answering the questions three kinds three strategies

answering the questions

answering the questions

... Where is the father? He is in the garage / He is behind the car ...

Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2016, 15:19

2 82 0


... repair strategies? RQ3: Was the image repair discourse of the Big Three Automakers appropriate? RQ4: Was the image repair discourse of the Big Three Automakers effective? 30    THE BIG THREE AUTOMAKERS ... are three possible groupings The accused can focus their image repair discourse only on the “person who objected to the apologists behavior, or the accused can address their apologia to the “accuser ... terms of the attack The term kategoria refers to the specific attack that acts as the exigence for the response While apologia refers to the defensive strategies employed in order to restore the rhetor’s...

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2014, 10:40

150 168 0
OOP 05 the law of the big three -

OOP 05 the law of the big three -

... p trình hư ng đ i tư ng – GV Nguy n Minh Huy } 11 The Law of The Big Three Dr Guru khuyên: lu t “ba ông l n” L p có thu c tính tr , ph i kèm theo: Hàm h y: thu h i b nh Hàm d ng chép: chép b ... Phương pháp l p trình hư ng đ i tư ng – GV Nguy n Minh Huy void main() { Array a1(5); } The Law of The Big Three V n đ rò r b nh : L p có thu c tính tr Đ i tư ng c a l p b h y, b nh không thu ... i dùng hàm h y đ d n d p!! Phương pháp l p trình hư ng đ i tư ng – GV Nguy n Minh Huy The Law of The Big Three Ví d 1: class Array { private: int m_size; int *m_data; public: Array(int size);...

Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2014, 16:57

14 326 2
(1) how learners approach learning, both in and out of classrooms, and (2) the kinds of strategies and cognitive processing they use in second language acquisition

(1) how learners approach learning, both in and out of classrooms, and (2) the kinds of strategies and cognitive processing they use in second language acquisition

... the process of carrying out the research study, we hope to find the answers to the following questions: Research questions: What are the EFL learning strategies employed by the students? Is there ... underline the new words in the reading text or write down the new words in a notebook Then I ask the teacher for the meaning and write down the meaning; sometimes look up the meaning of the new ... Metacognitive strategies Metacognitive strategies Management and planning strategies Affective strategies Social- affective strategies Social strategies Cognitive strategies Affective strategies...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 00:23

83 623 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "The Role of Information Retrieval in Answering Complex Questions" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "The Role of Information Retrieval in Answering Complex Questions" ppt

... who made the same observation in the factoid QA task There are a few caveats to consider when interpreting these results First, the test set of 25 questions is rather small Second, the number ... properties of the document containing the sentence and properties of the sentence itself Regarding the former type, two features come into play: the relevance score of the document (from the IR engine) ... were the focus of a small pilot study within the AQUAINT program, which resulted in an understanding of a “relationship” as the ability for one object to influence another Objects in these questions...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:21

8 442 0
The first three minutes   a modern view of the origin of the universe   s  weinberg

The first three minutes a modern view of the origin of the universe s weinberg

... given by the product of their relative velocity and the elapsed time, or, using the Hubble law, by the product of the Hubble constant, the separation, and the time But then the ratio of the increase ... P The part of the universe within the horizon is indicated here by the unshaded cap on the sphere The distance from P to the horizon grows in direct proportion to the time On the other hand, the ... than if the source were at rest (Specifically, the fractional increase in the wavelength is given by the ratio of the speed of the wave source to the speed of the wave itself, as shown in mathematical...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 13:35

168 415 0
summary and commentary on the first three scenes in act iii of macbeth

summary and commentary on the first three scenes in act iii of macbeth

... and jovial face for the banquet, Macbeth agrees, adding that while the crown is unsafe, they should keep their titles honourable and let their faces mask their evil hearts The theme of 'deceptive ... consulting his Lady In the third scene, the sun is setting and it is getting dark There are now three murderers instead of the two that met Macbeth in the first scene The third could have been ... murderers make their way back to report to the King Here again, the atmosphere plays an important role as the murder takes place at dark Dark is the time of evil so evil deeds are done in the dark...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:51

