a synopsis of elementary results in pureand applied mathematics

the definitive guide to the xen hypervisor

the definitive guide to the xen hypervisor

... virtual machine, apply the patch, and see what breaks This is a lot easier than trying to keep a production machine and a test machine in the same state Another big advantage is migration A virtual ... only apply to paravirtualized guests Guests running in Hardware Virtual Machine (HVM ) domains are presented with the appearance of a normal x86 machine Time keeping is accomplished via an emulated ... a BSD or Linux administrator already has a significant amount of time and effort invested in learning about it Such an administrator can use Xen easily, since she can re-use her existing knowledge...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:31

307 327 0
the definitive guide to the xen hypervisor

the definitive guide to the xen hypervisor

... virtual machine, apply the patch, and see what breaks This is a lot easier than trying to keep a production machine and a test machine in the same state Another big advantage is migration A virtual ... only apply to paravirtualized guests Guests running in Hardware Virtual Machine (HVM ) domains are presented with the appearance of a normal x86 machine Time keeping is accomplished via an emulated ... a BSD or Linux administrator already has a significant amount of time and effort invested in learning about it Such an administrator can use Xen easily, since she can re-use her existing knowledge...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:34

307 394 0
Tài liệu Đề tài " Logarithmic singularity of the Szeg¨o kernel and a global invariant of strictly pseudoconvex domains " docx

Tài liệu Đề tài " Logarithmic singularity of the Szeg¨o kernel and a global invariant of strictly pseudoconvex domains " docx

... Similar arguments of approximation can be applied to the other cases In the following we prove the theorems in the real analytic category 4.1 Proof of Theorem Taking a real analytic family of defining ... boundary ∂Ω Moreover, it is shown in [11] and [8] that this conformal invariant can be expressed as the integral of Branson’s Q-curvature [3], a local Riemannian invariant which naturally arises ... coefficient of the logarithmic singularity of the Szeg¨ kernel gives a biholomorphic invariant of a domain Ω, or o a CR invariant of the boundary ∂Ω, and moreover that the invariant is unchanged under...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 05:20

18 564 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article On the Performance of Kernel Methods for Skin Color Segmentation" pot

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article On the Performance of Kernel Methods for Skin Color Segmentation" pot

... Databases We considered using other available databases, for instance, XM2VTS database [27] for controlled lighting EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing With GMM (d0) (a1 ) (a2 ) (a3 ) ... high-dimensional space, known as feature space, and second, the linear equations of the data model are stated in that feature space, rather than in the input space This methodology yields compact algorithm ... the training data The training and the test subsets were obtained from two main considerations First, although the SVMs can be trained with large and high-dimensional training sets, it is also...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 20:20

13 458 0
Nghiên cứu biến dạng đàn hồi của hợp kim thay thế AB xen kẽ nguyên tử C

Nghiên cứu biến dạng đàn hồi của hợp kim thay thế AB xen kẽ nguyên tử C

... građiên suy rộng GGA (Generalized Gradient Approximation) [36],phương pháp gần chuẩn điều h a QHA (Quasihamonic Approximation) phương pháp sóng phẳng giả PPPW (Pseudo-potential plane-wave method) [43,44],…Nội ... nhiều mối liên quan sinh từ Trong phạm vi luận văn này, nghiên cứu HKXK ba thành phần AuAlNi, AuAgNi, AuCuLi với kim loại Au Ở áp suất 0,1 MPa, vàng có cấu trúc LPTD với số mạng a = 0,40785 nm ... (1.43) Murnaghan khai triển lượng đàn hồi theo độ biến dạng [26,34].Các môđun bậc theo Murnaghan (l, m n) liên hệ với môđun bậc theo Landau n = A, m = A + B, l = B + C (1.44) hay n n A = n, B =...

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2016, 07:57

111 322 0
Compiling the linux kernel

Compiling the linux kernel

... QUẢN TRỊ VÀ AN NINH MẠNG ATHENA Bis Đinh Tiên Hoàng, P a Cao, Q.1, TP.HCM Tel: (84-8) 38244041 – 0989012418 www.athena.edu.vn - Bây ta thay đổi bỏ option (no_access) file (/etc/xinetd.d/krb5-telnet) ... server: - Kiểm tra file daemon.log sinh sau restart syslog server: ……………… - Nếu có daemon hệ thống phát sinh thông báo message message lưu vào /var/log/daemon.log Để kiểm tra, ta sử dụng tiện ích ... VÀ AN NINH MẠNG ATHENA Bis Đinh Tiên Hoàng, P a Cao, Q.1, TP.HCM Tel: (84-8) 38244041 – 0989012418 www.athena.edu.vn - Restart service crond: - Kiểm tra Sau thấy kết tiến hành xoá dòng v a tạo...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 20:20

