... some of the clusters For instance, we had a cluster of countries involved in military conflicts, and another for other countries; a cluster for winning game scores, and another for ties; etc The ... whole clauses, such as paraphrase acquisition Pattern Definition: For our relation detection task, we searched for instances of predefined patterns indicating a relation between two clustered clauses ... distillation of the text into a series of clustered clauses containing the essential information about the actions described in the text Technical Specifications: For this work we chose to use the entire...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:21
... of the way, always apologizing for China and never forcing that nation to pay any price for its unfair practices It is time for the U.S government to stand up for its citizens, earning an A rather ... rewarded for your efforts.” —Richard N Foster, Investment & Advisory Services; former Managing Director, McKinsey & Company; author of Creative Destruction ffirs.indd i 03/12/11 8:12 AM For decades ... forms First, it can mean that nothing is done about a problem when arriving at a consensus is impossible Social Security reform to date offers an example of this form of gridlock The can is forever...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20
Global environmental change: Additional stress for food security pot
... Global environmental change: Additional stress for food security The world produces more than enough food for everyone, yet – even today – over one billion people ... Attaining food security for all is clearly more complicated than just producing more food Besides food production, food availability and food affordability are critical prerequisites for ensuring food ... other stakeholder communities by developing or strengthening existing platforms and mechanisms for the exchange of information and ideas n Improving the understanding of interactions among food...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 23:20
Additional Praise for Fixed Income Securities Tools for Today’s Markets, 2nd Edition phần 1 docx
... as investing for six months at r(.5), for six months, six months forward at r(1), and for six months, one year forward at r(1.5) Mathematically, 30 BOND PRICES, SPOT RATES, AND FORWARD RATES ... date For the purposes of this chapter, all forward rates are taken to be six-month rates some number of semiannual periods forward Forward rates, however, can be defined with any term and any forward ... CHAPTER 16 Forward Contracts Definitions 325 Forward Price of a Deposit or a Zero Coupon Bond 326 Using Forwards to Hedge Borrowing Costs or Loan Proceeds Forward Price of a Coupon Bond 329 Forward...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 05:20
Additional Praise for Fixed Income Securities Tools for Today’s Markets, 2nd Edition phần 2 ppsx
... functional form for the discount function, for spot rates, or for forward rates For example, an extremely simple functional form for the discount function might be a cubic polynomial: d(t ) = ... of all previous forwards Therefore, it takes a relatively large move in one of the forward rates to move the average by one basis point, particularly at long maturities when many forwards make ... 4.6 Forward Curves from Raw C-STRIPS Data and from a Curve Fitting Procedure PIECEWISE CUBICS The first step in building a smooth curve is to assume a functional form for the discount function, for...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 05:20
Additional Praise for Fixed Income Securities Tools for Today’s Markets, 2nd Edition phần 3 docx
... for example, the market maker would pay half of 1/32 or 015625 less than the market price of 3.0501 on the $100 million for a total of $15,625 This spread compensates the market maker for effort ... particular rate as accurately as possible Unfortunately, however, prices are usually not available without error The models developed in Part Three, for example, perform so many calculations that the ... knowing the change in the 10-year spot rate alone, would not allow for the determination of changes in other spot rates But if, for example, the two-year spot rate were known to increase by three...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 05:20
Additional Praise for Fixed Income Securities Tools for Today’s Markets, 2nd Edition phần 4 docx
... definition, is priced at 100% of face amount For the perturbed forward curve, the six-month rate 2.5 years forward is raised to 6.01%, and all other forwards are kept the same The new spot rate ... the Six-Month Rate 2.5 Years Forward Initial forward curve flat at 6% Bucket exposure: Years Forward 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 $4,187 Cash Flow ($millions) Perturbed Forward Perturbed Spot Discount ... flattening of the forward curve, that is, when rates to 3.5 years forward rise relative to rates to 5.5 years forward Conversely, the portfolio will lose money in a steepening of the forward curve,...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 05:20
Additional Praise for Fixed Income Securities Tools for Today’s Markets, 2nd Edition phần 5 docx
