a study of theories of style in technical communication

Báo cáo khoa học: "Age Prediction in Blogs: A Study of Style, Content, and Online Behavior in Pre- and Post-Social Media Generations" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Age Prediction in Blogs: A Study of Style, Content, and Online Behavior in Pre- and Post-Social Media Generations" ppt

... Association for Com- putational Linguistics, pages 423–430. Dan Klein and Christopher D. Manning. 2003b. Fast exact inference with a factored model for natural language parsing. In Advances in ... classifier. We also use a super- vised machine learning approach, but classifica- tion by gender is naturally a binary classification task, while our work requires determining a nat- ural dividing ... Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Dan Klein and Christopher D. Manning. 200 3a. Ac- curate unlexicalized parsing. In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20

10 540 1
A study of understatements in editorials in english and vietnamese newspapers

A study of understatements in editorials in english and vietnamese newspapers

... Identifying understatements in editorials in English and Vietnamese newspapers. • Analyzing the syntactic, pragmatic and semantic aspects of understatements in editorials in English and Vietnamese ... Newspapers and Electronic Newspapers Newspapers According to Wikipedia, ? ?A newspaper is a publication containing news, information and advertising. General-interest newspapers often feature articles ... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF DANANG -----    ----- DƯ THỊ TRANG ANH A STUDY OF UNDERSTATEMENTS IN EDITORIALS IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE NEWSPAPERS Field: THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:19

26 513 1
A study of words in the language of sports in english and vietnamese

A study of words in the language of sports in english and vietnamese

... people are aware of the existence of collocation. Instead, they give more importance to grammar and the grammar- translation approach has played a key role in the teaching of English in Vietnam for ... collocation of words in the language of sports is not an easy task for students in Vietnam. Certainly, there are also translations of terms characteristic of a given sports in different languages of ... 1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF DA NANG NGUYỄN THỊ MỸ NGA A STUDY OF COLLOCATIONS OF WORDS IN THE LANGUAGE OF SPORTS IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE Field : English Linguistics

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:19

13 820 2
A study of comforting in english and vietnamese

A study of comforting in english and vietnamese

... or maintained, and 9 elevated. Brown and Levinson also claim that certain speech acts are inherently face-threatening, i.e. they may threaten either the positive or the negative face of the interlocutors ... Representations of CEs in English and Vietnamese Languages Syntactic Features English Vietnamese Clause types All clause types (mainly imperative, interrogatives and negatives) All clause types (mainly ... executed with a contrastive and analysis. 3.2. DATA COLLECTION 3.2.1. Sampling The samples for the analysis are the actual situations of comforting in utterances in both written and spoken discourse.

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:26

13 686 2
A study of blends in english = nghiên cứu từ hỗn hợp trong tiếng anh

A study of blends in english = nghiên cứu từ hỗn hợp trong tiếng anh

... words. According to Howard Jackson and Etienne Ze' Amelia: “Lexical words are nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. They have fairly independent meanings and may be meaningful even in isolation??? ... and classifying them based on their formation. Also some additional methods are used in each step of the study are: - Searching, reading and reviewing books, materials and references related ... Engle in Old English and the name of language was referred to as English. At the beginning of the tenth century, the word Ungallant did not appear and later England was used. 1.3 Characteristics of

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:41

42 653 1
Báo cáo khoa học: A study of microRNAs in silico and in vivo: bioimaging of microRNA biogenesis and regulation doc

Báo cáo khoa học: A study of microRNAs in silico and in vivo: bioimaging of microRNA biogenesis and regulation doc

... function, mRNA destabilization. (F) Reporter-gene frame imaging of miRNA targets. The 3¢-UTR of an miRNA target containing the seed region of miRNA can be isolated and transferred into a downstream region ... regu- latory networks during developmental stages and the changes of these networks in disease and after applica- tion of a variety of therapeutic strategies. Critically, the noninvasive imaging approach ... generation of mature miRNAs. Tomson et al. [21] reported that several miRNAs, including let-7, showed an unbalanced pattern of pro- duction during biogenesis, of a large amount of pri- miRNA and a

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 01:20

10 463 0
operating performance in private equity  buyouts  - a study of buyouts in sweden between 2001-2008

operating performance in private equity buyouts - a study of buyouts in sweden between 2001-2008

... measures the operating profit (EBIT) as a percentage of average operating capital; working capital less cash and other financial assets ROOC is a good indicator to compare profitability ... Transaction values once again dropped in the early 2000s with the business cycle to again increase dramatically up to the financial crisis in 2008 (MacArthur et al. 2011). During the history of ... to induce... 4.2 Quantitative method In a quantitative method data is gathered as empirical findings of quantifiable character for a narrow set of variables extending over numerous of

