a short r tutorial with examples

Tài liệu Getting Started with Oracle Data Integrator 11g: A Hands-On Tutorial pptx

Tài liệu Getting Started with Oracle Data Integrator 11g: A Hands-On Tutorial pptx

... Analysts, Database Administrators, Database Programmers, Enterprise, or Data Architect, among others. Those interested in, or responsible for, data warehouses, data marts, operational data ... the target, then transform into the target database, leveraging SQL for the transformations. Extract Transform Load ETL Platform Target Source FILES Source Extract/Load Transform Target Source FILES Source To ... began his career as a Database Application Programmer and quickly developed a passion for the SQL language, data processing, and analysis. He entered the realm of BI and data warehousing and...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 12:20

384 4.3K 2
Getting started with oracle soa suite 11g r1 a hands-on tutorial docx

Getting started with oracle soa suite 11g r1 a hands-on tutorial docx

... from Université de Rennes I. Prasen Palvankar is a Director of Product Management at Oracle and is responsible for providing strategic support to Oracle's SOA Suite current and prospective ... were delivering an earlier version of this material, as an accelerated internal training at Oracle—before the product was even released. These training sessions were very well received and we decided ... before taking on his current role four years ago. Before joining Oracle, Prasen worked as a Principal Software Engineer at Digital Equipment Corporation. This material is copyright and is licensed...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 13:20

491 3.4K 1
Báo cáo y học: " Vgf is a novel biomarker associated with muscle weakness in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), with a potential role in disease pathogenesis"

Báo cáo y học: " Vgf is a novel biomarker associated with muscle weakness in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), with a potential role in disease pathogenesis"

... complex was precipitated with 100 µl of goat anti rabbit IgG and 10 µl of normal rabbit serum (Peninsula Laboratories Inc., San Carlos, CA) dis- solved in RIA buffer. After incubating at room tem- perature ... Supported by ALS grant from the Department of Veterans Affairs, NCCAM 5R2 1 AT002602-02 and NCCAM 1R2 1 AT003632-0 1A1 to GMP and NARSAD and DK071308 to SRS. Conflict of interest The authors have ... glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), a glial marker, or and anti NeuN, a neuronal marker, as previously described.[21] Stereology of SMI-32 immunopositive neurons For stereological assessment...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 10:52

8 499 0
PHP-CURL Functions with Examples

PHP-CURL Functions with Examples

... curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // Return stream contents. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, 1); // We'll be returning this transfer, and the data is binary $data = curl_exec($ch); ... curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header_array); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $reffer); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, ... CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); //FALSE to stop CURL from verifying the peer's certificate. Alternate certificates to verify against can be specified with the CURLOPT_CAINFO option or a certificate...

