aphasia memory loss and other focal cerebral disorders

Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 1) pdf

Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 1) pdf

... cognition; an occipitotemporal network for face and object recognition; a limbic network for retentive memory; and a prefrontal network for attention and behavior ... emotion, and behavior A systematic testing of these mental functions is necessary for the effective clinical assessment of the association cortex and its diseases Figure 27-1 Lateral (top) and medial ... and behavioral functions (domains) are coordinated by intersecting large-scale neural networks that contain interconnected cortical and subcortical components The network approach to higher cerebral...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 13:20

5 400 0
Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 2) pptx

Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 2) pptx

... a diagnosis of aphasia The language network shows a left hemisphere dominance pattern in the vast majority of the population In ~90% of right handers and 60% of left handers, aphasia occurs only ... disturbances (aphasia) Aphasia should be diagnosed only when there are deficits in the formal aspects of language such as naming, word choice, comprehension, spelling, and syntax Dysarthria and mutism ... meaning-appropriate syntax (grammar) Wernicke's and Broca's areas are interconnected with each other and with additional perisylvian, temporal, prefrontal, and posterior parietal regions, making up...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 13:20

5 391 0
Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 3) pot

Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 3) pot

... Preser ved Preser ved reading Wernicke's Aphasia Comprehension is impaired for spoken and written language Language output is fluent but is highly paraphasic and circumlocutious The tendency for ... Table 27-1 Clinical Features of Aphasias and Related Conditions Comprehe nsion Repeti tion Nami of ng Fluen cy Spoken Language Wernicke's ... his dentures: "We don't need it anymore, she says And with it when that was downstairs was my teeth-tick a den dentith my dentist And they happened to be in that bag see? How could...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 13:20

5 392 0
Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 4) doc

Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 4) doc

... mania, but the other components characteristic of acquired aphasia and the absence of prior psychiatric disease usually settle the issue Some patients with Wernicke's aphasia due to intracerebral hemorrhage ... middle cerebral artery, and to the posterior temporal or angular branches in particular, is the most common etiology (Chap 364) Intracerebral hemorrhage, severe head trauma, or neoplasm are other ... conjunctions and pronouns The last two features indicate that Broca's aphasia is not just an "expressive" or "motor" disorder and that it may also involve a comprehension deficit for function words and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 13:20

5 428 0
Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 5) pot

Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 5) pot

... Transcortical Aphasia (Transcortical Motor Aphasia) The features are similar to Broca's aphasia, but repetition is intact and agrammatism may be less pronounced The neurologic examination may be otherwise ... the brain and usually involves the anterior watershed zone between anterior and middle cerebral artery territories or the supplementary motor cortex in the territory of the anterior cerebral artery ... isolated from other regions of the brain Broca's and Wernicke's areas tend to be spared, but there is damage to the surrounding frontal, parietal, and temporal cortex Lesions are patchy and can be...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 13:20

5 356 0
Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 6) doc

Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 6) doc

... syndromes, especially Broca's aphasia and conduction aphasia Its presence cannot be ascertained in patients with language comprehension deficits The ability to follow commands aimed at axial musculature ... aimed at axial musculature ("close the eyes," "stand up") is subserved by different pathways and may be intact in otherwise severely aphasic and apraxic patients Patients with lesions of the ... dysfunction and that does not arise from the patient's failure to understand the nature of the task The form that is most frequently encountered in clinical practice is known as ideomotor apraxia Commands...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 13:20

4 302 0
Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 7) doc

Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 7) doc

... CVAs and degenerative diseases Aphasias caused by CVAs start suddenly and display maximal deficits at the onset The underlying lesion is relatively circumscribed and associated with a total loss ... earliest and most profound neuronal loss in memory- related parts of the brain such as the entorhinal cortex and the hippocampus This is why progressive forgetfulness for recent events and experiences ... patterns, and spelling errors of recent onset PPA is diagnosed when other mental faculties such as memory for daily events, visuospatial skills (assessed by tests of drawing and face recognition), and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 13:20

