accessing shared files and folders

Tài liệu Accessing Files and Folders pdf

Tài liệu Accessing Files and Folders pdf

... new files and write data to the files Create new folders and append data to files Delete subfolders and files Delete files Change permissions for files and folders Take ownership of files and folders ... Hidden Files and Folders By default, Do Not Show Hidden Files and Folders is selected, so that files and folders with the Hidden attribute are not listed Choosing Show Hidden Files and Folders ... to optimizing access to files and folders and using permissions to control access to files and folders, for the “Monitor, manage, and troubleshoot access to files and folders objective Using...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 09:20

57 434 0
Tài liệu Accessing Shared Files docx

Tài liệu Accessing Shared Files docx

... see only the Public and Drop Box folders The rest of the Mac is invisible and off limits to you If you have a Standard account, you can see other people's Public and Drop Box folders, plus your ... also the freedom to see and manipulate the contents of the Applications, Desktop, Library, and Users Shared folders You can even see what folders are in other users' Home folders, although you ... You're supposed to type in the address of the shared disk you want Figure 13-11 The Sidebar method of connecting to shared disks and folders is quick and easy, but it doesn't let you connect to...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 10:15

11 250 0
Tài liệu Sharing and Securing Files and Folders pptx

Tài liệu Sharing and Securing Files and Folders pptx

... privileges and also allows the user to change the folders and the data in the files within the shared folder’s namespace The user can also change file attributes, and can copy, move, and delete files and ... 811 Chapter 22 ✦ Sharing and Securing Files and Folders Consider the following guidelines when working permissions: ✦ Create groups for access to folders and files, and assign them only the necessary ... Sharing and Securing Files and Folders the system console, you should stick to single names of between and 12 characters (and even 8.3 names for those still using Windows 3.1) The best command-line-compliant...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 08:20

40 363 0
Tiết 3 - Bài 11 Files and Folders

Tiết 3 - Bài 11 Files and Folders

... thoải tçm kiãúm - C1: Start  S e arc h - C2: ÁÚn nụt S e arc h trãn cäng củ B2: Chn All file s and Fo lde rs - All or part of the file name: g tãn tãûp/thỉ mủc cáưn tçm - Look in: phảm vi tçm...

Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2015, 19:00

18 275 0
Accessing Files and Directories

Accessing Files and Directories

... absolute and relative pathnames Access files and directories within the file structure using absolute and relative pathnames Identify and describe the parts of a command line Access files and directories ... (Command and argument) $ date (Command only) $ date -u (Command and option) $ banner "hi there" (Command and argument) Changing Directories Using the cd Command Files you need to access are often ... (;) enables you to enter multiple commands on a single command line The semicolon is also referred to as the command separator Command Format command;command Using the Semicolon $ cd;ls dante...

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2013, 09:20

19 325 2
Accessing On-Chip and Off-Chip Peripherals

Accessing On-Chip and Off-Chip Peripherals

... { Randomdata = read_adc(); lcd_data(Randomdata,0×a2); } } ****************************************************************************** Fig 3.7 Analog random voltage generation using Zener and ... ****************************************************************************** 3.6 Pseudo-Random Number Generation Through PIC 57 3.6 Pseudo-Random Number Generation Through PIC Program 3.9 Pseudo random number generation (Refer Fig 3.7) Program ... 44 Accessing On-Chip and Off-Chip Peripherals Fig 3.1 Using on-chip ADC of PIC16F877 ● ● ● ● No need of any external calibration or trimming Accuracy of ±0.4°C at room temperature and ±0.8°C...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2013, 01:20

26 335 0
Removing Large Files and Log Rolling

Removing Large Files and Log Rolling

... systems and finds all core files It determines the applications that created the core files and moves the core files to a central location for later examination The script also logs its actions and ... housekeeping to know about your core files so your hard disk won’t fill up with unnecessary files The small script in this chapter tracks down and cleans up core files The script was intended to ... The code first defines the file in question and then checks whether it exists If it does exist, execution continues CHAPTER 40 ■ REMOVING LARGE FILES AND LOG ROLLING #!/bin/sh LOGFILE=./my.log...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:51