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2013, 09:20

22 256 0
Tài liệu A genetic Algorithm Tutorial doc

Tài liệu A genetic Algorithm Tutorial doc

... ờs sếởõóóỡệ òềsớ ẹ ợẹùé õ String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 String 1 String 2 String 2 String 4 (Duplication) (Crossover) Next Generation t + 1 Intermediate Generation tGeneration t Current Selection Recombination Offspring -A ... ✳✶✷✹✼✓❇✆❱✴✱✎✵✸✲✶❇✹❇❈✷❈❋✓✲✶✱✎✳✴✲✁●✯✒✞q✔✓✜✍✁✖ ✎✆✎ ❺ ì ✝ qqrqstrtstsq rqtrttqttqrtqsqttrq trttrqsqstqrs qtq rqtrtttqt qtts qqrqtrt s ẽééẹềéể ềẹsễ sẹếệ ìs ẹẹs ssỉẹs ỉẹ ĩ ĩí ịẹò í éỏếõóọồệ sổỏế ... ✗✦➍◗➊❬➪☛➍◗➋➛↔Ò➼Ð➓✩➔♥➣●➜✧➑◗➍◗Ó❬➊✭➌♥→☛➊④➋☛➓✩➌♥➍◗➓✩➋●➌♥→➛➜✧➌❝➘☛➍◗➌✲Ñ❝➍➏↔✲➊④➊❬è☛➎❉➑◗➶➛↔✲➍◗➷❡➊❬❒❮➓✩➔❀➎❬➜✧➋✶➘➛➊s➶➛↔✲➊✧➹✶➌♥➓✕➔♥➊❬➣●➜✧➪✶➜✧➑◗➑ ➌♥→☛➊✕↔✲➌♥➔♥➍◗➋☛➒❡↔✭➍◗➋✞➌♥→☛➊✒↔✲➊✧➜✧➔❲➎❲→✼↔✲➪➛➜✩➎❉➊❡↕➛➍◗➋✞➌♥→☛➍➏↔④➎❬➜✩↔✲➊✠➔♥➊❬➪☛➔♥➊✧↔✲➊❬➋✓➌♥➊✧➹✶➘✓➾●➌♥→☛➊✕➷❡➊✧➎❉➌♥➓✩➔ ✞ ➬④➮❀→☛➊❬➾✞↔✲→☛➓✧Ñ✆➌♥→➛➜✧➌④➍❛➼ ✁ ä F(X) 0 K/2 K Variable X 0 1 0 K/8 K/4 K/2 K Variable X 0 1 F(X) 0 K/8 K/4 K/2 K Variable X 0 1 F(X) 0*** * **1* * 0*10* * ❊❁➍◗➒✩➶☛➔♥➊✭ì ✶✰➐ ➼Ð➶☛➋➛➎❉➌♥➍◗➓✩➋✒➜✧➋➛➹✒➷✩➜✧➔♥➍◗➓✩➶➛↔✰➪➛➜✧➔♥➌♥➍◗➌♥➍◗➓✩➋➛↔✾➓❷➼❿→✓➾✓➪➛➊❬➔❲↔✲➪➛➜✩➎❉➊❡➬✪❊❁➍◗➌♥➋☛➊✧↔♥↔✾➍➏↔✰↔♥➎❬➜✧➑◗➊✧➹✠➌♥➓✕➜...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 19:15

37 332 1
Tài liệu How to be a Programmer: A Short, Comprehensive, and Personal Summary ppt

Tài liệu How to be a Programmer: A Short, Comprehensive, and Personal Summary ppt

... un- derstand why a certain approach would take three months and another one three days. (After all, programmers are anecdotally horrible at this kind of estimation as well.) This represents a great opportunity ... franca A language so popular as to be a de facto standard for its field, as French was for international diplomacy at one time. logging The practice of writing a program so that it can produce a ... Support for a Project To gather support for a project, create and communicate a vision that demonstrates real value to the organization as a whole. Attempt to let others share in your vision creation....

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 20:15

58 487 0


... COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN CREATING ASSEMBLY DRAWING OF CHAIN LINK Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 Dr. Herli Surjanhata CREATE A TOTAL ASSEMBLY DRAWING WITH BOM AS A NOTE Select the Create new ... that the parameter material is created in each part in Part mode. 23 11 CREATE A DRAWING FOR ROLLER LINK WITH BOM The Sheets command in the DRAWING menu can be used to create ... Repeat Regions automatically add text and expand downward as the model changes. 6 Click the Sash control bar to return back to drawing mode. To Add a BOM to a Drawing as a Note ...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 11:17

25 360 1
Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P1 docx

Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P1 docx

... Chapter 3. Oracle Database Architecture This chapter examines the basic architecture of Oracle Database, including the Oracle Instance, datafile physical architecture, database startup and shutdown, ... of Relational Data Modeling 11 Chapter 1 What are primary and foreign keys? Going back to Normalization, Nor- malization separates tables and removes duplicate data values, creating par- ent and ... products, Oracle SQL is a proprietary and exclusive form of SQL written for Oracle Database. ANSI standards are generally adhered to. Most database vendors have specific characteris- tics within their...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 12:17

50 370 0
Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P2 ppt

Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P2 ppt

... 1.24. All scripts used to create tables and their data are provided in Appendix A. The next chapter will briefly list new features available for SQL in both Oracle Database 10g and Oracle Database ... segments are generally referred to as undo or automated undo segments in Oracle Database 10g. Manual rollback is deprecated. The SYSTEM tablespace contains Oracle system metadata, or the data about ... background processes, which manage and manipulate the datafiles, among other things. You also have a memory area called the System Global Area (SGA) that is reserved for Oracle’s use. Oracle stores...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 12:17

50 437 1