11 332 0
Tài liệu Understanding the Linux Kernel doc

Tài liệu Understanding the Linux Kernel doc

... are claimed as trademarks Where those designations appear in this book, and O'Reilly & Associates, Inc was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in caps or initial caps ... user will have separate data This kind of shared address space is done automatically by the kernel to save memory Processes can also share parts of their address space as a kind of interprocess ... limitations, soft links (also called symbolic links) have been introduced Symbolic links are short files that contain an arbitrary pathname of another file The pathname may refer to any file located...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 11:15

829 680 0
Tài liệu Linux Device Drivers-Chapter 16 :Physical Layout of the Kernel Source ppt

Tài liệu Linux Device Drivers-Chapter 16 :Physical Layout of the Kernel Source ppt

... removal (i.e., the swapon and swapoff system calls) are in swapfile.c The scope of swap_state.c is the swap cache, and page aging is in swap.c What is known as swapping is not defined here Instead, ... the actual upload takes place But in each case, this format is a generic container of binary data used to transfer the compiled image using standardized tools For example, the BIN format is meant ... the major number and maintains an internal list of which frame buffer device is in charge of each minor number A hardware driver registers itself by calling register_framebuffer, passing a pointer...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 07:20

34 402 0
Tài liệu Sự xen plasmid F vào trong nhiễm sắc thể vật chủ ppt

Tài liệu Sự xen plasmid F vào trong nhiễm sắc thể vật chủ ppt

... xen IS plasmid F nhiễm sắc thể gặp S typhimurium Một thể đột biến phân lập StrR sử dụng acetate nguồn carbon (ace) Để xác định vị trí đột biến đồ, cho giao phối với bốn nòi Hfr StrS ace+ khác ... trước hai tế bào tách (iii) Sau truyền F- F- đoạn cuối F thường không truyền sang (khi tiếp hợp F với Hfr ) (iv) Một đoạn DNA Hfr truyền tạo thành mạch vòng không tự tái được, chúng trao đổi ... F- nhân tố F bị tách ra, nên phần chuyển trước, phần lại đuôi nhiễm sắc thể E coli chuyển sau không truyền sang q a trình bị ngắt quãng chừng Khi phần nhiễm sắc thể chuyển sang F-, phần lại với...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20

6 436 1
tìm hiểu thể thơ thất ngôn xen lục ngôn trong quốc âm thi tập

tìm hiểu thể thơ thất ngôn xen lục ngôn trong quốc âm thi tập

... năm Đinh Mùi (đầu năm 1428) Nguyễn Trãi sau khởi ngh a Lam Sơn (1428 -1442) Sau năm tháng đẹp đẽ, mang túi thơ khắp giang san năm tháng đầy đau buồn không phần ý ngh a Nguyễn Trãi Đây giai đoạn ... Phú quý người gian Mơ mơ thuở giấc Hoè an Danh thơm mây Bạn cũ ba thu, tàn Lòng tiện soi, dầu nhật nguyệt Thề x a hổ, có giang san Ấy cậy cục làm chi Nếu cốt ch a mòng, chẫm ch a toan Bài thơ xây ... thơ lục bát dân gian Việt Nam Bởi câu lục thơ ca dân gian a số tiếng cuối bằng: - Ngồi buồn nhớ mẹ ta x a ( B) Miệng nhai cơm búng, lưỡi l a cá xương - Trèo lên bưởi hái hoa (B) Bước xuống vườn...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 14:30

59 3,4K 8


... reason is that at this moment, we are insufficiently confident of the basic character of data in this domain to make any definitive claims about the nature of an ideal data description ]anguage ... but semantically rather empty intermediate language rather than the native code of a real computer We want to be able easily to change the behaviour of the associated virtual machine, preferably ... w h i c h , i n l a r g e measure, separates the manipulation of the syntax of a language from computation of its meaning Since the syntactic manipulation of programming languages is by now well...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 18:20

10 557 0
Linux system programming talking directly to the kernel and c library

Linux system programming talking directly to the kernel and c library

... Binary Data Writing to a Stream Writing a Single Character Writing a String of Characters Writing Binary Data Sample Program Using Buffered I/O Seeking a Stream Obtaining the Current Stream Position ... Pointers Opening Files Modes Opening a Stream via File Descriptor Closing Streams Closing All Streams Reading from a Stream Reading a Character at a Time Reading an Entire Line Reading Binary ... data, such as con‐ stant variables, and is typically marked read-only and executable The data section con‐ tains initialized data, such as C variables with defined values, and is typically marked...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 13:39

