amino acids proline and amides

Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance of Plants in the Era of Climate Change pptx

Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance of Plants in the Era of Climate Change pptx

... wheat (Raza et al 2007), and salt-stressed suspension cultured tobacco BY2 cells (Hoque et al 2007) 2.2 Amino Acids, Proline, and Amides It has been reported that amino acids (such as alanine, ... glycine, serine, leucine, and valine, the nonprotein amino acids citrulline and ornithine (Orn)), together with the imino acid Pro, and the amides such as glutamine and asparagine are accumulated ... Parvaiz Ahmad, and Nicole Geissler Prospects of Halophytes in Understanding and Managing Abiotic Stress Tolerance Vinayak H Lokhande and Penna Suprasanna UV-B Radiation, Its Effects and Defense...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 10:20

532 8K 1
Physiological and biochemical responses to salt stress in the mangrove pptx

Physiological and biochemical responses to salt stress in the mangrove pptx

... solutions were determined The SOD and catalase were assayed using the modified method of Elstner and Heupel (1976) and Ganschow and Schike (1969), respectively, and these results were then normalized ... differences in salt concentration between xylem sap and medium as those reported by Scholander and co-workers (Scholander et al., 1962; Scholander, 1968) As seen in Fig 3, salt concentrations ... species from northern Queensland, Popp et al (1985) found that pinitol and mannitol were the most common compatible solutes They also found proline in Xylocarpus species, and methylated quaternary...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 02:20

14 378 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Variations in seed and seedling responses to water stress in three provenances of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh" pptx

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Variations in seed and seedling responses to water stress in three provenances of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh" pptx

... Creek and Katherine and, in several instances, it appeared the most adaptable provenance It occurs naturally on well-drained, sandy, infertile soils and is developing a reputation as an outstandingly ... shape was affected most by nutrient stress in Tennant Creek and Petford seedlings, and by water stress in Katherine seedlings Discussion and Conclusions The results indicate that the provenances ... similarly (by 0.1-0.3 MPa) by water and nutrient stress Water use efficiency as measured directly (g Dwt/kg water) and by carbon discrimianalysis (Farquhar and Richards, 1984) was significantly...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:20

5 233 0
food neophobia among the finns and related responses to familiar and unfamiliar foods

food neophobia among the finns and related responses to familiar and unfamiliar foods

... Approximately similar mean and dispersion statistics have been observed by Pliner and Hobden (1992) in Canadian students; by Frank et al (1997) in US students; and by Frank and Hursti (1999) in a ... ®nding that was similar to US and Swedish populations (Frank & Hursti, 1999) Education is likely to enhance the access and exposures to various stimuli, events and issues, and thereby it can perhaps ... observations from DenÈ È È mark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden In H L Meiselman, Dimensions of the meal The science, culture, business, and art of eating (pp 191±201) Maryland: Aspen Raudenbush, B., &...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2013, 21:06

9 729 1
A comparative analysis of institutions, national policies, and cooperative responses to floods in Asia

A comparative analysis of institutions, national policies, and cooperative responses to floods in Asia

... social and ecological resilience and for guiding individual and collective behavior Sixth is the existing gap between the declared goals and mission of institutions, on the one hand, and results ... and compares national and regional institutional regimes, policies and measures to protect (including preparedness, emergency response and rehabilitation) from destructive effects of floods and ... building and performance, and identifying and contrasting lessons learned from each county’s experiences A variety of tools and mechanisms applied by each country is reviewed Identifying common and...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 10:15

39 535 0
A study on english and vietnamese responses to compliments

A study on english and vietnamese responses to compliments

... English and Vietnamese? What are pragmatic features of CRs in English and Vietnamese? What are similarities and differences in the syntactic and pragmatic features of CRs in English and Vietnamese? ... pragmatic features and then compared and contrasted to find out the METHOD AND PROCEDURE 3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN similarities and differences between the two languages 3.6 RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY Descriptive ... teaching and learning English as a foreign language 1.2.2 Objectives - Identify the syntactic and pragmatic features of CRs in English and Vietnamese languages - Find out the similarities and differences...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:19

