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adobe press adobe photoshop cs2 classroom in a book may 2005

adobe press adobe photoshop cs2 classroom in a book may 2005

... Classroom in a Book What's new in this edition Prerequisites Installing Adobe Photoshop What's on the CD* Starting Adobe Photoshop Installing ... Adobe Systems, Inc. Hello Photoshop fans, Thank you for purchasing Adobe Photoshop CS2 Classroom in a Book, the official training workbook for the world's best image-editing program. ... About Classroom in a Book Adobe Photoshop CS2 Classroom in a Book đ is part of the official training series for Adobe graphics and publishing software developed by experts at Adobe Systems....

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 11:36

726 351 0
The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book- P3 pdf

The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book- P3 pdf

... result! Merging Layers There are reasons to create layers, and there are reasons to delete and combine them. Combining layers in Photoshop is referred to as merging. Merging combines the content ... layer is for without having to examine the content (e.g., shutting o other layers, increasing the size of the thumbnails, zooming in) . Naming layers as you go to hint at what they are will ... them act as an outline or running history for your editing procedures. In that way, investing some time up front helps save lots of time later on in reproducing or duplicating results without...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 11:20

30 453 0
The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book- P9 pdf

The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book- P9 pdf

... adjustments in Photoshop, visit the website for this book at Ch08-K52076.indd 215Ch08-K52076.indd 215 6/20/07 9:51:54 PM6/20/07 9:51:54 PM The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book 214 4. ... bunching up and spiking at the right or left in the graph display in the RAW dialog histogram, chances are the image is taking a hit and you are ruining image details perhaps unwittingly. ... Ch09-K52076.indd 220Ch09-K52076.indd 220 6/20/07 9:52:37 PM6/20/07 9:52:37 PM Taking an Image through the Process 219 an insolating depth-of- eld and a  attering pose. While it is an interesting...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 11:20

30 283 0
Tài liệu Adobe Photoshop Bài tập áp dụng pdf

Tài liệu Adobe Photoshop Bài tập áp dụng pdf

... Saturation để điều chỉnh màu sáng hơn. Adobe Photoshop 7.0 123- Bài tập 10: Dán nhn bao bì Trong Photoshop, bạn mở mục Adobe\ Photoshop5 .0\Turial\Lesson04 có một hình ảnh đợc ... biên mục chọn rồi dùng công cụ Painbrush tô trên nặt nạ lớp để hiện dần lớp bên dới. (băng Layer) Adobe Photoshop 118 Bài tập 5: thay đổi phông nền của ảnh. Photoshop có thể giúp bạn tao ... Layer/ Add Layer Mask/ Reveal All. Adobe Photoshop 113 13. Lu ý: Tô với màu tối/ sáng sẽ ẩn/ hiện lớp bên dới. Khi tô điều chỉnh Opacity của công cụ Painbrush khoảng 50 - 60 % 14. Tạo lớp...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 21:16

15 760 18
Tài liệu The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book P2 ppt

Tài liệu The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book P2 ppt

... creating random layers in a stack may be interesting, but not nearly as interesting as working through a practical example. In this exercise, we will take an image, add a copyright, burn in ... name. TABLE 1.3 Methods to create new layers in Photoshop. Ch01-K52076.indd 14Ch01-K52076.indd 14 6/21/07 2:11:24 PM6/21/07 2:11:24 PM The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book 16 Function How To ã Choose any ... creating. See the Types of Layers Table 1.2 for more information. FIG 1.12 Layers after step 28. Ch01-K52076.indd 23Ch01-K52076.indd 23 6/21/07 2:11:28 PM6/21/07 2:11:28 PM The Adobe Photoshop...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 14:20

10 319 0
Tài liệu The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book P1 ppt

Tài liệu The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book P1 ppt

... falls. We were planning on redoing it and bringing it to a larger audience. For the original book, the author had public domain maps scanned and placed in the book at the original size. They accounted ... retain original image information is known as non-destructive editing; you retain the original image information undisturbed as you make changes by adding image layers. Each change is incorporated ... and in print. Ch01-K52076.indd 4Ch01-K52076.indd 4 6/21/07 2:11:18 PM6/21/07 2:11:18 PM Introduction xxv Photoshop across platforms. The greatest di erence a user will note in this book is...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 14:20

40 270 0
The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book- P4 ppt

The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book- P4 ppt

... noise reduction while maintaining the advantage of layers by continuing work on the sample2.psd you saved earlier in this chapter after making the initial cloning/healing corrections.  Try ... Figure 4.13). The main concept to keep in mind here is that Blur and Noise  lters can work well together in reducing the appearance of noise in your images and maintaining a realistic appearance. ... the resulting layers is shown in Figures 3.6 and 3.7. Ch03-K52076.indd 66Ch03-K52076.indd 66 6/20/07 9:43:05 PM6/20/07 9:43:05 PM The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book 76 Applying the Healing tool...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 11:20

30 331 0
The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book- P5 pps

The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book- P5 pps

... sometimes come in handy: using a clipping layer instead of a mask. Try using clipping groups instead of standard layer masks: 1. Activate the Unsharp Mask layer by clicking on it in the layers ... fashion using layers. For example, you can do inner shadows and glows by clicking the Wild Type E ectz layer in step 2, making a clipping group with the new layer created in step 3 and inverting ... correction. Styles are akin to  lters in that you can waste hours and hours applying and adjusting them, then undoing and applying again. It can become addictive when doing creative projects....

