... was provided by Barbara Johnson, Barbara Mains, Kay Kerr, Pia Ellen, Claire Cabelus, and especially Phyllis Durepos. Donald Lamm, Robert Kehoe, and Deborah Makay continued to make my association ... academic onslaught with one of two techniques, called fundamental analysis and technical analysis, which we will examine in Part Two. Academics parry these tactics by obfuscating the random- walk theory ... usual caveat that the above-named individuals are blameless for any errors of fact or judgment in these pages. Many have warned me patiently and repeatedly about the madness of my heresies, and...
Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 18:14
malkiel - a random walk down wall street; including a life-cycle guide to personal investing (1999)
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2014, 16:26
lo & mackinlay - a non-random walk down wall street (1999)
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2014, 22:05
scientific american - 1999 02 - a fractual walk down wall street
... have moderate or high levels. —Rodger Doyle (rdoyle2@aol.com) HONG KONG SINGAPORE ISRAEL KUWAIT QATAR UNITED ARAB EMIRATES CUBA HAITI GUATEMALA HONDURAS EL SALVADOR NICARAGUA COSTA RICA PANAMA TURMOIL ... cichlids occurs in Africa, in particular the great East African lakes of Victoria, Malawi and Tanganyika. Geologic data indicate that Lake Victoria, shaped like a saucer the size of Ireland, formed ... investigate models providing more accurate estimates of risk. Multifractals and the Market A n extensive mathematical basis already exists for fractals and multifractals. Fractal patterns appear not...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:53
Tài liệu The E-book Of Technical Market Indicators Ver 1.1 (Wall Street Courier) (pdf) pdf
... low readings tops. Page 40 The E-Book of Technical Market Indicators www.wallstreetcourier.com Preface The transparency of the American markets offers an array of indicators and allows ... CLOSE 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 96-01-05 96-03-01 96-04-26 96-06-21 96-08-16 96-10-11 96-12-06 97-01-31 97-03-28 97-05-23 97-07-18 97-09-12 97-11-07 98-01-02 98-02-27 98-04-24 98-06-19 98-08-14 98-10-09 98-12-04 99-01-29 99-03-26 99-05-21 99-07-16 99-09-10 99-11-05 99-12-31 00-02-25 00-04-21 00-06-16 00-08-11 00-10-06 00-12-01 01-01-26 01-03-23 01-05-18 â WallStreetCourier.com Page 48 The E-Book of Technical Market Indicators www.wallstreetcourier.com Advance-Decline Ratio The Advance-Decline Ratio is also market breadth indicator. ... traders very well. It is also a contrarian indicator and once again we would like to remind you that charts usually look most bullish at tops and most bearish at bottoms.This indicator has an...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 03:20
a random walk in science
... up. A good horse would have walked quite as fast as we came. SAMUDA: But did I not amuse them nicely about the Anglo-East-Indian Railway ? It was a capital thought, was it ... knowledge and so on. A scholar and a natural scientist are both ‘wetenschappelijk‘ because they accept similar criteria, have in many ways a similar attitude. On the other hand, just as the ... the danger that faces the intellectual world. Reading A random walk in science I was entertained, pleased, stimulated, roused to admiration-and troubled. Physicists at play. Are they...
Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 10:59
Báo cáo toán học: "Mixing time for a random walk on rooted trees" pot
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo y học: " Modeling the signaling endosome hypothesis: Why a drive to the nucleus is better than a (random) walk" ppt
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 23:20
... contained a core of Afro-Mediterranean race and spoke an Afroasiatic language. Egyptian civilisation displayed many cultural and political patterns later to appear elsewhere in the continent, although ... concrete rather than abstract; each moral quality was personified as a deity; no truly historical sense emerged; learning consisted of a gigantic catalogue of names and attributes; and the law was not codified. ... goods that entered Mediterranean trade. Their raids extended at least as far southwards as Lake Chad. The Garamantian state peaked during the second and third centuries ad when the Roman colonies...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:39
... of labour 54 23 Epidural analgesia for labour 56 24 Epidural test doses 60 25 Combined spinal-epidural analgesia and anaesthesia 63 26 Spinal analgesia 67 27 Caudal analgesia 69 28 Spinal and ... Caesarean section 82 34 Epidural anaesthesia for Caesarean section 86 35 Spinal anaesthesia for Caesarean section 90 36 General anaesthesia for Caesarean section 94 37 Cricoid pressure 98 38 Failed ... vertebrae form the anterior wall, and the fused sacral laminae form the posterior wall. The sacral hiatus is a deficiency in the fifth laminar arch, has the cornua laterally and is covered by the sacrococcygeal...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:39
... dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) of the deserts of Africa, India, and Arabia, and the two-humped bactrian (C. bactrianus) of the higher deserts of the Iranian plateau, and Central and East Asia. 24 Camels ... along to animals that swallow them when they eat the plants; to animals that eat animals that eat plants; and to other animals, including humans, who eat both plants and animals. Because such ... pupae are shipped to the United States from Korea and regularly consumed in China. The Japanese are fond of wasp pupae and larvae, and locusts are regularly consumed through- out East Asia....
Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2012, 09:06
Tài liệu Đề Thi Vật Lý 593 Khối A năm 2007 pdf
... (Y-âng) về giao thoa c a ánh sáng đơn sắc, hai khe hẹp cách nhau 1 mm, mặt phẳng ch a hai khe cách màn quan sát 1,5 m. Khoảng cách gi a 5 vân sáng liên tiếp là 3,6 mm. Bước sóng c a ánh sáng ... sau đây sai khi nói về dao động cơ học tắt dần? A. Dao động tắt dần có động năng giảm dần còn thế năng biến thiên điều h a. B. Dao động tắt dần là dao động có biên độ giảm dần theo thời gian. ... giảm ba lần. C. động năng ban đầu cực đại c a êlectrôn quang điện tăng ba lần. D. động năng ban đầu cực đại c a êlectrôn quang điện tăng chín lần. Câu 28: Đặt vào hai đầu đoạn mạch RLC không...
Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu Đề Thi Hóa 930 Khối A năm 2007 pdf
... được axit axetic. Câu 40: Trộn dung dịch ch a a mol AlCl 3 với dung dịch ch a b mol NaOH. Để thu được kết t a thì cần có tỉ lệ A. a : b = 1 : 4. B. a : b < 1 : 4. C. a : b = 1 : 5. D. a : ... Al. C. Na, Ca, Zn. D. Na, Ca, Al. Câu 49: Dãy gồm các chất đều tác dụng với AgNO 3 (hoặc Ag 2 O) trong dung dịch NH 3 , là: A. anđehit fomic, axetilen, etilen. B. axit fomic, vinylaxetilen, ... dịch NaOH vào dung dịch AlCl 3 . Hiện tượng xảy ra là A. có kết t a keo trắng và có khí bay lên. B. có kết t a keo trắng, sau đó kết t a tan. C. chỉ có kết t a keo trắng. D. không có kết t a, ...
Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu Đáp án đề thi Đại học môn Vật lý khối A 2007 pdf
... B C A B D 19. A B C B A B 20. D D A B C A 21. A A B D B B 22. B C A D C C 23. B D A A A D 24. A B C C C A 25. D A A B C D 26. A B A B B D 27. D C B A D C 28. D D B A A A 29. ... 7. A D A A C C 8. D A C A D A 9. C C D B D D 10. A A D B D C 11. D B B C A C 12. C C C B B A 13. B D D D C A 14. C D B D B B 15. B B D C D B 16. D D A D D D 17. D C A A C ... HỌC, CAO ĐẲNG NĂM 2007 Môn: VẬT LÍ, Khối A Mã đề thi Câu số 135 217 346 593 689 847 1. C A D B C A 2. A B C B A D 3. D B D A B C 4. A D D C A A 5. A D D A D B 6. D C B A D...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 14:20
Báo cáo khoa học: " Parsing the Wall Street Journal using a Lexical-Functional Grammar and Discriminative Estimation Techniques" doc
... Journal using a Lexical-Functional Grammar and Discriminative Estimation Techniques Stefan Riezler Tracy H. King Ronald M. Kaplan Palo Alto Research Center Palo Alto Research Center Palo Alto ... grammar coverage, i.e. the fact that not all sentences receive an analysis, is tack- led in our approach by an extension of a full- fledged Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG) and a constraint-based ... fragmentary) parser analyses and the Tree- bank annotations, gold standard parses were created by manual corrections and extensions of the LFG parses. Manual corrections were necessary in about half...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 20:20