456 1,1K 1
Rootkits -  subverting the windows kernel

Rootkits - subverting the windows kernel

... up a few years ago to offer the training class "Offensive Aspects of Rootkit Technology." This training started as a single day of material that since has grown to include hundreds of pages of ... The fact that a product claims to provide some level of protection does not necessarily mean it actually does By playing the part of an attacker, we are always at an advantage As the attacker ... any system A rootkit is invasive and alters data on the system Although attackers generally keep this invasive alteration to a minimum, installing multiple rootkits may cause alterations of alterations,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 13:42

363 472 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " New Ranking Algorithms for Parsing and Tagging: Kernels over Discrete Structures, and the Voted Perceptron" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: " New Ranking Algorithms for Parsing and Tagging: Kernels over Discrete Structures, and the Voted Perceptron" docx

... (Johnson et al 1999), and the boosting approaches for parsing in (Collins 2000) The set-up is as follows: Training data is a set of example input/output pairs In parsing the training examples are 3.2 ... the perceptron algorithm applied to the ranking task The method assumes a training set as described in section 3.1, and a representation of parse trees The algorithm maintains a parameter vector ... set into chunks of roughly equal size, and trained separate perceptrons on these data sets This has the advantage of reducing training time, both because of the quadratic dependence on training...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 20:20

8 346 0
o'reilly - understanding the linux kernel

o'reilly - understanding the linux kernel

... address into a linear address by means of a hardware circuit called a segmentation unit; successively, a second hardware circuit called a paging unit transforms the linear address into a physical address ... paging unit thinks of all RAM as partitioned into fixed-length page frames (they are sometimes referred to as physical pages) Each page frame contains a page, that is, the length of a page frame ... Dynix allocator Solaris's Slab allocator As we shall see in Chapter 6, Linux's KMA uses a Slab allocator on top of a Buddy system Process virtual address space handling The address space of...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:52

542 1,2K 0
The Book of Xen: A Practical Guide for the System Administrator doc

The Book of Xen: A Practical Guide for the System Administrator doc

... offset linear address machine address GDT page table page directory machine address space linear address space Figure 1-2: Let’s take the example of translating an address given by an application ... access hardware and emulate that hardware’s functionality in software—thus maintaining perfect compatibility with the applications inside the virtual machine This layer of indirection makes the ... other virtual machines running on the same hardware Each virtual machine (an instance, or domain in Xen parlance) has its own apparent network interfaces, disks, and memory At first, this makes Xen...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 20:20

316 3,6K 0
the kernel trick for distances

the kernel trick for distances

... K ce a ; a ec K a = a0 K a0 + a ec K ce a + (a ; a ec )K ce a + a ec K (a ; ce a) +a ec K ce a ; a K ce a ; a ec K a: (16) The rst term satis es a0 K a0 by assumption Collecting the remaining ... have argued that this re ects the translation invariance of distance based algorithms, as opposed to genuinely dot product based algorithms SVMs and kernel PCA are translation invariant in feature ... kernel PCA (cf Example 9, (ii), and (5)), the case = actually is equivalent to linear PCA As we decrease , we obtain increasingly nonlinear feature extractors Note that as the kernel parameter...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 14:08

10 96 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Hilbert-Type Integral Inequality in the Whole Plane with the Homogeneous Kernel of Degree −2 Dongmei Xin and Bicheng Yang" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Hilbert-Type Integral Inequality in the Whole Plane with the Homogeneous Kernel of Degree −2 Dongmei Xin and Bicheng Yang" pdf

... 2 Journal of Inequalities and Applications All of the above inequalities are built in the quarter plane Yang 10 built a new Hilbert-type integral inequality in the whole plane as follows: ... operator and applications,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol 321, no 1, pp 182–192, 2006 J Xu, “Hardy-Hilbert’s inequalities with two parameters,” Advances in Mathematics, ... Yang, “On the norm of a Hilbert’s type linear operator and applications,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol 325, no 1, pp 529–541, 2007 D M Xin, A Hilbert-type integral inequality...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

11 386 0
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam " docx

Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam " docx

... organisations, farmers cooperative and farmers Training of one NLU staff member in Australia and visits of project leader to rice research institutes in Thailand and Philippines will take place ... (manual and harvester) comparison on the post-harvest losses was also undertaken in Can Tho and Long An provinces Cracking behaviour of the grain due to threshing was also investigated in Can ... year The available data will also be incorporated into the training manual Objective activities: Training the staff members to improve the R &D and teaching capability in rice science and technology...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

16 513 0