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2014, 12:58

65 213 0
operating performance in private equity  buyouts  - a study of buyouts in sweden between 2001-2008

operating performance in private equity buyouts - a study of buyouts in sweden between 2001-2008

... performance variables are tested as year-on-year changes A year is considered a calendar year and cut-off points are set to prevailing accounting... areas; profitability, working capital management ... and median A decrease in NWC means that capital is freed up for the company and cash flows are increased An increase in payables... management are accounts receivable and accounts payable, ... percentage of average operating capital; working capital less cash and other financial... receivable are a part of NWC With that in mind it is somewhat surprising to find payables positive

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2014, 12:59

47 346 0
A Study of Generalization in Genetic Programming = Nghiên cứu khả năng khái quát hóa của lập trình di truyền (tóm tắt + toàn văn)

A Study of Generalization in Genetic Programming = Nghiên cứu khả năng khái quát hóa của lập trình di truyền (tóm tắt + toàn văn)

... a learning algorithm is trained and retrained with increasingly larger random samples until the accuracy (generalization) of the learnt model stops improving For a training data set of ... • Using training and testing and in order to promote general- ization in supervised learning problems. • Changing training instances from one generation to another and evaluation of performance ... 2014 of the Rector of Military Technical Academy, meeting at Military Technical Academy on day month year This thesis can be found at: - Library of Military Technical Academy - National Library

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2014, 08:29

27 456 0
A Study of Generalization in Genetic Programming = Nghiên cứu khả năng khái quát hóa của lập trình di truyền (toàn văn + tóm tắt)

A Study of Generalization in Genetic Programming = Nghiên cứu khả năng khái quát hóa của lập trình di truyền (toàn văn + tóm tắt)

... learning is a process that trains a system over some training data for capturing the succinct causal relationships among data. The key parts of this process are the ”learning domain”, the ”training set”, ... co-supervisor. Although staying far away, we usually had on- line research chats. Working with him, I have learnt how to do research systematically. In particular, the leaders of the Department of Software ... and Data Mining LL Layered... discrimination to obtain parallel classification programs for signals and images The programs in PADO are represented as graphs, although their semantics and execution

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2014, 08:29

135 394 0


... learning is a process that trains a system over some training data for capturing the succinct causal relationships among data. The key parts of this process are the ”learning domain”, the ”training set”, ... co-supervisor. Although staying far away, we usually had on- line research chats. Working with him, I have learnt how to do research systematically. In particular, the leaders of the Department of Software ... and Data Mining LL Layered... discrimination to obtain parallel classification programs for signals and images The programs in PADO are represented as graphs, although their semantics and execution

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2014, 10:40

135 281 0
A study of deputies in local peoples congresses in china

A study of deputies in local peoples congresses in china

... light of the formal and informal institutional constraints in an authoritarian regime like China, it is understandable that most deputies are not active in the legislative participation in LPCs. ... Anthony. An Economic Theory of Democracy. New York: Harper Row, 1957. Epstein, David, David Brady, Sadafumi Kawato and Sharyn O’Halloran. ? ?A Comparative Approach to Legislative Organization: Careerism ... The Emergence of Capitalism in China.” Harvard International Review 25, no. (2003):48-53. Ha’erbin shi renda changweihui bangongting (General Office of Standing Committee of Ha’erbin City People’s

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 08:18

226 507 0
The impact of bank service quality on customer loyalty a study of banks in ho chi minh city

The impact of bank service quality on customer loyalty a study of banks in ho chi minh city

... Cathay Indovina Bank United Bank (Taiwan) Agribank & Siam VinaSiam Bank Commercial Bank (Thailand) Vietcombank & First Shinhanvina Bank Bank Korea (Korea) BIDV and Public Bank VID Public Bank (Hongkong) ... insurance, finance leasing, workshops, car rental and leasing, and other financial companies have been conducted to find out the main factors that determine service quality Service quality has ... Banks HSBC Standard Chartered Bank ANZ Bank Shinhan Bank Hong Leong Bank APPENDIX 2: Data analysis Figure 4.1: Bar chart of Age Figure 4.2: Bar chart of Income 66 Figure 4.3: EFA Scree Plot Table

Ngày tải lên: 28/05/2017, 10:08

88 670 2
Explaining turnover intention with organizational identification, perceived organizational support, protean career approach, and the mediating role of opganizational commitment a study of lecturers in viet nam

Explaining turnover intention with organizational identification, perceived organizational support, protean career approach, and the mediating role of opganizational commitment a study of lecturers in viet nam

