
Tài liệu The Online English Grammar by Anthony Hughes doc

Tài liệu The Online English Grammar by Anthony Hughes doc

... getting The Full PDF Online English Grammar V1.1 â copyright - all rights reserved 1995-2001, Anthony Hughes The English4 Today Members' Website 120. verbs followed by gerund Keywords: ... present, general truths, instructions The Full PDF Online English Grammar V1.1 â copyright - all rights reserved 1995-2001, Anthony Hughes The English4 Today Members' Website |A |B |C |D ... tenses, past tenses, future tenses The Full PDF Online English Grammar V1.1 â copyright - all rights reserved 1995-2001, Anthony Hughes The English4 Today Members' Website |A |B |C |D...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 13:15

261 543 2
Tài liệu The Online English Grammar by Anthony Hughes pptx

Tài liệu The Online English Grammar by Anthony Hughes pptx

... -past Keywords: be + past participle The Full PDF Online English Grammar V1.1 â copyright - all rights reserved 1995-2001, Anthony Hughes The English4 Today Members' Website exceptions ... search using the keyword search box. The Full PDF Online English Grammar V1.1 â copyright - all rights reserved 1995-2001, Anthony Hughes The English4 Today Members' Website |A |B |C |D ... clauses, non-defining relative clauses The Full PDF Online English Grammar V1.1 â copyright - all rights reserved 1995-2001, Anthony Hughes The English4 Today Members' Website infinitive...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 13:20

261 428 0
English grammar drills part 4 pdf

English grammar drills part 4 pdf

... to focus solely on how English forms the possessive. Before Shakespeare’s time the possessive form of nouns was spelled exactly the same as the plural form: with an -s. By Shakespeare’s time, ... nition arises with the possessive forms of irregular nouns that become plural by changing their vowels rather than by adding a plural -s. For example: SINGULAR PLURAL Noun Possessive Plural Possessive man ... woman The pronunciation of the possessive -’s (whether singular or plural) or -s’ is governed by the same rules that govern the pronunciation of the plural -s: /s/ if the noun ends in a voiceless...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 09:20

7 465 0
English grammar drills part 9 pdf

English grammar drills part 9 pdf

... prepositional phrases is by testing the prepositional phrase by third-person pronoun substitution. When a prepositional phrase (along with the noun) can be replaced by a third-person pronoun, ... needs a new coat of paint. 6. They had a big victory despite all the odds. 7. A new painting by the English painter Turner has just been discovered. 8. I had no illusions about my chances. 9. ... answer by using the third-person pronoun substitution test. Adv Adj In the last quarter, we expect to see an improvement in our earnings. In the last quarter, we expect to see it. 1. The road by...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 09:20

7 388 0
English grammar drills part 12 pdf

English grammar drills part 12 pdf

... kind of gender stereotyping. You should be careful to avoid it. Again, we can solve the problem by using the compound he or she: Let’s fi nd a pilot and see what he or she says. Let’s fi nd a nurse ... accidentally locked themselves out of their car. The computer shut itself off. I want to do it by myself. Notice that in all of these examples, the antecedent of the refl exive pronoun is the ... PM 72 Noun Phrases Exercise 5.2 Select the proper form of the two italicized possessive pronouns by underlining the correct form. Mary needs to see her/hers accountant about a tax matter. 1. I...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 09:20

7 395 0
English grammar drills part 14 pdf

English grammar drills part 14 pdf

... of the verb be followed by a present participle. Underline each progressive verb or gerund phrase and write progressive or gerund above it, and then confi rm your answer by applying one of the ... years. Object of verb We need to get some more help. They expected to be in Dallas by noon today. The offi ce tried to reach him by voice mail. Predicate nominative (complement of a linking verb) The idea ... 12:34:04 PM 88 Noun Phrases by it. Here are examples of infi nitive phrases in all three noun roles, subject, object of a verb, and predicate nominative, followed by the it substitution. It To...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 09:20

7 445 0
English grammar drills part 22 pdf

English grammar drills part 22 pdf

... complete the test by the time the class fi nish. 10. The landlord furnish the apartment by the time we move in. Progressive tenses The progressive tenses are all formed by the helping verb ... before we leave the freeway. 3. We starve to death before the waiter bring us our order. 4. Jane walk back home before the bus arrive. 5. The audience forget the details by the time the ... 144 3/16/09 12:34:11 PM Verb Tenses 141 The train leave the by the time we get to the station. The train will have left the station by the time we have gotten there. 1. The cement harden before...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 09:20

7 367 0
English grammar drills part 33 pdf

English grammar drills part 33 pdf

... alike both inverted with the subjects.) There is no standard name in traditional grammar for the verbs in modern English that can be inverted to form yes-no questions. The verbs that can be inverted ... verb is the actual historical source of the do used in yes-no questions and negatives in modern English. ) This intermediate sentence now contains an auxiliary verb that can be inverted in the ... very busy? She had returned his e-mail. Had she returned his e-mail? 3. Main verbs: In American English, the only main verb that can be used to form yes-no questions is be (am, is, are, was,...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 09:20

7 318 0
English grammar drills part 36 pdf

English grammar drills part 36 pdf

... Negatives The rules for forming negatives are similar to the rules for forming questions. We will begin by looking at the process for forming negative statements. Not is inserted immediately after modal ... new plan. 3. We can arrange a meeting. 4. I have driven Anne’s new car. 5. They were upset by the outcome. 6. They have ignored the problem. (i-viiiB,001-328B) whl bk.indd 238 3/16/09 ... day. 2. They must not do that. 3. They will not identify themselves. 4. The kids have not fl own by themselves before. 5. The time allotted for the presentations was not equally divided. 6. I...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 09:20

7 431 0
English grammar drills part 41 pdf

English grammar drills part 41 pdf

... 12:34:28 PM 278 English Grammar Drills 1. Building a snowman is a fun winter pastime. 2. She found running a large company to be a challenge. 3. Singing in the shower is his favorite hobby. 4. The ... 274 English Grammar Drills 1. I asked the new worker you hired to come to my offi ce. 2. The car that he ... you asked for fi nally came in. (i-viiiB,001-328B) whl bk.indd 273 3/16/09 12:34:28 PM 276 English Grammar Drills 8. Aunt Sally is my father’s sister who lives in Canada. 9. What do you call...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 09:20

7 374 0
English Grammar Course - part 8 pdf

English Grammar Course - part 8 pdf

... clauses Classifications of subordinate clauses 2 2/1 Classifications of subordinate clauses By structural type By functional type Adverbial clauses Adverbial clauses 5 5/8 Clauses of condition ... Comparison Proportion & Preference Clauses of preference are introduced by rather than/ sooner than E.g. Rather than go there by air, I’d take the train. Rather than sitting here complaining, we ... Preference Clauses of manner – (exactly) as, (just) as (Just) as a moth is attracted by a light, (so) he was fascinated by her. Subordinators Subordinators 3 3/2 Subordinating conjunctions Simple...

Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2014, 03:20

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