13 1.7K 7
Blackwell Publishing Ltd Reproductive and physiological responses to simulated climate warming for four subalpine species pot

Blackwell Publishing Ltd Reproductive and physiological responses to simulated climate warming for four subalpine species pot

... individuals of each species and the number of flowers per individual were counted in yr (2001 and 2003 for E grandiflorum and D nuttallianum; 2002 and 2003 for E speciosus and H quinquenervis) The ... Brooks, and S Mambelli for assistance with [N] and [C] analyses, D Tissue and N Gestel for assistance with carbohydrate analyses, and K Etcheverry and G Lyon for assistance with sample and data ... (gs), and leaf vapor pressure deficit (VPD) for Erythronium grandiflorum and Delphinium nutallianum Control, circles; heated, triangles Fig Predawn and midday water potential (Ψ) for Erythronium grandiflorum...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 17:20

14 353 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Differences in morphological and physiological responses to water-logging between two sympatric oak species" doc

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Differences in morphological and physiological responses to water-logging between two sympatric oak species" doc

... reserves and ethanolic fermentation in the roots of two wetland and non-wetland species after commencement of hypoxia, Physiol Plant 104 (1998) 81–86 [4] Albrecht G., Mustroph A., Fox T.C., Sugar and ... constrained by the soil properties: Q petraea is found on deep and well drained and rather acidic soils while Q robur favours deep and fertile bottomland soils with sometimes large levels of hydromorphia ... deficiency and root metabolism: injury and acclimation under hypoxia and anoxia, Annu Rev Plant Phys Plant Mol Biol 48 (1997) 223–250 [21] Drew M.C., He C.J., Morgan P.W., Programmed cell death and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 16:20

11 373 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Differential photosynthetic and survival responses to soil drought in two evergreen Nothofagus species" docx

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Differential photosynthetic and survival responses to soil drought in two evergreen Nothofagus species" docx

... only during drought, and not under well-watered conditions MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Study sites and plant material The experiment was carried out between November 2004 and March 2005 in a greenhouse ... obtained from separate stands on the seaward (west-facing) slopes of the range, the N dombeyi stand located at 80 m elevation a.s.l (39◦ 58 02 S, 73◦ 33 39 W), and the N nitida stand at about 350 m ... species and Ψm as effects Model fit was calculated using likelihood ratio statistics, and effect significance was estimated with the Wald test [22] Data of gas exchange and fluorescence were ordered and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 16:21

6 340 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Evidence of osmoregulation in Larix decidua at Alpine treeline and comparative responses to water availability of two co-occurring evergreen species" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Evidence of osmoregulation in Larix decidua at Alpine treeline and comparative responses to water availability of two co-occurring evergreen species" potx

... Southern aspect and 30% slope, with shallow calcareous soil The treeline is formed by mixed stands of relatively young L decidua, P cembra and P abies which are invading edges of recently abandoned pasture ... of L decidua and by the dense tree crowns reaching to the ground for P abies and P cembra Sap flux density was measured from 17 June to 13 October 1997 (days 168–286) Sapwood area and total tree ... water potential and sap flux density: Rsoil-needle = (Ψneedle – Ψsoil) Fd Where R soil-needle is the sapwood-specific hydraulic resistance between soil and needles (MPa dm-1 h), Ψsoil and Ψneedle...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:22

11 296 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Physiological, morphological and growth responses to rhizosphere hypoxia by seedlings of North American bottomland oaks" potx

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Physiological, morphological and growth responses to rhizosphere hypoxia by seedlings of North American bottomland oaks" potx