... Turnover Intention, and Protean Career Approach – Turnover Intention Finally, the findings of the study are targeted at providing university management an insight into the various factors that feed into ... EXPLAINING TURNOVER INTENTION WITH ORGANIZATIONAL IDENTIFICATION, PERCEIVED ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT, PROTEAN CAREER APPROACH, AND THE MEDIATING ROLE OF ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT – A STUDY OF LECTURERS ... Desired range of values for a good fit 41 Table 4-1 Summary of Cronbach Alpha measures across variables 49 Table 4-2 Assessing Fit Indices - Confirmatory factor analysis for 50 Organizational Identification,

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2018, 10:30

120 269 0
Determinants of an effective internal control  a study of firms in vietnam

Determinants of an effective internal control a study of firms in vietnam

... Total Variance Explained Initial Eigenvalues Component Total Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings % of Cumulative % of Total Variance % Variance Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings Cumulative % of ... Cronbach alpha analysis of Compliance with laws and regulationss (LAW) Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items 830 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if ... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY  NONG QUANG THANH DETERMINANTS OF AN EFFECTIVE INTERNAL CONTROL: A STUDY OF FIRMS IN VIETNAM MASTER THESIS OF

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2018, 14:59

87 225 0
The effects of functional value, hedonic value and social value on customer participation  a study of fanpages in vietnam

The effects of functional value, hedonic value and social value on customer participation a study of fanpages in vietnam

... results of variant and partial invariant model – Agreeableness46 Table 9: The difference between fitness indices of variant model and partial invariant model in term of Agreeableness 46 Table ... Customer participation has been considered as an important topic in a board range of journal and business research over the past 40 years (Mustak, Jaakkola & Halinen, 2013) Dabholkar (1990) defined ... 0.063 Partial in invariant model Table 13: The difference between fitness indices of variant model and partial invariant model in term of Neuroticism χ2 Partial invariant model 559.448 Variant model

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2019, 00:46

63 76 0
Master of Business Administration: Transformational Leadership and Organizational Innovation: A Study Of MNCs In Malaysia

Master of Business Administration: Transformational Leadership and Organizational Innovation: A Study Of MNCs In Malaysia

... research is a critical motivational factor influencing team performance It also plays a central role in organizational learning in firms, bridging organizational and individual learning Organizational ... TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATIONAL INNOVATION: A STUDY OF MNCs IN MALAYSIA OOI HUI YING UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA 2009 DECLARATION I hereby declare that the project is based on ... profundity of transformational leadership 2.1.2 Inspirational Motivation Key characteristics of inspirational motivation include articulating a compelling vision, expressing confidence in achieving goals,

Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2020, 19:03

39 87 1
Master of Business Administration: Transformational Leadership and Organizational Innovation: A Study Of MNCs In Malaysia

Master of Business Administration: Transformational Leadership and Organizational Innovation: A Study Of MNCs In Malaysia

... research is a critical motivational factor influencing team performance It also plays a central role in organizational learning in firms, bridging organizational and individual learning Organizational ... TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATIONAL INNOVATION: A STUDY OF MNCs IN MALAYSIA OOI HUI YING UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA 2009 DECLARATION I hereby declare that the project is based on ... profundity of transformational leadership 2.1.2 Inspirational Motivation Key characteristics of inspirational motivation include articulating a compelling vision, expressing confidence in achieving goals,

Ngày tải lên: 14/01/2020, 06:55

39 104 0


... supervision of Prof Biman B Nath (RRI) Prof Prateek Sharma (IISc) Joint Astronomy Programme (JAP) Department of Physics Indian Institute of Science BANGALORE - 560012 August, 2016 Declaration I, Arpita ... been carried out by me under the supervision of Prof Biman B Nath (RRI) and Prof Prateek Sharma (IISc) at the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Raman Research Institute under the Joint Astronomy ... the JAP PhD programme Similar profound gratitude goes to all the administrative staffs of RRI and IISc physics department Special thanks to Vidya at RRI Astro-floor for helping me out in anything

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2020, 11:05

275 37 0
A study of interruptions in 2008 US presidential debates

A study of interruptions in 2008 US presidential debates

... television, as I (x)I watched the Arizona Cardinals defeat the Dallas Cowboys on Sunday.// OBAMA: [Congratulations] MCCAIN: [Every other ad] (x) every other ad was an attack ad on my health care plan And ... behind Senator Obama's plans are class warfare, let's spread the wealth around I want small businesses (#) and by the way, small businesses that we're talking that would receive an increase in ... Senator Obama talks about voting for budgets He voted twice for a budget resolution that increases the taxes on individuals making $42,000 a year Of course, we can take a hatchet and a scalpel

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2020, 09:12

99 38 0