ac motor control circuits pdf

Motor control sensor feedback circuits

Motor control sensor feedback circuits

... Technology Inc. BACK EMF CONTROL METHOD The back electro-magnetic-force (EMF) or sensorless motor control method obtains the speed and position of the motor directly from the voltage at the motor windings. ... SENSING METHODS FIGURE 2: AC Motor Current Measurement. Current Sensing Method Shunt Resistor Hall Effect Current Sensing Transformer Accuracy Good Good Medium Accuracy vs.Temperature Good Poor ... circuitry into a single package. In most motor control systems, several sensors are used to provide feedback information on the motor. These sensors are used in the control loop and to improve...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 18:55

18 457 0
Design and Implementation of a Three-Phase Induction Motor Control Scheme

Design and Implementation of a Three-Phase Induction Motor Control Scheme

... detect the outputs of an induction motor, we can use this motor controller to control an induction machine. • TMS320F243 DSP controller. This is manufactured by the Texas Instruments Company ... drawn by the induction motor form the feedback portion of the design. Hence, the major aim of this thesis project is to develop a control strategy for the DSP controller that controls the torque ... Roberts 4. The Induction Machine 4.1 The fundamental operating principles for an induction motor An induction motor is an asynchronous AC (alternating current) motor. The least expensive...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 23:15

93 695 1
Tài liệu Làm quen VB-6-6-Bai 02- Text box va Control box pdf

Tài liệu Làm quen VB-6-6-Bai 02- Text box va Control box pdf

... thêm về TextBox và Label Controls Trong bài 1 quý vị đã làm quen với Label và TextBox controls.Bài này chúng tôi sẽ đi sâu vào một số Methods và Events thông dụng của 2 controls trên.Bây giờ chúng ... tên của control được sử dụng trong mã chương trình, còn caption là tên hiện ra trên thanh tiêu đề (title bar)của form. 2.Ðặt các controls với Properties như bảng1 dưới đây lên form LogIn Control ... phần.Bên trái là danh sách các Controls, bên phải là danh sách các Events của một control tương ứng. Muốn viết mã chương trình cho Event nào chỉ cần click vào tên Control và tên Event, sau đó...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 01:15

4 381 0
Tài liệu Matlab tutorial for systems and control theory pdf

Tài liệu Matlab tutorial for systems and control theory pdf

... redefined by the user. A matrix is written with a square bracket ‘[]’ with spaces separating adjacent columns and semicolons separating adjacent rows. For example, consider the following assignments ... %Define a time vector with 201 equally-spaced points from 0 to 5 s. w = logspace(-1,3,201); %Define a radian frequency vector with 201 logarithmically-spaced 14 < less than <= less than ... saved in an m-file. To create an m-file using emacs, you can type from Athena prompt athena% emacs filename.m & or from within MATLAB >> ! emacs filename.m & Note that ‘!’ allows execution...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 07:15

18 715 0
Tài liệu EIE209 Basic Electronics Diode Circuits pdf

Tài liệu EIE209 Basic Electronics Diode Circuits pdf

... somewhere on the resistor characteristic curve 2 Recall: The characteristic curve/line for a device actually defines where the point (v, i) can lie. 6 Prof. C.K. Tse: Diode circuits Example: rectifier ... Electronics Diode circuits Prof. C.K. Tse: Diode circuits Contents • Diode models • Typical diode circuits & applications • Load line concepts for nonlinear load analysis 12 Prof. C.K. Tse: Diode circuits Solution ... LINE. 7 Prof. C.K. Tse: Diode circuits Application examples clamper dc restorer half-wave doubler full-wave doubler 3 Prof. C.K. Tse: Diode circuits Ideal characteristic Bias conditions Forward...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 22:15

16 487 2
Power converter control circuits for two mass vibratory conveying system with electromagnetic drive simulations and experimental results IEEE trans

Power converter control circuits for two mass vibratory conveying system with electromagnetic drive simulations and experimental results IEEE trans

... to which the active section of the EVA is attached, comprising an active section and reactive section, with built-in elastic DESPOTOVIC ´ AND STOJILJKOVIC ´ : POWER CONVERTER CONTROL CIRCUITS FOR ... amplitude of LCE dis- placement , vibratory width of LCE , actual acceler- ation amplitude , double acceleration amplitude , and calculated acceleration amplitude . The calculated accelera- tion amplitude ... records of characteristic waveforms for VCS with transistor control. (a) EVA current and EVA voltage. (b) LCE displacement, LCE accel- eration, and EVA current. Fig. 16(d). The acceleration amplitude...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:16

14 601 0

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