2 451 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Improving the Performance of the Random Walk Model for Answering Complex Questions" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Improving the Performance of the Random Walk Model for Answering Complex Questions" pptx

... similarity with the query and takes the average of these measures 5.2 Evaluation Results The comparison between the systems in terms of their F-scores is given in Table The SYN system improves the ROUGE-1, ... [ARG0 the Vatican][TARGET use][ARG1 the Italian lira][ARG2 as their currency] In order to calculate the semantic similarity between the sentences, we first represent the annotated sentence using the ... as the sum of its relevance to the question (i.e rel(s|q)) and the similarity to other sentences in the collection (i.e sim(s, v)) The denominators in both terms are for normalization C is the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 17:20

4 456 0
amsterdam university press from the sword to the plough three studies on the earliest romanisation of northern gaul jun 1996

amsterdam university press from the sword to the plough three studies on the earliest romanisation of northern gaul jun 1996

... divergences between northern Europe on the one hand and Central Europe and the Mediterranean on the other.While the latter evolved into complex societies in the first millennium BC, the northern ones resisted ... to the south and the Meuse to the east and north.These are generally not deeply incised into the land, but they divide the landscape into numerous small and large sand plateaus The course of the ... the life cycle of the head of the household Most young men in these societies build a house for themselves, and only a minority takes over the house of their parents There is a link between the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 13:59

317 534 0
In Vitro Fertilization: The First Three Decades pdf

In Vitro Fertilization: The First Three Decades pdf

... two chromosomes of the male nucleus would join with the two chromosomes of the female to form the nucleus of a new zygote, thereby laying the foundations for the discovery of the hereditary principle ... and the subsequent discovery of the different hormones persisted throughout the rest of the 20th century 1950–1978 Studies of animal and then human fertilization began in the second half of the ... cities, there were young groups making their first attempts, and many of them traveled to the United Kingdom, United States, and Australia for their training In the years which followed, they too...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 16:20

16 247 0
The Big Three in Economics phần 1 potx

The Big Three in Economics phần 1 potx

... comfort in the argument made by some experts in Indian folklore who claim that the figure on the bottom may in fact be the founder or most significant chief in the history of the tribe The Big Three ... draw the attention of sociologists, historians, and economists.1 The story of modern economics can be told through the eyes of the Big Three I have added vital transitional chapters between the three ... world toward the “greatest improvement” of the common man’s lot The Appeal of Mercantilism Following a long-standing tradition in the West, the mercantilists (the commercial politicos of the day)...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:20

27 436 0
The Big Three in Economics phần 2 pdf

The Big Three in Economics phần 2 pdf

... from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their ... prohibiting the importation of foreign luxuries They are themselves always, and without exception, the greatest spendthrifts in the society Let them look well after their own expense, and they may ... failed to mention the invisible hand by name in this passage, the theme is vividly portrayed The author cited God throughout The Theory of Moral Sentiments, using such names as the Author of Nature,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:20

26 457 0
The Big Three in Economics phần 3 pptx

The Big Three in Economics phần 3 pptx

... the theory of distribution cannot be separated from the theory of production According to the marginalist revolution, the producers of goods and services are paid according to the fruits of their ... accuracy, the importance of the specific product, the probable amount of the demand, and the means of production: at one time he must employ a great number of hands; at another, buy or order the raw ... introduced the idea that production (supply) is the source of consumption (demand) He used an FROM SMITH TO MARX 49 example in agriculture: The greater the crop, the larger are the purchases of the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:20

