... cũng lớn mạnh theo, tiếp tục đầu tư vào những thị trường khác nơi mà khách hàng cần dịch vụ của Publicis. Đầu thập niên 1990, khi nền kinh tế thị trường bắt đầu khởi sắc kéo theo các công ty ... trên nền tảng “Sự tinh khiết bậc nhất” với câu tagline “Vị ngon của sự tinh khiết” được thể hiện trên bất cứ phương tiện tuyền thông nào, kèm theo hương vị dễ uống thực sự từ sản phẩm, Aquafina ... nhưng vẫn còn kém khá xa so với đối thủ Aquafina, trong khi thị phần dù đang dẫn đầu nhưng bị theo đuôi bởi Aquafina vô cùng sít sao. Nguyên nhân là do Lavie đã để mất một thời gian dài hoàn...
Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2012, 11:46
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 10:20
Topics this issue: Above the Fold docx
... lecturer? Check out the new “Resources For” page on the IUSM web site. Resources For is accessible from the school’s home page (medicine.iu.edu) – look on the right-hand side of the page. If you ... “topping out” ceremony at the construction site of the first phase of the new neuroscience complex along 16th Street on the campus of IU Health Methodist Hospital. The new six-level, 270,000-square-foot ... oversight of the program and responsibility for the design and evaluation of the educational program, for the selection of students, and for mentoring, counseling and monitoring the academic...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 15:20
A Study of the Relative Costs of Network Security Protocols potx
... abstracting the API for accessing these cards, the framework was designed with these goals in mind: Asynchronous operation: The kernel should not have to wait until the hardware finished the re- quested ... in the VPN configuration (host-gateway- gateway-host). In the last two scenarios, the difference 3 This is the size of the buffer that the ttcp benchmark is using for reading and writing to the ... with the destination host, the packet is dropped and a message is sent to the key man- agement daemon through the PF KEY interface [10]. It is then the key management’s task to negotiate the nec- essary...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 22:20
Above the Battle doc
... recognize their weakness and their strength, that they may know their true position in the universe. They have illumined the path with the brightness of their lives and their example, like the star ... annexed against their will, the equitable division of productive labor and the riches of the world? Must the stronger forever darken the others with the shadow of his pride, and the others forever ... those other nations oppressed by Russia the Finns, the Letts, the Lithuanians, the Esthonians, the Armenians, the Jews will they too have justice done them? These questions are probably devoid of...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 02:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Entailment above the word level in distributional semantics" docx
... not vice versa). The F u features are ranked according to their PMI value so that f r is the feature in F u with rank r, i.e., r-th high- est PMI. Then the sum of the product of the two terms P ... a threshold (determined on the test set) to the co- sine similarity of the pair. The results of these baselines shown in Table 2 use SVD; those with- out SVD are similar. Both baselines outperformed more ... examining the phenomenon of entail- ment, we took a mere few moments of man- ual effort to select the 256 restrictive adjectives from the most frequent 300 adjectives in the cor- pus. We then took the...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 22:20
ELA, Promissory Notes and All That: The Fiscal Costs of Anglo Irish Bank pdf
... been providedby the CentralBankofIreland. Thispaperdiscusses the fiscal costs of the IBRCbailout. The issuescoveredareasfollows: The balancesheetof the IBRCand the crucialroleplayedbyitsELAdebts. ... could be reduced,bothintermsofnear‐termfinancingdemandsandlonger‐termnetpresentvalue. The key obstacletosucharestructuringisthatanyplanofthistypecanbeblockedbyatwo‐thirdsmajority of the ECBGoverningCouncil.Despite the impressionthatthisisacomplex issuerequiringtechnical discussions, the key question is whether the members of the ECBGoverning Council arewilling to lower the burdenon the Irish peopleduetheirgovernment’sdecisiontotake over the liabilitiesof AngloandIrishNationwideandensurethatitsdepositorsandseniorbondholderswererepaid. 