a social work and liability

Diversification and diffusion   a social networks and neo institutional approach

Diversification and diffusion a social networks and neo institutional approach

... unearth and correct the potential and flaw of this thesis Great thanks to the administrative and academic community of NUS I am also grateful to David Strang for sharing the SAS macro program ... Social Network Theory Social network theory has been a key theory in management research for more than a quarter century A social network can be defined as a specific set of linkages among a defined ... strategic characteristics because the decision makers in adopting organizations view similar organizations as more relevant and easier to learn from (Ahuja & Katila, 2001; Davis & Greve, 1997; Haunschild...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 17:04

103 812 0
assessment in social work a guide for learning and teaching

assessment in social work a guide for learning and teaching

... Language, communication and assessment • What learning materials and opportunities are available to students to ensure that they understand and can act upon the multiple issues of language and ... a reader and, especially, a beginning social work student or unqualified worker, learn about assessment from a) textbooks and b) assessment frameworks? Sampling strategy and data collection Social ... clinical and social care governance in the Northern Ireland health and social services and related quality regimes in social care in other 32 Assessment in social: a guide for teaching parts of...

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2014, 23:30

102 660 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Social networks, work and network-based resources for the management of long-term conditions: a framework and study protocol for developing self-care support" potx

báo cáo khoa học: " Social networks, work and network-based resources for the management of long-term conditions: a framework and study protocol for developing self-care support" potx

... status, use of self-care and self-care support, and a set of validated measures on aspects of social capital and social support A second survey instrument was administered and audio-recorded and ... illness-related work, relationships, and community belonging Whilst traditionally case and disease management remain the province of health professionals, a social- network approach means that the main ... understanding of the capabilities, resources, and healthrelated practices as an integral part of peoples’ social networksiv which are impacted upon by wider determinants of health For example, class-related...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:23

7 332 0
A grounded understanding of challenges and responses of social work supervisors with managerial and clinical roles

A grounded understanding of challenges and responses of social work supervisors with managerial and clinical roles

... ‘demographical variable (for example, age, sex and geographical location), status variable (e.g social, educational, economic) and affiliations (formal and informal), as well as ethnographic variable ... understand social work supervisors with managerial and clinical roles and b) a curiosity concerning the ethics of dual-roles supervisory practice Taking a critical approach to understand social work ... Social Work Supervisors with Managerial and Clinical Roles? The reasons to focus on social work supervisors with managerial and clinical roles relates to a) the need to take a critical approach...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 21:49

380 319 0
A study on increasing students’ participation in communicative activities in large classes by using group work and questioning technique at marie curie high school, hai phong

A study on increasing students’ participation in communicative activities in large classes by using group work and questioning technique at marie curie high school, hai phong

... theoretical assumption underlying Situational Language teaching (Richards and Rodgers 1991:64) As the scope of Communicative Language Teaching has expanded, it was considered as an approach rather than ... then Situational Language Teaching represented the major British Approach to teaching English as a foreign language In Situational Language Teaching, language was taught by practising basic structures ... ways than just come to class on time, take notes what teachers say and write down on the black board, and stay in the class all the time and get to know the teacher Students who are active and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2014, 22:02

42 617 2


... besides brand and branding following right hereafter, are brand strategy, brand equity and brand awareness and managing the brand portfolio The traditional definition of a brand used in brand management ... introduced: social media, social media and marketing, phases in the product life cycle in which social media may be used, social media and branding, brand and branding in general and branding in fast ... utmaningen ligger i att vara relevant i sociala medier och i alla andra kommunikationskanaler, vilket handlar om att hitta den räta balansen mellan att presentera intressant material för läsarna,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 08:20

54 686 0
Th e Care of Brute Beasts A Social and Cultural Study of Veterinary Medicine in Early Modern England pot

Th e Care of Brute Beasts A Social and Cultural Study of Veterinary Medicine in Early Modern England pot

... recommended way to this was to have a healthy daily regime based on the Galenic non-naturals of air, motion and rest, sleep and waking, diet, evacuation and retention and the passions However, although ... THE SCENE CHAPTER ONE ANIMALS IN EARLY MODERN SOCIETY AND CULTURE The way in which animals are viewed and valued in a society depends on a range of factors and has changed dramatically over the ... hierarchy’ which he referred to as the ‘Scala Naturae’ or ‘Ladder of Nature’ This began with humans at the peak and animals and plants at various levels below according to their reasoning abilities.14...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 16:20