26 499 0
The Big Three in Economics phần 4 pps

The Big Three in Economics phần 4 pps

... became its main antithesis in the Middle Ages The synthesis became capitalism, which became the new thesis after the Enlightenment But capitalism faced its own antithesis the growing threat of ... Figure 3.1 The Hegelian Dialectic Used to Describe the Course of History THESIS SYNTHESIS ANTITHESIS According to this theory, slavery was viewed as the principal means of production or thesis during ... established “thesis” would cause an “antithesis” to develop in opposition, which in turn would eventually create a new “synthesis.” This new synthesis then becomes the “thesis” and the process...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:20

26 418 0
The Big Three in Economics phần 5 pptx

The Big Three in Economics phần 5 pptx

... century, Adam Smith the father of capitalism—is moving back in front of Karl Marx the father of socialism In the first edition of The 100: The 100 Most Influential People in the World (1978), author ... a salesman The less you eat, drink, and buy books, go to the theater or the balls, or to the public-house, and the less you think, love, theorize, sing, paint, fence, etc., the more you will ... Vietnam War: the journals Dissent and New Left Review, and the Union of Radical Political Economists, or URPE for short They all reached their heyday in the protest days of the 1960s and the crisis-prone...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:20

26 337 0
The Big Three in Economics phần 6 potx

The Big Three in Economics phần 6 potx

... finance, between the blue-collar manual laborers 122 THE BIG THREE IN ECONOMICS and the white-collar workers, and between the leisure class and the working class In chapter of The Theory of the Leisure ... reservoir, where the water that at this moment flows into one end of the pond causes an overflow from the other end” (Clark 1965 [1899], 313) On the other hand, the Austrians viewed the capital structure ... compensated from the total product they jointly produce? This joint-input problem had long been viewed as unsolvable, like deciding whether the father or the mother were responsible for the birth of...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:20

26 718 0
The Big Three in Economics phần 7 pps

The Big Three in Economics phần 7 pps

... acknowledged in the introduction to the German edition of The General Theory, that his theory “is much more easily adapted to the conditions of a totalitarian state, than is the theory of the production ... always yield in the short reminds me of the bombshell I threw into economic theory by the reminder that ‘in the long run we are all dead.’ If there was no one left to appease, the F.O [Foreign ... Keynes rejected the classical notion that the capitalist system is self-adjusting over the long run The General Theory was written specifically to create a model based on the view that the market system...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:20

26 397 0
The Big Three in Economics phần 8 ppsx

The Big Three in Economics phần 8 ppsx

... in the United Kingdom shaped the economic world After the war, the magnets for the best and the brightest graduate students were Boston, Chicago, and Berkeley Students came from all over the ... in the Keynesian Model The central problem with the Keynesian model is that it fails to comprehend the true nature of the production-consumption process The Keynesian system assumes that the ... determine the direction of the economy and the markets They seem to be disappointed if consumers don’t spend enough—as if they want the Christmas season to last all year! Yet is consumer spending the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:20

26 322 0
The Big Three in Economics phần 9 pdf

The Big Three in Economics phần 9 pdf

... Friedman (1998) At the end of the twentieth century, the editors of Time magazine gathered around to choose the Economist of the Century They chose John Maynard Keynes, who more than any other economist ... know the extent of the damage the Federal Reserve had inflicted on the U.S economy from 1929 to 1933 They had been under the impression that the Fed had done everything humanly possible to keep the ... held belief They point out that the U.S gold stocks rose during the first two years of the contraction, but the Fed once again acted ineptly “We did not permit the inflow of gold to expand the U.S...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:20

26 440 0
The Big Three in Economics phần 10 pps

The Big Three in Economics phần 10 pps

... No doubt the bold challenges made by Marx and Keynes and their disciples have had a positive effect They have caused market economists to respond to their deft criticisms and improve the classical ... of the world Keynes concluded, “It would not be foolish to contemplate the possibility of a greater progress still” (Keynes 1963 [1930], 365) Market forces are on the march The collapse of the ... Cambridge The Collected Works of John Maynard Keynes Vol 15 London: Macmillan 1973a [1936] The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money London: Macmillan 1973b The General Theory...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:20

29 379 0