... PPFD on the leaf between 400 and -2 -1 800 μmol m s Stomatal conductance and transpiration were measured randomly for species and treatment combinations between 0900 and 1100 hours on each sample ... hydrologic, and biologic structure, several microsite types, which could potentially influence seedling establishment and growth, can be identified in forested wetland communities (Marks and Harcombe, ... wetlands must possess the ability to cope or adjust to an anaerobic rhizosphere The observed stratification of oaks in bottomlands, and the apparent association of flood frequency, duration, and...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21

14 253 0
báo cáo khoa học: "Direct and correlated responses to selection for and small 6-week body weight in mice" pps

báo cáo khoa học: "Direct and correlated responses to selection for and small 6-week body weight in mice" pps

... body weight II Materials and methods Mice used in the present experiment were obtained from a randombred population which was divided into lines : W C and W- Lines W and W- were selected on the ... coefficient was 2.83 p 100, 3.63 p 100, and 1.22 p 100 in the W W- and C lines The average , + increase per generation was 0.22 p 100, 0.28 p 100 and 0.09 p 100 in W‘, W- and C, The inbreeding 13, showing ... body weight and the 1st litter size was not high (0.21 ± 0.07), the values obtained for the 2nd and 3rd litter size and TNY-3 reaching a similar level (table 4) The values obtained for W and W+ separately...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 22:22

13 299 0
Báo cáo y học: "Strength and hypertrophy responses to constant and decreasing rest intervals in trained men using creatine supplementation" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "Strength and hypertrophy responses to constant and decreasing rest intervals in trained men using creatine supplementation" pdf

... machine with a vshaped handle and lying triceps extension with a barbell), and Wednesday and Saturday (free-weight back squat, leg extension machine, leg curl machine and abdominal crunch) The ... slice) and then numbered sliceby-slice distally Two images mid-thigh were selected from each subject and their numbers recorded and used to locate the same slice during post-testing The ninth and ... thigh and upper arm were scanned with subjects in a supine position During the thigh scan the legs were relaxed and straight, feet parallel to each other and legs immobilized with pads and straps...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 23:21

11 297 0
Báo cáo y học: "Cardiovascular and metabolic responses to catecholamine and sepsis prognosis: a ubiquitous phenomenon" docx

Báo cáo y học: "Cardiovascular and metabolic responses to catecholamine and sepsis prognosis: a ubiquitous phenomenon" docx

... Liaudet L: Nitric oxide and peroxynitrite in health and disease Physiol Rev 2007, 87:315-424 Levy B, Dusang B, Annane D, Gibot S, Bollaert PE: Cardiovascular response to dopamine and early prediction ... Westerhof N, van Lieshout JJ: Heterogeneity and prediction of hemodynamic responses to dobutamine in patients with septic shock Crit Care Med 2006, 34:2392-2398 Landry DW, Oliver JA: The pathogenesis ... C, Herbecq P, et al.: Prognostic value of the dobutamine test in patients with sepsis syndrome and normal lactate values: a prospective, multicenter study Crit Care Med 1993, 21:1868-1875 Rhodes...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 10:20

2 186 0
Báo cáo y học: " Renal haemodynamic, microcirculatory, metabolic and histopathological responses to peritonitis-induced septic shock in pigs" ppt

Báo cáo y học: " Renal haemodynamic, microcirculatory, metabolic and histopathological responses to peritonitis-induced septic shock in pigs" ppt

... link between renal haemodynamics and renal cortex microcirculatory, metabolic and histological changes was simultaneously analysed Materials and methods Animal handling was in accordance with the ... (pO2), pCO2 and for haemoglobin oxygen saturation Systemic oxygen delivery, systemic oxygen uptake and renal oxygen delivery and oxygen uptake were derived from the appropriate blood gases and flow ... sham-operated and peritonitisinduced pigs at baseline Systemic variables Haemodynamic and oxygen exchange parameters, inflammatory responses, oxidative and nitrosative stress, and other laboratory...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 11:23

