an empirically grounded computational model of proximity

Báo cáo khoa học: "Proximity in Context: an empirically grounded computational model of proximity for processing topological spatial expressions∗" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Proximity in Context: an empirically grounded computational model of proximity for processing topological spatial expressions∗" docx

... absolute proximity for a point P and a landmark L is a function of both the distance between the point and the location of the landmark, and the salience of the landmark. To represent distance we ... relative proximity equation re- lates proximity to both distance between target and landmark and distance between target and distrac- tor, so that the proximity of a given target object to a landmark ... Netherlands. G.D. Logan and D.D. Sadler. 1996. A computational analy- sis of the apprehension of spatial relations. In M. Bloom, P.and Peterson, L. Nadell, and M. Garrett, editors, Lan- guage and Space,...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 01:20

8 258 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Computational Model of Text Reuse in Ancient Literary Texts" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Computational Model of Text Reuse in Ancient Literary Texts" potx

... sections of Luke de- rived from Mark and those of other origins are ar- ranged in continuous blocks” (Cadbury, 1920). This notion can be formalized with features on the blocks and order of the ... demonstrates the model s ability to capture the researcher’s particular understanding of text reuse. While a computational model alone is unlikely to provide definitive answers, it can serve as a ... linguistic and literary-critical approaches to text-reuse analysis, and can be especially help- ful when dealing with a large amount of candidate source texts. Acknowledgements This work grew out of...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:21

8 536 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Computational Model of Social Perlocutions" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Computational Model of Social Perlocutions" docx

... is many- to-many: a single act can have many different effects and any single effect can be brought about by many different acts. For example, expressing a demand can bring about compliance, ... variety of specific functions has had a tremendous impact on the philosophy of language and on computational linguistics. Yet, this mode of analysis has been applied to only a narrow range of ... perceptions of oneself. 2. Status-quo maintenance ~election of an act because one of its effects would reinforce a de- sired aspect of the current situation (e g, of- feting to help another person...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 05:21

7 338 0
Báo cáo Y học: An active site homology model of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase from Petroselinum crispum docx

Báo cáo Y học: An active site homology model of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase from Petroselinum crispum docx

... site residues of HAL and evaluation of their importance in substrate binding and catalysis by enzyme kinetic behaviour of the mutants and by a homology model of PAL. MATERIALS AND METHODS Bacterial ... comparison of HAL and PAL from different organisms showed a sequence identity of about 40 and 20% when comparing different sequences of HAL among one another and comparing sequences of HAL and PAL, ... in an enzyme Fig. 3. Comparison of X-ray structure of HAL [7] and homology model structure of PAL. Compar- ison of the schematic representation of (A) tetrameric and (B) monomeric structures of...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 23:20

11 411 0


... Jo Calder and Mike Reape had me as an office mate, and helped me in all sorts of ways, so special thanks to them. REFERENCES Barry, Guy and Martin Pickering (1990) Dependency and Constituency ... morpho-syntax of Japanese. in Natural Language Parsing and Linguistic Theories, U. Reyle and C. Rohrer (eds.) Reidel, Dordrecht. Whitelock, Peter J. (1991) Some Aspects of a Computational Grammar of ... Conceptions of Phrase Structure, M.R. Baltin and A.S. Kroch (eds.), Chicago. Kubozono, Haruo (1987) The Organization of Japanese Prosody PhD Thesis, Dept. of Linguistics, Univ. of Edinburgh....

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 01:20

8 484 0
An Equilibrium Model of Rare-Event Premia and Its Implication for Option Smirks potx

An Equilibrium Model of Rare-Event Premia and Its Implication for Option Smirks potx

... include Gilboa and Schmeidler (1989), Epstein and Wang (1994), Anderson, Hansen, and Sargent (2000), Chen and Epstein (2002), Hansen and Sargent (2001), Epstein and Miao (2003), Routledge and Zin (2002), ... Review of Financial Studies / v 18 n 1 2005 134 An Equilibrium Model of Rare-Event Premia and Its Implication for Option Smirks Jun Liu Anderson School at UCLA Jun Pan MIT Sloan School of Management, ... Control and Recursive Utility’’, Finance and Stochastics, 7, 475–489. Uppal, R., and T. Wang, 2003, ‘ Model Misspecification and Under-Diversification,’’ Journal of Finance, 58, 2465–2486. Wang,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 10:20

34 500 0
Báo cáo khoa học: An X-ray diffraction study of model membrane raft structures doc

Báo cáo khoa học: An X-ray diffraction study of model membrane raft structures doc

... absence of SAXS and WAXS diffraction peaks from crystals of cholesterol. The mean transition temperatures of lipids were found in the expected range documented in the data bank Lipid Data Bank (LDB; ... bring about clustering of one type of receptor protein on one side of the membrane, and co-localizing this with specific lipid-anchored proteins on the opposite side of the membrane, can occur simply ... configuration of the raft anchors is a likely candidate. The lipid matrix model of the membrane raft struc- ture can be formulated according to a two-stage pro- cess of molecular assembly. Cartoons of the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:20

14 292 0


... new exchange or resume an existing exchange. Furthermore, self ~other ~ackn acknowledgments signal under- standing and acceptance of both the previous ex- change and the previous utterance. ... initiates an ex- change, Other (eventually) completes the ex- change, and Self then utters an acknowledg- ment; and • Self÷ackn, where Self includes an acknowledg- ment in an utterance outside of ... achievement of a greater degree of mutual understanding and provide a more natural and in- tuitive interaction. The utility and implementa- tion of the empirical model will be the focus of a later...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 09:20

6 376 0

... point, see G. E. M. Anscombe, ‘Causality and Determina- tion’, in her Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Mind. Of course, the ‘Humean’ defini- tion of causation in terms of ‘constant conjunction’, ... as if he thinks that a human person is some sort of combination of an immaterial soul and a physical body, which stand to one another in a rather mysterious relation of ‘substantial union’. I shall ... 1. Contentsviii 4Mentalcontent69 Propositions70 Thecausalrelevanceofcontent74 Theindividuationofcontent79 Externalisminthephilosophyofmind82 Broadversusnarrowcontent84 Content,representationandcausality89 Misrepresentationandnormality92 Theteleologicalapproachtorepresentation95 Objectionstoateleologicalaccountofmentalcontent99 Conclusions100 5Sensationandappearance102 Appearanceandreality103 Sense-datumtheoriesandtheargumentfromillusion107 Otherargumentsforsense-data110 Objectionstosense-datumtheories112 Theadverbialtheoryofsensation114 Theadverbialtheoryandsense-data116 Primaryandsecondaryqualities119 Sense-datumtheoriesandtheprimary/secondarydistinction121 Anadverbialversionoftheprimary/secondarydistinction125 Docolour-propertiesreallyexist?126 Conclusions128 6Perception130 Perceptualexperienceandperceptualcontent131 Perceptualcontent,appearanceandqualia135 Perceptionandcausation137 Objectionstocausaltheoriesofperception143 Thedisjunctive theoryofperception 145 Thecomputationalandecologicalapproachestoperception149 Consciousness,experienceand‘blindsight’155 Conclusions158 7Thoughtandlanguage160 Modesofmentalrepresentation162 The‘languageofthought’hypothesis164 Analogueversusdigitalrepresentation167 Imaginationandmentalimagery169 Thoughtandcommunication175 Doanimalsthink?178 Naturallanguageandconceptualschemes183 In this book Jonathan Lowe offers a lucid and wide- ranging introduction to the philosophy of mind. Using...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:39

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