5 322 0
Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 8) potx

Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 8) potx

... progressive nonfluent aphasia and displays similarities to Broca's aphasia However, dysarthria is usually absent The semantic variant of PPA is also known as semantic dementia and displays similarities ... of frontotemporal lobar degenerations (FTLD) and displays various combinations of focal neuronal loss, gliosis, tau-positive inclusions, Pick bodies, and tau-negative ubiquitin inclusions (Chap ... car and drive my car into chicago You will back get your car and my car park in my driveway Love, Mom." Comprehension deficits, if present, start with an occasional inability to understand...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 13:20

5 369 0
Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 9) ppt

Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 9) ppt

... lesser impact on overall awareness; there is a paucity of exploratory and orienting acts directed toward the neglected hemispace; and the patient behaves as if the neglected hemispace was motivationally ... more common, severe, and lasting after damage to the right hemisphere than after damage to the left hemisphere Severe neglect for the right hemispace is rare, even in left handers with left hemisphere ... placed on the left side of the tray; and may fail to read the left half of sentences When the examiner draws a large circle [12–15 cm (5–6 in.) in diameter] and asks the patient to place the numbers...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 13:20

5 273 0
Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 10) potx

Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 10) potx

... (oculomotor apraxia) and in accurate manual reaching toward visual targets (optic ataxia) The third and most dramatic component of Bálint's syndrome is known as simultanagnosia and reflects an inability ... the visual identification of objects and scenes For example, a patient who is shown a table lamp and asked to name the object may look at its circular base and call it an ash tray Some patients ... manifestation of hemispatial neglect; in others, there is a more universal deficit in reproducing contours and three-dimensional perspective Dressing apraxia and construction apraxia represent special...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 13:20

5 302 0
Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 11) pps

Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 11) pps

... hemisphere and object agnosia with lesions in the left The Limbic Network for Memory: Amnesias Limbic and paralimbic areas (such as the hippocampus, amygdala, and entorhinal cortex), the anterior and ... tone, and endocrine function An additional area of specialization for the limbic network, and the one which is of most relevance to clinical practice, is that of declarative (conscious) memory ... experiences that led to the acquisition of these skills The memory disturbance in the amnestic state is multimodal and includes retrograde and anterograde components The retrograde amnesia involves...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 13:20

5 285 0
Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 12) doc

Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 12) doc

... encephalopathies and some types of frontal lobe damage interfere with attentional capacity and lead to secondary memory impairments, even in the absence of any limbic lesions This sort of memory impairment ... hypothalamus, and the limbic thalamus Occasionally, unilateral left-sided lesions can give rise to an amnestic state, but the memory disorder tends to be transient Depending on the nature and distribution ... syndrome usually resolves within 24–48 h and is followed by the filling-in of the period affected by the retrograde amnesia, although there is persistent loss of memory for the events that occurred...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 13:20

5 238 0
Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 13) doc

Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 13) doc

... shows a loss of initiative, creativity, and curiosity and displays a pervasive emotional blandness and apathy In the frontal disinhibition syndrome, the patient becomes socially disinhibited and ... disrupt the orderly registration and retrieval of new information and lead to secondary memory deficits Such memory deficits can be differentiated from the primary memory impairments of the amnestic ... and the ascending reticular activating system Retentive memory, on the other hand, depends on the stable (offline) storage of information and is associated with the integrity of the limbic network...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 13:20

6 183 0
Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 14) ppt

Chapter 027. Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders (Part 14) ppt

... the recovery from hemispatial neglect and aphasia Some types of deficits may be more prone to recovery than others For example, patients with nonfluent aphasias are more likely to benefit from ... medial temporal areas belonging to the memory network and is clinically characterized by a correspondingly severe amnesia There are other dementias where memory is intact Frontal lobe dementia ... frontal lobe and leads to a gradual dissolution of behavior and complex attention Primary progressive aphasia is characterized by a gradual atrophy of the left perisylvian language network and leads...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 13:20

