... to 250,000 m3/day declining to 32,000 to 100,000 m3/day • Years to 4: 32,000 to 100,000 m3/day declining to 14,000 to 35,000 m3/day • Years to 10: 14,000 to 35,000 m3/day declining to 8,000 to ... intermediate casing extends to the top of the hydrocarbon-bearing formation Cement is pumped between the intermediate casing and the intervening formations to isolate the well bore from the surrounding rock, ... be expected to vary depending on the geological properties of the rock matrix and the fracture treatment Operators have a commercial incentive to restrict the extent of fractures to the gas-bearing...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20
... be deployable into theater much more rapidly—providing many more options to the national command authority (NCA) and the respective theater combatant commanders to respond to the wide range of ... greater improvement to the survivability of the manned aircraft platforms (at the expense of the unmanned escorts) For the low-altitude ingress case, the survivability improved to 97 percent, resulting ... Prior to publication, this document, as with all documents in the RAND monograph series, was subject to a quality assurance process to ensure that the research meets several standards, including the...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 16:20
Tài liệu Module 4: Adding Documents to the Workspace ppt
... history of documents that are stored in the workspace, it is important to understand the process of adding documents to the workspace 12 Module 4: Adding Documents to the Workspace Populating Document ... the Workspace To add a new document to the workspace, create the document by using Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, and then use the Save command on the File menu to add the document to the appropriate ... using the Add a New Document command Demonstrate how to use the dashboard site to add a Word document to the workspace To add a document to the workspace by using the dashboard site: On the dashboard...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:15
Consultative document Revisions to the Basel II market risk framework
... as the CAPM model) by regressing the return on the individual stock or sector index on the risk-free rate of return and the return on the market index 10 [163] The convenience yield reflects the ... on the basis of their assessment of the quality of the bank’s risk management system, subject to an absolute minimum of Banks will be required to add to this factor a “plus” directly related to ... related to the ex-post performance of the model, thereby introducing a built-in positive incentive to maintain the predictive quality of the model The plus will range from to based on the outcome...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:40
Tài liệu Adding Controls to the Form pptx
... right of the GroupBox control 15 From the Toolbox, drag a Button control and place it near the bottom on the lower-left side of MemberForm 16 Add another Button control to the bottom of the form, ... each other, to the GroupBox You might need to make the GroupBox bigger to accommodate them 14 From the Toolbox, drag a CheckedListBox control and place it under the second Label and to the right ... use the guide lines displayed by the Designer to help align controls Add a second Label to the form Place it to the right of the TextBox Add another TextBox to MemberForm and position it to the...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu HIV OperatIOnal plan 2012 – 2013 WHO''''s support to implement the Global Health Sector Strategy on HIV/AIDS ppt
... update defines the health sector’s contribution to the broader, multisectoral response to HIV/AIDS in the African Region The priorities for the Region outlined in the strategy are: to accelerate ... higher risk and other civil society groups, together S with their networks and organizations, in lobbying for their right to be involved in the national response [EURO] Strengthen tools to prevent ... sector plans (see UBRAF D.2.2.2) WHO deliverables • ore planning tools for the HIV health sector response, including the Planning Guide for The Health Sector C Response to HIV and health sector...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 15:20
Operational Risk: Supporting Document to the New Basel Capital Accord doc
... in the β factors, as the sample includes only banks which provide data for all business lines The Committee therefore intends to collect further data prior to implementation to allow the β factors ... Approach The second approach benefits from the fact that the data to calculate the charge will feed into the setting of the level of the floor, but is 14 See equation Section B Part VI Superseded document ... for the determination of the scope of the charge is the impact of the ‘loss’ on P&L Superseded document produced, to allow the development of more advanced approaches to operational risk, and the...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 09:20
Policies and Guidelines Relating To the P30 Cancer Center Support Grant pdf
... of the clinical protocol research of the center The PRMS should have the authority to open protocols that meet the scientific merit and scientific priorities of the center and to terminate protocols ... description of the process and the criteria used to select investigators for interim support Peer review at the next competitive evaluation will examine the uses of the interim support category and the ... commitment to the center Discuss activities of the director relative to overall management of the center and use of authorities and resources to advance the center‘s research mission The following...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 00:20