21 Table7:ANotionalScheduleforRepaying€28.1BillioninELAUsingPromissoryNotePayments ... gstrategyrequiresacleargoal.In the caseof the promissorynotes, the Irishgovernmentshouldbeproposingtorestructure the notessothereisno€3.1paymenttoIBRC onMarch31,2012orforanumberofyearsafterthat.Thiswouldreduce the state’sfunding requirementsover the nextfewyearsand,byreducing the netpresentvalueburdenofthisdebt, helptoconvinceinvestorsthatIreland’s120percentdebt‐GDPratioisnotasonerousasitlooks. Forhowmanyyearsshould the promissorynotepaymentsbedeferred?Clearly,froman Irish perspective, the idealanswerwouldbetodefer the paymentsaslongaspossiblebut,given the needforagreementfrom the ECBGoverningCouncil,thisisunlikelytobeobtained.Aslightlyless strongapproachwouldbetolink the beginningofpromissorynotepaymentstoquantitative benchmarksin relationto the performanceof the economy:Forexample,thatpaymentswould beginwhennominalGDPhasrecovereditspre‐crisispeakandunemploymenthasfallenbelowten percent.AnevenweakerapproachwouldbetosuspendrepaymentsuntilIBRChasusedupallits non‐promissoryassets.Asnoted above, the IBRCwouldbeabletorepayapproximately€14billion overtimeinELAevenifitwasneverreceivedanypromissorynotepayments. Whatare the obstaclesto the goalofpaymentdeferral?Anyonewhohastakenapassinginterestin thisissuewillknowbynowthat the Irishgovernmentis“havingtechnicaldiscussionswith the troika”aboutthisissue. The truthisthat the ECBGoverningCouncilis the onlybodythatreally mattersforthisquestion.Ifaplantorestructure the promissorynoteswasacceptedby the GoverningCouncil,thenitisveryunlikelythat the either the Commissionor the IMFwouldobject. WhatobjectionsmightGoverningCouncilmembershavetorestructuring the promissorynotes?In reality,membersof the Councilhavebyandlargeavoidedcommentingonthisissue(partlybecause theyarerarelyasked.)Butitislikelythatobjectionstake the following form: ...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 17:20
OECD Environment Working Papers No. 2: The Health Costs of Inaction with Respect to Air Pollution potx
... Korea. Medical costs include direct costs of medical treatment and indirect costs such as productivity loss, family costs, traffic costs, and different time costs. The total costs of illness ... highlights the importance of premature mortality in the total monetary health costs of air pollution (75% in this study). These analyses draw attention to the economic importance of the health costs ... pollution, but they are by no means the only contributor to reductions in air pollution levels. Evaluating the benefits of a given policy depends to a great extent on the credibility of the baseline assumptions...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20
The Maintenance Costs of Aging Aircraft - Insights from Commercial Aviation docx
... against Boeing’s, the RAND study team ran separate regressions for airframe costs, engine costs, and burden costs (all other costs, including overhead). In the airframe case, the study team found it ... significant results in the data. He found specific age-related growths of maintenance conditional on the age of the aircraft and on the “fly-away” costs (how much the aircraft costs new, which is ... percent) for the oldest aircraft. In Figure 4.1, the different age curves are artificially linked, e.g., the top of the newness curve connects with the bottom of the mature curve. Boeing used the same...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 18:20
wings above the diamantina
... from the doctor and the airman to hurry back to his house for his bag. The sun was low in the western sky. The air was motionless and painted a deep gold where in it hung the dust raised by the ... and the two separate mobs of goats being driven to yards on the outskirts of the town. On passing opposite the post office, he noted that the main door was shut, and that at the door of the ... of the chares. Then on again, through the gate into the great Emu Lake paddock, a fenced area eighteen miles square. The stock having been excluded for two years, the grasses lay beneath the...
Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 01:56
báo cáo hóa học:" How to calculate the annual costs of NGO-implemented programs to support orphans and vulnerable children: A six-step approach" potx
... repairs Other 3 NGO other office costs/ supplies 7100 bank charges Other 3 NGO other office costs/ supplies 7300 communications Other 3 NGO other office costs/ supplies 7301 office supplies Other ... and describe the annual costs of implementing their programmes. The paper is organized as follows. The six-step approach is explained in the Methods section. The Results section then provides ... allocate a share of the NGO’s organizational costs (costs not included elsewhere in specific programmes) to the programme based on the share of the programme’s financial costs as a share of...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20
flat bed drying including survey results on the drying costs of various drying methods practiced in mekong delta ''''
Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 20:32
The line graph below shows the number of annual visits to Australia by overseas residents ppt
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20