a status report and action plan

Productive regions for inclusive societies 2016

Productive regions for inclusive societies 2016

... Dakota (USA) Wyoming (USA) Newfoundland and Labrador (CAN) Kuyavian-Pomerania (POL) Groningen (NLD) Madeira (PRT) Greater Poland (POL) Saskatchewan (CAN) Alaska (USA) Nebraska (USA) Lesser Poland (POL) ... (KOR) Moravia-Silesia (CZE) Alaska (USA) Mazovia (POL) Nebraska (USA) Silesia (POL) Australian Capital Territory (AUS) Madeira (PRT) Central Hungary (HUN) Central Moravia (CZE) Warmian-Masuria (POL) ... Ireland (GBR) Quebec (CAN) Walloon Brabant (BEL) Ontario (CAN) Campania (ITA) Manawatu-Wanganui Region (NZL) Emilia-Romagna (ITA) Hamburg (DEU) Basilicata (ITA) Liguria (ITA) Province of Bolzano-Bozen...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2016, 15:25

306 906 0
Why Are there So Many Banking Crises? The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation phần 1 ppsx

Why Are there So Many Banking Crises? The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation phần 1 ppsx

... risk-based capital Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and Atlanta Evanoff, D D., and L D Wall 2003 Subordinated debt and prompt corrective regulatory action Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Working Paper ... Flannery 1998; Flannery and Sorescu 1996; Gropp et al 2002; Hancock and Kwast 2001; Jagtiani et al 2000; and Pettway and Sinkey 1980) 18 A similar point was made earlier by Pettway and Sinkey (1980) ... prudential regulation and the management of systemic risk Although the topic is still debated in the academic literature (see Bhattacharya and Thakor (1993), Freixas and Rochet (1995), and Santos (2000)...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

33 362 0
Why Are there So Many Banking Crises? The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation phần 2 pdf

Why Are there So Many Banking Crises? The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation phần 2 pdf

... literature on information-based bank runs (see Chari and Jagannathan 1988; Jacklin and Bhattacharya 1988; Allen and Gale 1998) There is an ongoing empirical debate about whether crises are predictable ... model is instead adapted from the “global game” analysis of Carlsson and Van Damme (1993) and Morris and Shin (1998) This approach builds a bridge between the “panic” and “fundamentals” views of ... Finland and to a lesser extent in Norway than in Sweden The common causes were the deregulation of financial markets, an economic boom, and an asset market bubble (accompanied with a spectacular...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

32 303 0
Why Are there So Many Banking Crises? The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation phần 3 pptx

Why Are there So Many Banking Crises? The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation phần 3 pptx

... creation and financial fragility: a theory of banking Journal of Political Economy 109:287–327 Eichengreen, B 1999 Toward a New International Financial Architecture: A Practical Post-Asia Agenda ... DC: IFIAC Jacklin, C., and S Bhattacharya 1988 Distinguishing panics and informationbased bank runs: welfare and policy implications Journal of Political Economy 96:568–92 Jeanne, O., and C Wyplosz ... that, if the returns are unobservable, banks may be able to extract an asymmetric information rent Recall that in this paper we abstract from the analysis of contagion that may arise when a bank...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

32 271 0
Why Are there So Many Banking Crises? The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation phần 4 doc

Why Are there So Many Banking Crises? The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation phần 4 doc

... accept the idea that commercial banks use their own internal models (Value at Risk methods) that are validated ex post by regulators Besanko and Kanatas (1993) and Boot and Greenbaum (1993) argue ... (2000) calibrates a dynamic model of bank behavior with moral hazard and argues that capital regulation strongly influences bank decision making Milne and Whalley (1998), in a similar framework, argue ... creditor status on crisis resolution Bank of England, Working Paper, January Rajan, R G., and L Zingales 2003 Banks and markets: the changing character of European finance In The Transformation of...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

32 230 0
Why Are there So Many Banking Crises? The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation phần 5 ppsx

Why Are there So Many Banking Crises? The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation phần 5 ppsx