Authoring and Generating Health-Education Documents That Are Tailored to the Needs of the Individual Patient doc
... in some other sentence The other elements in the list represent the other two references in the sentence, i.e., to high blood cholesterol levels and to the risk of heart disease Rhetorical relations ... master documents, and specifies the name of the patient to whom it is to be given; in addition, she may offer, or be asked to provide, information to supplement that which the system will find in the ... information are persuasive to the patient For more discussion, see DiMarco, et al (1995) other parts of the system—i.e., the user interface for the clinician, the software interface to the online medical-records...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:21
Báo cáo khoa học: "Adding Noun Phrase Structure to the Penn Treebank" ppt
... supply an NP as the answer to a factoid question, often using a parser to identify candidate NPs to return to the user If the parser never generates the correct sub-NP structure, then the system may ... is given ORG tags, the tool suggests that they be bracketed together first Other suggestions come from previous bracketings of the same words, which helps to keep the annotator consistent Two ... bracketing, or fit into a standard pattern which the annotator soon becomes accustomed to, hence the task can be performed quite quickly For the original bracketing of the Treebank, annotators performed...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 18:20
Accounting for Asian Economic Growth: Adding Gender to the Equation pdf
... program was coupled with Mother s Workshops designed to reinforce traditional values in the community The goal was to encourage women to continue to provide unpaid labor to the family and larger community, ... the female wage, aX is the average labor coefficient in the export sector, Pn* is the foreign currency price of imported intermediates, and nX is the import coefficient in the export sector The ... decomposes the sources of growth into three components: the growth of the capital input, growth of the labor input, and the (unexplained) growth in productivity of all factors (TFP) The production...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 20:20
Tài liệu tiếng anh tham khảo the contributions of work and nonwork creativity support to to employees creative performance
... contribution to the outcome, (2) the independent variable should make a significant contribution to the mediator, (3) the mediator should make a significant contribution to the outcome, and (4) when the ... and may respond little to efforts to support their creative work These employees have little in the way of creative potential and may balk at direct attempts to boost their creative contributions ... next to each of the adjectives that they thought described them Using scoring procedures suggested by Gough (1979), we assigned a -HI to the items that described creative people and a - to the...
Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 08:25
Báo cáo y học: " Adjuncts or adversaries to shared decision-making? Applying the Integrative Model of behavior to the role and design of decision support interventions in healthcare interactions" pps
... [21] These include the Theory of Reasoned Action, the Theory of Planned Behavior, the Health Belief Model and Social Cognitive Theory [31-34] Implicit in the combination of these theories into ... described in Table 2, the investigator would be able to assess whether the DESI increases the patient's intention to tell their physician their preferences and, if so, what was the specific mechanism ... intended [45] The second challenge for investigators grows from the contextual specificity required by the theory This relates both to the context for the behavior of interest as well as to the population...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:21
báo cáo khoa học: " Adjuncts or adversaries to shared decision-making? Applying the Integrative Model of behavior to the role and design of decision support interventions in healthcare interactions" doc
... [21] These include the Theory of Reasoned Action, the Theory of Planned Behavior, the Health Belief Model and Social Cognitive Theory [31-34] Implicit in the combination of these theories into ... described in Table 2, the investigator would be able to assess whether the DESI increases the patient's intention to tell their physician their preferences and, if so, what was the specific mechanism ... intended [45] The second challenge for investigators grows from the contextual specificity required by the theory This relates both to the context for the behavior of interest as well as to the population...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:20
releasing resources to support growth - the long-term benefits of finance transformation
... processing to a high degree—and most of them have realized the gains they expected from their automation efforts • Over the last three years, companies have most often reallocated the resources they’ve ... profitability In the real world, business strategies often have to compromise one to achieve the other—even as companies seek to strike the ideal balance between aggressive top-line growth and ... error, they are then able to reallocate resources from the most repetitive, mechanical tasks in finance toward the analytical activities that support growth ■ Survey respondents report that their...
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2014, 23:28