a ribosomal perspective on the mechanism of selenocysteine incorporation

DSpace at VNU: A systemic functional perspective on the use of rhetorical devices in Hillary Clinton’s speeches

DSpace at VNU: A systemic functional perspective on the use of rhetorical devices in Hillary Clinton’s speeches

... contain both language and paralanguage The relations of situation and culture are central to Halliday’s conception of language as an open dynamic system, as a “vast, open-ended system of meaning ... notion of metafunction of language The data of the research contain ten Hillary Clinton’s speeches from 2010 to 2016 Both the quantitative and qualitative methods are adopted to analyze the data ... relationship between the contextual analysis and content analysis Table The contextual analysis is adapted from So, (2005) Contextual analysis Probing questions What is the name of the genre of

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2017, 11:08

11 225 2
A contrastive study on the meanings of the verb “run” in english and “chạy” in vietnamese from a cognitive semantic perspective

A contrastive study on the meanings of the verb “run” in english and “chạy” in vietnamese from a cognitive semantic perspective

... 63 Chapter V: Conclusion 5.1 Recapitulation The graduation thesis includes 04 chapters Chapter presents rationale for the research and states what the research is aimed at Scope of the research, ... learners are supposed to be aware of more concrete configurations and constantly reminded of the links among the chain of meanings Therefore, it will be easier for them to master the meanings of ... verbs in Vietnamese Take a look at the following example: (10 8a) There are many brave and patriotic man in the blockade arm of the Confederacy‟s naval service”, ran the last of the doctor‟s letter….[40,

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:32

82 566 1
Promoting Student Motivation in EFL Classroom-A Perspective on the Role of Teacher

Promoting Student Motivation in EFL Classroom-A Perspective on the Role of Teacher

... 120-131] Fatima Muhammad AbdAllah Ahmad AlAzoumi Department of English Language & Translation Studies Faculty of Arts, Sebha University Sebha, Libya ARTI CLE INFO ABSTRACT Article History The paper ... postactional phases that teachers can employ to generate, sustain, and promote learners` motivation The preactional phase (promote the initiation of goal-directed actions), the actional phase ... (both mental and physical) can all influence this stage of motivation 2-Actional stage: At the actional stage, the motivation needs to be maintained and protected by the quality of learning experience,

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2022, 14:47

12 2 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A longitudinal study on the occurrence of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in dogs during their first year of life" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "A longitudinal study on the occurrence of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in dogs during their first year of life" docx

... influenced by age, geographical location, and infection status before weaning. Background Giardia and Cryptosporidium are intestinal protozoan para- sites of animals and humans, causing asymptomatic to ... Cryptosporidium and Giardia in dogs related to the geographical location of the participating dogs Geographical region Eastern Norway Southern Norway Western Norway Mid Norway Northern Norway Total No. ... comprising at least 7 major genotypes/assem- blages [15]. Most of these assemblages appear to have dis- tinct host associations. Genotyping of Giardia isolates from dogs has shown that Giardia from Assemblages

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 18:22

10 507 1
Báo cáo y học: " A biochemical hypothesis on the formation of fingerprints using a turing patterns approach" pps

Báo cáo y học: " A biochemical hypothesis on the formation of fingerprints using a turing patterns approach" pps

... Lagrangian formulation, the calculation was always done in the initial reference configuration. Therefore, the solution for system (8) and (9) began with the discretization of the variables U 1 and ... Colombia Full list of author information is available at the end of the article Abstract Background: Fingerprints represent a particular characteristic for each individual. Characteristic patterns are ... computational physics 2003, 190(2):478-500. 17. Madzvamuse A, Thomas RDK, Maini PK, Wathen AJ: A numerical approach to the study of spatial pattern formation in the Ligaments of Arcoid Bivalves.

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:20

10 254 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "A simulation study on the accuracy of position and effect estimates of linked QTL and their asymptotic standard deviations using multiple interval mapping in an F2 scheme" ppsx

Báo cáo sinh học: "A simulation study on the accuracy of position and effect estimates of linked QTL and their asymptotic standard deviations using multiple interval mapping in an F2 scheme" ppsx

... of the position estimates was not a good criterion for the accuracy of the position estimates and confidence intervals based on the standard statistical theory had a clearly smaller empirical ... based on the standard statistical theory. From our simulation study it can be concluded that in comparison with a monogenetic background a reliable and accurate estima- tion of QTL positions and ... interval mapping model analyzing the simulated data of model 1 included a general mean, the error term and additive effects of the putative QTL. The model analyzing the data from the second simulation

