... had a colon polyp removed, Japanese-Hawaiians, North American Caucasians, native rural Japanese, and rural native Africans Lactobacillus species and Eubacterium aerofaciens, both producers of ... to a standardized amount of carbohydrate in a food The glycemic load takes into account the amount of food eaten An international table of the glycemic index and glycemic load of a wide variety ... MD, Balmes J, Cullen MR, Glass A, Keogh JP, Meyskens FL, Valanis B, Williams JH, Barnhart S, Hammar S: Effects of a combination of beta carotene and vitamin A on lung cancer and cardiovascular...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 02:21
... [6] and Carney and Levin [25] in making generalizations that relate to the needs of health educators All of these reviews agree that the weight of evidence indicates that pictures can facilitate ... reading level However, each action that a family caregiver should take is accompanied by a drawing showing a person carrying out that action along with a caption written at a second grade reading ... discussed As a result, health professionals may qualify statements and speak in broad generalizations to patients who want specific information that applies to them, personally At the same time, patients...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 21:20
Toxic chemicals and childhood cancer: A review of the evidence docx
... year African American and Latino children in Massachusetts had approximately 25% more diagnosed cancers than white and Asian and Pacific Islander children Although childhood cancer is a relatively ... estimated that the annual cost of environmentally related childhood cancer—due to hospitalization and treatment, treatment of secondary cancers, lost parental wages, and decreased IQ due to cancer ... and wastewater treatment facilities The U.S EPA has found PAHs in almost half of the 1,430 national priority hazardous waste clean-up sites, and benzo (a) pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, and PAHs are...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:21
báo cáo sinh học:" Health workforce skill mix and task shifting in low income countries: a review of recent evidence" pptx
... task shifting, assistant medical officer, assistant clinical officer, assistant nurse, auxiliary nurse, enrolled nurse, auxiliary health worker, health care assistant, assistant Page of 11 pharmacist, ... pre-service training was generally not associated with the appropriate assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of young children in Bangladesh, Brazil, Tanzania, and Uganda [30] Lekoubou and colleagues reviewed ... diabetes mellitus and tasks shifting in their management in SubSaharan Africa International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2010, 7:353-363 32 Rahman A, Malik A, Sikander S, Roberts...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20
A Review of Research Data Measuring pdf
... shows that banners, in some cases, can have a greater impact on brand recall and interest, versus awareness Mean Increase of US Banner Advertising: Awareness, Purchase Intent, Recall and Interest, ... media, banner ads may lag behind TV and magazines for creating brand awareness, but they lead in increasing brand recall Comparison of US Media Effectiveness in Branding: TV, Magazines, Newspapers ... for Travelocity: Impact of Banner Campaign on Aided Awareness, Based on Frequency of Exposure, 2000 39 Impact of Online Ad Size, 2001 (as a % of change in brand index*) 39 Brand Awareness among...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 12:20
Online Advertising Update:A Review of Research pptx
... shows that banners, in some cases, can have a greater impact on brand recall and interest, versus awareness Mean Increase of US Banner Advertising: Awareness, Purchase Intent, Recall and Interest, ... media, banner ads may lag behind TV and magazines for creating brand awareness, but they lead in increasing brand recall Comparison of US Media Effectiveness in Branding: TV, Magazines, Newspapers ... for Travelocity: Impact of Banner Campaign on Aided Awareness, Based on Frequency of Exposure, 2000 39 Impact of Online Ad Size, 2001 (as a % of change in brand index*) 39 Brand Awareness among...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 12:20
Online Advertising Update:A Review of Research Data Measuring the Growth and Effectiveness docx
... shows that banners, in some cases, can have a greater impact on brand recall and interest, versus awareness Mean Increase of US Banner Advertising: Awareness, Purchase Intent, Recall and Interest, ... media, banner ads may lag behind TV and magazines for creating brand awareness, but they lead in increasing brand recall Comparison of US Media Effectiveness in Branding: TV, Magazines, Newspapers ... for Travelocity: Impact of Banner Campaign on Aided Awareness, Based on Frequency of Exposure, 2000 39 Impact of Online Ad Size, 2001 (as a % of change in brand index*) 39 Brand Awareness among...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo y học: "Psychological stress and fibromyalgia: a review of the evidence suggesting a neuroendocrine link" pps
