American english file 3 teacher's book
... y9 w3 h9" alt=""
Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2014, 21:57
New headway advanced test book advanced teacher's book new english course amanda maris
Ngày tải lên: 04/09/2013, 20:21
American English File Student Book 3
... life 28 131 Race to the sun comparatives and superlatives transportation and travel how long + take stress in compound nouns 32 PRACTICAL ENGLISH In the office 33 WRITING Telling a story 34 REVIEW & CHECK What do you remember? What can you do? sentence stress cell phones musl, have 10, should (obligation) aC::========================::::::========::::J 36 rJ Modern manners 40 ... the flower shop. e In the restaurant. 2 How long has he been working as a teacher? a Ilh years b 2lh years c 3lh years 3 How ean people travel today? a By road. b By train. e By air. 4 How are ... do? THE STORY SO FAR 1. 13 Listen to the story of Mark and AlIie. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Mark met AlIie in London two years ago. 2 He's American and she's British. 3 They work...
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... w5 h0" alt=""
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