191 572 0
Understanding the participatory news consumer - How internet and cell phone users have turned news into a social experience pdf

Understanding the participatory news consumer - How internet and cell phone users have turned news into a social experience pdf

... day compared with 81% of Democrats and 82% of Republicans National broadcast and cable TV news: These are some of the demographic groups that are particularly likely to watch national broadcast ... broadcast and cable TV news on a typical day when compared with other adults: African-Americans, those over age 50, and those who have premium broadband plans that provide extra-fast connections As ... Journalism aimed at understanding the new news landscape Below are some of the other key findings: The internet has surpassed newspapers and radio in popularity as a news platform on a typical day and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

51 485 0
Social Work Management and Leadership

Social Work Management and Leadership

... markets and managerialism; and a framework for alternative approaches The individual manager and leader through a rationalobjectivist lens The reflective individual in management and leadership Rational ... not a final conclusion Similarly the practice of social work management and leadership is always a work in progress, representing continuing adaptations in social work and social care organizations ... Leadership and Management Framework in social care Within the social care context in England and Wales, the General Social Care Council (GSCC) recently produced a Leadership and Management Framework...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 11:53

221 380 0
Attitudes to work and social security in South Africa pot

Attitudes to work and social security in South Africa pot

... England michael.noble@socres.ox.ac.uk Phakama Ntshongwana Research Officer, CASASP Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Oxford, England phakama.ntshongwana@socres.ox.ac.uk ... choose?’ Working for pay Reduce tax and spend less on health, education and social grants Not working* All 9.6% 13.4% 11.7% Keep tax as is and spend same on health, education and social grants 45.6% ... South African citizens about paid work, the social grants system, and the relationship between social grants and paid work See Stats SA (2006) for definitions of ‘official unemployment’ and ‘discouraged...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 17:20

28 392 0
Social Impact Bonds - A promising new financing model to accelerate social innovation and improve government performance pot

Social Impact Bonds - A promising new financing model to accelerate social innovation and improve government performance pot

... performance-based contracts, a neutral authority to measure outcomes and resolve disputes about whether performance targets were met, and bond-issuing organizations to raise private capital and manage ... for Planning and Evaluation, U.S Department of Health and Human Services (Washington: 2003), available at http://aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/ privatization-rpt03 5 Social impact bonds share several features ... and encourage learning 15 For a cautionary tale on the potential for manipulating social program performance indicators, see Pascal Courty and Gerald Marschke, “Measuring Government Performance:...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:20

36 421 0
The Investment of Influence A Study of Social Sympathy and Service potx

The Investment of Influence A Study of Social Sympathy and Service potx

... difference of heart This age has oratory and wisdom, and so had Cicero's; this age has poetry and art, and so had that; but our age has heart and sympathy, and Cicero's had not Caesar's mind was the mind ... Saul to Ramah, and he said, Where are Samuel and David? And one said, Behold they be at Naioth And Saul went thither, and the Spirit of God came on him also and he prophesied Wherefore man said: ... emancipation proclamation stands a great heart named Lincoln Back of Africa's new life stands a great heart named Livingstone Back of the Sermon on the Mount stands earth's greatest heart man's...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 05:25

77 490 0
Module: English and Communication: Writing Skills for Social Work potx

Module: English and Communication: Writing Skills for Social Work potx

... correct according to APA Style Formality (appropriate style of language for the assignment)  written in an audience orientated way  balance between formal and informal Variety and accuracy of vocabulary ... writing in Social Work  Apply the appropriate forms of layout and APA Style for in-text citation and the final reference list  Apply editing tools to revise student texts  Appraise and analyse ... proofread and edit academic writing I am confident that my grammar, punctuation and spelling are correct C1 English Communication: Writing skills for social work Page of 11 Student manual European...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 19:20