... Myofascial pain syndrome and fibromyalgia: a critical assessment and alternate view Clin J Pain 1998, 14: 74-85 Aaron LA, Bradley LA, Alarcon GS, Triana-Alexander M, Alexander RW, Martin MY, Alberts ... McBeth J, Silman AJ, Ray D, Macfarlane GJ: A population based study of chronic widespread pain and the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis: results from a pilot study [abstract] Rheumatology ... known to raise androgen levels [59] There is indirect evidence that fibromyalgia may be a consequence of low androgens Fibromyalgia has many anti-anabolic features, such as muscle pain and fatigue,...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 01:23
báo cáo khoa học: " A review of the evidence for the effectiveness of primary prevention interventions for Hepatitis C among injecting drug users" potx
... identified it was not appropriate to conduct a meta-analysis Rather the results are reported in the form of a narrative systematic review Such a narrative format has been described as appropriate in ... longitudinal analysis of HIV incidence amongst a sample of 694 subjects was reported in 1999 [28] Univariate analysis of the data could have led one to postulate a causal link between the NEP and HIV ... may vary according to data availability [13] However prevalence data is not solely a marker of primary prevention, which is the process of preventing disease transmission It is also a marker of...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Depression as a predictor of work resumption following myocardial infarction (MI): a review of recent research evidence" doc
... related to sampling was the lack of representativeness of female participants (one third of the studies had all male participants) For example, after a cardiac event, men have been found to have ... capacity of patients after surgery are important determinants of RTW after CABS Adjusted Odds ratio Self assessed work capacity at six months (Good vs Poor) Functional Class (Canadian CVD class ... increased awareness about the prevalence of depression in this population has led to further research in this area in recent years In light of the contemporary management of cardiac patients, and...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 16:20
Tài liệu A Review of the Ocean Research Priorities Plan and Implementation Strategy docx
... thematic areas for clarity and appropriateness of thematic research priorities (Task 3a) ; balance among substantive research areas as well as among research activities such as observations, modeling, ... clarity and appropriateness of the thematic research priorities; the balance among substantive research areas as well as research activities such as observations, modeling, and communication of ... Graduate Fellow JODI BOSTROM, Research Associate NANCY CAPUTO, Research Associate SARAH CAPOTE, Senior Program Assistant iv OCEAN STUDIES BOARD SHIRLEY A POMPONI (Chair), Harbor Branch Oceanographic...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 06:20
A Review of the EPA Water Security Research and Technical Support Action Plan ppt
... and editorial tasks The panel also appreciates the assistance of Jon Herrmann and Alan Hais, EPA Office of Research and Development and Hiba Shukairy and Grace Robiou, EPA Office of Water who were ... Alberts is president of the National Academy of Sciences The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964, under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences, as a parallel organization ... (3.6 .a) • Databases - Development of a list of contaminants and threat scenarios (3.2 .a) - Development of a database of important information on the contaminants (3.2.b) - Development of a surrogate/simulants...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:20
Internal audit independence and objectivity: a review of current literature and opportunities for future research ppt
... Foundation: Altamonte Springs, FL, 97129 Arena, M., M Arnaboldi and G Azzone 2006 Internal audit in Italian organizations Managerial Auditing Journal 21 (3): 275-292 Bailey, A. D., A. A Gramling and ... Australia and Nava Subramaniam Faculty of Business and Law Deakin University, Victoria, Australia ABSTRACT: This paper reviews the recent European and international literature on i nternal audit independence ... internal audit activities; and (v) internal audit as a management training ground For As previously noted, for a detailed review of external auditors’ evaluation of and reliance on the work of internal...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:20
Accounting Anomalies and Fundamental Analysis: A Review of Recent Research Advances doc
... accounting anomalies and fundamental analysis This citation analysis lets the “academic research market speak” on which research papers on accounting anomalies and fundamental analysis have attracted ... *Manuscript Accounting Anomalies and Fundamental Analysis: A Review of Recent Research Advances September 2009 Abstract: This paper surveys recent research advances in the areas of accounting anomalies ... citation analysis of both published papers and working papers to let the market for academic research reveal which research papers on accounting anomalies and fundamental analysis have attracted...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20