9 305 0
KEEP YOUR BRAIN ALIVE: 83 Neurobic Exercises to Help Prevent Memory Loss and Increase Mental Fitness docx

KEEP YOUR BRAIN ALIVE: 83 Neurobic Exercises to Help Prevent Memory Loss and Increase Mental Fitness docx

... lunches, and dinners, week in and week out? And what about things like shopping and laundry? It's startling to realize just how predictable and free from surprises our everyday lives really are and, ... nerve cells and conduct electrical impulses from one part of the brain to another Every cortical region sends and receives millions of impulses via these axons to and from dozens of other cortical ... senses of vision and hearing because they quickly tell us a lot about our environment Our other senses—smell, taste, and touch—are less frequently and obviously called upon To understand this better,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20

80 638 0


... Anemia Evaluation / Anemia and Age / 28 Anemia and Ethnicity / 38 Anemia and Pregnancy / 45 Cancer and Anemia / 58 Malaria and the Red Cell / 81 SECTION II: NUTRITION AND ANEMIA Iron Deficiency ... ANEMIAS AND OTHER RED CELL DISORDERS NOTICE Medicine is an ever-changing science As new research and clinical experience broaden our knowledge, changes in treatment and drug therapy ... people, and is addressed in the chapter on age and anemia Additional sections of the book explore other common concerns in anemia that sometimes fall into a nosologic no man’s land Ease and utility...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 08:20

39 229 0


... in Europe and the rest of the world and is currently the standard of care Since 1989 three ESAs have been approved and marketed for use in cancer anemia: epoetin alfa, epoetin beta, and darbepoetin ... Ovalocytosis and cerebral malaria Nature 378:564–565 Allen SJ, O’Donnell A, Alexander ND, et al 1999 Prevention of cerebral malaria in children in Papua New Guinea by southeast Asian ovalocytosis band ... increases hemoglobin levels and improves quality of life in patients with cancer-related anemia who are not receiving chemotherapy and patients with anemia who are receiving chemotherapy J Clin Oncol...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 08:20

39 223 0


... ulcer and 112 NUTRITION AND ANEMIA SECTION II reduced blood loss Bleeding hemorrhoids are another common cause of gastrointestinal blood loss in adults The lesions can cause perianal pain and itching, ... serum By current standards the technique was time consuming and labor intensive, with a consequent high cost On the other hand, the growth assay was well standardized, sensitive, and reproducible ... pain and, occasionally, intestinal obstruction in young children Occult blood loss with secondary iron deficiency is a concern in adolescents and even adults with Meckel’s diverticulum.91,92 Otherwise,...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 08:20

39 264 0


... range of disorders that arise during infancy and childhood disrupt cell production by one or more of the three hematopoietic lines Some of the disorders affect a single lineage while others produce ... Complications of synthetic androgen therapy include masculinization, severe acne, and hepatic damage (hepatic peliosis and liver tumors) Supportive treatment with red cell and platelet transfusions ... patients with FA can combine to eliminate the Fanconi phenotype In other words, cells from the two FA patients complement each other and correct the defect Of the 11 currently known complementation...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 08:20

39 259 0


... hypotension and 250 HEMOGLOBIN DISORDERS SECTION V shock and very severe anemia (Hb as low as 2–4 gm/dL) and death in some cases Fluid therapy and blood transfusion to correct anemia and hypovolemic ... swelling of the hands and feet The so-called “hand-foot syndrome” occurs in about a third of infants After the second and third year of age, painful episodes involving the extremities, back and abdomen ... prognosis patients and correlation with apoptosisrelated genes Leukemia 13:1554–15563 Lin C, Manshouri T, Jilani I, et al 2002 Proliferation and apoptosis in acute and chronic leukemias and myelodysplastic...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 08:20

39 259 0