11 756 1
modern japan a social and political history

modern japan a social and political history

... research James W.Dearing Architecture and Authority in Japan William H.Coaldrake Women’s Gidayu and the Japanese ¯ Theatre Tradition A. Kimi Coaldrake Democracy in Post-war Japan: Maruyama Masao and ... ideal and the real Tokugawa Japan’ If the time and place suggests any picture at all, it is probably a Japan of samurai warriors, ninja, rice paddies and geisha Asked to add a few political and ... Tanzania and Nigeria Kweku Ampiah The Right to Life in Japan Noel Williams The Nature of the Japanese State: rationality and rituality Brian J.McVeigh Society and the State in Inter-war Japan...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 12:25

273 453 0
Social capital and Health status: a protective impact among elderly or inactive but not among active ? doc

Social capital and Health status: a protective impact among elderly or inactive but not among active ? doc

... self-assessed health status and to have a regular social participation on whole population Finding indicates that after instrumentation, social capital (that is to say having a regular social participation) ... health to explain health disparities Social capital is actually considered as a potential explanatory factor of an individual’s health status since social interaction, trust and reciprocity facilitate ... strongly associated with social participation among both populations To have spoken in French and another language increases the probability to have a regular social participation for both active and...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 20:20

27 465 0
learning and teaching social work education

learning and teaching social work education

... new social work award in England which was the impetus for the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) and the Social Policy and Social Work Lear ning and Teaching Support Network (SWAPltsn) ... relevant to decision making, and awareness of role boundaries; collecting information and analysing it against the legal component and an understanding of role; managing practice dilemmas, again ... real and become actively engaged We considered that this was good adult learning practice and that ‘chalk and talk teaching has grave limitations’ At the 19 Knowledge Review 1: Learning and teaching...

Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2014, 03:54

114 347 0
teaching and learning communication skills in social work education

teaching and learning communication skills in social work education

... ‘open their ears’ and ‘think before they talk’ • listen and ‘really hear’ and accept what carers are saying • explain what is happening and why • what they say they are going to and don’t over-promise ... Health Requirements, The national occupational standards for social work, or the Subject benchmarks for social work 25 Teaching and learning communication skills in social work education Feedback/evaluation ... practice for employers and social workers (20026) and Care Councils for Wales and Northern Ireland, which include both specific and related standards about communication and communication skills (www.gscc.org.uk,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2014, 07:45

84 638 0
teaching learning and assessment communication skills with children and young people in social work education

teaching learning and assessment communication skills with children and young people in social work education

... effects of racism on black identity development and emotional and psychological health, and given a social and structural analysis of black people’s history and status.74–79 Courses had to challenge ... those adults both consult and advise, respecting capability and vulnerability alike The social work role and context: communication between an adult and a child in general is not the same as communication ... communicative capacities Social work has always drawn on both therapeutic approaches to communication and information-giving and consultative methods It has developed a distinctive role that has been...

Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2014, 07:46

215 1,3K 1
social work, health and equality

social work, health and equality

... Feminism and Social Work Edited by Kate Cavanagh and Viviene E Cree Social Theory, Social Change and Social Work Edited by Nigel Parton Working for Equality in Health Edited by Paul Bywaters and Eileen ... Oppression and Social Work Edited by Mary Langan and Lesley Day Managing Poverty: The Limits of Social Assistance Carol Walker Towards a Post-Fordist Welfare State? Roger Burrows and Brian Loader Working ... organisation of social work Social Work, Health and Equality will be essential reading to trainees and professionals in social work and health care Eileen McLeod is Senior Lecturer in the Department...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 11:01

227 329 0
the unfinished revolution how a new generation is reshaping family work and gender in america dec 2009

the unfinished revolution how a new generation is reshaping family work and gender in america dec 2009

... Hays, Rosanna Hertz, Jerry A Jacobs, Pamela Stone, Viviana Zelizer, and Eviatar Zerubavel My students, especially Michael Armato, Stephanie Byrd, Sarah Damaske, Adam Green, Pamela Kaufman, Allen ... demanding workplaces and privatized child rearing make work- family integration and egalitarian commitment difficult to achieve Young women and men must reshape family, work, and gender amid an ... when at least one parent had a flexible work arrangement and a child had access to good child care As a firefighter, Daniel’s father was able and eager—to far more than just fill in at home: She wasn’t...

Ngày tải lên: 10/06/2014, 21:30

312 381 0