A review of European research on consumer responseto nutrition information on food label
... individual informants by key characteristics It also means an emphasis on simple and descriptive statistics and, in the case of qualitative research, no information on modes of analysis of the data Academic ... use advanced statistical methods and aim at explaining consumer behaviour, often with a combination of demographic, attitudinal and economic factors The latter are typically based on samples of ... Drichoutis AC, Lazaridis P, Nayga RM (2006) Consumers’ use of nutritional labels: a review of research studies and issues Acad Marketing Sci Rev, no Available http://www.amsreview.org/ articles/drichoutis09-2006.pdf...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 18:33
a review of concepts indicators and empirical evidence
... 42 Authors Jejeebhoy and Sathra (2001) Al Riyami, Afifi and Mabry (2004) Country and year of the data collection Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, India and Punjab, Pakistan Data collected by authors, ... employment, sharing of roles and decisionmaking, family structure amenable to empowerment, equality in marriage, devaluation of women, women‟s emancipation, marital advantage and traditional marriage Logit ... empowerment, equality in marriage, devaluation of women, women‟s emancipation, marital advantage and traditional marriage (Table 6.4, p 137) Note these factors are derived from a combination of what we...
Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2014, 09:22
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Review of Signal Subspace Speech Enhancement and Its Application to Noise Robust Speech Recognition potx
... be compared to spectral subtraction Evaluation database As test material we took the resource management (RM) database (available from LDC [34]) These data are considered as clean data, to which ... spectral subtraction Singular value adaptation In the singular value adaptation (SVA) method [5], the p dominant singular values of Hx are mapped onto the original (clean) singular values of Hs by ... singular value of Σ The enhanced signal s(k) is recovered by averaging along the antidiagonals of Hs Dologlou and Carayannis [17], and later on Hansen and Jensen [18] proved that this overall...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20
báo cáo khoa học: " Effects of an evidence service on health-system policy makers’ use of research evidence: A protocol for a randomised controlled trial" ppt
... University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada 8Institute of Population Health, University of Ottawa, Page of Ottawa, Canada 9Health Information Research Unit, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada 10School of ... University, Hamilton, Canada 5Health Research Methodology Program, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada 6Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada 7Department of ... impact of health research Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 2003, 8:165-170 Lavis JN: Ideas at the margin or marginalized ideas? Nonmedical determinants of health in Canada Health Affairs...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:23
báo cáo khoa học: "Effects of an evidence service on community-based AIDS service organizations’ use of research evidence: A protocol for a randomized controlled trial" pptx
... McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada 7Department of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada Institute of ... userfriendly summaries produced by nine groups (when available) from around the world: Australasian Cochrane Centre (AAC) Policy Liaison Initiative, Database of Abstracts of Review of Effects (DARE), Effective ... equivalent staff in the organization), number of participants that participated from each organization, and the number of clients served each year by the organization – using analysis of covariance...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:23
báo cáo khoa học: "The applicability of normalisation process theory to speech and language therapy: a review of qualitative research on a speech and language intervention" pps
... evidence that they adjust the components of therapy according to parental feedback (see Goals) From the data in Table 3, it is evident that the speech and language Page of 10 therapists appear ... was a collaborating member of the Institute of Health and Society and was mentored by Professor Carl May DJ is now working as a translational scientist in child and family at the NIHR National ... delay/disorder: A meta-analysis Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research 2004, 47:924-943 18 Lewison G, Carding P: Evaluating UK research in speech and language therapy Int J Lang Comm Dis...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20