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:22

25 328 0
a comparative analysis on the discourse of american and vietnamese movie trailers = so sánh đối chiếu đặc điểm diễn ngôn quảng cáo phim mỹ và phim việt

a comparative analysis on the discourse of american and vietnamese movie trailers = so sánh đối chiếu đặc điểm diễn ngôn quảng cáo phim mỹ và phim việt

... trailers to explain an abstract concept, conveying the concept and its features to the audience The use of metaphor increases the familiarity of the concept to the audience and motivates the audience ... VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST GRADUATE STUDIES NGUYỄN THỊ HỒNG HÀ A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS ON THE DISCOURSE OF AMERICAN AND VIETNAMESE ... may suggest the newly-born and unprofessional state of Vietnamese movie trailers in comparison with well-established and professional American ones This can be easily understandable because American

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:17

83 908 1
A numerical study on the deformation of liquid filled capsules with elastic membranes in simple shear flow

A numerical study on the deformation of liquid filled capsules with elastic membranes in simple shear flow

... towards the steady states. Inertia effect also promotes the steady deformation, and decreases the tank treading frequency of the capsule. Inertia strongly affects not only the capsule deformation, ... inclination overshoot and then show dampened oscillations towards the steady states. Inertia effect also promotes the steady deformation, and decreases the tank treading frequency of the capsule. ... but also the flow pattern. There is flow separation inside the 182 Chapter Conclusions and Recommendations capsule. Also, the vorticity magnitude and gradient on the capsule interface increase

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:08

215 318 0
Traditions and encounters a global perspective on the past 6th edition bentley test bank

Traditions and encounters a global perspective on the past 6th edition bentley test bank

... 33-34) The later Mesopotamian people who built a large empire based on a powerful army with iron weapons and the use of professional officers were the A Hittites B Hyksos C Assyrians D Babylonians ... Education Chapter 02 - Early Societies in Southwest Asia and the Indo-European Migrations 12 (p 32) While Hammurabi's code was based on the concept of lex talionis, it was also shaped by A social ... social standing B the will of the Mesopotamian gods as expressed by the priestly class C the language spoken by the accused perpetrator D the age of the accused perpetrator E the religion of the victim

Ngày tải lên: 18/11/2017, 09:01

15 178 0
A case study on the effectiveness of elsa on learning english pronunciation with first year english language teaching major students at hanoi pedagogical university 2

A case study on the effectiveness of elsa on learning english pronunciation with first year english language teaching major students at hanoi pedagogical university 2

... accent and occasional inappropriate Pronunciation and intonation approximate that of a native speaker may be misunderstood intonation Errors in grammar and word order so severe as to Grammar and ... because of lexical inadequacies speaker Pronunciation problems necessitate concentration on the part of the listener: occasionally Always intelligible though one is conscious of a definite accent ... questionnaire and the interview, the researcher concluded that all of the participants had positive attitudes towards the application of ELSA as a supporting tool for self-study, the majority of them

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2018, 14:29

75 507 1
Realizing awakened consciousness   interviews with buddhist teachers and a new perspective on the mind by richard boyle

Realizing awakened consciousness interviews with buddhist teachers and a new perspective on the mind by richard boyle

... showed me there was a world full of wonder there to learn about, and started me on the practice and path that has continued since Sandy Stewart was the head monk when I started, and I also learned ... during the past year I have Luk, Charles 1972 Ordinary Enlightenment: A Translation of the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra Boston and London: Shamabala Lutz, A. , J Brefczynski-Lewis, T Johnstone, and ... talk about it in a relatively straightforward, conversational way?, not using Zen-speak or the other forms of Buddhist jargon that have always been opaque to me Then I would at least know that

Ngày tải lên: 22/04/2019, 13:45

268 129 0
The mind of wall street a legendary financier on the perils of greed and the mysteries of the market

The mind of wall street a legendary financier on the perils of greed and the mysteries of the market

... speculative contagion that ran back and forth between Wall Street and corporate America The 1970s began as an exacerbation of the 1960s, but more concentrated, and then ended up as their economic and ... concise, and clearest explanation for the collapse of Long-Term Capital Management that threatened to unhinge the entire global financial system But the real treat for the reader of The Mind of Wall ... write a book about my two great passions Two and a half years later, in the summer of 2002, the great financial reckoning that has followed the stock market mania of the 1990s continues to gather

Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2020, 10:04

144 85 0
A taxonomic study on the phytoplankton of Lake Uluabat (Bursa)

A taxonomic study on the phytoplankton of Lake Uluabat (Bursa)