... basis points per year for a 10-year yield and 68.6 basis points per year for a 30-year yield gives an approximation for 20-year volatility of about 80 basis points per year Therefore, the magnitude ... securities for the purpose of making markets or for proprietary trading For these purposes many practitioners wish to assume that some set of underlying securities is priced fairly For example, ... ranging from 9.4% for 5-year bonds to 13.1% for 30-year bonds These values are in the range of historical plausibility Decompositions of the sort described here are useful in forming opinions...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 05:20
Additional Praise for Fixed Income Securities Tools for Today’s Markets, 2nd Edition phần 6 pot
... Closed-Form Solutions for Spot Rates 257 Courtadon: ( ) dr = k θ − r dt + σrdw Cox-Ingersoll-Ross: ( ) dr = k θ − r dt + σ rdw APPENDIX 12A CLOSED-FORM SOLUTIONS FOR SPOT RATES This appendix lists formulas ... volatilities4 of the rates are 55.9 for the three-month rate, 94.2 for the two-year rate, 97.4 for the five-year rate, 94.5 for the 10-year rate, and 81.3 for the 30-year rate The second component ... for valuation and hedging but also for analyzing the performance of trades and trading strategies In particular, it is good practice to compare the actual performance of a trade with its performance...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 05:20
Additional Praise for Fixed Income Securities Tools for Today’s Markets, 2nd Edition phần 7 potx
... and demand for general collateral and for individual issues The repo market equilibrates the supply and demand for general collateral to emerge with a GC interest rate for repurchase agreements ... when-issued basis for a short time before they are actually issued The 5s of February 15, 2011, for example, although not issued until February 15, 2001, traded some time before then for settlement ... rate and, therefore, accrued interest equal zero FORWARD YIELD AND FORWARD DV01 The forward yield of a bond is the one rate that when used to discount the cash flows of a bond from the forward date...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 05:20
Additional Praise for Fixed Income Securities Tools for Today’s Markets, 2nd Edition phần 8 pot
... 2001, the forward yield spread TABLE 18.3 Yields and Spreads for 5s and Old 5s as of January 17, 2001, Forward to May 8, 2001 Swap Repo Rate to to Forward Forward Bond Swap Forward Forward Forward ... swaps, however, provide for a spread off the floating rate For example, a swap might provide for a fixed rate of 5.698% against a floating rate of LIBOR plus 10 basis points for 10 years This swap ... points Therefore, the question is really whether the spread of spreads forward to May 8, 2001, is more than basis points rich Table 18.3 supplies the relevant data for this question Before proceeding...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 05:20
Additional Praise for Fixed Income Securities Tools for Today’s Markets, 2nd Edition phần 9 ppsx
... TABLE 20.8 Forward Yields for June 30, 2000, Delivery as of Selected Dates Pricing Date: 4/3/00 2/28/00 4/10/00 4/3/00 5/19/00 2/28/00 to to to Forward Forward 4/3/00 Forward 4/10/00 Forward 5/19/00 ... not be sufficient for many applications An obvious solution is to use a twofactor model for both pricing and hedging Another solution is to use a one-factor model for pricing and, for safety, to ... shifts in forward yields for delivery on the last delivery date of TYM0 (i.e., June 30, 2000) The scenario of +20 basis points is the scenario in which forward yields of all deliverable bonds for June...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 05:20
Additional Praise for Fixed Income Securities Tools for Today’s Markets, 2nd Edition phần 10 pptx
... be discounted by the rate appropriate for that cash flow’s maturity Therefore, the true fair pricing condition for a $100,000 mortgage paying X per month for N months is 459 Prepayment Option ... of default risk Therefore, the correct benchmark for discounting and for hedging MBS is the Treasury market Since 1998, however, swaps have gained in popularity as hedges for MBS at the expense ... 10-year and vice versa CHAPTER 16 Forward Contracts 16.1 For delivery dates in the near future, the forward prices of zero coupon bonds are above spot prices while the forward prices of coupon bonds...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 05:20
Fun for starters additional resources for teachers
... Unit 8 Clothes: pictures for activities Unit 10 A and B Questions for activity C Unit 14 Animal pictures for ‘Tell me about your pets’ Units 15 Food: pictures for activities E and F and ... out on a table, face up Tell a learner to take a letter For example: Pierre, Q Pierre picks up the card with Q (See below for suggestions for spelling other words.) Continue like this, with learners ... pictures for activities E (Unit 15) and F (Unit 17) ! 11 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2010 Unit 16 o What’s n the menu? Do the food project! ● ● ● ● Learners look for information...
