Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 23:20
... preparation of background papers were Anjali Acharya, Nilufar Ahmad, Sameer Akbar, Yewande Aramide Awe, Judith Moore, Glenn-Marie Lange, Helena Naber, Urvashi Narain, Juan David Quintero, Giovanni ... Hannah Behrendt, Urvashi Narain, Giovanni Ruta, Alejandra Alvarez, and Kazi Fateha Ahmed from the World Bank and Edmond Mjekiqi and Elizabeth White from IFC The Task Team Leaders for the preparation ... the Strategy was Yewande Aramide Awe The Strategy drafting group, led by Elisabeth Mealey, included Laura Tlaiye, Yewande Aramide Awe, Habiba Gitay, Fernando Loayza, Valerie Hickey, Klas Sander,...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 08:20
Reforming Public Institutions and Strengthening Governance: A World Bank Strategy November 2000 potx
... Governance Acronyms and Abbreviations ACBF ADB AfDB AFR AMF/ AFSED APL/C ASA ASEM AU BERI BRAC CAPAM Africa Capacity Building Foundation Asian Development Bank Africa Development Bank Africa Regional ... Helga Muller and Sanjay Pradhan (Europe and Central Asia), Barbara Nunberg (East Asia and the Pacific), Shekhar Shah (South Asia), and Geoffrey Shepherd (Latin America and the Caribbean) Melissa ... ECA; Benin, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda in Africa; Argentina, Bolivia and Ecuador in LCR; Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand in East Asia; the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh in South Asia, and...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 08:20
FINANCE FOR ALL A World Bank Policy Research Report
... Goldberg, Arvind Gupta, Santiago Herrera, Alain Ize, Eduardo Levy-Yeyati, Omer Karasapan, Shigeo Katsu, Aart Kraay, Anjali Kumar, Rodney Lester, Latifah Osman Merican, Pradeep Mitra, Ashish Narain, Tatiana ... data on the number and characteristics of households that have a bank account or an account with a bank- like financial institution In the absence of census data, one would at least like to have ... expand access 16 to ensure that these arrangements not inadvertently penalize small borrowers That can happen if banks are not able to make full allowance for the potential risk-pooling advantages...
Ngày tải lên: 22/04/2016, 07:49
A WORLD BANK STUDY Green Infrastructure Finance
... Leader, Sudipto Sarkar, Sector Leader, Alan Coulthart, Lead Municipal Engineer, Dhruva Sahai, Senior Financial Analyst, Migara Jayawardena, Senior Infrastructure Specialist, Xiaodong Wang, Senior ... this approach is clearly more analytically tractable than an approach requiring an actual ranking of all projects CAVEATS ON USE OF ABATEMENT COSTS This report suggests that targeting green finance ... efficient transactions Box provides an example of the existence of a capital market gap in a low-emission project in Southeast Asia Box 4: Capital Market Gap for South East Asia Biomass Plant A 17.5...
Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 08:30
Tài liệu Bản báo cáo cùa World Bank về tình hình Đông Nam Á tháng 4 năm 2008 ppt
... Source: World Bank data and staff estimates. Figure 4. East Asia – Quarterly GDP Growth (% Change Quarter Ago, SAAR) 15 12 SE Asia NIEs Source: World Bank data and staff estimates. ... Jul-06 May-06 Mar-06 10 Jan-06 East Asia: Testing Times Ahead Source: IMF IFS and World Bank data. Table 3. Bank Credit to Private Sector (% change year ago) China Indonesia Malaysia ... Figure 7. Emerging Market Spreads (Jan. 2001 – March 200 800 Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand China 600 400 200 Source: JP Morgan EMBI+; World Bank data. Figure 8. iTraxx Asia ex‐Japan CDS Index ...
Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 16:34
Tài liệu World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and Subregional Development Banks in Latin America: Dynamics of a System of Multilateral Development Banks ppt
... Basin, BDAN = North American Development Bank, AfDB = African Development Bank, AfDF = African Development Fund, AsDB = Asian Development Bank, AsDF =Asian Development Fund, BADEA = Arab-African Development ... Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, and Venezuela); CABEI in Belize, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama; and Argentina and Colombia outside the ... subregion, and; CDB in Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu Preventing Fraud and Corruption in World Bank Projects: A Guide for Staff ppt
... than 30 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and Central Asia, and East Asia and the Pacific Before joining the Bank, Mr Pino was an audit partner with a major international auditing ... to have the required financial statements for each year audited in accordance with standards on auditing that are acceptable to the Bank An audit of such financial statements includes (a) an assessment ... de Ferranti Vice President Latin America and the Caribbean Region The World Bank v Abbreviations ADR ARCS CFMA CPAR GCC IAD IBRD ICB IDA ITB LACI NCB OCFC PMR PS RPA SBD SOE TTL Alternative Dispute...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu Impoverishing a Continent: The World Bank and the IMF in Africa pdf
... in Afghanistan, Angola, Nicaragua, Panama, and Grenada, and against liberation movements in El Salvador, Guatemala, and the Philippines One observer has called the World Bank- IMF debt management ... Canadian Ecumenical Jubilee Initiative, “The Dakar Declaration for the Total and Unconditional Cancellation of African and Third World Debt; Dakar 2000: From Resistance to Alternatives,” Dakar, ... World Bank and IMF in Africa 17 for people who have already been made amongst the poorest in the world by the World Bank s SAP Thirty-five percent of Ghanaians lack access to safe water; poor and...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 11:20
What progress? A shadow review of World Bank conditionality pptx