... Stephanodiscus and Melosira among centric diatoms and Fragilaria, Asterionella and Synedra among pennate diatoms are common in phytoplankton Cymbella, Nitzschia, Surirella and Cymatopleura are generally ... study on Lake Uluabat showed that the lake has typical eutrophic characteristics (Dalk›ran et al., 2003) Average values of some physical and chemical parameters for 10 observation stations were as ... The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Patrick R & Reimer CW (1975) The Diatoms of the United States Vol II: Entomoneidaceae, Cymbellaceae, Gomphonemaceae, Epithemiaceae Philadelphia:

Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2020, 15:05

13 48 0
A comparative study on the worship of kitchen god of Vietnamese in Vietnam and Chinese in China

A comparative study on the worship of kitchen god of Vietnamese in Vietnam and Chinese in China

... the traditional agricultural culture of the Vietnamese, the Kitchen god cult (Zao Zun) contained the adoration of land that was not a chance As a result of this adoration, the Patron god of the ... role of this god was more clear) Furthermore, the society of the Tang dynasty had changes in the economy relation During the Song dynasty, the mandarins advocated the expansion of the cult of T’u-ti ... gradually secularized and became a Personal god with reputation, background and a beautiful face as a woman He had a normal family life with wife and children The Book of the Later Han, Culinary

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2020, 17:01

17 114 0
What Changes Are Being Made to Social Assistance Benefits: A Community Perspective on the Impact of these Changes. pdf

What Changes Are Being Made to Social Assistance Benefits: A Community Perspective on the Impact of these Changes. pdf

... response to the changes, and about the process for municipal decisionmaking;  discover what provincial and local actions are taking place in response to the changes;  have a chance to say what ... assistance than other municipality in the region, with 8.5% of local residents relying on social assistance compared to a provincial average of 6.9% One of every 11 residents relies on social assistance ... (PSPC), among others These partners have investigated the implications of the 2012 budget cuts to provincial funding of social assistance on Peterborough City and County One indisputable implication...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 00:20

18 390 0
Báo cáo y học: "A network perspective on the evolution of metabolism by gene duplication" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "A network perspective on the evolution of metabolism by gene duplication" pdf

... ancestral pathway would be dependent on the acyl carriers and fatty acids available To get a first approximation of the generality of this observation, we carried out an all-against-all comparison ... addition, in one control (see Additional data file 5), we extracted the subset of single-domain enzymes and repeated the analyses of retention of duplicates In a second control (see Additional data ... increased retention of duplicates between reactions at smaller distances apart The explanation of this phenomenon is non-trivial because there is no biological trait clearly associable to a shorter...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 17:22

10 436 0
A Single-Molecule Perspective on the Role of Solvent Hydrogen Bonds in Protein Folding and Chemical Reactions pptx

A Single-Molecule Perspective on the Role of Solvent Hydrogen Bonds in Protein Folding and Chemical Reactions pptx

... strand A (Y9) and the last amino acid of strand G (K87) The elongation of the x(Y9)Àx(87) distance up to the transition state is defined as the distance DxA’ÀG The crossing of the transition state ... atoms at the reaction transition state For the nucleophile tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine (TCEP), a larger bond elongation of Dx = 0.41 Æ 0.04 Š at the transition state of the reaction was measured ... chemical reaction Remarkably, the measured distance to the transition state of this SN2 type chemical reaction was in close agreement with disulfide bond lengthening at the transition state of thiol-disulfide...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 18:20

12 554 0
Trans regional communities and external coupling  a geographical perspective on regional development of the chaoshan region, china

Trans regional communities and external coupling a geographical perspective on regional development of the chaoshan region, china

... 5.8% of the total area of Guangdong Province and 13.4% of the provincial population The Chaoshan region provides an appropriate case to illustrate the relations between transnational/transregional ... approaches (see Table 2-1) Proponents of organizational approaches consider firms as the main analytical focus and the organizational form of production as a key factor to explain regional economic growth ... in Chaoshan today Rather than seeking a comprehensive explanation of regional development, this thesis attempts to analyze the dynamic relations of transnational/trans-regional communities and...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:21

260 337 0
A CFD analysis on the effect of ambient conditions on the hygro-thermal stresses distribution in a planar ambient airbreathing PEM fuel cell

A CFD analysis on the effect of ambient conditions on the hygro-thermal stresses distribution in a planar ambient airbreathing PEM fuel cell

... membrane hydration and avoidance of water flooding in the cathode catalyst layer and/or gas diffusion layer [2] Water management is related with air supply to the cathode and is one of the crucial ... solving the steady-state Navier-Stokes equations, i.e the continuity equation, the mass conservation equation for each phase yields the volume fraction (r ) and along with the momentum equations the ... mechanical, thermal, and electrical contact between the central parts of the gas diffusion backing and Membrane-Electrode-Assembly (MEA) 2.2 Model equations 2.2.1 Air and fuel gas flow In natural...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:58

16 728 0