... the Basel capital accord: regulatory capital arbitrage and related issues Journal of Banking and Finance 21:491– 507 Kim, D., and A Santomero 1988 Risk in banking and capital regulation Journal ... capital standards, paper issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Basel, Switzerland Besanko, D., and G Kanatas 1996 The regulation of bank capital: capital standards promote bank safety? ... rescue operations Third, the latter correlation may have alternative explanations; for instance, a political economy explanation may be that the failure of a large bank makes national headlines...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

32 266 0
Why Are there So Many Banking Crises? The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation phần 7 ppsx

Why Are there So Many Banking Crises? The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation phần 7 ppsx

... has provided an analytical framework encompassing existing systems and suggesting a new organization that combines the benefits of centralized and decentralized arrangements This analytical framework ... one-location DD model These results are also related to the papers by Bhattacharya and Gale (1987) and Bhattacharya and Fulghieri (1994) that consider N-location DD economies without geographic ... settlement agent in a clearinghouse for options or futures markets acts as a counterparty to all transactions; the participants not have any bilateral position (which is equivalent to having bilateral...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

32 312 0
Why Are there So Many Banking Crises? The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation phần 8 potx

Why Are there So Many Banking Crises? The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation phần 8 potx

... Koehn and Santomero 1980; Kim and Santomero 1988), who made the same assumption as Hart and Jaffee (1974) There is an exogenous price for equity capital, and the bank chooses ∆K in a competitive fashion ... References Allen, F., and D Gale 2000 Financial contagion Journal of Political Economy 108:1–33 Berger, A N., D Hancock, and J C Marquardt 1996 A framework for analyzing efficiency, risks, costs, and ... of Allen and Gale (2000) Proposition 7.2 establishes that systemic crises may arise for fundamental reasons, as in Allen and Gale However, the focus of the two papers is different Allen and Gale...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

32 300 0
Why Are there So Many Banking Crises? The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation phần 9 pps

Why Are there So Many Banking Crises? The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation phần 9 pps

... theory of financial intermediation Journal of Finance 26:734–47 Sharpe, W F 1978 Bank capital adequacy, deposit insurance and security values Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis ??:701–18 ... Risk-Bearing Amsterdam: NorthHolland Dothan, U., and J Williams 1980 Banks, bankruptcy and public regulation Journal of Banking and Finance 4:65–88 Hart, O D., and D M Jaffee 1974 On the application of portfolio ... their assets), the finance cost of the bank increases immediately, since at each instant a fraction m of the bonds has to be repaid at face value B and reissued at market value B (A) < B (notice also...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

32 306 0
Why Are there So Many Banking Crises? The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation phần 10 docx

Why Are there So Many Banking Crises? The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation phần 10 docx

... Economic Activity 2:205–47 Bhattacharya, S., M Plank, G Strobl, and J Zechner 2002 Bank capital regulation with random audits Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 26:1301–21 Bhattacharya, S., and ... Journal of Banking and Finance 26:989–1009 Fries, S., P Mella-Barral, and W Perraudin 1997 Optimal bank reorganization and the fair pricing of deposit guarantees Journal of Banking and Finance ... New York: Academic Press Kim, D., and A M Santomero 1988 Risk in banking and capital regulation Journal of Finance 43:1219–33 Koehn, M., and A Santomero 1980 Regulation of bank capital and portfolio...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

34 337 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Trends in beliefs about the harmfulness and use of stop-smoking medications and smokeless tobacco products among cigarettes smokers: Findings from the ITC four-country survey" pdf

báo cáo khoa học: " Trends in beliefs about the harmfulness and use of stop-smoking medications and smokeless tobacco products among cigarettes smokers: Findings from the ITC four-country survey" pdf

... Canadian Tobacco Control Research Initiative (014578), and the Centre for Behavioral Research and Program Evaluation of the National Cancer Institute of Canada/Canadian Cancer Society Author details ... (mean proportion = 52.7%) The mean proportion of smokers aware of SLT in Canada and Australia was 72.9% and 61.1%, respectively Being aware of SLT was associated with being male, high SES, and aged ... there was a systematic longitudinal trend in each belief, survey wave was included All variables were entered as a categorical variable, except survey wave which was treated as a continuous variable...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20

11 287 0
rochet - why are there so many banking crises; the politics and policy of bank regulation (2007)

rochet - why are there so many banking crises; the politics and policy of bank regulation (2007)