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2016, 00:09
Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Linking clauses
... to change your appointrnent REASONS FOR USlNG LlNKlNG CLAUSES Time clauses Time clauses are adverbial clauses which state whether one thing happened after, before or at the same time as another ... down -1NG CLAUSES We can use an -ing form after (ever) since, after, before, while, when, whenever: Since reading that artide, Colin's refused to eat red meat AJter waitingfor agesfor a table, ... identified For fear SECTION Concession clauses Concession clauses give information that contrasts with or opposes the facts in the main clause in an unexpected way These clauses can...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20
Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Noun clauses
... N O U N CLAUSES OVERVIEW WHAT ARE NOUN CLAUSES? Noun clauses (sometimes called 'nominal clauses' ) are groups of words within a sentence referring ... exclamation clauses learned the language to-infinitive clauses I like to get up early -ing clauses (gerunds) Driving too fast is something most new drivers tend to nominal relative clauses That ... SUBJECT TO TO-INFINITIVE CLAUSES When there is a subject in a to-infinitive clause, we normally add for: For him to complain about being ovmorked is ridiculow We also usefor after some adjectives,...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20
Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Relative clauses
... was enormow PEOPLE OR THINGS? We use who and whom for people, and that or which for things, or for groups of people (a team etc.) We use whose for both (see below): ItS usually the mother who ... PREPOSITIONS I N RELATIVE CLAUSES When a preposition is necessary, it can go before the relative pronoun or at the end of the relative clause When it goes before, it is generally more formal: x x J Chemistry ... nondefining clauses X x "W J My lawyer's excuse, which he ofered rather reluctantly, was that the law had recently changed REPLACING RELATIVE CLAUSES -ing forms We can use -ing forms after nouns...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20
... description in point form for each applicable heading below Specify the duration of the activity, its frequency and the amount of time it will take Sample OEAS Activities Labour Market Information: This ... clients have access to labour market information, workshops, library information on employment and other employment resource materials and tools needed for job search (e.g computers, fax machines ... Improvement In this section tell us about what you will to performance, should there be a need For example,: Have you experienced or you foresee any issues in your community that may affect your...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20
MEALS ARE FREE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED: For additional listings provided by the Meals Partnership Coalition pot
... 3:30PM for a ticket on the day of dinner All are welcome CHIEF SEATTLE CLUB 410 2nd Avenue, Extension So Monday – Friday 7:00 AM-9:30 AM Criteria: American Indians only Revised December 10, 2012 for ... (11:30AM – 12:30PM) Criteria: Open to all Please call first at the end of June for summer service Revised December 10, 2012 for web MARY’S PLACE/CHURCH of MARY MAGDALENE 314 Bell Street Seattle, WA ... Criteria: Open to all; children welcome All is welcome @ 9:30 AM for coffee Lunch is open @12:00 PM Revised December 10, 2012 for web NEW HORIZONS MINISTRIES 2709 3rd Avenue Seattle, WA 98121...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "ConsentCanvas: Automatic Texturing for Improved Readability in EndUser License Agreements" pot
... 2.3 Contact Information Extractor The contact information extractor module uses regular expressions to match URLs, email addresses, or phone numbers within the document text This information was ... However, the problem space and system are not yet ready for formal verification or experimentation More exploration and refinement are required before we will be able to empirically determine if we ... provided a description of the work in progress for ConsentCanvas, a system for automatically adding texture to EULAs to improve readability and comprehension Informal analysis revealed several key challenges...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 16:20