... Gutierrez, Hoang Phuong Thao, Patrick Watt, Anne Jellema, John Samuel, Sandeep Chachra, Stephanie Ross, Laurance Watts, Linda Liviani, Paul Harding, Melissa Hall and Akanksha Marphatia at ActionAid, ... staff at the World Bank in Washington, Islamabad and Kampala, Hetty Kovach at Oxfam, Olivia MacDonald at Christian Aid, Peter Chowla and Jeff Powell at the Bretton Woods Project, and Lucy Hayes ... colleagues and partners Particular acknowledgments are due to Tennyson Williams, Hussaini Abdu, Khadim Hussain, Aqsa Khan, Azhar Lashari, Rukhsana Shama, Rick Rowden, Raphael Yves Pierre, Sophea...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20
Integrating Gender into the World Bank’s Work: A Strategy for Action potx
... house- 19 World Bank, 2000d 20 World Bank, 200 1a, Chapter 21 World Bank, 200 1a, Chapter 22 Quisumbing and Maluccio, 1999 23 World Bank, 2000d; World Bank, 200 1a, 24 Narayan et al, 2000 Chapter 10 ... (governmental, international, or academic institutions) Alternatively, the Bank may rely on analytical work produced by another organization and adopt such work for use as a CGA CGAs may also incorporate ... water are made each day at a round-trip distance of, conservatively, kms each, that makes a distance of 12.8 million km walked each day, day after day, by South African women, just to fetch water...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20
The World Bank’s Genuine Savings Indicator: a Useful Measure of Sustainability? pptx
... for depreciation of human made capital and depreciation of natural capital there But how is depreciation of natural capital caused by the Japanese economy around the world counted? See also: ‘The ... difficult Many analysts of globalisation argue that transnational corporations are able to play countries off against each other to bid down concession prices and corporate taxes when negotiating ... money value Weak sustainability not only makes the doubtful assumption that human made capital can be substituted for natural capital it is also based on calculation methods for the depreciation...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 09:20
SOME ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES OF GLOBAL AGING: A Discussion Note for the World Bank doc
... capital, are of particular importance Because individuals accumulate wealth over their lifetime, population aging can raise aggregate wealth and asset holdings through a mechanical compositional ... programs) at relatively young ages, and then population aging itself drives asset accumulation such that ratios of assets to working age population rises, and perhaps capital labor ratios rise Family ... Mason et al 2008; Lee and Mason forthcoming) The asset scenario avoids distortionary taxes on labor, which most would view as an advantage But some see the lack of taxes as a disadvantage since...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 07:20
... have grown from catalogue cards to national databases with the contributions of many older and larger libraries In Australian Bibliographical Network, the national and central bibliographic databases ... Regional: Information is stored in regional libraries and services are provided on broad subject area basis c) National: National Union catalogue is prepared on national basis and services are provided ... be shared as small as possible and within manageable limits It will be economically viable also In the next phase, nodal library can also think about the digital libraries Information may reside...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2016, 14:08
DMF Decomposition and Nitrogen Removal Performance by a Mesh-Filtration Bioreactor under Acidic Conditions
... of metabolically active bacteria in activated sludge, Microbial Environ., 19, 61- 70 [15] American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Environmental Federation, ... (2005) Standard method for examination of water and wastewater, 21st ed [16] Japanese Standards Association (1998) Japanese Industrial Standards, JIS K0102 [17] Tarre, S., Beliavski, M., Denekamp, ... nitrification and denitrification at pH than activated sludge, suggesting that acidophilic heterotrophic and nitrifying bacteria had become acclimated in the reactor Characterization of the unique bacteria...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38
Trade finance centralization in a vietnamese bank the case study of BIDV
... suitable to perform a data analysis was conducted The purpose of data transformation was to create a more suitable format for data analysis The quantitative data were transformed from raw data ... regional banks and national banks by centralization So, regional banks and national banks have considered to follow this tendency In 2006 there were 30% of regional banks and 25% of national banks ... payment guarantee; Performance guarantees; Loan guarantees; Advance payment bonds; Shipping guarantees; Warranty guarantees Banking guarantees are always in irrevocable forms which are...
Ngày tải lên: 27/09/2013, 21:58
What a world 3 Amazing stories from around the globe
... ms Each new ruler of the empire was called the Sapa Inca, and each Sapa Inca claimed to be the child of the sun and was treated as a god When a Sapa Inca died, his body was kept and taken care ... the samurai class was abolished a brought to an end c given special advantages b given high honors d created agai n 10 Japan became a modern, industrialized country a having a lot of farms c having ... Spaniards, so Atahualpa was not afraid However, the Spaniards attacked the Inca army with guns and fired their cannons They took Atahualpa prisoner and promised to give him his freedom in exchange...
Ngày tải lên: 15/10/2013, 17:42
... Reimbursement Authorisation e) “Claiming Bank shall mean a bank that pays, incurs a deferred payment undertaking, accepts draft(s), or negotiates under a Credit and presents a Reimbursement Claim to ... Reimbursing Bank “Claiming Bank shall include a bank authorised to present a Reimbursement Claim to the Reimbursing Bank on behalf of the bank that pays, incurs a deferred payment undertaking, accepts ... Issuing Bank, to accept and pay a time draft(s) drawn on the Reimbursing Bank d) “Reimbursement Amendment” shall mean an advice from the Issuing Bank to a Reimbursing Bank stating changes to a Reimbursement...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 19:15