... risk-based capital Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and Atlanta Evanoff, D D., and L D Wall 2003 Subordinated debt and prompt corrective regulatory action Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Working Paper ... Flannery 1998; Flannery and Sorescu 1996; Gropp et al 2002; Hancock and Kwast 2001; Jagtiani et al 2000; and Pettway and Sinkey 1980) 18 A similar point was made earlier by Pettway and Sinkey (1980) ... prudential regulation and the management of systemic risk Although the topic is still debated in the academic literature (see Bhattacharya and Thakor (1993), Freixas and Rochet (1995), and Santos (2000)...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2014, 19:44

323 222 0
On the quality and price of data

On the quality and price of data

... purchase and sell data The three participants within a data market are data providers, data market owners and data consumers ([Muschalle et al., 2012]) Data providers bring data to the market and ... Bibliography 207 v Abstract Data consumers, data providers and data market owners participate in data markets Data providers collect, clean and trade data In this thesis, we study the quality and ... Li and Miklau, 2012; Bhargava and Sundaresan, 2003; Kushal et al., 2012; Birnbaum and Jaffe, 2007]), prices are prescribed unilaterally and not negotiable, and give access to the best data quality...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:24

228 1.5K 0


... Language games create a pleasant environment and can be used to change the pace of the lesson This advantage of language game can be found in almost games used in the teaching and learning ... fully answered Some additional information on language games as well as the reality of using them in their class was also shared with us 3.2 PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS 3.2.1 Data collection and analysis ... games and speaking skills but also to provide the evaluation of the advantages and drawbacks of language games Moreover, this chapter also explains various aspects related to the topic of language...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2016, 18:35

88 668 3
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "The Structure and Process of Talking About Doing" pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "The Structure and Process of Talking About Doing" pdf

... so+lYe a oct+sAn aununS, with a oor~aAn smotmt oF nalIAenoln, and ~he more oaIAent a preoeaa As, 5he lar|er %5e %npae5 on oSher presences (and therefore on the o v e r a l l prooeaoLng) 1, -qLa~in{ilqnv; ... XntoreatAng ~Ant about 5h ~a ~ r t ~ e ~ a r example %8 5hat ~t %e embeddedwlthAn an "el~mlnatAon of alternat£voo" arll~Nnt etruoture The5 %a, 5hAm " p r q i t A o a r l u a e n t " 18 used 50 el~aAnaSe ... ideaS%Fled 18 railed "ende-moane"t %P erase S oooure, then there ~e an aotAen A to set 5o seal O ?herefore eesamLAah orate S am a eubleal for exemplar 80 tar, we have deoor%ba none phenomenave...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20

4 584 0
belief about the self a defense of the property theory of content jul 2008

belief about the self a defense of the property theory of content jul 2008

... With offices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam Copyright ... cognitive attitudes First, we might ask: What makes it the case that a given instance of an attitude has the particular content that it has (for example, what makes it a belief that coal is black rather ... excellence in research, scholarship, and education Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 00:53

212 395 0
passionate engines what emotions reveal about the mind and artificial intelligence dec 2001

passionate engines what emotions reveal about the mind and artificial intelligence dec 2001

... 1963) Richard Lazarus argues that emotions result from primary appraisal of a situation, and a secondary appraisal results in a coping action '(1991) And, as noted above, Panksepp advocates a psychobiological ... such as dealing with prey and predator, potential mate and stranger, nourishing objects and toxins Such patterns involve approach or avoidance reactions, fight and flight reactions, attachment and ... Athens Auckland Bangkok Bogota Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Florence Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nairobi Paris Sao...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 09:54

273 233 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Validation of the nausea and vomiting of pregnancy specific health related quality of life questionnaire" pot

Báo cáo hóa học: "Validation of the nausea and vomiting of pregnancy specific health related quality of life questionnaire" pot

... acquisition of data, analysis and interpretation of data, and drafting of the article AB made substantial contribution to conception and design of the study, analysis and interpretation of data, ... Sprague AE, Wilson AK: The management of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy J Obstet Gynaecol Can 2002, 24:817-831 Deuchar N: The psychological and social aspects of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy ... Research Foundation, and is on the endowment Pharmaceutical Chair of the Famille Louis-Boivin on 'Medications, Pregnancy and Lactation' at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Montreal and...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

6 478 0
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