5 239 0
Basic Router Operation - Backing Up and Restoring Router Configuration Files and IOS Software Images

Basic Router Operation - Backing Up and Restoring Router Configuration Files and IOS Software Images

... contents of Flash memory What command shows you the contents of Flash memory? How many files are currently in Flash memory? List the files currently in Flash memory: ... configuration to NVRAM What command saves your running configuration to NVRAM? Step 1-3 Backup your running configuration to the TFTP server What command will back up your running ... What command restores the configuration you saved to the TFTP server in Task to your router's current running configuration? Refer to the Backing Up Router Configuration Files section...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 07:15

5 459 0
Tài liệu Basic Router Operation - Backing Up and Restoring Router Configuration Files and IOS Software Images doc

Tài liệu Basic Router Operation - Backing Up and Restoring Router Configuration Files and IOS Software Images doc

... contents of Flash memory What command shows you the contents of Flash memory? How many files are currently in Flash memory? List the files currently in Flash memory: ... configuration to NVRAM What command saves your running configuration to NVRAM? Step 1-3 Backup your running configuration to the TFTP server What command will back up your running ... What command restores the configuration you saved to the TFTP server in Task to your router's current running configuration? Refer to the Backing Up Router Configuration Files section...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 13:15

5 418 0
Tài liệu Creating Files and Directories Using Windows 2000 docx

Tài liệu Creating Files and Directories Using Windows 2000 docx

... Double-click on the file to open it and then type the sentence below “I have learned how to create a file and directories with Windows 2000.” Close the document and select Yes when asked to save ... space in the directory and select New > Text Document, to create a new file on this drive When the file is created, name the file “Lab5.3.5document” The file can now be opened and edited or saved...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 15:15

2 519 0
Tài liệu 16.3. Working with Files and Directories pptx

Tài liệu 16.3. Working with Files and Directories pptx

... command that copies everything in the current directory—both files and directories—into FinishedMovies: cp -R * /FinishedMovies Here's one more example: a command that copies everything (files and ... both files and directories this way Moving files and directories To rename a file and move it to a different directory simultaneously, just replace the last portion of the command with ... Public/Drop\ Box 16.3.2 mv (Moving and Renaming Files and Directories) Now that you know how to copy files, you may want to move or rename them To so, you use the Unix command mv almost exactly the same...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 12:15

8 446 0
Tài liệu Practical mod_perl-CHAPTER 10:Improving Performance with Shared Memory and Proper Forking pdf

Tài liệu Practical mod_perl-CHAPTER 10:Improving Performance with Shared Memory and Proper Forking pdf

... originally inherited and shared are updated or modified and copy-on-write happens This reduces the number of shared memory pages, thus increasing the memory requirement Killing the child and spawning ... unshared with parent process Parent process’ memory segment shared with Process A Parent process’ memory segment shared with Process B Parent process’ memory segment shared with Processes A and ... its PV and NV fields (the string and floating-point represenations) and adjusted the FLAGS fields From this example you can clearly see that if you want your variables to stay shared and there...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20

34 422 0


... Ministry of Trade and Industry Ministry of Women and Children’s Affairs Ministry of Youth and Sports Ministry of Roads and Highways Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Motor and Traffic Transport ... settlements and rural development and management ; and water, environmental sanitation and hygiene 7.0 Human Development, Productivity and Employment 7.1 Human Development The acquisition and application ... resources such as land, labour, technology, capital/finance and information; • Expanding access to potable water and sanitation, health, housing and education; • Ensuring the safety of life and property;...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 04:20

232 472 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Accessing GermaNet Data and Computing Semantic Relatedness" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Accessing GermaNet Data and Computing Semantic Relatedness" pptx