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 11:20

30 301 0
The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book- P7 docx

The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book- P7 docx

... selection. Sticking with the preferred list of modes outlined (and exploring the examples in the rest of the book) will help you maintain focus on the modes that will be most e ective in your image ... a ords  rst hand. The shots in Figure 7.11 were taken on the same day, one in the morning at South Street Seaport in New York City early in the morning facing nearly east, and the other ... feature to almost any Photoshop user. If you ever tried looking this feature up in manuals and books, you may not have been able to  nd it. In fact even searching Photoshop Help will not...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 11:20

30 429 0
The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book- P8 ppt

The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book- P8 ppt

... lm. Ch08-K52076.indd 199Ch08-K52076.indd 199 6/20/07 9:51:31 PM6/20/07 9:51:31 PM The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book 200 2. Double-click the Green layer in the layers palette in the Prokudin-Gorskii ... palette. Working with components in layers leads to a better Ch08-K52076.indd 189Ch08-K52076.indd 189 6/20/07 9:51:15 PM6/20/07 9:51:15 PM The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book 190 understanding of how ... Prokudin-Gorskii image from his original black-and-white captures. Ch08-K52076.indd 190Ch08-K52076.indd 190 6/20/07 9:51:19 PM6/20/07 9:51:19 PM The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book 188 blending layers...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 11:20

30 309 0
The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book- P10 docx

The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book- P10 docx

... of working with images in Photoshop. I like to always think that the end of my books are always just the beginning. As you have time to work with layers, using this book as a starting place ... paper to far more elaborate adventures in imaging. The photographic equivalent is taking a group of pictures, extracting the interesting parts and combining them to achieve a result. It can ... components, 204–209 Image editing, 26 capture, 29–30 editing and correction, 31–32 evaluation, 30–31 purposing and output, 32–33 setup, 27–29 INDEX Index-K52076.indd 255Index-K52076.indd 255 6/20/07 9:55:32...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 11:20

14 263 0
The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 40 docx

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 40 docx

... Camera Raw version in, 24 downloading photos using, 3 finding photos in, 15 syncing with Mini Bridge, 17 See also Mini Bridge Adobe Photoshop. See Photoshop CS5 Adobe RGB color space, ... correcting, 149, 150, 154 finding neutral, 154, 165–167 Mini Bridge, 2–19 accessing photos with, 2–3 customizing appearance of, 16 deleting photos in, 15 docking along bottom, 7 downloading ... look creating within Camera Raw, 295–296 Photoshop techniques for creating, 286–294 Highlight Priority vignetting, 77 highlights adjusting in photos, 228 clipping warning for, 32–33 color correcting,...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 22:21

17 484 0
The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 1 pps

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 1 pps

... The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers CHAPTER 1 1 Mini Series Using Photoshop CS5’s Mini Bridge Getting to Your Photos Using Mini Bridge . 2 Viewing Your ... series of Adobe Photoshop online courses and DVDs at and has been training Adobe Photoshop users since 1993. For more information on Scott, visit his daily blog, Photoshop Insider, ... award-winning author of more than 50 books, including The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 Book for Digital Photographers, Photoshop Down & Dirty Tricks, The Photoshop Channels Book, The iPhone Book, ...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 22:21

10 605 0
The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 2 doc

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 2 doc

... KELBY The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers Download from ptg vvv The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers xxx (3) The intro pages at the beginning ... Pass Sharpening for HDR Images . 208 Single-Image HDR Toning Effect . 210 Dealing with Ghosting in Merge to HDR Pro . 214 Fixing Edge Problems in Your HDR Shots . 216 HDR Finishing Technique ... ptg www. T A B L E O F CONTENTS xiii The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers CHAPTER 12 341 Fine Print Step-by-Step Printing and Color Management Setting Up Your...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 22:21

10 459 0
The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 3 pps

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 3 pps

... or prepare them for printing. Sorting and Arranging Your Photos Download from ptg 7Chapter 1Using Photoshop CS5’s Mini Bridge The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers Step ... listed in the introduction.) Download from ptg 8 Chapter 1 Using Photoshop CS5’s Mini Bridge The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers Step One: To see the images in ... Bridge 1 2 Download from ptg 1 Chapter 1 Using Photoshop CS5’s Mini Bridge Mini Series using photoshop cs 5 ’ s mini bridge If you’re reading this chapter opener (and you...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 22:21

10 468 0