8 373 0
Báo cáo y học: "Sustained virological and biochemical responses to lamivudine and adefovir dipivoxil combination in a chronic hepatitis B infection despite mutations conferring resistance to both drugs" potx

Báo cáo y học: "Sustained virological and biochemical responses to lamivudine and adefovir dipivoxil combination in a chronic hepatitis B infection despite mutations conferring resistance to both drugs" potx

... not proven With adefovir Figure HBV viral load and alanine aminotransferases (ALT) HBV viral load and alanine aminotransferases (ALT) HBV viral load and ALT from a patient with chronic hepatitis ... probe assay carried out at M58 showed wild type recovery of amino acids 204, 236, and 181 At this time, viral load was IU/mL and sequencing and ARMS detection were unsuccessful Finally, the viral ... respond to adefovir and lamivudine They demonstrated the presence of rtM204I and rtA181S mutations in the HBV polymerase and the phenotypical resistance of this strain to both adefovir and lamivudine...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 13:20

5 280 0
the jobs crisis; household and government responses to the great recession in eastern europe and central asia (wb, 2011)

the jobs crisis; household and government responses to the great recession in eastern europe and central asia (wb, 2011)

... savings, and sinking asset values; (ii) product markets, via lower growth and production, and relative price changes; (iii) labor markets, via falling employment, wages, and remittances; and (iv) ... savings, and sinking asset values; (ii) labor markets, via falling employment, wages, and remittances; (iii) product markets, via declining growth and production, and relative price changes; and (iv) ... Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2014, 19:27

136 362 0
Immune mechanisms of responses to environmental mycobacteria

Immune mechanisms of responses to environmental mycobacteria

... M avium complex) and the non‐pathogenic M gordonae and M flavescens Fast‐growing Env include pathogens such as M fortuitum and M chelonae (CHE) and non‐pathogenic M smegmatis and M vaccae Slow ... well as promoting local host immune responses and prevent reactivation during chronic infection (Maglione and Chan, 2009) Antigen presenting cells The major antigen presenting cells in Mtb infections are macrophages and DCs, and ... uncertainty and when I was far away in a foreign land, and especially for devoting her precious time to my project amidst her multiple roles as an adjunct professor, a practicing doctor and a new mother, in the last leg of my PhD...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:51

196 274 0
Oxidative damage and immunological responses in ageing hybrid mice with resveratrol intervention

Oxidative damage and immunological responses in ageing hybrid mice with resveratrol intervention

... elevated total RSV plasma levels and reduced age-dependent accumulation of 1) 8OHdG in liver and heart; 2) 8-Iso-PGF2 in heart and urine and 3) PCC in liver and kidney However, a 12-month RSV ... middle-term effects and correlations between ageing and induced oxidative stress in DNA, lipids and proteins with the immune system of young and old mice fed with RSV b) Conduct a cohort study and monitor ... monitoring was performed to monitor one target ion and two qualifying ions at 342, 369 and 547 for the phloretin internal standard and 444, 445 and 429 for the RSV Quantitation of RSV was achieved...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 08:20

224 382 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Cotton GhMPK2 is involved in multiple signaling pathways and mediates defense responses to pathogen infection and oxidative stress doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Cotton GhMPK2 is involved in multiple signaling pathways and mediates defense responses to pathogen infection and oxidative stress doc

... processes and have unique biological functions Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) is one of the oldest and most important fiber and oil crops Its growth and yield are severely inhibited under various biotic and ... healthy and fully expanded tobacco leaves of wild-type and transgenic plants at the same age The disks were floated in solutions of various concentrations of MV (0, and 10 lm) for 72 h, and then ... plant species, including MPK3 and MPK6 in Arabidopsis (group A MAPKs), SIMK and SAMK in alfalfa, and LeMPK1 ⁄ (Lycopersicon esculentum SA-induced protein kinase) and LeMPK3 (L esculentum woundinduced...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 23:20

12 348 0