... GermaNet and a case study built with this API, a package to compute five semantic relatedness metrics We revised the metrics and in some cases redesigned them for the German language and GermaNet, ... based on automatically generated definitions of word senses and were developed in the context of work with GermaNet GermaNet API The API for accessing GermaNet has to provide functions similar to ... Software In GermaNet, nouns, verbs and adjectives are structured within hierarchies of is-a relations GermaNet also contains information on additional lexical and semantic relations, e.g hypernymy,...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 03:20

4 330 0
Including Files and Applets in JSP Pages

Including Files and Applets in JSP Pages

... included file, and in practice they don’t – Thus, you need to change the JSP files whenever the included file changes changes – You can use OS-specific mechanisms such as the Unix “touch” command, or ... applet that uses Swing and Java 2D * and thus requires the Java Plug-in q g */ public class PluginApplet extends JApplet { public void init() { WindowUtilities.setNativeLookAndFeel(); setContentPane(new ... Some Random Page Information about our products and services Blah, blah, blah Yadda, yadda, yadda Y dd dd dd...

Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 10:59

16 313 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Institutional shared resources and translational cancer research" pot

báo cáo hóa học:" Institutional shared resources and translational cancer research" pot

... analysis of the shared resources necessary to support research activities in a comprehensive cancer center Aims and advantages of establishing efficient shared resources for research centers and for ... construction and operation of a consortium including governmental and scientific partners from several European countries [9] Helpful and harmful policies The success or failure of a shared resource ... activities, extending beyond technical and educational skills, such as planning and problem solving, communication skills, and the ability to share research programs and experimental results with other...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 15:20

17 471 0
Ref Files and Serialization.ppt

Ref Files and Serialization.ppt

... input connection to a file Read the data from the file and process it Close the input connection to the file Disk FileInputStream Files and Exceptions • Java requires the programmer to catch ... Files Used to transfer data to and from secondary storage Input file Memory Output file Diskette A Portion of Java’s ... to Output Files A file name new FileOutputStream() new ObjectOutputStream() .writeObject() Writing Objects to Output Files int[]...

Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2014, 01:00

15 230 0
File and Folders - Phần mềm duyệt File trên PlayBook pps

File and Folders - Phần mềm duyệt File trên PlayBook pps

... -and- folders- phan-mem-duyet-file-trenplaybook?p=13474#post13474 ...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 16:21

3 652 0
Báo cáo y học: "B lymphocytopenia in rheumatoid arthritis is associated with the DRB1 shared epitope and increased acute phase response" docx

Báo cáo y học: "B lymphocytopenia in rheumatoid arthritis is associated with the DRB1 shared epitope and increased acute phase response" docx

... (swollen and tender joint count, duration of morning stiffness), radiological findings from hand and foot radiographs taken at study enrollment, past and present medications received, and presence ... since the onset of their disease and who have been described previously were recruited [26] Detailed clinical and laboratory data, and serial radiographs of hands and feet were available for all ... circulation in patients negative (SE–) and positive (SE+) for the RA-associated shared epitope and in agematched healthy controls Bars depicts mean and standard error of the mean * P = 0.05 compared...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 03:24

9 352 0
Báo cáo y học: "Anticitrullinated protein antibody (ACPA) in rheumatoid arthritis: influence of an interaction between HLA-DRB1 shared epitope and a deletion polymorphism in glutathione s-transferase in a cross-sectional study" ppt

Báo cáo y học: "Anticitrullinated protein antibody (ACPA) in rheumatoid arthritis: influence of an interaction between HLA-DRB1 shared epitope and a deletion polymorphism in glutathione s-transferase in a cross-sectional study" ppt

... and KKB were involved in data acquisition, analysis and report drafting and provided final approval of the submitted manuscript LAC was involved in data interpretation and report generation and ... the VARA Registry and 65% in SONORA; P < 0.05) Age- and gender-adjusted associations Associations of GSTM1, smoking, and HLA-DRB1 status with ACPA positivity in the VARA registry and SONORA are ... GSTM1smoking and smoking-SE), and associations of these risk factor assignments with outcomes were examined using similar regression techniques Gene-gene (GSTM1-SE) and gene-environment (GSTM1-smoking and...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:22

10 338 0