value Call-by-reference The function call: f(age); Call-by-value The function call: ... interchanged Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Slide 5- 27 Function celsius Preconditions and postconditions make the declaration for celsius: double celsius(double...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 22:49
unit 4. BIG OR SMALL leson 6. C. Getting ready for school(4-7)
... time to practice - Practice in the class - Call some pairs to practice in the class Further practice * Guessing game - Give instruction and check - Listen and answer - Have Ss use the cue cards in ... Thus school ? LN - Call on some pairs to practice in the class - Get feedback - Check up and correct their predictions * Phongs school :- classrooms - 400 students * Thus school :- 20 classrooms ... and get feedback Production (10) Word cue drill - Give instruction and check - Ask Ss to use the cue in C4 on page 19 and work in pair to practice - Let them have time to practice - Call on some...
Ngày tải lên: 25/06/2013, 01:27
Dòng điện x/c 3 pha
... * Nguyên t c cấu tạo : * Nguyên t c cấu tạo : C giống máy phát điện xoay chiều pha kh c cách bố trí cuộn dây phần ứng + phần c m (Thường nam châm điện, làm rôto) + phần ứng: Ba cuộn dây phần ... trí lệch 1 /3 vòng tròn Stato *hoạt động: rô to quay với chu kỳ T từ thông qua cuộn dây lệch pha 1 /3 chu kỳ thời gian t c lệch pha Suất điện động hai đầu cuộn dây lệch pha Nếu nối đầu dây cuộn ... quang điện Tàu điện chạy đệm từ Đ 19 dòng điện xoay chiều ba pha 1, Định nghĩa dòng điện xoay chiều pha 2, Nguyên t c hoạt động c u tạo máy phát điện xoay chiều pha 3, c ch m c : 1, Khái niệm:...
Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2013, 01:26
Điều khiển đ/c 3 pha bằng CTT
... lồng s c -mạch điều kiển gồm c : CC, nút bấm kép, c ng t c tơ 1Rơ le thời gian, tiếp điểm c ng t c tơ rơ le 3. Nguyên lý làm vi c Đóng c u dao CD c p điện cho toàn mạch Muốn cho động làm Vi c ta ... Mạch động l c Mạch điều khiển CD K1 M D Rth Ky K1 Rth K Rth Trang 2 Giới thiệu trang thiết bị sơ đồ -Mach động l c gồm c : CD, CC tiếp điểm c ng t c tơ K1 Ksao, Ktam gi c động KĐB 3pha rô ... mở chậm rơ le thời gian mở tiếp điểm thường mở đóng chậm đóng lai cuộn dây K điện, cuộn Dây K tam gi c có điện đồng thời đóng tiếp điểm mạch động l c C nối hình tam gi c làm vi c ổn định chế...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2013, 01:27
c# 3.0 the complete reference (3rd edition)
... 36 3 36 3 36 3 36 3 36 4 36 4 36 5 36 5 36 7 36 7 36 7 36 9 37 1 37 1 37 2 37 4 37 5 37 6 37 8 37 8 38 0 38 1 38 3 38 3 38 4 38 6 Contents Random Access Files ... Using checked and unchecked 33 7 33 7 33 8 33 8 33 8 34 0 34 1 34 3 34 4 34 5 34 6 34 7 34 8 34 9 35 1 35 2 35 4 35 8 36 0 14 Using I/O ... Specify the Underlying Type of an Enumeration Use Enumerations 31 1 31 1 31 2 31 6 31 8 32 0 32 2 32 3 32 3 32 6 32 6 32 6 33 0 33 2 33 3 33 4 33 4 xi...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2013, 17:29