advanced animation with directx source code

Advanced Animation with DirectX pptx

Advanced Animation with DirectX pptx

... shown in the following bit of code: IDirectXFile *pDXFile = NULL; HRESULT Result = DirectXFileCreate(&pDXFile); As you can see from the previous lines of code, the DirectXFileCreate function ... State 14 Table of Contents Advanced Animation with DirectX 1 Introduction 4 Part One: Preparations 7 Chapter 1: Preparing for the Book 8 Overview 8 Installing the DirectX SDK 8 Choosing the ... On with the Book 34 Part Two: Animation Basics 36 Chapter 2: Timing in Animation and Movement 37 Using Time−Based Motion 37 Reading Time in Windows 37 Animating with Time 38 Moving with...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 21:21

353 665 1
advanced 3d game programming with directx 9.0

advanced 3d game programming with directx 9.0

... Data Walsh, Peter (Peter Andrew), 1980- Advanced 3D game programming with DirectX 9.0 / by Peter Walsh. p. cm. ISBN 1-55622-968-2 (pbk.) 1. Computer games Programming. 2. DirectX. I. Title. QA76.76.C672W382 ... Chapter 1. I’m not hardcore about it, but generally my floats are prefixed with “f,” my ints with “i,” and my pointers with “p” (examples: float fTimer; int iStringSize; char* pBuffer). Note that ... are preceded with a “g_” (an example would be int g_hIn - stance); static variables are preceded with an “s_” (static float s_fTimer); and member variables of classes are preceded with an “m_”...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 01:06

548 1,5K 0
advanced 3d game programming with directx 9 0

advanced 3d game programming with directx 9 0

... Cover Table of Contents Advanced 3D Game Programming Using DirectX 9.0 Introduction Chapter 1-Windows Chapter 2-Getting Started with DirectX Chapter 3-Communicating with DirectInput Chapter ... Direct3D Chapter 9 -Advanced 3D Programming Chapter 10 -Advanced Direct3D Chapter 11-Scene Management Appendix-An STL Primer 10 What are the requirements for using the code? The code was written ... (; the .DSPs will work with versions previous to 6.0, and the .DSWs will work with 6.0 and up. If you choose to use a different compiler, getting the source code to work should be a fairly...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 12:01

514 1K 0
Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX - phần 1 doc

Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX - phần 1 doc

... Contents Advanced 3D Game Programming Using DirectX 9.0 Introduction Chapter 1 - Windows Chapter 2 - Getting Started with DirectX Chapter 3 - Communicating with DirectInput ... Started with DirectX Overview Now that you know enough about Windows, it's time to get down and dirty with DirectX. This chapter shows you everything you need to know to get started with ... are some pieces of code that would get much faster with a little obfuscation. 38 The way I'll do this is with two classes. One of them will abstract the Windows code that needs to be...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 23:20

71 523 0
Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX - phần 2 doc

Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX - phần 2 doc

... I'm going to dive into the code that initializes Direct3D for full-screen rendering. The way the code actually gets called is in cApplication::InitGraphics. That code calls the static function ... devices through a COM interface, just like with Direct3D. The interface name in DirectX 9.0 is IDirectInputDevice8. Note You may be wondering why in DirectX 9.0 the device is called IDirectInputDevice8. ... filled with the address of the newly created device. So if you were going to create a standard hardware accelerated device with software vertex processing you could use the following code: ...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 23:20

71 486 0
Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX - phần 3 pot

Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX - phần 3 pot

... SafeRelease( pDSBPrimary ); With all the code in place, you can actually write the sound layer class. The header appears in Listing 4.3, and the source code is in Listing 4.4. Listing ... /******************************************************************* * Advanced 3D Game Programming using DirectX 9.0 144 hwnd Handle to the window to be associated with the DirectSound object. This should be the ... SetFormat() method on the primary buffer. Listing 4.2 has code that sets the primary format to 22 KHz, 16-bit stereo. Listing 4.2: Sample code to change the format of the primary buffer 153 ...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 23:20

71 408 0
Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX - phần 4 ppsx

Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX - phần 4 ppsx

... to know how to draw the triangles with the supplied information. There are currently three ways to do this; the third has just become a hardware feature with DirectX 9.0. Here is a polygon mesh ... horizontal fov will be hardcoded, and the code chooses a vertical field of view that will keep the aspect ratio of the screen. This makes sense: You couldn't get away with using the same field ... the light. Spotlights have two angles associated with them. One is the internal cone whose angle is generally referred to as theta (θ). Points within the internal cone receive all of the light...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 23:20

71 270 0
Source code Server.doc

Source code Server.doc

... Source code Server Sub connectserver(ddriver As String, sserver As String, uuid As String, ppw As...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2012, 10:24

6 1K 2


... Source CodeClient Sub export(fname As String, daty As String) On Error GoTo loi Dim sconnect As String Dim ... frmtm.dbs.TableDefs(tname).CreateIndex( With idxnew .Fields = idx.Fields .Unique = idx.Unique .Primary = idx.Primary .Required = idx.Required .IgnoreNulls = idx.IgnoreNulls End With frmtm.dbs.TableDefs(tname).Indexes.Append ... dbs.TableDefs(tname).CreateIndex( With idxnew .Fields = idx.Fields .Unique = idx.Unique .Primary = idx.Primary .IgnoreNulls = idx.IgnoreNulls .Required = idx.Required End With dbs.TableDefs(tname).Indexes.Append...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2012, 10:24

13 551 0
Thủ thuật xem source code của các trang web cấm chức năng xem source code

Thủ thuật xem source code của các trang web cấm chức năng xem source code

... Thủ thuật xem source code của các trang web cấm chức năng xem source code Đã bao giờ các bạn muốn xem source code của một trang web nhưng khi bấm phải chuột và dùng chức năng view source thì không ... _ ra và paste đường link đó vào mục URL rồi bấm nút View HTML Source. Trang web này sẽ tự động trả lại toàn bộ Source Code HTML của đường link trên. Sau đó bạn dùng chức năng Search để ... chức năng View Source được. Chúng tôi giới thiệu một thủ thuật đơn giản và hiệu quả để thực hiện công việc đó. Ví dụ: đường dẫn đầy đủ đến flash tên là MyLove của trang là Code: Bạn...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 05:10

2 934 1
Display VB6 Source codes với màu trong trang Web

Display VB6 Source codes với màu trong trang Web

... hàng code kế tiếp thụt vô trở lại. Pretty Codes hiện ra như trong hình dưới đây: Program nầy cho phép bạn Paste VB6 Source code từ Clipboard vào ListBox lstCodes, bằng cách click nút Paste Codes ... Ctrl-V. Nó sẽ thay thế codes có sẵn trong lstCodes. Sau khi làm pretty code, kết quả HTML sẽ được tự động lưu trử trong file codes.htm. Bạn cũng có thể copy một số hàng HTML codes trong Listbox ... là thêm màu cho codes trong trang Web. Ta sẽ tận dụng Listbox và các String Functions của VB6. Ðầu tiên, ta Load content của một Text File chứa VB6 source code vào ListBox lstCodes. Khi User...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 11:15

6 385 0

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